Alfred's bright blues eyes grew sharp and evil as he pushed his new prisoners to the Boss's office. He couldn't help but smirk at this pathetic group of six. The offending party tried to start up a new branch of the mob in the Boss's city! These Asians have to pay with blood.

He opened the door and led the group in, presenting them to his Boss, who sat his desk, head down to his paper work. "Sir, the prisoners." Alfred said in a monotone voice with a hint of excitement.

The man at the desk lifted his head and set his deep green eyes on the strange people. They soon closed and the blonde head shook. "Alfred." The man snapped in his thick English accent. "You know we do not harm women. Let her go." Alfred groaned and untied the shaking girl's hands and handed her a tissue for her watery brown eyes.

"You have to promise to leave and never return, and no speaking of this to anyone. Understood?" The girl nodded quickly before running out the door. Green eyes watched her go before instructing Alfred to close and lock the door again. "Now," He says. "It's time to figure out what to do with the rest of you."

"Go fuck yourself!" The one with a curl yelled. The blonde ignored him and looked at them all carefully. One with blank eyes just stared at him. Another with classes wouldn't look up from the floor. The youngest looking was eyeing Alfred. Then there was one with light brown, almost amber, eyes and his hair drawn back in a lose ponytail. He knew this one, his eyes grew wide.

"You," He said, pointing to the eldest. "Your associated with Ivan, aren't you?" Alfred's head snapped up. Ivan? He thought. Ivan was a Russian mob boss. The strongest. The deadliest. The cruelest. The one who killed his parents.

"Y-Yes, I am." The Asian whispered, blushing at this. The Boss thought for a moment. "I'll strike you a deal Yao," The man looked up to his name. The Brit got up and strolled over to the emotionless Asian and gripped the collar of his shirt. "I take this, without harming him, in exchanged for all of your lives and you not spreading word of this to Ivan."

The brown eyes met the green. "And If I refuse, Arthur?" He questioned. Arthur smirked at the boldness of the small Asian, calling him by his first name. "Then, I kill you all, dumping your bodies in pacific on the cost of California."

Yao gulped and looked down once he saw the blood lust in Arthur's eyes. "I-I'll take the deal. B-But what do I tell Ivan?" Arthur laughed. "Tell him this one," He shook the man in his hands. "Ran off with someone. Doesn't matter who, just make in convincing."

The Asian nodded quickly. Arthur smirked. "Alfred, untie them." The boy sighed and reluctantly cuts the rope of each man. As soon as Yao was free he ran and hugged blank eyes. "I'm sorry Kiku! I didn't want him to kill you! I'm so sorry!"

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Now, get them out of my sight." He spat and his young henchman obeyed, guiding the newest contracts out of the hiding place. The boss looked at Kiku. "So, what can you do?"

Romano started running, running for his life, and his brothers. He held on tight to his little brothers hand so even if he tripped, Romano could pull him back to his feet. "F-Fratello! Fratello please! When are we stopping?"

"When we can, Feliciano! Now shut up and RUN!" Romano picked up speed, forcing Feliciano to go faster as well. The youngest boy squeaked in pain for his legs.

Romano ignored the sounds of his brother's pain in order to save him. He knew he was going deep into the territory of yet another mobster, but this one couldn't be as bad as the one he was running from. Ivan was scary and he was after them. Romano had no choice.

They rounded a corner, suddenly crashing into something. "Ohohohohoho! Look what we have here, intruders?" A deep, silky voice cooed. Romano looked up at the blonde man standing above him. "Oh! I see they are twins! Tonio will love to hear of this! Come my jumeaux!" The Frenchman took a hold of both of the Italians by the shoulder.

The older teen kicked, screamed, and cursed at the blonde until he was thrown to the ground. "Where the hell are we you bastard?" Romano spat and mentally kicked himself for losing track of where they were going.

Francis ignored the fuming boy and addressed the figure in the corner. "Antonio, we have visitors." The dark shadow moved from the corner and into the light. His green eyes shined through the dark before his brown hair fell into his face. Romano's stomach turned into a knot but he ignored it, needing to focus on this man.

"Who are these boys?" The Spaniard asked, looking down at them on the ground. "We were running from Ivan." Romano spoke up. The air in the room changed by the mentioning of Ivan. "You can stay." Antonio said at once. Francis looked at him. "Sir! Why-"

"Quiet, Francis." He hissed. "What if you were the one being chased? Anyone, even Arthur, would take you in! I intend to do the same."

"Veh~! Thank you signore! Me and Fratello have been running for hours~!" Feliciano cheered. Antonio smiled widely. The smile looked a bit evil in Romano's eyes though.

"Please remember, I am a man of secrets. If you wish to stay here, you must join my organization." The small Italian looked at him in shock and furry. "Are you fucking kidding me?" The older man looked taken back at the language used by the teen. "You're going to offer us a safe place only if we become part of the mob with you? Damn tomato bastard! Why the hell would you do that?"

"How dare you speak to him like that, you little shit!" Francis snapped at him. He was going to say more until Antonio raised a hand to silence him. Francis quickly held his tongue.

Antonio went up to the red-faced Italian. He stopped when they were inches apart. "Listen here, Niño, I do this because I know you'll do it. You need a safe place to hide and I need some helping hands. Now," His hand moved between them. "Are you in? Or out?"

Romano was silent for the first time since they got there. He looked at his brother who was nodding for yes. There was also a side of Romano that wanted to stay. Then the small voice inside his head begging to just turn around and leave New York all together. But in the end, he made his choice.

He took the mobsters hand roughly and shook it. "We're in."

Arthur sat in his office; shuffling through things he didn't care about, when he heard a knock at the door. "Come in Alfred." He called, bored, until the nineteen year old came in. The teen looked slender, despite the fact that all he does is eats, with his suit and tie aligned perfectly. He looked amazingly handsome in Arthur's eyes.

Arthur had been running the business since fourteen, finding himself caring for Alfred soon after. His father was killed and he had no other wish than for Arthur to run the corporation from then on. Arthur never had a normal life. But how could he? The son of a mobster would never know normal.

Alfred looked at the man hes know for ten years. He always thought of him as a god. A person who controlled others fates. Alfred loved that thought of thank kind of immortality.

"You really are a merciful person, aren't you?" Alfred asked with a smirk. "What do you mean?" Arthur leaned back in his chair. Alfred crossed his arms. "You let all of them live. Why do that now, of all times? I thought for sure you were going to kill all but the girl."

Arthur shook his head in disappointment. "You still have a lot to learn, Alfred." Alfred cocked his head to the side. Arthur sighed. "If I were to kill Ivan's lover, I would soon be next in the ocean." Alfred shrugged. "You could go into hiding! Not tell anyone it was you, who the hell knows. You just didn't have to let them go."

"Killing people that could get us killed, is not a priority, Alfred. And it is also not the reason why I called you in here." Arthur got even more comfortable in his leather chair as he stared blankly at Alfred, thinking of how to word this so the American wouldn't go crazy. "Yeah, then what is it?"

"I want you to take my place if I am killed." Alfred's heart stopped. How could the man he lo-The man who raised him, say that? Alfred couldn't even fathom that fact. He tried to think of Arthur lying dead on the ground, bloodied, arms bent, legs crossed with knees bent.

He tried to picture the green eyes he had come accustom to, blank, lifeless and dull. They would stare at him with the fear he had before dying. All these thoughts brought tears to his eyes.

To cover his sadness, Alfred laughed. "If anyone gets killed it will be me, I am your body guard after all-" He was cut off by Arthur's chair hitting the wall behind it. Arthur had stood quickly, placing his hand on his desk, and angry look was on his face. "ALFRED!" He screamed.

"This is serious! Stop playing your little hero act, you're going to get murdered if you don't! I don't want you as my body guard! This thing where you're so protective of me is so juvenile! You will stop it now! That's an order!" Arthur screamed the blood rushed through his veins, boiling of course.

Alfred's fist's clenched. How dare he call him juvenile! He was no longer a child! He could do whatever the hell he wanted and what he wanted was to protect Arthur.

Through white range, Alfred walked over and grasped the smaller man's chin, forcing him to look him in the eyes. "I'm going to whatever the fuck I want, boss."

Before the Brit had a chance to say anything back, Alfred crashed their lips together, giving him a passionate, sloppy kiss. He waited a moment to think about what was happening before kissing back with equal force.

As soon as his hands moved to remove Alfred's jacket, the boy pushed his hands away and unclasped their lips. The older man looked at him with confused but strong eyes. "What the bloody hell was that, Alfred?" Arthur spat.

Alfred smirked and laughed, tracing his now swollen lips with his index finger. "That, was me doing whatever the fuck I want, sir." With no other words, Alfred left his boss to stand and think.

There you go again, Arthur thought. Using what you have to get what you want. You brat…. Arthur chuckled softly and smiled.

"Hey, Tonio," Gilbert called to his boss. "What's with the new brats?" Antonio dropped what he was doing to address his friend.

"They were running from Ivan, and like you, I let them in." He explained. Gilbert shook his head. "No, that's not right!" The red eyes met the green. "I was your friend for a long time. These kids came off the street." Antonio refused to look his friend again.

Gilbert shrugs softly and sighed. He turned to leave and stopped himself at the door. "You know….When I came…..Even I wasn't put into one of the best rooms in the warehouse…." He left after his sentence.

Antonio looked down. For an odd reason, whenever he thinks of that small Italian he… He, well, he doesn't know how to explain it, which is part of the problem. Antonio never had to deal with his kind of thing… Now this one kid came and he's not himself anymore.

He punched a wall. "Damnit..." He whispered. "Damnit all to hell."

...God I have a problem with writting storiesXD This is my third on here... HOPED YOU LIKED THIS! Please review:D Comments, anything you wanna see! Danke!