The man rode up across the dunes, to the meeting place. A tall figure sat upon a black horse, waiting impatiently.

" You. Are late." Growled Valentine, angrily. The other man touched his forehead lightly, and said sarcastically,

" A thousand apologies, Oh patient one." Valentine rolled his eyes, and glared down at him,

" You have it then?" The other man nodded taking something out of his jacket and looked around, shiftily,

" I had to slit a few throats to get it, but I got it." He pulled out a half of what seemed to be a half of a golden beetle, and held it up so it shone in the moonlight, Valentine reached for it, but the man pulled it away, shaking his finger,

" Eh,eh,eh! The treasure?" A parrot swopped down of Valentines shoulder and snatched the object out of the mans hand and he cried out indignantly. The parrot dropped the beetle in Valentines hand and he curled his long, knobby fingers around it and he said smiling slightly,

" Trust me, my pungent friend, you'll get whats coming to you." The parrot echoed,

" What's coming to you!" Valentine slowly withdrew the other half of the beetle out of his cloak and slowly pushed the two parts together, the sly smile never leaving his lips. The beetle glistened and sprang to life, circling Valentine once, leaving sparks around him, then took of into the desert. Valentine stunned momentarily drew back, but recovered quickly, and cried taking his horses reins into his hand,

" Quickly! Follow the trail!" Then, galloped off after the beetle. He urged his horse on after the beetle, and hissed angrily,

" Faster!" The beetle finally came to a rather large sand-dune, split in to and placed it's self like two glowing eyes in the dune. Valentine and his servant halted their horses and stared as the most amazing thing happened. The wind picked up, the sand flew everywhere and got in their eyes, and the horses back up nervously as the Sand rose and started to form the ugly head of a sphinx. Both horses reared up and threw their riders in fear. The mound grew higher and formed itself into a more textured being, a lion like sculpture made of sand, and it widened its mouth, a glowing light emanating from the mouth. Valentine gasped,

" At last! After all my years of searching! The cave of wonders!" The parrot echoed with a smirk on his face,

" Rah! Cave of Wonders!" The man came up behind Valentine and gaped at it and whispered,

" By Allah!" Valentine remembering he was there grabbed the little man by the collar and growled,

" Now remember, bring me the lamp, the rest of the treasure is yours, but the Lamp, is mine!" Then, Valentine thrust the servant forward, spinning him around. The man chuckled as he walked towards the Sand lion. The parrot squawked,

" Rah! The Lamp! Rah! The Lamp!" Then turned to Valentine and hissed quietly,

" Jeez, where'd you pick this bozo up!" Valentine raised a finger to his mouth and 'sh'd him gently. The small man approached the mouth of the giant lion and peered in. Leading inside the mouth, deep down into the throat was hundreds of stair. The man hesitantly stuck his foot inside the mouth around the life like teeth. Suddenly, as the man was inching around the giant incisor a gust of wind thrust the man back, sending him tumbling across the sand.

" WHO DISTURBS MY SLUMBER!" The lion roared in a deep booming voice. The man stuttered for awhile then managed,

" It is I, Gasmin, The Humble thief." The lion growled deeply as Gasmin bowed,

" Know this, only one may enter here. Ones who's worth lies far within." At this Valentine and his parrot, looked at each other quizzically "THE DIAMOND IN THE RUFF!" Gasmin looked back at Valentine questioningly, and Valentine waved him on, and cried,

" Well, what are you waiting for? Go on!" Gasmin gulped and faced the lion, as it settled back down, opening it mouth once more. Gasmin slowly walked forward, and cautiously put his first toe in, then squeezed his eyes shut as he put both feet in. When nothing happened he sided, and prepared for his journey downwards. Then, the lion roared loudly, and shut his gigantic sand head on Gasmin, and with a loud shriek, he disappeared. The lion returned to a small mound of sand , and the two [pieces of the beetle fell away, and the last words of the lion where,

" Seek out the diamond in the ruff." His words echoed around the area. The parrot popped out from beneath a small mound of sand which had buried him, and squawked,

" I can't believe it! I just don't believe it!" And as he flew over to pick up the pieces of the beetle he cried angrily,

" We're never gonna get a hold of that STUPID lamp! Forget it! Just forget it!" Then, looking down at himself he cried,

" look at this! I'm so ticked off I'm molting!" Then he flew over to Valentine who cooed,

" Patience, Sebastian, Patience! Gasmin was obviously less than worthy!" Sebastian rolled his eyes,

" Oh! That's a big surprise! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from that surprise!" Then, he shouted angrily,

" WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO! We got a big problem here, a big-hmf!" He never finished, since Valentine shut Sebastian's beak shut, and rolled his eyes,and growled,

" Yes...'only one may enter.'" He re stated,

" I must find this 'One' This Diamond in the ruff." He trailed off and looked away thoughtfully.

I continued becuase someone said pretty please with Chairman meow one top! Please review! :)