117Jorn: Hello People! 117Jorn here with Patriot-112, Dragonknightryu, and ShadowMaster94! And today we are introducing a new addition to our little crew here on New Blood!

Patriot 112: That's right! Everyone, please say hello to Takeshi Yamato!

Takeshi Yamato: Glad to be here, guys! I have to say that this is a fun story, and I look forward to participating. And to the readers, let's just say that I'm bringing in a few elements from Star Wars: The Old Republic, an epic MMORPG that recently went Free-to-Play. It's a very fun game, and I recommend checking it out if you haven't already. I'm also going to help proofread, so expect to see a lot fewer grammar and spelling errors in the future! :D

117Jorn: Glad to have you here! So let's get this thing started!

Dragonknightryu: Where is the whiskey I was promised for dealing with these sycophants?

ShadowMaster94: Anyway, I wanted to say Project Titan is going to be in New Blood instead of being completely separated and on my page. Makes it easier for me and the fans. Also I submitted two arts of Blair and Hinode in my deviantart profile DannyKazami-94.


Onboard the 'Adenn Naast'

Tridenius Asteroid Field


The 26-year-old man groaned as he regained consciousness.

"Ugh..." he muttered. "Did someone get the license plate number of that bus?"

He then stood up and took stock of his surroundings. Definitely unfamiliar, and definitely made of metal.

"I wonder how I got here?" he asked himself. "The last thing I remember is getting ready to play SWTOR, then that big flash of light, and next thing I know I'm waking up in some metal room."

After a minute or so of looking around, he said, "Well, no sense worrying. I'll figure out where I am and why I'm here soon enough. And something tells me that I should go by my Internet Alias, Takeshi Yamato, in case I run into anyone." He then blinked and sighed. "I really need to stop talking to myself."

And so Takeshi approached the door out of the room, along the way confirming that he still had his MP3 player and that it still had all of his music. "Well, at least this is one good thing that's happened today," he muttered as he opened the door. He found a long hallway, looked both ways and, seeing no one nearby, he stepped out and continued to the right.

'Hmm...' he thought as he looked at how the Hallways seemed to look alike. 'Why does this place feel familiar? I swear I've seen Hallways like this before... but where?'

Takeshi shrugged at that. 'Well, I'll find out soon enough,' he thought, 'and that'll probably tell me where I am, too.'

But as he continued down the hallway, looking for either a map or a window, he couldn't shake off the sneaking suspicion that he was being watched. He continued to look over his shoulder, however he never saw anyone behind him.

He shook his head. "Get a grip, Takeshi, you're just being Paranoid," he said. "First, find out where I am, and then find out how to get the frak out of here... wherever here is..."

He looked up ahead, and smiled seeing what looked like a window. "Ah, Finally!" he said as he ran up to it. "Maybe now I can find out... where... I... abuh?"

Takeshi looked out the window, and his eyes widened at seeing stars and an asteroid just outside the window. "The... Frak?" he muttered, "S-Space? What the hell! How did I get in Space?"

He then groaned as his head hit the glass, "Damn... can't I ever get a break?" he muttered, before he sighed. "Alright, let's think... I'm in Space, yet I'm not floating in Zero Gravity... meaning there's artificial gravity. Unless the U.S. Government has been keeping some secrets from us... I don't think I'm in Colorado anymore. I might not even be in the same universe, for that matter."

"Hey, did you hear something?" Takeshi heard a voice say, followed by a tired sigh.

"No," said another voice, "You're imagining things,"

"No, seriously, I really heard something!" the first voice said, "It came from this way,"

'Frak,' Takeshi thought. 'I'd better find someplace to hide, don't want to be seen if the natives are hostile.'

He looked around, until as luck would have it there was a door just across the hall that had a green light. Takeshi hoped the green light meant it was open as he ran towards it and the doors opened automatically as he ran in, the doors then closing behind him.

After entering the room, Takeshi placed his ear against the door to listen what's on the other side. The voices were muffled, but he could still hear them.

"See? Nothing," said the second voice, "Now come on. Let's get to the Mess Hall, I'm starving!"

"You're always starving!" the first shouted, as the sound of footsteps echoed through the door.

"Because of all the heavy-lifting work we did...," the other voice said as it faded as the two people walked away.

Takeshi breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close," he muttered to himself. "A little too close. Okay, I know that I'm in space, and that the ship or station where I am is inhabited, has artificial gravity, and the natives apparently speak English. Doesn't really narrow down where I am-I could be in Star Wars, Star Trek, Gundam, Xenosaga, Star Ocean, Halo, or one of several other Space Sci-Fi Franchises. I really need to find a computer terminal-that should give me information as to where I am. And wherever I am, I hope that the people who own this thing are friendly."

After waiting for a few more moments, Takeshi reopened the door and looked outside, making sure there was no one else around. After confirming the Hallway was safe, he left the room and continued through the unknown vessel or station he was on.



On Konoha


It was the day after the festival, and aside from the Death Watch infiltration the night before, everyone would agree that the Festival was a real blast. Everyone had quite a bit of fun, especially Hinode and Blair.

Now, Jaster, D.J, and Jordan were onboard the Normandy, questioning the Former Death Watch Lieutenant Kovina Cadera. She had already given them a wealth of information on the Death Watch movements, positions and numerous other forms of valuable data. Though they were still cautious about her, the others were beginning to believe what she was saying was true. Dennis didn't approve on having a former Death Watch soldier join the ranks but he let it passed but said he was going to keep a close eye on her.

"So they do have back-up Control Stations if the Control Ships are destroyed..." Jaster commented after Kovina informed them of yet more information, as she nodded.

"Yes Mand'alor," she said. "But only a few of them, and their range is very small. I know of the position of two, one is located near the center of Uzu no Kuni, while another is around Nami no Kuni." She shook her head. "I never understood why Tor wanted this planet so badly, sure Tridenius has plenty of resources, but every day they're losing more and more troops from the Shinobi forces here. A few have actually been questioning Tor's leadership. But..."

Jaster rose an eyebrow. "What?" he asked.

"A while ago, Tor came to the planet," She said. "I was onboard one of the Control Ships, and I overheard a conversation he was having in his chambers with someone else on the holonet, don't know who it was. Tor was arguing with whoever it was, saying that his Death Watch were taking considerable losses on the planet, and that his forces would be more adequately used fighting your True Mandalorian's. But whoever it was he was talking to continued to say Tridenius was too valuable... that there was something there that would ensure the Death Watch's victory against the True Mandalorian's and conquer the Republic."

The others all blinked at that.

"Did you try to get a look of who he was talking to?" D.J. asked, and Kovina shook her head.

"No," she said, "I only got one good glance inside, all I could see was a hologram of a figure wearing a black hooded set of robes. His voice sounded male though, but he also sounded old... very old."

Jordan hummed in thought "This could mean that Tor and the Death Watch are not acting alone in this war," he said, "they could be getting support from someone other than the Trade Federation, Banking Clan, Techno Union, or the Trandoshans. The question now is who, and what do they want that's on the planet?"

"Maybe it could be someone in the Senate," Jaster said, remembering the info data they found in Geesix, "It could be a corrupt Senator,"

Jordan nodded at that. "Could be...but we don't know for sure," he said before shaking his head. "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Jaster's comm link then sounded, as he activated it, revealing the captain of the Adenn Naast, a Cathar man. "Captain Zennith," he said. "What is it?"

"Sir, we may have a problem up here," the Captain said. "The ship's security cameras have detected someone on the Naast, not Mandalorian, or one of the Tridenius Species. Have no idea how he got onboard, but he seems to be wandering aimlessly through the ship. We've locked up the important parts of the ship, and are trying to corner him."

Jaster sighed, "Alright, try to make sure he doesn't do anything funny," he said, "We'll be up there in a few minutes. Try to catch him for us until we get there."

The Captain nodded "Understood sir," he said, before the Commlink ended.



On the Adenn Naast


Takeshi had been wandering through the ship or station for several minutes now, and still hadn't found a computer terminal. And aside from having to hide to avoid a few patrols, he hadn't seen anyone.

However, he had caught a glimpse of one of the patrols, and what he had seen was surprising.

'Mandalorians,' he thought to himself. 'That armor was unmistakable. I'm on a ship or station crewed by Mandalorians. That tells me that I'm in the Star Wars Universe, but still gives me no clue as to when. I could be in the Mandalorian Wars, the SWTOR Era, the Mandalorian Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong conflict, or anywhere in between. I still need to find a computer terminal-that would give me all the information I need to know where and when I am in the Star Wars Universe.'

As he thought that, he didn't notice the bronze and green colored R2-unit sneaking up to him, its stun gun sticking out of one of it's many compartments.

'Now, if I were a Terminal, where would I be?' Takeshi thought as he rounded another corner, still unaware of the R2 unit following him. However as he continued walking, he heard the sound of wheels behind him, and turned to see the R2 Unit behind him. The R2 unit quickly hid its Stun Gun before Takeshi could see it.

"Well... hey there little guy!" Takeshi said as he knelt down towards the R2 unit. "You're an R2 Astromech Droid, right? That must mean I'm some time during or after the Rise of the Empire period."

The R2 unit looked at Takeshi, and he could swear he could see the confused expression on the Droid's face. "Ah, right..." Takeshi said, shaking his head. "Don't know what that means, do you?" He then looked around. "Say, you think you could help me find a Terminal around here? 'Cause I am as lost as hell, and I don't know where or when I am."

The droid gave a series of beeps and whistles, and began to move around Takeshi, stopping and turning its head to beep at him some more, before the man understood what it meant and began follow the little droid. It took them a few minutes until they arrived at what looked like a crewman's quarters.

"Soo... there's a terminal in there, right? And there's no one else in there?" Takeshi asked, and the Droid made a series of beeps and appeared to 'nod'.

"Okay, then," Takeshi said, "thank you very much little guy!" He then entered the room. Takeshi was actually half expecting the Droid to lead him into a trap, but as the Droid promised, there was an empty room, with a bed, sink and all of that. And at the side there was a computer terminal.

Takeshi began to walk over to the Terminal, before...


"GOD DAMNIT NOT AGAIN!" A loud voice was heard through the thick wall before something crashed against it, creating a vaguely human shaped dent in it. "FUCK! RICO GET THE EXTINGUISHER, THE EXTINGUISHER, RICO, THE EXTINGUISHER NOT THE GODDAMN CAMERA!"

Takeshi sweatdropped at that. 'O-kay,' he thought, 'looks like there's a lab right next door. I'd better find the information I need and get out of here-better safe than sorry.'

He then went over to the terminal, sat down in front of it, and started accessing information as he said, "Okay, let's see just what's going on in the galaxy at the moment..."

Takeshi began going through the data in the Terminal, which was difficult at first considering that everything was in Aurebesh, however Takeshi remembered the alphabet of the Aurebesh language and soon was able to understand what he was reading. 'Huh, this is easier than I thought,' Takeshi thought to himself, 'I guess I have a better memory than I give myself credit for... alright, here we are... True Mandalorians? Death Watch? Hmm, looks like I appeared in the Mandalorian Civil War... wait...' he then looked at the schematics of, what he now confirmed, was a ship. 'This... this ship is an Interdictor-class from Knights of the Old Republic! The True Mandalorians never had one of these!... or did they?'

Takeshi sighed as he shook his head "Well, at least I know where I am now," he said, "Now the only question is... how do I get out of here?"


"FUCK!" The voice in the other room shouted again, as another dent of a human appeared, only thicker this time. "IMCA, I TOLD YOU NOT TO CROSS THE FUCKING WIRES!"

"Sorry Tom!" A female voice shouted back. "I thought you said red red green, not red green red!"

"Tom, are you sure working on this stuff on the Adenn Naast is a good idea?" Another male voice said, "At the rate we're going, we're going to tear the ship apart."

"I know what I am doing!" 'Tom' shouted back, "The MJOLNIR Armor is going to be the epitome of badassery when I'm done making it!"

Takeshi blinked. 'Wait... MJOLNIR?' he thought. 'Isn't that the armor the SPARTANs wear in the Halo series? Why would it be in Star Wars?'

He then sighed. "Well," he said, "I know where and when I am, so I'd better get out of this room before the people in the lab next door actually bring the wall down. Not sure where I should go from here, but I should still try and avoid contact as much as possible-True Mandalorians or not, they're probably not going to like the idea of someone just appearing in one of their ships."

However before he could leave, the doors to the room suddenly slammed shut, and the lights turned red indicating that he and the R2 Droid were now locked in.

"Well... frak."



Wolf's Dawn


The Wolf's Dawn had just landed in the hangar bay of the Adenn Naast, and Jaster, D.J., and Jordan had disembarked and headed towards the room where Geesix had contacted them that they had trapped their intruder. The droid also commented that she didn't think the intruder was a real threat.

"Who do you think it was that got on the ship?" Jordan said.

"I don't know, but he's definitely not Death Watch," Jaster said. "In fact, he looks just like a lost civilian."

D.J. rose his eyebrow at that. "Alright," he said. "Where is he being held?"

"The room next to Tom's lab," Jaster answered. "He actually showed up while Tom was working on his latest projects. Let's hurry and get over there."

Jordan and D.J. nodded as they quickly followed Jaster as they maneuvered through the interior of the Naast, until they came across the room next to Tom's Lab where a single Guard was standing outside the 'prisoner's' door.

"You can leave now, we can handle this," Jaster said, and the Guard nodded and saluted before walking away.

"Well, let's meet our guest," D.J. said with a sigh, as he typed a few commands into the door panel, and the three entered the room. They soon found their intruder lying down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling above, with Geesix next to his bed.

On hearing the door open, he turned and looked at the doorway to see them. "Frak," he muttered under his breath. "I figured something like this would happen when the door up and locked, but I was still hoping to avoid meeting the locals like this..."

He then sat up and said in a more normal tone of voice, "If you're wondering what I'm doing here, and how I managed to get onto your ship, I have absolutely no idea. I was getting ready to play a video game back home, but when I started the game there was this flash of light, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in an empty room on this ship. Let me tell you, it was a huge shock to find out that I was in space-back home they've only made it as far as the Moon, and that over forty years ago and at great difficulty."

Behind their helmets, Jaster, Jordan and D.J blinked in surprise, as D.J. and Jordan looked at each other, thinking the exact same thing. 'He's from Earth'.

"What's... your name?" D.J asked.

"Takeshi," the man replied. "Takeshi Yamato."

Jordan and D.J's eyes widened behind their visors, as they looked at one another, before Jordan turned to him again. "Takeshi Yamato... as in the... 'Azure Knight of the Raging Tempest'?" he asked.

Takeshi's eyes widened. "Yeah... that's the title I gave myself..." he replied. "But how..."

Jordan grinned as he took off his helmet. "Nice to meet ya in person, Taka," he said. "Jordan Tackett, though you know me as 117Jorn, or the 'Golden Champion of the Hero's Miracle'."

Takeshi blinked. "Jorn?" he asked, before he got a huge grin on his face. "Nice to meet you in person, too, and I'm glad that I'm not the only one that got thrown to this universe-though from the looks of things, you've been here a bit longer than I have."

Jordan chuckled. "Seven Months, actually," he said. "And it wasn't just me," he gestured to D.J., who removed his own helmet, and he was smiling too.

"Nice to meet you at last, Takeshi. I'm Drew J. Cobb, aka D.J. Or as you know me by my fanfic name, Patriot-112," he said, and Takeshi's eyes widen.

"No way...you too?" he asked, shock clearly on his face. He then chuckled a bit. "Honestly, running into the two of you is a very high point to my day. Is Ryu here, too?"


An explosion sounded in the lab again as another humanoid dent showed up in the wall "BY MARY'S GARTER BELT, THAT WAS ON PURPOSE WASN'T IT, RICO!" Tom shouted loudly "HOW HARD IS IT TO REMEMBER LEFTY LOOSY RIGHTY TIGHTY FOR FUCK'S SAKE!"

"That answer your question?" Jordan deadpanned. "We're not the only ones. Mine and Patriot's brothers, Patriot's friend Chad, my sister-in-law Kelsey, Dennis, and Josh, we all ended up here after circumstances similar to your own."

Takeshi blinked. "Wow," he remarked. "This is getting very interesting. Judging by the armor, I'd say you guys ended up joining the guys who own this ship-am I right?"

"Not exactly," Jordan said, a bit sheepishly. "Well, me, D.J., Tom, Dennis, Josh, and Kelsey ended up on a Death Watch prison station, while Chad, Matthew and Daniel ended up on a True Mandalorian ship which was heading towards the station... had one hell of a firefight there, rescued a few prisoners, and we've been working with Jaster here and the True Mandalorian's ever since."

"The Adenn Naast is a new addition to the fleet," D.J. continued. "We found some schematics of some old Republic warships, which we used to upgrade them to more current tech."

"Not to mention a schematic of new armor the Death Watch were cooking up," Jordan added.

Takeshi smiled. It seemed like his friends had been busy over the past seven months. And he wanted to be part of the action.

"Mind if I join up with you guys, too?" Takeshi asked. "The odds are rather low that I'll be going home any time soon, so I want to help you guys out."

Jordan and D.J. looked at Jaster, who sighed and shrugged. "I don't see a problem," he said. "You seem to know and trust him,"

Jordan nodded. "Alright," he said as he turned to Takeshi. "Come on Taka, if you're gonna be with us, you're gonna need some weapons and armor."

"Sure thing," Takeshi replied as he stood up and grinned. "Lead the way. And maybe you can fill me in on some of your exploits along the way."

Jordan nodded, as he and Takeshi moved out of the room, and into the ship.

"You sure we can trust that kid?" Jaster asked, and D.J. grinned.

"Yeah," he said. "I know Takeshi, besides: You trusted us when my bro and the others ended up on your ship, right?"

Jaster chuckled. "True," he admitted, as D.J. left to follow them.



With Takeshi


"You don't know how glad I am to see you here, Takeshi," Jordan said, as he and D.J. lead Takeshi to the armory, putting away his communicator as he just contacted Dennis to meet them there. "Me and the others thought we'd be the only ones who'd been sent here."

"I was worried about the same thing," Takeshi replied. "I honestly thought I was going to be stuck in the Star Wars Universe without any familiar faces around me. But now that I know you guys are here, too, I look forward to seeing what we can do here. And I'm kinda curious as to what changes you guys've made already-I mean, I don't remember any of the books, comics, or games saying anything about the True Mandalorians having an Interdictor-Class Cruiser from the KOTOR era, and from some of the things I heard from that lab, they were working on something called MJOLNIR, which was the armor the SPARTANs used in Halo, if I remember correctly."

Jordan grinned and nodded. "Well, best to start at the beginning," he said. "Remember when I said we ended up on a Death Watch prison station?" Takeshi nodded. "Well, we popped in in an armory where we found tons of weapons and armor used by the Death Watch. We took some of it and tried to find a way out of the station. We came across a room that had schematics for Old Republic ships like Hammerhead-class Cruisers, Foray-class Blockade Runners, Centurion-class Battlecruisers, and as you can see, Interdictor-class Cruisers and a few more."

Takeshi let out a low whistle. "Wow, that was a lucky find," he said, and Jordan chuckled a bit.

"Indeed it was," D.J. said. "Since Jaster helped us off the station, we've been working on improving the True Mandalorian's fleet, which before just consisted of a few small ships like CR-70 Corvette's, a few freighters and fighters. But since then, we've been buying Hammerhead's and other ships however we can, and refitting them in accordance to the Specs. We've got a nice small fleet now actually. This Interdictor-class, the Adenn Naast, is a lucky find when we found it Derelict in space. It just recently finished its refit a week ago, and it's the most powerful ship we've got."

"Wow," Takeshi remarked. "You guys have been busy. Are there any other deviations from the Star Wars canon that I should know about?"

Jordan grinned. "Oh, we have a few," he said. "On that Death Watch prison station, we found someone... special there." He then looked at Takeshi. "Arla Fett."

Takeshi's eyes widened in surprise. "Jango Fett's sister?" he asked.

"Yup, same one," Jordan said. "I was as surprised as you were, had a nice family reunion when Jango showed up." He smiled a bit. "That event caused me and the others to get motivated on fixing the wrongs here in the Star Wars universe, we've already begun preparations for our next big change: Korda 6."

"The place Jaster dies..." Takeshi muttered, and Jordan nodded. "Yeah, if everything goes as normal, it should happen in a year or so," He said. "Since then, we've been preparing. Training, doing missions, everything. However one of our biggest missions is to find the Star Maps."

Takeshi turned to Jordan with a look of shock on his face. "The Star Maps from KOTOR?! You're planning on going after the Star Forge?!"

"That's right," he answered. "Though the Star Forge was destroyed nearly 4,000 years ago by Revan and his allies, its debris, along with the remains of all those other ships that had been destroyed, are still there. We plan on rebuilding the Star Forge, however not as a tool of the Dark Side, but a station which will use both the light and dark sides of the force, so that it will not corrupt its users like it did Malak. With that under our belt, we stand a great chance against Palpatine and the Separatists when the Clone Wars start up, and, on the chance we fail to stop it, the Galactic Civil War and onward."

Takeshi whistled. "You don't think small, do you?" he asked rhetorically. He then smiled and continued, "Still, I think this should have a chance to work, so count me in. What preparations have you made so far aside from training?"

"We located the Star Map on Dantooine about a Month ago," D.J. said. "And we've been working on increasing our Fleet size without the Star Forge. Thanks to some data we've captured, we've also located several Death Watch bases, weapon caches, and such and claiming them for our own, taking their supplies and weapons for us to use, slowly building up our military strength," he then sighed. "But things have been getting... complicated this past month."

"Why's that?" Takeshi asked.

"A month ago, after we raided an abandoned Death Watch base on Dantooine, we came across something," Jordan began. "A planet in the Unknown Regions that the Death Watch have been exploiting, with their allies in the Trade Federation, Banking Clan, Techno Union, and Trandoshan Merc's. It was called Tridenius, and they've been enslaving the natives to work in labor camps to mine Beskar Iron, and other priceless metals like Gold, Silver and such. I've been to a few of the Camps... they remind me of those WWII images of the Death Camps from Nazi Germany, only worse."

Takeshi's face took on a somber expression. He'd seen some images of the WWII Death Camps, and had even been in an exhibit in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science which was about those Death Camps when he was younger. "Just when I thought the Death Watch couldn't get any lower..." he muttered.

"Said the same thing when I found out," Jordan muttered. "But that's not the weirdest part, what came as a shock to me and the others were the species who were native to the planet. They were Huli, Neko and Lycan's, from me and Patriot's 'Hope from the Unknown' fanfic."

Takeshi's eyes widened once again. "You're serious?" he asked. "Races that you and Patriot created for a Star Wars Fanfic just happen to be real?"

"We were as shocked as you are, Taka," Jordan said. "But it gets weirder, a lot of the people from Tridenius are based off of characters from other series, we've met Characters from Naruto, Code Geass, and Gundam SEED in Lycan, Huli or Neko Form!"

Takeshi's mouth was agape at that. "You're frakking kidding me," he said.

"We're serious, Taka," D.J. said. "Heck, Jordan here told me he was freaking out when he saw a Huli version of Naruto, hell in this place Naruto also has a Twin sister, and an older sister!"

"Holy..." Takeshi said. "Have you seen anyone else from other series?"

"Not yet," Jordan said. "Though I have a feeling we'll be seeing more soon enough. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw people from other Gundam Series, or other anime shows. I wouldn't be too surprised even if I see guys from Gurren Lagann!"

Takeshi was definitely shocked, but he was also curious about a few things. "Three questions, guys. First, who all have you seen that's from Code Geass, Gundam SEED, and Naruto? Second, are the Naruto characters still able to use all of their Jutsu? And Third, do you guys have any special projects going?"

"In order," Jordan said. "We've met Lelouch, his mother, sister, and Rolo, there was also Suzaku and the other Black Knights. We've only seen one SEED Character so far, Mu La Flaga, and we've seen pretty much every character from Konoha," he grinned a bit. "Minus two, we've killed the Konoha Elders because they were working with the Death Watch, along with Danzo, however he ran away with his ROOT Forces."

"Two, yes they can use Jutsu," D.J. answered, shaking his head. "You have no idea how much of a shocker that was when we saw legions of Naru and Naruto clones dropping out of the skies. But the Death Watch have managed to counter Jutsu's a bit, when they take prisoners they use Chakra Suppression Seals, courtesy of a certain Snake you might know."

Takeshi growled a bit at that. "Orochimaru..." he muttered darkly.

D.J. nodded. "Yup," he said. "If it wasn't for him, maybe the people here would have had a better chance against the Death Watch." He shook his head. "Well, aside from all of that, we have a few projects, but most of them are still in planning and development."

"Except for my idea," Jordan said with a grin. "I've been working with the Mandalorian Engineers here, and we've made ten fully functional Mobile Suits."

When Takeshi heard the words 'Mobile Suits', his face lit up with a huge grin? "Mobile Suits?" he asked, giddy. "Actual, working Mobile Suits? That's going to make things SO MUCH MORE EPIC around here! Have you made any Gundams yet?"

"Not yet, but it's making progress with Lloyd around," Jordan said. "So far, we've only built ten. Five TMSF-081 Patriot's, four ZGMF-1017 GiNN's and Jordan's own ZGMF-515 CGUE."

"Is that Lloyd as in Lloyd Asplund?" Takeshi asked, and at Jordan's nod he continued, "Interesting. Once we're done in the Armory, maybe we should pay him a visit. I have some ideas in mind for my own Mobile Suit that he might be able to help bring to reality."

"I think we can arrange that," Jordan said as they finally arrived at the ship's armory, revealing all the weapons and armor contained within. "Alright, Taka, if you're going to be fighting with us, you should probably choose your equipment. Feel free to choose anything you see here."

However, as Takeshi looked around the armory, he spotted a workbench which could be used for customizing, or even building, weapons. And as soon as he saw the workbench, he clutched his head as information seemed to rush into his mind.

"You alright?" D.J. asked in worry.

"I'm fine," Takeshi replied, waving him off before continuing, "just a slight headache." He reviewed the knowledge he had suddenly gained, and while wondering where it came from, his eyes widened in shock as he realized just what he could build with that knowledge.

He then looked at the other two and said, "I have an idea for what I want to use, but I'm going to have to make it myself. Can you get me two metal cylinders about two inches in diameter, a couple of power cells, several used circuit boards, two disassembled Ion Cannons, some lenses, and two of the finest purple crystals you can find? Amethysts would be best, if you can find any."

They both blinked at hearing that. "What would you need all that for..." D.J. began to say, before he answered his own question. "Taka, are you seriously planning on making what I think you're gonna make?"

"If you're thinking I'm planning on making Twin Lightsabers," Takeshi replied, "then yes."

"Takeshi, you don't even know if you're Force Sensitive yet!" Jordan said, "What's the point of having them if you can't use them?"

"Guys, that headache I had a few minutes ago wasn't an ordinary headache," Takeshi replied. "When that headache faded, it left new information in my mind that wasn't there before. That included knowledge on how to build Lightsabers, and how to use them as well. I'm not sure where this information came from yet, but I am going to make use of it."

Jordan looked at Takeshi in surprise before he sighed. "Well, at least I'm not the only one who has weird shit happening to him," he said, surprising Takeshi. "When I first arrived here, I started having Force Visions in my dreams, with Revan in them. He told me that with us here now, things are gonna be changing in the galaxy, and more recently he told me that me, Tom, and D.J. were Force Sensitive."

Takeshi stared for a moment, before replying. "Interesting," he said. "Very interesting indeed. You get Force Visions from Revan, while I get information downloads." He then paused for a minute, a thoughtful expression on his face, before continuing, "And now that I think about it, it's almost like the information I received is... familiar... almost as if it's something I've done before, but forgotten about until just now."

"I had a similar thing with Revan in one of my Force Dreams," Jordan said, "But that was just because he gave me the knowledge on the basic methods of force use, he also gave me some tips on to how to make my own Lightsaber, but I've never really attempted to make one, since I've had bigger concerns." He then looked at Takeshi. "But... you've never met Revan before hand, right? So how do you know stuff like that?"

"I... I don't know," Takeshi replied. "The information is so familiar, but I never did anything like this back home. It's almost as if I got the information from a past... life..." he trailed off, his eyes widening again as he realized the implications of what he was saying.

"What is it?" D.J. asked. "Takeshi, what's wrong?"

"What I was just saying," Takeshi replied. "About how it's almost like the information I got came from a past life. Suppose it actually did come from a past life. If that's the case, do you realize what that means?"

They were silent for a moment, before the pieces came together and their eyes widened as well. "Wait... are you trying to say you're some... reincarnation of a Jedi?" Jordan asked. "How the hell could that be possible? You were born in our world!"

"I have absolutely no idea!" Takeshi replied. "Still, it's the only possibility that even remotely makes sense right now. The only question is, who am I a reincarnation of?"

D.J. sighed. "You're asking the wrong people here, Taka," he said. "Even we're busy trying to figure out this whole situation we're in," he then paused for a moment. "The only way we could find out, I guess, is if we somehow gained access to the Jedi Archives, we could find out there. But that brings up the question: How the hell are we supposed to get into the Archives?"

"No clue," Takeshi replied. "That's something we're going to have to figure out later on. And who knows, I might even gain additional memories that will help answer the question of who I was." He then grinned as he continued, "For now, though, we should focus on what we can deal with now. So, do you think you could get me those supplies I asked for, so I can build my Lightsabers?"

"Well, most of the Materials you need can be found either here in the Armory, or elsewhere on the ship," Jordan answered. "But a Focus Crystal? That may be a problem. We'll need to find a Crystal Cave like the one on Ilum or Dantooine to have any chance of finding one." He then paused for a moment and smiled. "However," he continued, "before we left Dantooine, I decided to set down a little beacon in an area where I believe the Crystal Cave could be found. Once we're done here with Tridenius, we can go back there and see if we can find you a Crystal."

"That works," Takeshi replied. "I guess I can use a pair of Vibroswords in the meantime." Finding a pair of Vibroswords in the armory, he strapped them to his back in an x-pattern, as well as grabbing a Blaster Pistol and holstering it to his side. He then smiled at Jordan and said, "Now, let's find Lloyd-I have a Mobile Suit to design!"

Jordan chuckled a bit. "Why do I have the feeling I know exactly what Mobile Suit you're gonna design?" he asked, as Takeshi also laughed a bit before the three moved to leave the Armory.


In the mess hall



Dennis sat across at the table as Blair and Hinode were eating. They were talking about various things as they ate. For Dennis it was a good sight seeing them being good friends so fast. Blair was two years older than Hinode and a couple of inches taller. They were so close that they slept on the same bed. When Dennis went to wake them up for breakfast he saw the Blair was using Hinode's foxy tail as a pillow and Hinode kept on giggling in her sleep because of Blair. He couldn't help but smile at that memory. But he then frowned as he thought of the camps.

'Just what the hell is Project Titan and why is Hinode so important to them? That woman better not betray us or I swear to god I am going to make her wish she died' Dennis thought.

He saw the girls finish their meals and they had pleased looks.

"Well it's good to see you girls enjoyed it." The girls smiled and nodded. "So, Blair, how are you taking this space thing?" Dennis said. "Well, it's weird but at the same time it's not that different from being planetside. But as long as I have you with me I am happy." Blair said happily.

Dennis smiled. "Thanks kitty." Before Blair replied back Dennis' communicator went off. After a few moments Dennis put away the com. "Something wrong Onii-chan?" Blair asked.

"I don't know but Jordan said I could bring you girls with. He wanted to show me something. Put away your trays and we can go."

"Okay" both girls said in union and left to to put away the trays. "Man those two could be twins if they didn't look different" Dennis said with a smile. The girls came back and, along with Dennis, started walking toward their destination.

A few minutes later

Dennis and the girls were walking in the hall. As the girls were talking Dennis' mind was elsewhere.

'What is Project Titan?' he thought, 'Come to think of it, when I saw the pile of bodies they didn't really look like they were abused by slave means. Yet some of them, despite the rotting, looked fine. Mmm... Tsunade said that Danzo injected Hinode and did a lot of experiments on her. Should I ask? I'd rather not bring back bad memories for the girl, but even a small clue might help.' he then sighed 'Fuck it.'

"Hey Hinode?" Dennis said.

The Huli girl turned around. "Mmm? What's wrong, Onii-chan?" Hinode said

Before Dennis could say anything the door to the armory opened. Hinode quickly rushed in when she saw Jordan. "Tou-san!" She said as Jordan grabbed her in the air making her giggle.

'Mmm maybe next time,' Dennis thought.

"Hey Hinode-chan!" Jordan said, "You've been good for Uncle Dennis?" Dennis was still in thought as Hinode giggled more "Yes, he's really nice!" she said.

There was a chuckle from within the room as a 26-year old man wearing a black short-sleeve polo shirt and black pants, with short brown hair, a brown moustache, and violet eyes walked to Jordan's side. "Tou-san?" he asked in humor. "You didn't tell me you'd become a father as well, Jordan."

Jordan grinned a bit sheepishly. "Well, it sorta happened pretty fast, Takeshi," he said. "Hinode-chan here was one of Danzo's little 'experiments' among dozens of other children we found in his abandoned base when he ran. I don't want to go into details about what we saw down there... but long story short, since Hinode-chan here didn't have any family, I adopted her. Didn't expect her to call me Father but... can't say I don't like it."

Takeshi laughed at this. "Makes sense. Now all you need is a girlfriend/wife and you'll have a full family!" He then took on a thoughtful expression as he put a hand under his chin. "Always wanted to try my hand at playing matchmaker..."

Jordan blushed a bit, but half glared at him. "Don't even try, Takeshi..." he muttered. "Anyways, this here is Dennis Nieves-Diaz, I told you about him a few times before. Dennis, this here is Takeshi Yamato."

Takeshi nodded, then extended his hand to Dennis. "Nice to meet you, Dennis. I look forward to kicking some serious Death Watch Butt alongside you, as well as taking on anyone else who ends up as our enemy."

Dennis smiled a bit as he shook the offered hand. "Nice to meet you, too, Takeshi," he said.

Jordan smiled a bit, seeing the two getting along great before his Commlink went off. He picked it up and answered it. "Jordan here," he said.

"Jordan, it's Jaster," the Mand'alor's voice said. "Once you're done, get Tom and head to the hangar. I got word from Tsunade that she's about to leave for the Tridenius Council in the Land of Iron. We'll meet with her on the way, and we will introduce ourselves to the other leaders of Tridenius."

Jordan nodded. "Understood sir, we'll be there ASAP," he said as he put the Comm away and turned to the others. "Alright guys, we gotta get to the hangar and find Tom. We're heading out to meet the Tridenius Council."

"Well, let's go, then!" Takeshi replied, and they set off to find Tom and then go to meet the Tridenius Council.


Everyone turned around to see Rico by the door.

"What's wrong Rico?" Dennis said

"I got something you will like, Dennis," Rico said as he showed a big rifle with a three barrel design.

Dennis' jaw dropped when he recognized the weapon

"You finished building the Pulse Rifle!?" Dennis said in shock.

"Yep! It has all the variant alternate fire modes you mentioned and can tear limbs off even if they are wearing Baskar armor."

Rico gave Dennis the rifle and Dennis stared at it as if it was a gift from a god. Jordan then snapped his fingers in front of Dennis' face which brought him back to reality.

"Okay Dennis, can you explain to us a little?" Jordan said

"Certainly. As you know, Jordan, this is the assault rifle of the Dead Space series. Well, there are three different pulse rifles with their own unique alternative fire modes. This is all three of them combined. The primary fire is full auto of course but the alternate fire modes are very destructive. One is shotgun mode, the second is a grenade fire, and the last one is 360 degree fire from the sides which will tear apart any hostile crowd around you." Dennis said.

Everyone but Rico and Dennis was in shock.

"That's...a lot of damage for a rifle." Tom said.

"Well, here are the buttons to activate which mode you want and here is the ammo."

"Thanks Rico."

"No problem. After I'm done with Tom's armor yours will be next."

"Awesome. Just let me know when you start so I can help."

"Can we finally go now?"Jordan asked.

"Yeah, just let me drop the girls off at Sergeant Zala's place."

Five minutes later and in the hallway.

"Well, girls, here we are," Dennis said as they stopped in front of a door.

The girls looked sad, and Dennis noticed it. He knelt down toward them and saw some tears.

"Look, I know what you girls are thinking, and don't worry, we'll come back."

"Onii-chan!" both girls said in union and hugged Dennis with both crying.

"Please, Dennis-kun, be careful," Blair said.

"Watch Tou-san," Hinode said.

"Don't worry, we will, girls. Now be good girls while we are out, okay?."

The girls nodded and entered the room. Dennis smiled one more time before the door closed. He started walking towards the hangar and pulled out his new rifle. A sadistic grin grew on his face

"One more step into destroying the Death Watch."



Konoha, Uchiha District


After leaving the Adenn Naast and heading back to Konoha, the True Mandalorian's were now waiting for Tsunade and the others to arrive to their ships so they can take them to the Land of Iron.

Tom was using the time waiting to see Mikoto, after the battle in the Council Chambers a week ago, Tom and Mikoto had gotten to know each other better, and Tom would like to say they were good friends. It was a strange relationship the two had, they would regularly flirt and tease each other neither of them acting on it, but it was quite obvious to their friends that it had left them... frustrated.

Yawning, Tom brought his free hand up to scratch his scalp, his other hand holding the helmet to the MJOLNIR armor he was wearing, it had taken a while and a lot of pain, but him, Rico and Imca had finally managed to get the armor up to the Halo standard even managing a couple of changes, the shield system used a more conventional galactic standard and Rico had rated it at a tank level. He also had managed to get his hands on some repulsor tech and reduced it size enough so that it could be fitted onto the armor acting much like a jetpack.

'Gonna need to work on the efficiency of the repulsor in addition to reducing the size more,' He noted mentally 'Especially if I want to do that to it.' His low chuckle caused a couple of the Uchiha's look at him oddly before moving on their way. While at first when he had started to visit the Uchiha Clan District many had just stared at first even glaring sometimes, he had worked his charm with women, it was something he never really means to do but he always manages to flatter any and every woman he meets in a couple of words while treating them kindly, he just sums it up to living with his mother and two sisters, all of whom nearly beat it into his head to treat women respectfully.

And once they realized that their wives liked the foreigner, the men quickly changed their attitude towards the slightly insane mad scientist (his own words) in order to avoid the wrath of their wives, smart men.

Tom knocked on the door to the main Uchiha household and waited patiently for the door to be opened. He heard a muffled voices from the other side of the door followed by the scuffle of footsteps and the door opened to reveal the taciturn Itachi who blinked at the sight of Tom "Oh, Tom-san, are you here to see Okaa-san?" He asked as he looked Tom over.

"Hey Itachi," Tom greeted with a calm grin, he rather liked the quiet Uchiha who looked out for his family above anything else, however Tom's eyes narrowed as he spotted something on Itachi's jaw underneath his ear. He reached out and grabbed Itachi's chin surprising the boy as he moved his head to get a clearer look being sure to regulate his strength so that the MJOLNIR didn't crush the boy "What happened?" Tom asked spotting a darkening bruise forming under Itachi's ear "And don't say it was from training, I may be a lot of things but I'm smart enough to know that you don't get hit Itachi, unless you want to."

Itachi ducked his eyes away from Tom further compounding his suspicions, he brought the boy closer and lowered his voice "Itachi, trust me," He whispered "I ain't here to hurt you or yours, trust me."

Itachi looked around carefully "It's my father," He whispered back swallowing tightly "He's trying to get us 'in line' as he calls it to prevent us from going against him," Itachi looked back into the suspiciously quiet house "I... I'm trying to get him to focus only on me... but... I fear that's just making things worse..."

Tom's eyes narrowed as a fire started to build in his eyes "Where," He asked coldly stepping into the house and putting on his helmet "Where is the bastard Itachi, and don't you dare try and protect him, you doing that will only empower him."

"To the right," Itachi answered, looking surprised by the Canadian's tone of voice "Last room in the hallway." Tom nodded as he moved to follow Itachi directions before a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "You care for Okaa-san don't you, Tom-san?"

Tom stopped and looked over his shoulder staring at Itachi from behind his visor "She's a good woman," He answered, "And if that bastard placed even a finger on her with the intent to cause pain, he's going to find out what the inside of his ass looks like."

Gently shaking off Itachi's hand Tom stalked through the hallways and came upon the room he was directed to and heard a low thud of flesh meeting flesh with a feminine cry of pain. The fire in his eyes blazed as he lifted his foot and slammed it into the door sending it flying to the opposite door as all movement in the room froze. Fugaku stood over a cowering Mikoto as she did her best to cover an unconscious looking Sasuke, the two of them looked up at Tom, one looking in anger, the other hope.

"Who are you-" Fugaku started only to be cut off as Tom blurred into motion the MJOLNIR enhancing his already enhanced speed through the nano-machines, only the fact that Fugaku had his sharingan active saved the man as he leapt out of the way from the shoulder check that instead shattered the wall he was standing before "Who the hell are you!"

"Someone who hates abusers," Tom growled angrily making Mikoto blink as she recognized his voice "Let's see how you like it teme."

Tom burst into motion again with a punch that Fugaku dodged, his sharingan spinning as he read the movements of the armor-clad figure who followed it up with a heavy kick that grazed Fugaku's thigh making him grimace in slight pain. "I am the clan head of the most powerful clan in Konoha, it doesn't matter what I do, everyone will bow to me when I'm finished with this village!" Fugaku bragged throwing a kunai at one of the seemingly non-armored sections of the suit only for it to bounce harmlessly off of a shimmering blue field that sprang up around him.

Tom narrowed his eyes at Fugaku "Most powerful? Please, all I see is a pathetic excuse of a man who gets his jollies beating his wife and kids," Tom mocked, getting a snarl from the man "Let's see how you face against a guy willing to throw punches back!"

Tom charged again emptying his mind and clearing his thoughts moving his body to his instinct. He faked going for a punch that Fugaku moved to dodge only for the arm that was in the middle of extending to fall to the ground as a base for a spin kick that caught Fugaku's waist causing all of the air to expel from his lungs as he was sent hurtling back from the blow through a wall and was closely followed by Tom who grabbed Fugaku's arm and used the full force of his own strength amplified by the MJOLNIR armor to repeatedly slam the man into the ground actual craters forming from where the Uchiha hit the ground before tossing him into the air and mule kicked him through another wall and out of the house.

The clan had started gathering hearing the sounds of a fight echoing throughout the main household and were understandably surprised to see their clan leader hurtling out of the walls of the house into one of the walls that separated the district from the rest of the village and even more surprised to see the stranger that had befriended Mikoto step out of the hole in the wall that Fugaku's body created.

Tom stopped as a few members of the Uchiha Police Force stepped between him and Fugaku "I've no quarrel with you," Tom growled out before pointing to Fugaku "Only with that family beater, do not get in my way."

Fugaku coughed and groaned as he came out of his temporary blackout to see the crowd around him "Stop him, he is an assassin sent by the mandalorians!" Fugaku shouted in an attempt to use this to his advantage.

The crowd started to prep for combat only to freeze as they spotted Mikoto and Itachi appear behind Tom "Don't listen to him," Mikoto shouted. "Fugaku has been working with the traitor Danzo! He wants to usurp the Hokage and take control of the village!"

The Uchiha began to murmur as the members of the police force began to pale "The Uchiha deserve to be in power!" Fugaku shouted angrily "We are the most powerful, we can control the Bijuu!"

"You are just a pathetic man who get's his jollies off of beating his family," Tom repeated, pushing the unresisting police force members out of his way. "I am Thomas Bernard Johnston of the True Mandalorians. I may be insane, I may even be called a drunkard. BUT! I despise abusers to their own flesh and blood more than anything else! Hell I hate you more than I hate the Death Watch right now."

Fugaku snarled at the armored man before he inhaled as his hands flew into a series of seals. "Katon: Shi no Hono! (Fire Release: Flames of Death)" He shouted, unleashing a torrent of white hot flames towards the Mandalorian and even his own clan members, the shinobi reacted by grabbing onto any of the non-trained members of the clan and kawarimi-ing out of the way. Tom snarled as he quickly accessed the subroutines of his armor and activated the 'Armor Lock' routine before slamming his fist into the ground as a blue aura surrounded him before the flames hit.

"Tom-kun!" Mikoto shouted in fear as the flames surrounded the man she had some to care for more than a married woman should.

Fugaku laughed wildly as the flames surrounded the man "That'll show you bastards the true power of the Uchiha-"

(Start Playing 'Iron Man' By Ozzy Right about now)

Fugaku's posturing was cut off as instead of the melted charred remains he was expecting, Tom was covered by a solid blue shield, the ground he was standing on was untouched while the rest of the ground had actually melted from the flames of the justu. The shield disappeared as Tom stood up to the full seven feet of height granted to him by the armor and looked straight at Fugaku. "That all?" Tom asked looking around, his armor systems telling him the status of the surrounding area. "I guess the power of the Clan Head is all bark no bite. Let me show you how a Canadian does things."

In his shock Fugaku couldn't react as Tom charged forward football-tackling the Uchiha into the wall making him cough out blood from the force of the blow. But Tom didn't stop there as he started hammering his right first repeatedly into Fugaku's kidney with the full force of his strength, stopping when he actually saw blood on his gauntlet. He grabbed Fugaku's throat and lifted the barely conscious man up to eye level. "You are a sad, pathetic man, Fugaku Uchiha," Tom growled to the man. "And to be honest, it's people like you who give the entire clan a bad name, I actually like the Uchiha Clan in general, I don't even mind your spinning eyes, if used properly. But guys like you just piss me and everyone else off, you say you're making the clan strong isolating them, I say you're making the clan weaker than ever. So Fugaku Uchiha, I say this to you. You do not deserve the eyes of your clan, I will remove them." Fugaku's eyes snapped open in fear as Tom raised his hand and plunged it into Fugaku's right eye socket and ripped his eye out making the man scream in pain, his voice going hoarse from just the first eye. Tom placed the first eye into a storage compartment in the armor and repeated the process with the second eye. The Uchiha's who were watching started to blanch and look away in fear and disgust.

Itachi forced himself to watch as his father wept tears of blood knowing the reason behind why Tom was doing this, he was showing them all the true face of Fugaku, the true cowardice of the man who was begging between his screams. So Itachi forced himself to watch and see his father's true face.

"Fugaku Uchiha, you have abused the tongue that Kami has granted upon you to lie to your family, to lie to your comrades, I shall take away that gift." Tom growled, thankful for the helmet he was wearing, it blocked them from seeing the fact that he himself was on the verge of vomiting in disgust from his own actions, but he soldiered on as he pried open Fugaku's mouth, grabbed his tongue, and, utilizing the strength of the MJOLNIR, he ripped the tongue clean from Fugaku's mouth and tossed it onto the ground. Taking a deep breath he steeled himself as he spoke once more "Finally, Fugaku Uchiha, you have abuse the gift of life Kami bestowed upon you, you have used your life to harm and abuse others for your own benefit, you have chosen to squander your life and ruin the lives of others for your petty ambitions of glory. I now take that gift and pass it onto the Shinigami."

Tom rose his hand and formed it into a knife point. "Goodbye, Fugaku Uchiha, you will not be missed." Tom stated as he plunged his hand forward into Fugaku's forehead, crushing the skull and piercing the brain, giving the man a merciful, quick death. Withdrawing his hand, he shook the brain matter off of it and allowed the corpse to drop onto the ground and turned away toward Mikoto and Itachi. "I'm sorry," He whispered to them before he turned to leave only to be stopped as Mikoto grabbed his shoulder.

"Stay," She whispered. "Please?"

Tom blinked as he looked at Mikoto's desperate eyes before shifting over to Itachi who nodded in agreement with his mother. His eyes swept over the Uchiha crowd who all either looked at him with respect or stared in disgust at the corpse of Fugaku. "If that is what you wish," Tom agreed finally, a smile creeping onto his lips as he allowed Mikoto to pull him into the house, closely followed by Itachi as the rest of the Uchiha started to clean up the mess, burning Fugaku's corpse and allowing the ashes to be swept away by the wind.



En-Route to the Land of Iron


The two freighters were flying over the forests of the Land of Fire, steadily heading towards the Land of Iron where the Tridenius Council would convene.

After the little 'incident' that happened with Tom and the Uchiha Compound, a lot of the Civilian Council, namely Abi Haruno, were demanding for Tom's head. However Tsunade, the Shinobi Half of the Council, and even the majority of the Uchiha Clan quickly protested that idea, and after Mikoto, Sasuke, and Itachi told the truth of what the former Uchiha Clan leader was doing, any charges against Tom that were made, were dropped.

Almost immediately afterwards, the Uchiha's respect for Tom, and the True Mandalorians in General, actually escalated quite a bit, especially for Itachi, Sasuke, and Mikoto.

Speaking of Mikoto, with Fugaku now dead, she had taken the role of temporary clan head, until someone else could take the role. Mikoto said she has an idea as to who it would be, but whenever asked, she would just say that it was a secret. And the way she said it always reminded Takeshi of a certain Trickster Priest from an Anime he watched back on Earth.

On the Normandy, Jordan and Matthew piloted the ship forward along side the Wolf's Dawn, also in the Cockpit were Minato and Kushina. "So, what should we expect from the Tridenius Council?" Jordan asked. "Is it like the Konoha Council?"

"Similar, but no," Kushina said. "The Tridenius Council has no civilian half, it's made up of all of the leaders of the different nations of Tridenius. The Elemental Nations, the Zodiac Alliance, the Principality of Gallia, the Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance, the Europan Federation, the Britannian Empire, the Zhongguo Federation, and Amestris to name a few."

Jordan quickly recognized the names of several of the nations, the Zodiac Alliance most likely being related to ZAFT from Gundam SEED, Amestris being the same nation which played the setting of the Fullmetal Alchemist series, the Britannian Empire from Code Geass, while the Principality of Gallia, Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance, and the Europan Federation were from the Valkyria Chronicles game.

'Well, shit...' Jordan thought, 'So there's a good chance Charles is here... Does this mean we gotta deal with Blue Cosmos, LOGOS, the Homunculi, or Maximilian as well? God I hope not...'

"There are also the Kage's of each of the Elemental Nations who have Shinobi Forces." Minato said. "All of us together, we create the Tridenius Council. Meetings such as these were usually held at Uzushio, which was the capital of all of the Tridenius Nations, but when Uzushio fell, the Land of Iron became our new temporary capital until Uzushio is liberated. It's heavily defended, and even the Death Watch would think twice before attacking."

"Just how heavily defended are we talking about, here?" Takeshi asked as he walked into the cockpit. He'd been introduced to the Shinobi as a fresh recruit who had recently arrived, and was assigned to Jordan's team for field experience, while Jordan had privately filled Matthew in on some of the more... 'sensitive' details.

"It's guarded by some of the best Shinobi, Samurai, and Soldiers on the planet," Kushina answered, "Not to mention that since we still hold the home field advantage, we know the land much better than the Death Watch or their allies do. Anyone who's tried to take the land of Iron are almost instantly caught in ambushes we've set up in the past few years. Other than that, I can't say."

"We've messaged them ahead about the True Mandalorians," Minato continued. "Though they're a bit reluctant, they'll hear you and Jaster out. So you won't have to worry about anyone attacking you just because your armor looks similar to what the Death Watch wears."

"That's good to hear," Takeshi remarked. "I only just got fitted for this armor, and I don't want to get it scratched because of a misunderstanding."

Indeed, Takeshi had traded his clothes from Earth for a set of armor that looked just like the Bounty Hunter's Legacy Level 20 Armor from SWTOR. It was so new that it hadn't even been painted yet, but Takeshi was hoping to eventually get it painted a dark blue, with a black chestpiece and black trim on the rest of the armor.

"Don't worry, unless any of the more... fanatical members of the council try anything, which I doubt, you'll all be fine." Kushina said with a smile.

The two ships continued through the skies, eventually the terrain began to change from green forests and planes, to snow capped mountains, as snow began to fall around them. The two ships continued until through the clouds, they could see three large mountains up ahead. The 'Three Wolves Mountains' were what they were called, where the capital of the land of Iron and the Tridenius Council was located.

The Normandy's sensors began going off, and Jordan looked to see a wing of CX-133 Chaos Fighters on approach.

"This is the 9th Phalanx Fighter Wing to incoming shuttles," a voice said on the comm. "We have you in visual range, please state your purpose."

Tsunade, who was on the Wolf's Dawn,quickly replied. "This is Tsunade Senju of the Land of Fire," she said on the comm. "Code Gamma, Gamma, Alpha, three-two-zero."

There was a short pause. "Code accepted, ma'am," the pilot replied. "You're cleared for landing at the Hi no Kuni Embassy. We shall escort your ships in."

"Roger that Phalanx, thank you," Tsunade said as the comm's turned off.

"I have a hunch that that was the easy part," Takeshi remarked.

"Don't worry, Tsunade knows all of the needed codes," Minato said. "We won't run into any trouble on the way to the Hi no Kuni embassy, so try to relax a bit."

"I'll try," Takeshi replied. "It's just that I've got a bad feeling about the upcoming meeting for some strange reason."

'Or maybe not so strange,' he thought to himself. 'If my theory that I'm a reincarnated Jedi is right, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, then the Force is warning me that something's going to happen at the meeting.'

'The question is... what is it that's going to happen?'

Takeshi was not the only one thinking this, as Jordan piloted the Normandy he had a feeling in the back of his mind that he should keep his eyes open during the meeting. 'Probably gonna go out in my armor for this mission,' he thought to himself. 'But I'll leave my heavy gear behind, I'll just bring my DC-17's.'

"Why am I uneasy? We're going to a safe place! …Then again, we thought that of Konoha, and we got lucky," Dennis thought as he sat on one of the Normandy's chairs, inspecting his new rifle.

In the Wolf's Dawn, D.J. also had the bad feeling, and so he strapped on the Super Commando Armor he 'liberated' from the Death Watch, which was the same one he took from the prison camp and repainted it in his signature colors. For weapons, he had his trusty Jedi Katana, and instead of his S-5 blaster pistol, he opted for a DL-44 blaster, the same type used by Han Solo. The final touch was his helmet, which had the HUD modified in similar fashion to that of the MJOLNIR MK. IV.

After passing a few more codes sent their way, the two ships finally landed in the Hi no Kuni embassy, landing side by side. The occupants of the ships disembarked, and left the ships. Outside they were soon greeted by four guards, and a Neko Woman who had shoulder-length aqua-colored hair and lime-green-colored eyes, and wearing a kimono uniform.

The Neko woman smiled as she approached Tsunade. "Tsunade-sama, it's good to see you made it," she said, and Tsunade smiled and nodded.

"Good to see you made it here, too, Mizune," she said. "Is everything alright here?"

Mizune nodded a bit. "Yes, most of the other ambassadors and leaders have already arrived," she said. "The meeting itself is scheduled to begin tomorrow." She then sighed, which made Tsunade concerned.

"What is it?" she asked, and saw the signs of a scowl appear on the younger woman's face.

"It's the Hardliners," she said. "They're at it again, they keep on protesting about getting any help from the True Mandalorians, despite everything they've done. They still think we can win this war without their help. And of course, the Chairman's advisors are leading the protests."

Tsunade sighed and shook her head. "How Gilbert deals with them, I'll never know," she muttered before turning to Jaster. "I'd be careful if you or your people head out into the city," she said. "No telling what the Hardliners will do if they see you."

"I think we can handle a few Hardliners, ma'am," Jordan said. "Besides, if we stayed in here at the Embassy, that would make us look weak in the eyes of the Hardliners."

Tom snorted as he shook his head. "Honestly, you'd think that they'd be smart enough to know we want to help them," he said with a slight trace of humor in his voice. "I guess no matter where you go, most politicians are moronic idiots."

"This is why I hate politics. So are we going to stay here in this cold all day or we going inside? I am not a Canadian like Tom who can stand this. If it was something like Tatooine I'd be in my element." Dennis said as he held his rifle, looking at the surroundings.

Tom glared at the Puerto Rican for that. "Hey, I resent that remark," he said.

Dennis just smirked. "Well think of it as a compliment. But personally, I envy your cold resistance," Dennis said.

"Um, is this common?" Mizune asked.

"Only when we are in a cold place or a warm place," Jordan said and sighed after that. "Anyways, I'm going out for a bit, check out this place. We've got the whole day for ourselves. Anyone wanna come with?"

"I'll go," Dennis said with a shrug. "Don't see why not."

"Sure, I'll go," Takeshi said. "Might as well take this opportunity to meet the locals, and maybe some of the residents from other nations."

D.J. also nodded. "I'll go, too," he said. "But if any Hardliner gives me any trouble, I'll slice off one of their limbs."

Tom shrugged. "Eh, I guess I'll go too," he said. "Getting bored already."

"Might as well go too," Matthew said. "Might find something and bring it back to Kelsey and Todd."

"We might want to stay in groups, though," Takeshi remarked. "The Hardliners would probably be less likely to try and cause trouble if they see a group of us than they would be if we walked around separately, and if they do cause trouble, we can deal with it more efficiently as part of a group."

"I agree," Jordan said with a nod. "And if they do pick a fight with us... sucks to be them!"



Land of Iron


Not long afterwards, Jordan, Matthew, D.J, Dennis, Takeshi, Tom, Arla, Burianna, Daniel, and Anko were going through the streets of the Land of Iron City. Jordan and the Earthlings were quick to discover that the city was much different than its Naruto Anime counterpart. Several parts of the city, namely where Civilians remained, were environmentally protected from the cold outside in Environmental Areas, which simulated calm and temperate areas and allowed for more comfortable living. And thanks to holographic tech, the skies in these areas looked blue and sunny, a contrast to what it really was.

The group were walking through the market district of the city, none of them were wearing their armor helmets, deciding it was better that way so as not to intimidate the locals. However, they still caught a few stares sent their way. Most of them were just curious stares, but they caught a few glares here and there-Hardliners, no doubt However, they simply ignored them, unless they made a move against them.

"Well, at least the majority of this place isn't too hostile," Daniel said sarcastically. "I had worse looks back in Afghanistan,"

"Yeah," D.J. said, looking around. "At least these guys are a lot more tolerable. Those advisors sound like a pair of idiots though."

Jordan chuckled a bit. "Same here!" he said as he and the others turned a corner. "At least on the bright side- Ooff!"

Jordan suddenly bumped into someone, causing him to back up, and for him to hear a feminine 'eep' followed by the sound of someone falling to the ground.

"Sorry about that!" Jordan said to whoever he ran into.

"N-No, it was my fault," said a soft voice that had Jordan's eyes widen in recognition.

'Wait a second...that voice!' he thought and looked at just who he ran into.

Lying on the ground, was a Huli woman who looked about 18 years old, and had long flowing light pink hair, and Pale Cerulean eyes. Seeing her face, Jordan almost instantly recognized her as one of his favorite anime characters to have ever been created.

Lacus Clyne.

Quickly getting control of himself, forcing himself not to go crazy seeing her, he offered her a hand, which she accepted as he helped pull her up to her feet. "You alright?" Jordan asked the Gundam SEED Pop idol.

Takeshi was also surprised to see Lacus, but instead of going over to check on her, he kept looking around the area. Because wherever Lacus went...

"Haro!" a mechanical voice sounded, and Takeshi felt something hit his head. A pink ball fell down, and Takeshi caught it, and saw an all-too-familiar pink mechanical ball.

...Lacus' favorite Haro, Mr. Pink.

Takeshi resisted the urge to punt the thing into the next Environmental Area. That wouldn't be polite to Lacus. And yeah, he did kinda think Haros were cute, but he honestly preferred Celestial Being's Haros from Gundam 00.

"Pink-chan, there you are!" Lacus said, as the Haro jumped back towards Lacus. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"Sorry, sorry," the Haro said, flapping its 'ears'.

Lacus sighed as she looked at Jordan. "I'm fine, sorry about that," she said. "I was looking for Haro here, and... well I sorta got separated from my friends."

Jordan smiled. "It's alright," he said. "again, sorry for bumping into you... umm.."

"Oh! Right," Lacus said. "My name is Lacus, Lacus Clyne. May I ask what your name is?"

"Certainly," Jordan said. "My name's Jordan Tackett." He then pointed to Matthew. "And that's my brother, Matthew."

"My name's Takeshi," Takeshi added, deciding to refrain from mentioning his last name, because he was pretty sure that one of her friends also had the last name of Yamato-and he was surreptitiously keeping an eye out for that very same friend. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Clyne."

"Nice to meet you Miss Clyne, my name is Dennis Nieves-Diaz," Dennis said with a smile.

"Neeves-Diaz?" Clyne said in confusion.

Dennis sighed as once again someone pronounced one of his last names wrong. "It's Nieves-Diaz, N-i-e-v-e-s Diaz," he said. "Why does everyone get that wrong?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Lacus said, but Dennis waved it off. "Nah, its alright, everyone gets it wrong the first time, I guess," he said.

D.J. then introduced himself to the Pink Princess. "Name's Drew Joseph Cobb, but you can call me D.J. for short," he said and pointed his thumb at Daniel and Anko. "And this guy here is my older brother Daniel and his girlfriend Anko Mitarashi."

"Tom Johnston, pleasure to meet you ma'am," Tom said, with a grin.

"Arla Fett," Arla said, smiling. "Nice to meet you,"

Burianna stared at Lacus with wide eyes for a few moments, before she spoke. "B-Burianna Beru," she said, "N-Nice to meet you, Miss Clyne!"

"You alright, Burianna?" Jordan asked, wondering why his friend was stuttering a bit.

Burianna shook her head. "I-I'm fine!" She said, however in her mind she was thinking: 'Holy Kami, holy Kami it's Lacus Clyne! Lacus freaking Clyne! Burianna, whatever you do, don't faint or demand for an autograph!'

Takeshi, however, had read countless Gundam SEED Fanfics where at least one of the OCs was a rabid fangirl of Lacus', and could spot the signs no matter how hard Buriana was trying to suppress them. 'Geez,' he thought. 'Rabid Fangirls are the same everywhere.'

Lacus smiled. "It's nice to meet you all," she said, before she took in what they were wearing. "Oh! Are you from the True Mandalorians?"

Jordan nodded. "Yeah, we are," he said. "We came here with the Hokage to participate with the Council, to assure them that we're not here to fight them, but rather the Death Watch."

"I see," Lacus said. "I wish you luck on that, my Father believes that an alliance with your people may be the advantage we need in the war against the Death Watch."

"We hope so, too," Jordan said. "We've seen what the Death Watch have done here on this planet, and we intend to put a stop to it. Anyways, you need any help finding your friends?"

Once again, Lacus gave her famous peaceful smile. "No, usually they find me," she said, as she looked up into the sky.

Jordan looked up as well, and he thought he saw something flying and getting closer to them. 'Wait... is that...?' he thought, and his eyes widened as it got closer...


Arla blinked as something landed on her head, then found that peeking down from her hair was a small green and yellow robotic bird, which looked at her curiously. "Birdy?" The robot bird chirped again.

"The hell?" Arla asked, and Lacus giggled. "That's Birdy," she said. "He belongs to one of my friends!"

Takeshi's eyes widened a bit upon seeing the little robot bird, and then he started scanning the crowds around them, because wherever Birdy was...

"There you are, Lacus!"

...Kira Yamato was never far behind.

The group turned around, and to Jordan, D.J., and Tom's surprise, were none other than a Huli Kira Yamato, a Neko Athrun Zala, and a Neko Cagalli Yula Attha, running towards them.

"Kira! Athrun! Cagalli!" Lacus shouted out, waving her hand. "There you three are!"

"Lacus, you shouldn't run off like that," Athrun said, panting from running. "We've been looking all over for you!"

"Sorry," Lacus said. "But I had to find Pink-chan, she just ran away on me!"

"Sorry, Sorry!" The Pink Haro repeated, hopping on and off Lacus's shoulder.

Takeshi was shocked at seeing all four of his favorite SEED characters together in person. He wasn't quite a rabid fanboy, but Kira was one of his favorite Gundam Pilots-it was part of the reason he'd picked Yamato as the last name of his Internet Alias, which had become his actual name here in the Star Wars Universe. He liked Lacus because, well, she and Kira just looked perfect together, and Athrun and Cagalli were good pilots in their own right. The connections they shared with Kira were just bonuses.

Kira sighed. "Just try to be more careful, alright?" he asked, before he finally noticed the others with her. "Who are they?"

"Oh, they're some people I just ran into a minute ago," Lacus said. "They're from the True Mandalorians!"

Kira and the others blinked in surprise as they looked at the Mandalorians. "So you're the guys everyone's been talking about?" Athrun asked, as he observed the individuals before them.

Jordan nodded at that. "Yeah, that's us. Name's Jordan by the way, and this my bro, Matthew," he said, as he and the others once again introduced themselves.

"Nice to meet you," Cagalli said. "Nice to know we're not the only ones fighting the Death Watch, I've heard you've been causing a lot of trouble for them ever since you arrived."

"Just doing our Job, ma'am," Jordan said with a shrug.

"And even though I'm fresh out of training and only arrived recently, I'll do my best to help out, as well," Takeshi added.

"As long as you fight the Death Watch and their allies, I say you're friends of ours," Athrun said with a smile. "My name's Athrun Zala."

"Cagalli Yula Attha," Cagalli said, with a smile of her own.

"Kira Yamato, great to meet you," Kira said.

Takeshi nodded to each of them, glad that he was keeping his last name hidden from them-revealing that he and Kira had the same last name would have caused unneeded questions.

"Nice to meet you all," he said. He then had a bit of an idea. "Out of curiosity, are any of you pilots?"

The four Tridenius Natives blinked at that.

"Yes, we are," Kira said. "Well, the three of us are, anyway."

"Well, Jordan here told me about a project that he was working on that will change the face of warfare as we know it, and apparently pilots will be the ones most affected by this change!" Takeshi replied, before thinking to himself, 'Let's see what they think about Mobile Suits, shall we?'

"What Project is that?" Athrun asked, a bit interested.

Jordan grinned as he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a datapad. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he said, "I present to you the new face of warfare for the Mandalorians, and Tridenius: The Mobile Suit."

He pressed a button, and three holographic images of a GiNN, CGUE and Patriot appeared, surprising the SEED Characters. "The heck are those?" Cagalli asked.

"The Mobile Suit is an 18 Meter tall mechanical machine, unlike a Droid, which are automated, these Mobile Suits require living pilots. Ten Prototypes have already been built, and tested. They are more maneuverable, versatile, and deadly than any unit used by the Death Watch or their allies."

The Images then showed the Mobile Suits during their test run from a week ago, against the Droid Fighters and each other. To say the others were shocked was an understatement as their eyes were wide seeing them in action.

"Amazing!" Kira said in awe. "They're just dominating the droids at every turn!"

Jordan smiled at that. "Yup! But unless we can get some proper facilities to build more of these, we're stuck with just ten. Some engineers up in asteroid base where what's left of you fleet resides think they can convert some of their Starfighter production lines to Mobile Suit Production lines, but even still, building these things are going to be difficult." Jordan sighed. "I'm hoping that after we finalize the alliance between us and Tridenius, we can share some of your own facilities to develop more at an increased pace, not to mention help us finish the designs of several other MS units we've got in the planning stages, like a few Land-Warfare types, aerial combat types and even aquatic combat types."

The three were surprised by this, and Kira decided to ask.

"Can you let us pilot these machines?" he asked.

Jordan smiled. "Of course," he said. "Lloyd called me earlier today and said that they managed to roll out a few GiNN's and Patriot's today... though if you're interested, I could use pilots for a new MS Project I'm working on, the G-Project." The Data Pad's image then switched to several other Mobile Suits, only they looked similar to the Patriots, only with different heads with two 'eyes' and a V-shaped Head Crest.

Takeshi mentally smiled. He recognized those machines, and knew that Kira, Athrun, and Cagalli would be good choices for them. He was also looking forward to meeting Lloyd himself, because he had his own Gundam to design.

"What is that?" Kira asked.

"It's what I hope to become the epitome of Mobile Suits," Jordan said, grinning. "These are GUNDAM's."

"Gun-dams?" Cagalli asked with a raised eyebrow. "What's that?"

"It's an acronym, for 'General Unilateral Neuro-link, Dispersive Automatic Maneuver, G-U-N-D-A-M.'" he said. "These are going to be the Prototypes for further advancing other Mobile Units, they will have the best weapons, armor and equipment in them. It's my intention that these Gundam's will become key to liberating your planet, and ending the Mandalorian Civil War."

"Despite the fact that the galaxy is so advanced, we still make weapons of war to wipe each other out," Dennis said sadly.

"You can be way too dark sometimes, Dennis," Jordan said with a shrug. "Mandalorians as a whole are no strangers to war, Dennis. Right now, all us True Mandalorians can do is provide weapons which will bring the war to a quicker end, possibly with less bloodshed."

"Yeah, you're right," Dennis said. "Might as well focus all of my bottled up hatred and anger on the Death Watch."

Jordan blinked. "Wait a minute," he said, a bit confused. "We've been friends since middle school and I don't think I ever seen you mad at all."

"Oh you have, don't you remember what I did to that soldier when we liberated that camp?" Dennis asked. "Gotta say I really enjoyed it doing it on bastards like him. I especially liked what D.J. did to that other soldier, taking away his armor."

D.J. smirked. "Bastard had it coming," he said.

"But seeing him in pain and his scream of agony was so pleasant. That's why I am going all out on Death Watch not just for that but they have to pay for what they've done to the people here." He then paused for a moment. "Wonder if Jaster will allow me to torture any captured Death Watch for interrogation."

The group stared at Dennis with concern, however Anko was just grinning and nodding her head in agreement. "Uhh... Dennis?" Jordan asked. "Are you... alright?"

"What? So I have a sadistic side, big deal!" Dennis said. "It's Death Watch, they deserve it for what they've done." Dennis's eyes narrowed at Jordan's. "Or are you all forgetting all the children we buried from their camps and Danzo's warehouse, and what that bastard did to Hinode?"

"I haven't," Jordan said, narrowing his eyes right back at him. "Hinode-chan is a living reminder of everything that Danzo and the Death Watch have done. I hate them, but I'm not stupid enough to believe all Death Watch are the same, Kovina is proof since she's given us a wealth of info on Death Watch operations when she defected, not to mention she helped us stop the bombing of Konoha."

"They may deserve it, Dennis," Takeshi said, "but you need to be careful. Where do you draw the line? I know you hate the Death Watch for all they've done, but if you resort to methods such as torture and take pleasure in their suffering, you'll end up becoming just like them. Do you really want that?"

Dennis sighed. "I don't know anymore, but I can't forgive them," he said, shaking his head. "If you were there, and you saw it with your own eyes, you might not think that." He then stared at Takeshi. "But I do believe this, the Death Watch has to be destroyed or else more planets will suffer what Tridenius had to endure... I am such a fucking hypocrite." Dennis said and started to laugh weakly.

The group stared at Dennis as he laughed more.

"Six months ago I hated war with a passion, yet here I am, in a war with a desire to kill my enemies."

"War does tend to change people," Athrun admitted with a nod. "We know that better than anyone."

However, before anyone else could say a word, another new voice shouted out, "Lacus! Why are you staying here, we've got work to do!"

The group turned and Dennis gasped at who he was. It was a Huli version of Dell Honne! He was wearing a lab coat with a dark shirt over it along with a dark grey tie. He had a cigarette on his mouth and was carrying a laptop. He wasn't wearing the headphones that was common with both vocaloids and fan made vocaloids.

"Oh, sorry, Dell. I accidently bumped into this group." Lacus said, turning to Dennis. "This is my friend Dell Honne, he is one of Tridenius' top scientists, but he is helping me with my next concert," Lacus said

Dell glanced at Jordan and their group. "I am guessing you're the Mandos the council is seeing."

"Yep," Dennis said.

"Hey, Dell, why don't you go back to the workshop," Lacus said. "I am sure Tei and Saiko need some help. I'll stay with these guys for a while."

Dell sighed and turned around.

"Just don't take your damn time with it!" he said, before he turned and walked away.

"Well, he seemed nice," Jordan said sarcastically.

"Don't mind him." Lacus said, "He may seem grumpy a lot, but he is a nice guy. He just loves working a lot so I take him outside so he doesn't work himself to death."

Dennis couldn't help but wonder when he heard the names Tei and Saiko so he had to ask if they were what he thought they were.

"You mentioned two other people who Dell could help." Dennis said

"Oh yeah. Tei Sukone and Psychotic Saiko," she answered. "They along with Dell are the top three scientists of the Land of Iron. Saiko has an IQ of over 300... but he is kinda crazy, which's the reason we call him Psychotic Saiko."

"Sounds like my kinda of guy!" Tom said, with a grin.

"Then there's Tei. She is only 19 and a recent graduate, yet she's already solved so many problems with her engineering skills. Rumor has it she is a lost child from the Uchiha clan who was then raised by some passing travelers. It would explain her Sharingan and the huge amount of Chakra."

Both Dennis and Jordan were speechless when they heard the infamous/famous yandere was here.

"Umm, does she have a boyfriend?" Dennis asked hesitantly.

"Yeah. Her boyfriend is Len Kagamine. They are a happy couple. Why do you ask?"

Both Jordan and Dennis sighed in relief which caused the others to look at them with wtf looks.

"Just curious," Dennis said. "So, you guys have any friends who are pilots, who would be interested in Mobile Suits?"

Athrun nodded. "Yes, I know a few who would be interested," he said. "My team have been looking for something more up to date to pilot, these Mobile Suits may be just what they need."

Jordan smiled at that. "That's good. The more pilots the better," he said.

"How about any of the other nations here on Tridenius?" Takeshi asked. "Do you know of anyone from them who would be interested in Mobile Suits? It would probably be best if every nation here had them, to prevent any shifts in the balance of power."

Kira nodded. "Makes sense," he said. "I think I know a few pilots from other nations who would be interested, especially Amestris, the Europan nations, and Britannia." Kira rolled his eyes at the mention of Britannia, Cagalli scowled a bit, while Athrun just narrowed his eyes a bit.

Jordan rose his own eyebrow at that. "I take it Britannia isn't the most trustworthy nation, then?" he asked.

"You have no idea," Cagalli said. "Three years before the Death Watch showed up, most of Tridenius was at war with Britannia, and their allies in the Imperial Alliance. The Zodiac Alliance, the Europan Federation, and Amestris had to become allies just to be able to hold them off from advancing their territory more, since Britannia alone already had 1/4th of the planet under their control. We signed a truce with them a while ago, not too long before the Death Watch showed up, but knowing the 'Emperor', he'd probably jump at a time to start the Tridenius Wars all over again if the Death Watch wasn't around."

Internally, Jordan sighed and cursed. 'Damn... so Charles is here,' he thought, 'God, if you really do exist, please don't let the Geass Order exist as well...'

"So," Takeshi said, "if there was any one nation that should not get Mobile Suits, that nation would be Britannia?"

Cagalli sighed. "If it were mine and my Father's choice, we would be doing everything in our power to keep weapons like those away from them," she said. "But unfortunately, Britannia will be demanding to get these suits the moment they see them in action. If we don't share the knowledge with them, they may split from our alliance against the Death Watch. I hate to admit it, but Britannia has a very strong military, and have had the largest amounts of success fighting the Death Watch, along with the other larger powers like the Zodiac Alliance, the Federation, Amestris, and the Imperial Alliance."

Jordan sighed. "Well, the best thing we can do is keep a close eye on Britannia, and when the war is over, we just might have to limit the amount of mobile suits our respective nations can produce."

"That's about the best we can do for now," Takeshi said in reply. "However, I am curious about something else. The military forces for the Elemental Nations are predominantly Shinobi, right? What about the other nations? What are their militaires made up of?" 'I hope that the Imperial Alliance doesn't have any Valkyria-or if they do, that they only have small numbers of them,' he thought to himself. 'Ol' Chucky having Geass would be bad, as well.'

"Well, the Elemental Nations, as you said, focus on Shinobi and Samurai Soldiers," Athrun began to explain, "With a few non-shinobi or non-samurai fighting in smaller resistance cells, militias and defense forces. Most of the other nations use standard militaries, including armies, navies, and aviation forces."

"However," Lacus continued, "each nation also has their own 'special' groups of soldiers. The Elemental Nations have their Shinobi and Samurai, Amestris have their State Alchemists-" Jordan and several of the others mentally cursed on hearing that, "-the Zodiac Alliance has their FAITH Special Forces, Britannia has their Knights of the Round, as well as their 'Loyalist' Forces. And finally, the Europan Nations have the Valkyrian Knights,"

'Oh, slag...' Takeshi thought, before asking, "What's... a Valkyrian Knight?" he asked, though he felt like he already knew the answer.

"They are men and women who are believed to be descendants of the Valkyrians." Kira said, "We don't know much about them, the Valkyrians are just an ancient sentient race who lived here on Tridenius, before vanishing thousands of years ago. All that they left were their ruins, most of which could be found on the Europan Continent, and Ragnite, a powerful mineral which has served as one of our primary fuel sources for years now. Despite how we've recently begun using alternate forms of energy, Ragnite has proven to be superior to any of them combined."

"Anyways, the Valkyrian Knights are known to have extremely strong powers," Athrun said, "but they are very, very few in numbers, the last I've heard there have been only 20 accounts of anyone awakening to the powers of the Valkyrians in the last century. But the few that do exist have been a great help holding off the Death Watch and their allies."

'Phew,' Takeshi thought. 'Valkyria are still rather few in number, even if they do exist, and they've been proving effective against the Death Watch. Only one real thing to ask now.' "Do you know the names of any current Valkyrian Knights?" he asked. "It might be interesting to meet one."

Cagalli thought about it. "Well, I know that there are four in Europa as of now, but I only know the name of one. Selvaria Bles, she's the second in command for Crown Prince Maximilian of the Imperial Alliance."

Takeshi inwardly swore. 'Frak,' he thought. 'Maxie's here, too. Selvaria being here is probably a good thing, as long as either she isn't as devoted to Maxie as she was in VC1 or Maxie is less power-hungry and more sane than he was in VC1. I hope that Alicia and Aliasse are here, too. And hopefully Maxie and Chucky are not Hardliners, or else things might get a bit rough.'

"Aside from all of them, a few smaller nations like the Orb Union and the Fiore Kingdom have their own militaries and 'special' forces," Kira said. "It's thanks to our combined strength that we've been able to hold off against the Death Watch, yet a lot of the planet has been claimed by the Death Watch. There isn't a single nation that hasn't been attacked at least once."

Jordan nodded, but the mention of the Fiore Kingdom made him and the others think. 'Could that be the nation Fairy Tail is from?' he thought. 'Wouldn't surprise me... I wonder if I'll meet Natsu here?'

'Man, Anime nations and people are popping up all over the place!' Takeshi thought. 'What's next? Sacred Blacksmith? Record of Agarest War?'

Tom let out a subtle yawn as he chanced a look around, he wasn't bored with the conversation, it was just the fact that despite his best efforts he wasn't able to get an in-flight drink on the shuttle ride in, something about being sober enough to not embarrass them. 'Meh, Jaster was probably talking about Jordan and the others,' he concluded as he started looking for a bar. "Ah, bars, a little slice of home in a galaxy far, far away."

Jordan rose an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" he asked the Canadian.

"To find someplace to get a drink!" Tom shouted back. "See you guys later!" And with that, he walked away.

D.J and Dennis sighed as they shook their heads. "Drunken Canadian..." both muttered in unison.

"Well anyways, we need to get going before Dell sends out a search party," Lacus said, before reaching into a pocket. "But...if you have the time, you are invited to my concert! Its going to start later today!" She pulled out a handful of tickets to the group.

Jordan smiled as he took them. "I think we might be able to show up," he said. "Looking forward to seeing it!"

"Indeed," Takeshi added. "I look forward to hearing what the songs are like in Tridenius as opposed to back home."

With that said, the others said their goodbyes as Lacus, Kira, Athrun and Cagalli left them.

"Well, that was interesting," Matthew said. "So, what should we do now?"

"I'm going to look around with Daniel-kun!" Anko said, as she grabbed Daniel by the wrist and began dragging him with her. "See you guys later!"

D.J. looked at the sight and chuckled. "Good luck bro!" he shouted. "Anyways, I should find Tom, make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble out here."

"I'll go with ya," Takeshi said, as he began to follow D.J. "See you guys later."

"I'm gonna look around by myself," Dennis said with a shrug. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

As the others went their separate ways, all that were left were Jordan, Matthew, Arla and Burianna. "Well, let's get looking," Jordan said. "I'm gonna see if I can find a souvenir for Hinode I can give her when we leave."



With Tom


Tom grinned as he spotted a bar sitting right on a street corner straight ahead. "Ah, finally, my slice of heaven," he murmured to himself as he walked into the bar and swept his eyes over the interior, it looked like a classic sports bar from back home save instead of say Hockey or American Football memorabilia there was various things from the shinobi and samurai who passed through the bar, an old Uzushio flack jacket here, an Iwa Missing Nin headband there, and such.

Tom ignored the suspicious looks the patrons were sending him as he stood to the bar and took a seat. "Two fingers of whiskey on the rocks please," he requested to the bartender, who nodded and got him his order.

He frowned in thought as he sipped on his drink slowly, enjoying the slow burn of the alcohol. 'I doubt the Death Watch will just ignore this meeting...' he thought to himself. 'They will have moles in the Tridenius Council.' He let out a depressed sigh. 'Why didn't Jaster let me bring the MJOLNIR, dammit? I know these people are proud and bullheaded about their abilities to defend themselves, but to make me not bring my most effective tool just weakens all of us...'

By that time he got the drinks he ordered, he picked up a glass and looked at it for a moment before he drank his first glass. "Ahhh, that's the stuff..." he muttered. "Thank god the alcohol is never different...no matter what City, planet or galaxy it is."

"Gotta agree with you there," a voice said, causing Tom to raise an eyebrow as he saw someone take a seat next to him. "You're one of those True Mandalorians, right?"

Tom looked over to his new neighbour and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the sight of a Huli Gildarts from Fairy Tail sitting next to him. He took a sip from his drink in order to keep his surprise from showing as he gathered himself before replying. "Yeah, I'm Tom Johnston," He introduced with a grin as he raised his glass. "Nice to meet you."

"The name's Gildarts," The number one strongest wizard from Fairy Tail announced with pride and a wide grin of his own as he clinked his tankard against Tom's glass. "A pleasure to meet the man who humbled the Uchiha Clan!"

Tom stared at Gildarts. "How the hell did you hear about that?" he asked incredulously. "That happened not even a full 24 hours ago."

Gildarts grinned and pointed to a TV that had a news report on, showing a shaking footage of Fugaku's ass kicking with a lot of the scenes blacked out. "You're famous," he announced with a wide grin. "And very popular, a lot of the talk shows are claiming that the True Mandalorians are our best bet to survive."

Tom snorted as he sipped his drink, watching the news report as Fugaku launched his Katon technique. "I hope the politicians listen," he grunted, a slight frown flickering across his face as he made a sideways look at Gildarts. "Out of curiosity, have they prepared in case the Council has a mole in it?"

"A lot of people have," Gildarts said. "Especially after what happened with Danzo and the Konoha Elders, a lot of the nations are being extra careful looking for moles and sympathizers to the Death Watch." He grinned as he took another drink. "I'll say this though," he said. "You've got the support of a majority of the council, not to mention most of the Fiori Magic Guilds are more than willing to side with you if it means bringing this war to an end."

Tom sighed in obvious relief as he took another drink. "Good to hear," Tom admitted, looking up at the TV that had changed topics to show the aftermath of the brief battle in Konoha from the Death Watch's attempt at blowing the village up. "We need all the heavy hitters we can find, and with the shinobi we can hit them where it hurts and get the hell out of there before they realize what happened."

Gildarts looked at the young man next to him as he seemed to be running through a thousand different ideas at once. "You've got something planned, don't you?" He asked realizing the look in the man's eyes.

Tom looked over to Gildarts with a lazy smile. "Yes, yes I do... and the end results of this plan will not be seen for hundreds of years," He announced, his eyes shining. "That bitch'll never known what hit her," He paused, raising the glass to his lips. "Which reminds me, I need to set a base up in the Maw soon..."

Gildarts simply chuckled as he shook his head at his drinking companion. "Well, good luck to our future plans and endeavors, may they fuck our enemies over and get us alcohol by the barrels!" Gildarts shouted raising his tankard as the patrons shouted with him in agreement.

"And may the good gods of fortune and luck give us many a woman to keep our beds warm and our bodies warmer!" Tom shouted, getting laughter and cheers from the bar patrons.



With Jordan


Jordan was with Matthew, Arla and Burianna as they moved through the streets of the Land of Iron. "This place reminds me of Cincinnati back home in a few ways," he said as they passed by a few shops. "Only a lot nicer."

"Yeah," Matt said. "So Jordan, what do you plan on getting Hinode?"

He shrugged. "I'll know when I see it," he said. "There has to be something here I can get for her..."

The four rounded another corner, however Jordan immediately stopped, his eyes grew wide and mouth slightly agape, while the others looked on at the scene before them in confusion, not even noticing Jordan's expressions.

"Come on! It's not that bad!"

"You scratched my automail!"

"It's just a scratch! Deal with it shorty!"


"Big Brother! Stop!"

Ahead of them, were five individuals who Jordan could recognize a mile away. A Huli version of Edward Elric, along with someone inside the same armor that Alphonse Elric used during the time he didn't have a body, who was holding him back from lashing out against the one who called him short.

The person in question is who made Jordan's eyes nearly pop out in disbelief. The first was a Huli man who looked to be in his late 20's or so, with spiky blue hair and crimson-colored eyes which were behind a pair of crazy looking scarlet-colored V-shaped sunglasses, and also had baggy black pants, had no shirt, and had a red cape with a flaming skull which was wearing a similar set of sunglasses. He was also wielding a ridiculously long katana sword.

'Holy shit... holy mother of shit... it's... it's him!' Jordan thought, as he tried to maintain his composure, seeing who could only be described as his Number 1 Favorite Anime Character.

Kamina, the founder of team Dai-Gurren.

And who would be with Kamina? None other than his 'blood brother' Simon, who was also a Huli, and looked about as old as he was during the Anti-Spiral War arc, and a Neko Yoko Littner.

"Hey, chill out, squirt! Geesh, did ya mama abandon you or something?" Kamina said, only for Ed to get angrier.


"Then try it," Kamina said. "If you say something, you gotta prove you can live up to it."

"Big bro, stop tormenting him," Simon said, sighing. "You're making a scene."

"Hey! I'm just trying to teach this kid not to explode over the smallest insults," he said, shrugging, as he looked up at Al. "I think he should take a page or two out of his 'little' brother's book."

Yoko sighed, shaking her head. "I think you could try to do it a different way Kamina," she said, before she looked to the left and saw the others standing there. "Guys, snap out of it, we've got company!"

Ed and Kamina, along with Alphonse and Simon, turned to see Jordan, Matthew, Arla and Burianna standing there. "Umm... are we interrupting something here?" Matthew asked.

Kamina shrugged. "Nah, we were just about done. Though I could've just bonked the little shrimp here on the head," he said, causing Ed to fume, and he was about to lunge at the Huli, only to be restrained by Al.

"Call me short, ONE MORE TIME, and I swear I will break you!" Ed shouted.

"Big Brother, don't! He doesn't really mean it!" Al said, trying to get his older brother to calm down.

"You really should go a bit easier on the kid," Jordan said, stepping towards Kamina, trying to keep himself under control for meeting one of his top anime idols. "He doesn't seem to like the S Word."

Kamina shrugged. "I'm trying to get this kid to not explode whenever someone calls him short," he said, before he turned to Jordan, raising an eyebrow as he lifted his Sunglasses. "Hey... aren't you those Mandalorian guys, the... New Mandalorians, right?"

"True Mandalorians," Jordan corrected. "The New Mandalorians are a bunch of neutral idiots, who think that as long as they don't have a military they won't be attacked. I hate them almost as much as I do the Death Watch."

"Either way, nice to finally meet one of ya!" Kamina shouted as he slapped Jordan's shoulder. "Name's Kamina! Founder and leader of the Dai-Gurren Brigade!"

"I'm Simon," Simon said with a nod. "I'm his Blood Brother."

"And I'm Yoko Littner," Yoko said, smiling as she patted Kamina's shoulder. "I'm this lug's girlfriend."

"Edward Elric," Ed said, though he was still glaring at Kamina.

"I'm Alphonse Elric, I'm his little brother," Al said. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet y'all, as well," Jordan said. "I'm Jordan Tackett, this here is my Older Brother Matthew, Arla Fett, and Burianna Beru."

Kamina gave a quick salute in greeting. "Nice to meet ya!" he said. "I'm guessing you're here for the big meeting too, huh?"

"That's right," Jordan answered. "We're hoping that, after officially introducing ourselves to all of your leaders, we might be able to provide more support for one another to kick the Death Watch off of your planet. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?"

Kamina grinned. "I like ya already kid!" he said. "And I agree with ya! Together, we'll punch those idiots off of our homes, and then we can get on to space!" He then dramatically pointed his finger into the air, in the way Jordan or any other Gurren Lagann fan would recognize. "Our future lies above, in space! While most people here would just stay around safe and secure on Trindenius, Team Dai-Gurren has no fear of what could be out there! We won't stop until we've explored every planet and star out there! We tried to stay isolated from the galaxy before, and look what happened when the Death Watch showed up? Now things will change, and we can finally drill through into the heavens!"

'This guy comes up with epic speeches on the spot, doesn't he?' Jordan thought. 'It's Kamina alright!'

Although Matt didn't watch as much Gurren Lagann as his brother, he still couldn't help but smile.

"Got that right," he said. "I wish we had more people like you, back on our planet."

"The Mandalorian home world?" Simon asked, but Jordan shook his head.

"Nah, the planet me, my bro and most of our friends are from," he said. "Seven months ago we were taken away from our home, and had to escape a Death Watch prison. Jaster and the True Mandalorians helped us escape. We don't know how to return home, since our home planet isn't on any modern star charts, mostly due to the fact our technology hasn't reached the point where we can use Hyperspace. So we can't go home."

"It bothered us a bit at first," Matt continued. "but we got use to it, besides, working with Jaster and the True Mandalorians has been a real experience. We're actually doing what we can to make a difference in the galaxy as a whole if we can put a stop to the Death Watch, once and for all."

Yoko smiled at that. "Well it's a good thing you're here, then," she said. "I've heard you and your people have been busy in the Elemental Nations ever since you arrived."

"Well, that's our motto of Team Fortress," Jordan said. "There Ain't no rest for the wicked."

Kamina chuckled. "Now that is a good Motto!" he said. "I think we're gonna be getting along just fine kid!"



With D.J. and Takeshi


"I wonder if we can find a weapons shop around here. See what kinds of swords or blasters they have," D.J. said as he and Takeshi were walking down a random street, while getting curious looks, along with a few glares, from the locals.

Takeshi sighed at his online friend's love for weapons.

"Geesh, aren't you a weapons nut?" he said. "You're just like Tenten! I mean, yeah, I like swords quite a bit, to the point where I design my preferred mecha around Sword Combat, but I don't collect weapons like you seem to do."

D.J. shrugged. "What can I say, I just like collecting weapons and armor!" he said.

Takeshi was about to make another remark, but the two stopped when they heard a series of shouting.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"You bumped into me, Ice Breath!"

"What did you just call me, Sparky!"

The two blinked at that.

"What the fuck?" D.J. said as they looked in the direction of the arguing. As soon as they saw who it was, their eyes widened.

Near one of the market stands were a group of four people, each who D.J recognized as a Huli Natsu Dragneel, a Neko Grey Fullbuster, a Neko Lucy Heartfilia, and a Huli Erza Scarlet, Grey and Natsu were head-to-head glaring at one another, with no one other than the blue flying cat 'Happy' floating over Natsu's head.

Takeshi only recognized Natsu, Lucy, and Happy, having only seen the first episode of Fairy Tail, but he was still surprised. 'I was kind of expecting it after hearing about Fiore, but it's still surprising,' he thought. 'I wonder if we're going to see any characters from Sacred Blacksmith or Record of Agarest War, either here on Tridenius or elsewhere in the galaxy?'

"You wanna go right now?" Natsu shouted, as flames erupted around his hands.

"Bring it on, flameboy!" Grey shouted back, as blocks of ice seemed to emerge from his own hands.

"Natsu, Gray, are you two getting along?" Erza asked as she looked over her shoulder in a semi-threatening manner.

The fighting pair froze before seemingly automatically their arms went around each other's shoulders as forced grins were put onto their faces and they started to, of all things, dance "Never better, Erza!" Gray shouted nervously.

"Happy!" Natsu yelled in a very odd manner as passersby stared at the pair before shaking their heads.

"Aye!" the flying cat said, floating over them, while Lucy to the side just sighed and facepalmed.

"You guys..." she muttered. "Can't you go one day without fighting?"

"We're not fighting! Not at all!" Natsu said, still dancing with Grey with a forced smile.

"That's right! We're friends!" Grey said as well.

Takeshi sweatdropped. 'That lady sure is scary, to break up a fight like that and get Natsu and whoever the other guy is to act as if they're friends,' he thought.

D.J. could only sigh as he watched the spectacle in front of him.

'Man, talk about a couple of morons,' he thought as he watched the two dance before glancing at Erza. 'And Erza is still the same Tsundere all Fairy Tail fans know and love,'

"Do any of you know where Gildarts went to?" He heard Erza ask the group as she looked through the crowd trying to pin down one of the most powerful mages of the guild, second only to the current Guild Master. "The Master wanted him with him as he went to the council meeting."

"I think he said something about getting a drink," Lucy said with a shrug before she sighed. "You know Gildarts, Erza."

Erza said nothing before she looked around, and her eyes fell upon Takeshi and D.J. "We have company," she said.

The others looked to where she was talking about and spotted the two heading in their direction.

"Yo!" said D.J. "I hope we're not interrupting anything." Takeshi just made a friendly wave, not really having anything to say at the moment.

"Not at all," Lucy said as she observed the two before them. "Are you two members of the True Mandalorians?"

"Yup," D.J. said. "D.J. Cobb, at your service." He then pointed to Takeshi. "And that's Takeshi, he's sort of a new recruit."

"A pleasure to meet you all," Takeshi said.

Grey and the other members of Fairy Tail nodded in greeting as well.

"Nice to meet ya!" he said. "We've been hearing stories about you guys,"

D.J. and Takeshi blinked at that.

"Serious?" the former asked.

"Yeah, you and your comrades are all over the news!" Erza said with a smile. "Liberating Death Watch Camps, rescuing the former Yondaime Hokage and his wife who had long been presumed dead, exposing Danzo, ROOT, and the Konoha Elders, reuniting us with our space forces, saving Konoha itself from being destroyed, and how one of you humbled the Uchiha Clan not 24 hours ago."

"Yeah! I've been wanting to meet you people ever since I heard about ya!" Natsu shouted, grinning. "I've been itching to get a fight from you! Especially from that one guy who killed Fugaku in the green armor!"

"You mean Tom?" D.J. asked. "Well, you're more than welcome to challenge him... assuming you can find him. Though I suggest looking around the bars and anywhere else you can find alcohol."

"Perfect!" Natsu shouted as he prepared to rush off. "I gotta-ACK!" Before he could run off, Erza grabbed him by the scarf. "Natsu, now isn't the time," she said, before turning to D.J. "Out of personal curiosity, what do the True Mandalorians hope to accomplish in the meeting?"

D.J. shrugged. "We just want to establish alliances with the other factions of Tridenius," he said. "If we want the Death Watch off of your world, or if we ever want this war to come to an end at all, we all need to work together. We need to prove to your council that we are not your enemies, and we are all seeking the same goal: The destruction of the Death Watch."

The Fairy Tail Guild members eyes widen a bit in awe at D.J.'s words.

"Well, you got a lot of minds to convince of what you say is true," Lucy said, but then sighed. "Especially the Hardliners, like General Damon," she said the name in distaste.

D.J. blinked at that name. 'Damon!? That pompous Aristocratic asshole is here!?' He then internally sighed 'Well this is just fan-fucking-tastic.'

Takeshi also blinked a bit, but he wasn't quite as surprised. 'When I heard that Maxie was here, I kinda guessed that Damon would be, too,' he thought. 'Now that I've confirmed it, I hope he gets his butt kicked!'

"However," Grey said. "as of now, you have the respect of a lot of nations here." He smiled a bit. "A lot of the Fiori Magic Guilds are willing to give you aid, not to mention there are rumors that the Princess of the Principality of Gallia may ask you for aid in fighting the Death Watch forces off of their land, and there's also the Orb Union, though most of the time they're neutral, the chief representative has publicly claimed that he is willing to aid the True Mandalorians however he and the Orb Union can. And, even though they're still unsure, the Zodiac Alliance and Amestris are willing to see you as allies."

Takeshi smiled at that. "Well that's good news at the very least," he said.

D.J. nodded in agreement. "Yep, but the way you said this 'General' Damon's name," he said the rank with sarcasm, "I'm trusting he's not very popular."

Erza sighed in exasperation at that. "You have NO idea," she said. "He's one of the top Generals of the Principality of Gallia, he's arrogant and an aristocratic asshole. He thinks Gallia can fight the Death Watch off of their land all on their own, despite the fact that he accepts help from the Europan Federation."

"But don't let that guy destroy your opinion of Gallia," Lucy said. "Gallia is a strong and peaceful nation, mostly thanks to their Ragnite Mines, and their Princess is extremely kind. The only problem I can think of for Gallia, or any Europan Nation for that matter, is their hate for the Darcsens."

"The who?" D.J. asked, knowing who they were but decided to play along.

"Darcsens are people native to Europa, usually people who have blueish black hair," Grey answered. "The history tells of a 'Darcsen Calamity' in which this race devastated the continent until the Valkyrur defeated them in the War of the Valkyrur many years ago. For their crimes of senseless destruction, the Darcsens were stripped of their last names and chased from their jobs and property, and remain the target of hatred and persecution." He shook his head. "It's all stupid if ya ask me-that all happened a LONG time ago, anyone who lived during that time is long dead, and I personally believe the Europans should just forgive and forget."

Takeshi nodded. It sounded very much like the 'official tales' of the Darcsen Calamity from Valkyria Chronicles, which made a lot of sense. "Very true," he said. "And besides, there's always a chance that the history books are incorrect. A common saying back home is 'History is written by the victors.' The meaning is rather obvious-in a war, the ones who win it are typically the ones whose point of view is recorded in history. Who knows, it's possible that the Valkyrur were the aggressors, but pinned the blame for their actions on the Darcsens." That was certainly the case in Valkyria Chronicles, after all.

Erza, Lucy, Grey, and Natsu all blinked when he said that. "Huh..." Lucy said. "I don't think anyone's ever thought about it like that..."

"Yeah, though a lot of people probably won't want to hear that, even if it was true," Erza speculated. "There are some people in Europa who Worship the Valkyrur as Gods."

"And even entertaining the thought that the people they worship aren't quite as 'holy' as they thought would be anathema to them," Takeshi remarked with a nod. "Makes sense."

D.J. then spoke up, since he was curious about what the Darcsens are supposed to be in this universe. "So, what species are the Darcsens? Are they Huli? Neko? or Lycan?"

Grey tapped his chin in thought at that. "Hmm, from what I know, they're a subspecies of Neko," he said. "However, strangely enough they don't have the ears or tails of a Neko, or a Huli for that matter. Theirs look more wolf-like, like those of a Lycan."

"Even though the Lycans, Huli, and Neko are the three dominant species of the planet," Erza said, "it doesn't mean there are not other near-human species here, some examples would be the Akula, they're a Humanoid Shark-like species who are native to Kirigakure and places like it. One of the Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Kisame Hoshigaki, is one of them. There is also the Hebika, they're native to Otogakure. They're a snake-like people, an example of them would be Orochimaru." She then shivered. "The worst part about them is that freaky shape-shifting power they have... they can transform from a humanoid shape to a complete snake form."

D.J. had to suppress a shudder at that. 'Old Pedo Snake lips,' he thought. 'So here he's literally a snake,'

"Freaky," Takeshi said. "We've heard a bit about Orochimaru from Konoha-he sounds like a real piece of work-but I don't think his race ever came up in the discussions." Of course, he also heard about Orochimaru from the Naruto anime and all the different Naruto fanfics he'd read, and 'real piece of work' actually seemed like an understatement.

"Not surprising," Lucy said. "Orochimaru's Species have been known for being deceitful, and hungry for power and knowledge. Most of his species had left Tridenius many years ago, though some can still be found in Otogakure, probably working with the Death Watch."

"Damn..." D.J. said. "So, besides Europa, how are the Darcsens treated in the other nations?"

Erza smiled at that. "Truthfully, they're treated like any other normal person," she said. "In fact, I'm friends with one, her name is Imca."

"Interesting," Takeshi said. "I hope we can meet her sometime. Right now, though, I have another question about the Europan governments in general. Are there any notable Hardliners among any of the three Europan governments aside from Damon that we need to keep an eye on? And who should we keep an eye out for as a potential ally among their governments?" He needed to know just how much of a problem Maxie would be, to see if they needed to take drastic measures to get Selvaria away from him. He was also curious as to where the Gassenarls from VC2 stood in this situation.

"Well, Gallia is ruled by House Randgriz, and its current head Princess Cordelia Gi Randgriz," Grey said. "But... as kind-hearted as she is, she lacks somewhat in self-confidence, and Maurits Von Borg, her regent, has been calling most of the shots for Gallia, including some backroom dealings with the Europan Federation. Then there's House Gassenarl, they've been trying to take control of Gallia from house Randgriz for ages, and they've been using the war as an excuse."

"When it comes to the Empire, you should be careful with almost everyone from them," Lucy said, "Especially when it comes to the Crown Prince, Maximilian Gaius Von Reginrave, and his commanders of the Drei Stern. Though with the exception of General Radi Jaeger, the other members are merciless enemies. Not to mention Emperor Tripitz Gaius Von Reginrave is about as power hungry as they come."

'Even more power hungry than Palpatine?' Takeshi thought to himself. 'That would take some doing.'

"More than once the Imperial Alliance and their allies in Britannia have tried to take over the planet," Erza said, with narrowed eyes. "Several of which they had attempted to take my homeland in Fiori."

"Anyways," Lucy continued, "when it comes to the Europan Federation, you can say they're... mixed. They're the only Democratic power in Europa, but there are a lot of bureaucrats in their government and would be more than happy to trigger another war with the Imperial Alliance to get their Ragnite."

"Bureaucrats are everywhere, Miss," Takeshi replied. "The Galactic Republic, the largest government in the galaxy, is also a Democracy, and it is chock full of Bureaucrats."

As he was saying this, he thought to himself, 'Well, looks like we'll have some of the standard Valkyria Chronicles bad guys. Hopefully we can convince Selvaria and Jaeger to defect from Maxie and join us. And I also hope that we have Squad 7 and maybe Class G on our side.'

Lucy sighed. "Yeah, ain't that the truth," she said. "I know that first hand from my Father... anyways what are you two doing here?"

D.J. shrugged. "Just looking around, actually," he said. "See what the Land of Iron has to offer, I'm actually hoping to find a weapon shop somewhere and see if these guys have any interesting blades available." He then looked at his watch. "Though we may have to find the others soon, not too long ago we ran into Lacus Clyne and she gave us all tickets to her concert today."

"YOU MET LACUS CLYNE!?" Both Lucy and, surprisingly, Erza shouted, while Grey and Natsu just sighed in annoyance.

Takeshi rolled his eyes. Was every girl on Tridenius a Rabid Fangirl of Lacus?

D.J. just sighed. "Yes, we met her," he said. "We'll probably be going to her concert since everyone seems to be talking about it around here."

"Plus, I'm curious as to how similar music is here to where I'm from," Takeshi added. "There's a few good songs I like to listen to that come from my home, and I'm definitely curious as to how similar it is." 'Not to mention that it would be a very good idea to be there in case the concert gets attacked,' he added mentally to himself. 'Concerts with celebrities involved are like magnets to attacks from groups like the Death Watch or Akatsuki, or maybe even this world's equivalent of Blue Cosmos.'

"Hey, maybe we could all go together?" Lucy asked, causing Takeshi, D.J., and Erza to blink and look at her. "I mean, we're all going, right? Might as well do it together, ya know, get to know one another?"

"Sounds good to me," Takeshi replied. "What do you think, D.J.?"

D.J. seemed to think on that, before he shrugged. "Aw, what the hell? I've been so busy with my projects that I need to unwind a bit," he said.

Erza sighed before she smiled a bit. "Sure, why not?" she said. "We can meet outside the concert stadium in around..." she checked a watch on her wrist, "Three hours, the Concert begins an hour later so that gives us time to find seats. I also need to speak with my Guild's guild master as well before we head there."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Takeshi said, nodding. "See ya there, we should find our friends and let 'em know."

The others nodded and soon split up to do what they had to do before the concert.

Takeshi planned to go to the concert in full armor (maybe going without his helmet) and with his swords, just in case his hunch about an attack on the concert was right, and planned to advise the rest of the group to do the same.

He even planned to ask Jaster to place a few troops around the concert stadium to serve as extra insurance if something did happen...



With Dennis


Dennis walked through the market part inside a crowd. His mind elsewhere.

'Taka and Jordan may be right but they have to suffer for their crimes! I cannot let them live for what they have done.'

Dennis sighed and pulled out his datapad. He went to the pictures section. He picked one and enlarged then stared at it as he walked. It was a picture of a seventeen year old girl. She was caucasian and had short brown hair with eyes dark brown like Dennis. She had a purple t-shirt on but you couldn't tell the rest since it was mostly the head that could be seen. She was smiling. Dennis got a depressed look as he stared at the pic then he sighed sadly.

"Rosie..." he whispered, "I wish I could talk to you right now."

Dennis, not paying attention to his front, bumped into a woman who was coming in the opposite direction, causing her to drop some papers to the ground.

"Oh, I am so sorry, ma'am," Dennis said as he helped the woman pick up the papers.

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention, so it's my fault"

"Well me neither, so I am at fault, too," Dennis said as he finished picking up the papers.

When Dennis was going to hand the papers he was shocked at who it was. The woman was a Neko with long silver hair and had red eyes. She was wearing a white lab coat that was open which revealed the clothes she was wearing. She had a red skirt that had a red belt with a triangle design, and a short black shirt with red outlines along with black boots that was red on the bottom heels and a red line on the top part of the boot which went in a circle. She also had black arm warmers with red outlines.

"I am sorry I haven't introduced myself," the girl said. "My name is Tei Sukone."

"N-nice to meet you, my name's Dennis," he answered, a bit nervous and excited at meeting one the Yanderes from UTAU. "I'm with the True Mandalorians, Miss Clyne actually told us about you and the other scientists."

"Oh, you guys know Lacus?" Tei said with a surprised look.

"Well, we only just met her and a few others," he said while scratching the back of his head. "We're just exploring this place until the meeting is ready tomorrow. Lacus actually gave us a few tickets for her concert later today."

"Ah, thats cool," Tei said. "I was wondering what she was gonna do with those spares, say, I am on my break right now, wanna walk with me until I need to get back to work?"

Dennis shrugged. "Sure, thanks Miss Sukone."

Tei giggled a little.

"You can just call me Tei."

"Okay Tei."

They started walking away from the market and started walking toward different areas of the city.

"So Dennis, why do you call yourself and the other friendly mandos True Mandalorians?"

"Well Tei there are three factions of Mandalorians. New Mandalorians, Death Watch, then us."

"Huh. Never heard of the first one."

"It's mostly because you rarely see them outside of the Mandalorian homeworld, Mandalore"

"Can you explain each faction, even the Death Watch?"

"Sure, lets start with New Mandalorians, good thing it's me you're talking to instead of some of my friends since they hate them. See the Mandalorian race is a warrior race. One of the most famous and infamous races in the galaxy. The New Mandalorians are the current government of the planet. They strongly believe in nonviolence, pacifism, and neutrality which is the opposite of the race's history. Personally I like them and wish my homeworld's countries were a bit like them, but there's a problem with their ideals. They basically have no actual military because they believe that's too aggressive and will make them like the Death Watch, but they completely have it wrong."

"Huh. So what's Death Watch deal, and why are they doing these horrible things to my people and mining the hell out of the planet?"

Dennis breathed deeply and exhaled which caused Tei some concern.

"Death Watch believes that the government aka the New Mandalorians brings shame to the Mandos and they want to restore the old Mandalorian Empire. They will not stop and they will not show mercy to anyone who opposes them until they rule the entire galaxy. They are ruthless and have little to no honor. Tridenius just happened to have a lot of resources that they want, like us, but they don't ask they take. Your people to them are nothing but inexpensive slaves and they see you as nothing more as animals. We are the only ones who are fighting them or so we thought until we learned of your planet. Death Watch have alliances while the True Mandalorians have none but a few sympathisers. This meeting is very important, because if an alliance is formed we can get a better chance of destroying Death Watch once and for all...have you ever seen the camps?"

"You mean the slave camps? I heard about them, but I've never seen them."

"Here, take a look at this."

Dennis showed Tei the pictures of the camp that was liberated along with the several bodies found. Her face was filled with shock.

"H-how could they do this to people!?" Tei said.

"If we don't stop them, this is going to be a way of life under their rule in the galaxy," Dennis said in a serious tone, bordering with anger.

"My god."

Dennis took another breath to calm himself down.

"Then there's the True Mandalorians, which is us. Our leader Jaster wants to make the Mandalorians honorable warriors and Mercenaries, so atrocities like that don't happen anymore."

Dennis then went to a picture that had him, Blair, Jordan, and Hinode. Hinode was on top of Jordan with a very happy face which in turn Jordan was smiling. Dennis was there with his hand on Blair's head as she gave a shy smile. Both were wearing their armors and in background was the mountain of Konoha with the sun setting behind them. Both girls were wearing their Kimonos.

"That is a really nice picture, who are those three?"

"His name is Jordan and we've been friends since we were eleven. The Huli is his adopted daughter whose name is Hinode and the Neko is Blair."

"I get the idea what happened to Hinode's parents but what's up with Blair?"

Dennis's face became depressed and was silent.

"Me and her are very close but...I'd rather not talk about what happened to her."

"Oh...I am so sorry. Thanks for telling me this."

"Well, it's good to talk to someone about this."

"So, Dennis, if you don't mind me asking what is the name of your homeworld?"

"It's called Earth, though we don't know how to get back home."

"What do you mean?"

"You want me to tell you the whole story?"

Tei nodded.

"Okay, well..."

Dennis explained everything to Tei of what happened to him and his friends, which was shocking to Tei.

"So you're basically from an entirely different universe?"

"In a nutshell, my friends think it's some kind of destiny crap, but personally, I don't give a shit, I just wanna go home."

"Man, Saiko is going to seriously wanna hear this! Can I take you to the workshop if you don't mind?"

"Maybe some other time, I need to meet with the rest of my friends soon for the concert."

"Okay have fun, hope we meet soon." Tei said as she walked off, waving goodbye.

"Same here, bye" Dennis said as he did the same as Tei.


Later that day

With the others


D.J. gave a sigh as he and the others were heading to the concert, after everyone agreed to go to the concert. "Erza said we'd meet them at the concert in a half hour from now," he said. "If we're gonna make it, we gotta hoof it."

"Right," Takeshi replied. "Alright, guys, make sure your weapons aren't visible, but within easy reach-we don't want to spook the civilians, but I've got a hunch we'll need to be ready for anything."

For his part, Takeshi was wearing his full armor set, carrying the helmet alongside him, with his swords strapped on his back as usual. They were fairly visible, but it was the only way they could be mounted on his Armor. He was definitely looking forward to making his Lightsabers-they'd be much easier to conceal. Luckily, his blaster was much easier to conceal within his armor, even though he felt more comfortable with the swords.

"Yeah, yeah, we are," Jaden said, he had left behind most of his heavy gear, however he concealed a DC-17 Hand-Blaster he modified with a scope, and a VibroKnife as well under his armor. "They probably won't let us in if we bring swords and rifles, we'll be lucky if we can carry in a hand blaster and a knife inside." He then glanced at Tom. "Not to mention if you were in MJOLNIR, they would never let us in..."

"I'm hopeful we can pass my blades off as part of my armor, then," Takeshi remarked. "And even if we can't, I'm still hopeful I'll be able to store them somewhere nearby where I can get to them quickly."

Tom snorted as he adjusted the strap that kept his daggers hidden in the sleeves of his long sleeved shirt before checking the ones in his loose pants and belt. "Just pray they don't pat us all down, especially considering I'm pretty much a walking cutlery set," He said, smirking slightly. "I swear, officer, I had no idea that those throwing daggers were there!"

"Shut it, man! You wanna get us caught?" D.J. said, while Tom chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry," he said and the group continued to the stadium. D.J. was still wearing his armor, and had his Katana on his back. He had a DT-12 blaster in his left boot, as well as hidden blades in his gauntlets.

The others, including Matthew, Arla, and Burianna, had similar loadouts, each carrying at the least a handblaster and/or a Knife hidden on their bodies. "I hope we don't have to use any of these..." Burianna said.

"As I have heard said several times back home, 'It is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it,'" Takeshi replied. "I hope we don't have to use these, either, but I just have a hunch that it'll be better to have them with us than to leave them at the hotel."

"I agree with Takeshi on that," Arla said with a nod. "After what almost happened at Konoha, it wouldn't hurt to be partially prepared."

"Indeed," Takeshi remarked, having been briefed by Jordan on what had happened just before he arrived in the Star Wars Universe. "Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the other people coming to this concert are taking similar precautions. I just hope Jaster took my suggestion of deploying a few squads around the stadium for security purposes."

"Three Mandalorian and four Konoha," Tom stated in an undertone. "That's what we submitted to the security, everyone else is probably doing the same thing as we are."

"Glad to hear it," Takeshi replied. "Hopefully the added security will prevent anything from happening, but it's still probably better to be prepared."

"Yeah," Jordan said before looking ahead. "Ah, we're here!" Up ahead was the massive outdoor stadium, which was already showing thousands of people going inside, turning in their tickets to find places to sit.

D.J looked through the mess of people, trying to find Erza and their group. Until finally he smiled as he caught a glimpse of Erza. "Hey! Erza! Over here!"

As Erza walked over, accompanied by Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Grey, and a few other members of Fairy Tail, Takeshi also looked through the crowd, seeing if he could find Kira, Athrun, and Cagalli anywhere. He had a feeling the three would be there, Kira especially, but the main question was whether they would be part of the main audience or watching from backstage.

"Gildarts," Tom greeted as the male redhead walked up to him. "You got dragged here as well?"

Gildarts chuckled in response to his newest drinking buddies question. "You could say that," He admitted, sparing a glance towards Cana. "What about you? Not a fan of Lacus, somehow?"

Tom shrugged in response. "Don't get me wrong, she has a good voice and great lyrics, but the style of music isn't my kind of thing to be honest, I prefer something that'll get my blood pumping," he informed with a smirk. "Either that or something that'll get the entire bar singing."

Gildarts laughed in agreement and caused Tom to stumble as he clapped the Canadian's back. "I'll drink to that!" he agreed. "Just wish they had drinks here."

Tom smirked as he pulled a rather large flask from underneath his shirt. "They may not be serving, but I am." He informed, getting a laugh from Gildarts as the top was removed.

"You might get lucky," Lucy said, shrugging. "Lacus isn't the only one performing, her entire band is gonna be here, too, not to mention they recently got a new member to their band."

"Who?" Jordan asked.

"Her name's Sheryl Nome," Lucy said, smiling. "She's one of the greatest singers since Lacus and her band!"

Takeshi overheard Lucy mentioning Sheryl's name, and had to fight to keep his eyes from widening. 'Sheryl's here, too?' he thought. 'I'll need to see if I can spot Ranka or Alto, or any other characters from that show.' At the moment, though, he turned to Erza and asked, "Miss Erza, may I ask you a question?"

Erza looked at Takeshi and nodded. "Sure, what is it?" she asked. "And just call me Erza, please."

Takeshi nodded. "Erza, then," he said. "For some reason, I have a bad feeling that something's going to happen during this concert. Did any members of your group bring weapons, just in case?"

Natsu barked out a laugh. "Weapons? Ha! We don't need weapons!" He shouted as he collided his fists together as brief red circle with engravings in it appeared for a second, before they were soon surrounded by fire. Grey just smirked as he put his hands together as a similar light blue circle appeared with different images appeared as a icy cold mist emerged from his hands as two blocks of ice were formed in the shape of swords.

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Show-offs..." she muttered before she brought out a ring of keys. "I'm a Celestial Wizard, so I can summon Celestial Spirits to fight for me, not to mention I still have this..." she gestured to a brown whip on her side. Erza herself simply smirked as she raised her own hands, and in flashes of light she drew two steel swords.

Takeshi nodded. "Good..." he replied. "I hope I'm wrong, and that nothing happens, but I still think we should be ready, just in case something does happen."

"Yes, but let's hope nothing does happen." Erza said as the group dispersed their respective techniques. "But let's not worry about that for now, we should hurry in before we lose all of the best seats!"

"Agreed," said D.J. "Man! I was never a big fan of huge crowds. 10 or 20 people is fine, but THIS many is too much!"

"I dunno," Tom said with a shrug as he looked around. "Easy to conceal yourself in a crowd, and if you know what to look for, it's easy to spot those that are trying to blend in."

"Just like Assassins Creed," Jordan said. "But that aside, Erza's right, let's hurry before the crowds get crazy!"


Later, Concert Stadium


It took them a miracle, but the group had managed to find a set of seats which put them all together, and better yet the seats themselves were close enough to the stage itself so they had a decent view of the concert itself. The Stage itself was fairly dark, and the curtains were lowered so it was impossible to see what was going on.

"Y'know, this kinda reminds me of going to see the movies," Tom announced with a musing look on his face. "All that's missing is popcorn encrusted floor and random movie trivia that very few people care about."

"So true," Takeshi replied. "I used to go see movies in the theater a lot when I was younger, and I know exactly what you're talking about, Tom."

"Yeah, same here," Jordan said, as he was typing away in his Datapad.

"What'cha working on, Jordan-kun?" Burianna asked, looking at the Datapad.

"Nothing! Nothing!" Jordan said hastily as he tried to put it away, only for him to drop the pad and for Arla to pick it up, and look through what was on the screen, and blinked. "War Journal?" She read out loud "What's that?"

"I-It's nothing!" Jordan said, trying to claim it back before Matthew confiscated it, and looked at it in surprise before chuckling. "You're still working on that book of yours Jordan?" He asked. "After all of this?"

"Book?" Burianna asked, looking at Jordan who had his head lowered. "You're a writer?"

"Sorta..." Jordan muttered. "I... used to write stuff called Fanfiction... but I always wanted to become a professional writer... maybe even a script writer someday... but no one would ever read my stuff, it's... just something I do in my spare time..."

"Don't sell yourself short, Jaden," Takeshi replied. "You write some pretty good stuff. I imagine that you might have become a successful writer back home if we hadn't been pulled to this universe-of course, then we wouldn't have met the True Mandalorians, or any of the people here on Tridenius."

"All you need is practice, and a good proof-reader," Tom added in. "Your 'War Journal' idea is a good one, just keep at it man. Who knows, maybe we can find a galactic publisher somewhere?"

"Tom's right," Arla said with a smile. "You won't know if it will be a success until you try it. What's it about?"

Before Jordan could answer that, suddenly the lights around the seats of the concert stadium began to darken. "Guys, guys it's starting!" Burianna hissed as she began to pay absolute attention to the stage itself.

The entire stadium grew silent, as the lights around the stadium itself slowly began to turn on, and then... the music started playing.

(Begin Playing: Fields of Hope)

When the music started playing, Jordan and the others who were SEED fans except Dennis immediately recognised the piano music, as the curtains began to rise. The crowd began to cheer as Lacus Clyne stood in center stage, with the stage lights all focusing on her. She was wearing the Japanese-style Kimono dress she wore in the final episodes of SEED.

"Konna ni tsumetai tobari no fukaku de

anata wa hitori de nemutteru

inori no utagoe sabishii nohara wo

chiisana hikari ga terashiteta."

As she continued to sing, the crowd began to quiet down, almost as if they had fallen under a trance while she sung. Jordan was smiling as he listened 'I'm wishing I'd brought Hinode now, she'd love this...' he thought.

"Anata no yume wo miteta

kodomo no youni waratteta

natsukashiku mada tooku

sore wa mirai no yakusoku.

itsuka midori no asa ni

itsuka tadoritsukeru to

fuyugareta kono sora wo

shinjiteiru kara

Fields of hope"

"It's no wonder why everyone seems to love her..." Arla said, who also seemed to be entranced by Lacus's music. "Her voice is beautiful..."

"I'll agree to that." Tom mused, lifting his flask slightly before resuming his sweeping of the area, looking for any possible threats.

"It isn't UTAU or Vocaloid, but it's good nonetheless" Dennis said, sitting next to Jordan.

Takeshi also continued searching for threats, even as he listened to the song. 'Even in a completely different universe, Lacus' songs hold the same power they always have,' he thought.

"umarete kita hi ni dakishimete kureta

yasashii ano te wo sagashiteru

inori no utagoe hitotsu kiete mata hajimaru

tayorinaku setsunaku tsudzuku.

itsuka midori no asa e

subete no yoru wo koete

sore wa tada hitorizutsu

mitsukete yuku basho dakara

ima ga tada kono mune de

anata wo atatametai

natsukashiku mada tooi

yasuragi no tame ni

Fields of hope

natsukashiku mada tooi

yakusoku no nohara

Fields of hope

Fields of hope!"

As the song came to its end, the crowds erupted in a massive round of applause, which included Jordan and their group.

On the stage, Lacus smiled as she waved to them all. "Thank you, and it's so good to see you all here!" she said. "We're going to have a great show for all of you tonight! I also want to send out a special thank you to the men and women of the True Mandalorians, who thanks to them have saved so many lives in such a short time!"

Once again, the massive crowd cheered, and one of the spotlights suddenly moved over Jordan and their group, catching them by surprise, however the group simply just smiled and waved.

"Anyways, let's keep this show going!" Lacus said, as she stepped aside. "Please welcome, Miku Hatsune!"

As the crowd cheered, both Jordan and Dennis blinked as they looked at one another. De

"N-no fucking way" Dennis said shaking his head

"You don't think..." Jordan began to say, before the music started.

(Begin Playing 'World is Mine')

Once again, the spotlights turned off as the only lights scene were the small ones on the stage, and then a circle of light appeared in the middle of the stage, as a door seemed to open. Then, emerging out from the door, rising up was a Neko girl with long bright blue hair tied into two long ponytails and bright blue eyes. Both Dennis and Jordan realized she was a Neko version of Miku Hatsune.

sekai de ichiban o hime sama

souiu atsukai kokoro e te... yo ne!

Takeshi had vaguely heard the name Miku Hatsune before, but hadn't really heard any of her music back on Earth. That said, he had to admit that she had a good singing voice. He was looking forward to seeing Sheryl, though-in Macross Frontier, she was one of his favorite singers, even more so than Lacus, and he was curious as to whether she'd start off her songs by shouting 'LISTEN TO MY SONG!' like she did in that show-to be honest, it seemed to be a quirk of all the famous singers from the Macross franchise, especially Sheryl and that guy from Macross 7 named Basara.

sono ichi itsumo to chigau

kamigata ni kigatsuku koto

sono ni chanto kutsu

made miru koto ii ne?

sono san watashi no hitokoto ni ha

mittsu no kotoba de henji suru koto

As the music continued playing, it could all be heard outside as the people were so focused on the music, they did not notice several shimmering figures move through the crowds, and into the stadium as they went through the access tunnels used only for Employee's.

Once there was no one who could see them, the shimmers deactivated their stealth field generators, revealing well over a dozen men wearing Death Watch shock trooper armor, and shortly after multiple men in ROOT ANBU attire appeared as well.

wakattara migite ga o rusu

na no o nanto kashi te!

"Ya gotta give 'em credit, they are good singers," one of the Death Watch said, with a sigh. "Too bad we gotta kill 'em."

"It must be done," one of the ROOT said, in an emotionless tone. "The death of the band will greatly demoralize the people, and cause fractures in the trust between the True Mandalorians and the Tridenius Council."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," The Death Watch trooper said. "Ya know, you guys have less emotions than Jedi... and that's saying something there."

betsuni wagamama nante itte nai n dakara

kimi ni kokoro kara omotte hoshii no kawaii tte

sekai de ichiban o hime sama

ki ga tsui te nee nee

mata seru nante rongai yo

watashi o dare da to omotteru no?

mou nandaka amai mono ga tabe tai!

ima sugu ni yo!

The song came to an end as the crowds cheered, as did the others. However suddenly Jordan, Tom, and D.J. felt their own force danger senses start to go off, while Takeshi clutched his head in pain.

"What... what the..." Takeshi muttered.

"That would be danger senses going off, Takeshi," Jordan whispered with narrowed eyes. "I think the Death Watch is here, like they were at Konoha."

"I count three stealthed enemies on our right," Tom informed, his eyes loosely closed as his body relaxed. "four on our left, five plain-clothed enemies in front of us, near the stage." He twitched his head upwards. "Snipers on the catwalks with ROOT Shinobi."

"I... I was afraid of this..." Takeshi muttered, his head still throbbing as information flowed into his mind. "We... we need to stop them... before they can kill anyone..."

"I'll take care of the snipers." Tom informed as he slipped away, blending into the crowd immediately.

"D.J., Takeshi, and Dennis, you three come with me," Jordan said, looking at the others who were now listening to them rather than the concert. "If things get messy, help get the evacuation started if things get... noisy."

"R... Right..." Takeshi remarked, standing up as Jordan and D.J. did the same. "I'm... I'm getting another... Information Download... but... I should still... be able to fight..."

"I'm good to go," D.J. said, and prepped his holdout blaster, his face then formed a glare as he sensed in on his target. "Let's kill these sick fucks."

"Time for some blood," Dennis said with a sadistic smile as he got his vibroblade unsheathed and his rifle ready.

As they moved, the crowds continued to cheer on as Lacus once again approached the stage with Miku. "Thank you everyone!" She said. "But now, it's time for someone who you've all been waiting for!" Then the stage began to darken. "Please welcome... Sheryl Nome!"

(Begin Playing: : / / www . youtube watch?v=CWEfjT9dDEM)

Suddenly, as the music began to play with the piano, a low dark pink light surrounded the stage, before suddenly the music quickly picked up the pace, and a Neko version of Sheryl Nome appeared on stage, causing all of the crowds to cheer her on.

hoshi wo mawase sekai no mannaka de

kushami sureba dokoka no mori de chou ga ranbu

Jordan, D.J., Dennis, and Takeshi closed in on their first targets, outside of the crowd where no one could see them. Two ROOT ANBU, and three Death Watch troopers, all preparing their weapons. "Take them out quietly," Jaden warned. "Though the sound of the music should muffle out any battle noises we make, so long as they don't have any slugthrowers."

"R-right," Takeshi replied. As he leapt into the fray and beheaded the first ROOT Ninja with a single swing of his Vibrosword, the throbbing from the Information Download gave way into a trance-like state as his instincts took over, instincts honed in his past life which were now awakening.

kimi ga mamoru DOA no kagi detarame

hazukashii monogatari

nameatte mo RAION wa tsuyoi

Jaden acted quickly as well, drawing out his Vibro-knife and stabbing the other ROOT in the neck, putting his hand over his mouth to silence his scream as he let him die. Just as the four other Death Watch troopers were beginning to notice them, Jaden fired his side-arm, the sound of the gun being muffled by the much louder crowds and music playing as the first Death Watch died, soon followed by the other two thanks to Takeshi, Dennis, and D.J.



mada ikiteitaku naru

seiza no michibiki de ima, mitsumeatta

A ROOT ninja fell against the railing, blood gushing from his throat as Ryu used the ninja's katana to block a slash from a sniper's vibroblade before kicking him back and sliding his sword through the vulnerable part of his neck.

Twirling his katana, he blocked a series of kunai that were thrown at him by a female ROOT ninja who was wearing plain clothes with her child-like face revealed. Tom's eyes narrowed as he blocked her next attack before grabbing her wrists and slamming his fist into her solar plexus, knocking her unconscious.

"I'll come back for you when I'm finished," he whispered to the girl before grabbing her kunai pouch and dashing off towards the next group of snipers.


tohou ni kurete

kirari karete yuku

honki no karada misetsukeru made

watashi nemuranai

As silently as they had before, Jordan and his team located the next group of infiltrators, this one slightly larger, four ROOT members, and six Death Watch, setting up their next Sniper Position the furthest back from the concert.

Jaden acted first, closing in on the first Death Watch that was the furthest from the group, and standing near a closet. He sneaked up behind him, slit his throat silently, and quickly hid the body in the closet before disappearing from sight.

Takeshi moved next, still in his trance-like state as he leapt into the ROOT members and cut them down before any of them could make a sound. If a Jedi had been present, they would have noticed that Takeshi's movements were similar to those of the Ataru Form... and growing even more similar the further he moved.

Dennis stabbed the middle Death Watch soldier in the back of his neck, his knife going through it. There was a bloody gurgling sound which was blocked by the song and crowd. A ROOT soldier then rushed toward Dennis with a katana and Dennis then used the shotgun mode of his rifle to blow a hole at the chest of the soldier, causing a huge blood splatter on Dennis' torso armor. The soldier was blown backwards by the shot and laid lifeless on the floor.

kaze wa yagate higashi e mukau darou

koukiatsu kono hoshi no hyouga wo osou

Tom growled as he threw a kunai that lodged itself into a ROOT ninja's forehead.

A gasp of pain escaped his lips as a tanto drove itself into his right shoulder, causing him to drop his katana as a second kunai was heading straight for his neck.

Tom jerked his head back in an attempt to dodge it, and while the kunai missed his throat, however, it cut deep across his eyes causing a scream of pain to escape from his lips, which was barely heard over the music, and probably mistaken for the screams and cheers of joy from the crowd.

sasoi mizu wo nonda mune ga tsurai

toomaki na monogatari

kajiriau hone no oku made

Takeshi had moved from the dead ROOT Ninja and on to the remaining Death Watch members, his movements almost identical to the Ataru Form at this point. One Death Watch Soldier was decapitated, the next was sliced in two vertically, the third was sliced diagonally, and the fourth was decapitated once again.

D.J. blinked as he saw what was happening.

'No way!' were his thoughts. 'He's kicking some ass!'

Jordan looked on in surprise as well, stunned at how skilled Takeshi was. 'More memories must be returning to him... I guess this proves his whole 'Reincarnation' theory.' he thought.



mada ikiteitaku naru

seiza no michibiki de ima, mitsumeatta

Adrenaline pumped through Tom's veins in response to the pain of his injury and he could hear the laugh of the ROOT ninja who injured him. Feeling a sense of danger approaching, Tom reacted through instinct bringing up his forearm and pushed against the attackers, pushing the approaching blade away before delivering a knife chop to the attacker's throat collapsing the man's airway as his allies stared at Tom in awe.

'What the...?' He thought as he tilted his head. Everything was black, but... he could see an odd hazy red fog shaped like a human before him. 'Is this Force Sight?' He wondered before feeling a flash of danger and sidestepped a sword swing and quickly slashed up with a dagger cutting a major artery.

Tom turned back to the enemy shinobi a slight smirk flitting across his features as the nanomachines in his body deadened the pain. "Let's dance, boyos." He announced with a 'c'mon' gesture settling himself into a stance.


tohou ni kurete

kirari kareteyuku

honki no karada misetsukeru made

watashi nemuranai

Jordan delivered two punches into the face of a ROOT member, sending him back allowing him the opening to stab him in the neck with his knife. He glanced around and saw Patriot and Takeshi were beginning to wrap things up before his force-senses once again went off, only this time coming from above. "Shit, Tom's in trouble!" he said. "D.J, Taka, you two handle these guys." He then activated his wrist-mounted wire gun, and ascended up into the catwalks above.

Takeshi barely acknowledged this with a nod, still in his trance-like state as he continued mowing through the ROOT and Death Watch Forces, his body moving completely on instinct as he went through them like a whirlwind of destruction.

nani shini umareta no

nani shini koko ni iru

Tom grunted as a fist impacted against his gut sending him skidding back a couple of inches from the force of the blow. His body was aching and sore as he started to feel exhaustion set in on him, even with his Force Sight the fact that he had lost his eyes put him at a major disadvantage with his blood loss from the wound.


umaranai hizu

hikari osoreteta

yurusaretai inochi ga ima, hikareatta

'Didn't want to use this... but...' He thought as he 'eyed' the enemy group warily. "Subroutine: Overdrive - Initiate for Maximum Duration." He muttered under his breath.

samayoi hatete

kimi no tonari de hoterishizumetai

honki no karada misetsukeru made

watashi nemuranai

The effect was instantaneous as he felt heat building up in his body, everything around seemed to slow to a crawl as his entire awareness opened up even further. Smell. Touch. Taste. Hearing. And his Force Sight all collaborated together building a mental real time map of the entire building.

People, walls, the entire catwalk grid, support structors, he saw it all.


gakebbuchi de ii

kimi wo aishiteru

mezametai inochi ga ima, hikareatta

kyouki ni kaete

inori sasagu yo

kimi wo aishiteru

seiza no michibiki de...


mada ikitetai

kimi wo aishiteru

honki no kokoro misetsukeru made

watashi nemuranai

One of the Death Watch soldiers charged at Tom who tilted his head at how slow the man seemed to be moving before sidestepping the man and delivering a kick to his midsection causing the man to crumble like tin around his leg as the armor shattered.

"This is... far beyond what I expected," he muttered to himself as he felt a sense of someone approaching from below before a grappling hook connected with the railing with Jordan reeling himself up to the catwalk.

"Welcome to the party, Jorn," Tom greeted calmly even as he flowed around a ROOT shinobi who found his own sword in his gut.

Jordan's eyes widened as he saw Tom, "Geez, Tom are you alright?" Jordan asked once he climbed onto the Catwalk, disengaging the cable as he approached Tom. "Your eyes..."

"No worries," Tom informed calmly. "The nanomachines have clotted the wound, and it seems that in reaction to my need, I now have Force Sight."

Jordan nodded, before he looked at the Datapad which received the reports from the others. "It looks like we've dealt with most of the ROOT and Death Watch Assassins..." he said, "Takeshi and D.J seem to be dealing with the last team now."

Tom was silent for a minute as his senses expanded even further outward. "I can sense no abnormal ill intents in the area for approximately one mile," He winced as his nanobot's subroutines shut down suddenly and collapsed to a single knee. "Fuck, the after effects are a punch to the gut... from Tsunade."

"Ouch..." Jordan said with a slight wince before he helped Tom back onto his feet, while the concert continued on. "Come on buddy, let's get you to a doctor and get those eyes checked out."

Tom nodded wearily. "I'm gonna need some help here. I ended up using a subroutine for my nanomachines, very powerful, but, at the cost of consuming massive amounts of my calories to sustain itself..." he informed. "Damn do my eyes ache."

Jordan nodded, and looked over to tell him something, only for Tom to be out cold and a dead weight on his shoulder. He sighed a bit, but smiled as he carried Tom away from the Catwalks.

Meanwhile, on the ground, D.J. sighed as the last Death Watch member fell. "Well, that's the last of them, hopefully," he said to Takeshi. "You still good, Takeshi? …Takeshi?"

Patriot looked at Takeshi, to find him simply standing there with a trance-like look on his face. However, a few moments passed before it seemed to end, and his eyes rolled back into his head as he passed out.

"Shit!" D.J. shouted, running over to him quick enough to catch him. "Takeshi, Takeshi! You alright? Takeshi!"


Unknown Location


Takeshi regained consciousness to find himself in what looked like the Captain's Cabin on the Defender-Class Light Corvettes from SWTOR.

"Ugh, where am I?" he asked aloud. "The last thing I remember was passing out from exhaustion after fighting those Death Watch Soldiers and ROOT Ninjas that were threatening the concert, and even the fight is a bit hazy."

"Welcome, Takeshi Yamato," came a voice that sounded like Ichigo Kurosaki from the Anime Bleach. "I have been waiting for you for a very long time."

Takeshi turned to the doorway which led from the cabin to the rest of the ship, and saw a figure there which looked like him! The only differences were a scar running diagonally from the bridge of his nose down to underneath his left eye, and the fact that he was clad in the Jedi Sentinel's Legacy Level 20 Armor, with two Lightsabers clipped to his waist.

"Who are you?" Takeshi asked. "And why do you look like me?"

"Actually, you are the one who looks like me." The other figure said. "And the reason you look like me is that your theory about being a Reincarnated Jedi was indeed correct."

Takeshi's eyes widened. "So, you're the Jedi who was reincarnated as me?"

"Indeed," the Jedi replied. "And I must say, you did a remarkably good job of matching my appearance in that game you were playing back in the other universe-the game simply wouldn't let you get my eyes the right color, and you weren't quite able to acquire my robes before you were sent here.

Takeshi's jaw dropped. "You mean... my SWTOR Main Character, who I also used for Forum RP... really existed in this universe?"

"Yep," the Jedi, who was now identified as the Old Republic's Takeshi Yamato, replied. "And you are my reincarnation, born into another world to learn knowledge that would help you as you help your friends save this one. However, for you to have a true chance at helping to turn the tide, you must awaken the memories and powers of the life I lived, and discover what additional powers have been granted to you through the reincarnation process."

"How do I do that?" Modern Takeshi asked.

"I will awaken my memories and powers within you," TOR-Era Takeshi replied, "which will cause me to disappear as we fully become one. However, you must discover your new powers on your own."

Modern Takeshi nodded. "Let's do this, then."

"Very well," TOR-Era Takeshi replied. He then placed his right hand on Modern Takeshi's forehead and chanted,

"Thou art I, and I am Thou

Power of the Past, Power of the Present

Let these two Halves become one Now.

And let the Power born here Today

Change the course of Destiny

And save this Universe from the Darkness!

When the chant had finished, Modern Takeshi felt information and memories begin flooding his brain.

"When you wake up in the real world, you will have my memories, knowledge, and abilities," TOR-Era Takeshi said. "Use them well, like you did in SWTOR."

"I will," Modern Takeshi replied.

"Also, people who shared close ties with me have been reincarnated as well, only their reincarnations have been born in this universe-you might recognize some of them as your other SWTOR characters. Seek out the ones who were on my side and help them to awaken, and be wary of the ones who were my enemies-especially our crazy sister."

Modern Takeshi knew exactly who TOR-Era Takeshi was talking about. "I'll be ready," he said, his voice now sounding exactly like that of his TOR-Era counterpart-something which was surprising, but he'd be lying if he said he hadn't expected something like that to happen. "If Sayane has reincarnated and manages to awaken, I'll do whatever I can to stop her."

"Good." TOR-Era Takeshi started to fade. "It's time for me to go and for you to wake up, Takeshi. Good luck, and remember the motto of the Gutsy Geoid Guard."

"Of course," Modern Takeshi replied, and as one, they shouted:





Tom sighed as he looked around the vast space was in, surrounded by thousands of swirling galaxies. "Is this heaven, cause if it is, then I feel sorely gypped," he said aloud spinning himself around in a slow circle. "Well, at least I have my eyes back."

"I'm afraid that neither case is true." An amused voice stated from behind Tom causing him to whirl around to spot a male in his early thirties with dark brown hair and white eyes wearing grey jedi robes. "This is your mindscape, and I must say, it is a truly impressive one, each galaxy a line of thought, while each star is a branch to that thought, chaotic, yet there is an underlying order to this chaos."

Tom snorted as he 'sat' crossing his legs as he eyes the man before him. "Yeah, try to keep a coherent line of thought going with all of those little strands," He amended. "As I highly doubt you are a manifestation of my subconscious, he'd be drunk as shit, who are you?"

The man smiled and bowed his head politely. "I am the manifestation to what most mortals refer to as the 'Living Force', the form you see before you is that of the man who first proposed the idea of my presence, a human subspecies that has become extinct, known as the Kindrathi." He informed. "If you need something to refer to me as, his name will do, Illion."

Tom blinked a couple of times before letting out a sigh and palming his eyes. "And you're the one who brought us all here aren't you?" He asked, looking back up to the man, his eyes narrowing. "And if my guess is right, we're to serve as a balance to something that appeared for the Sith? Or perhaps Abeloth? How about the Vong?"

Illion smiled slightly and nodded. "Partially correct," He informed. "There is another force in play at large, one of which who is keeping himself hidden from the galaxy."

"So you brought us, a bunch of teenagers with no combat experience, for the most part, and our only real advantage has been our knowledge on this universe?" Tom asked angrily. "You have to be fucking with me because this is some bullshit you're laying onto me man!" Illion took the young man's anger stoically as Tom stood up and stalked towards him. "I can never have enough fingers or toes to count how many times we have all nearly died since we came here!"

"I am aware of the dangers I have put you all in," Illion replied calmly as Tom fumed before him. "But each of you, and those who have yet to arrive, have all been chosen for very specific reasons, Jordan was chosen for his belief in the good of people and kind heart, D.J. was chosen because of his intelligence and skill in understanding technology. Matthew was chosen because he is a soldier and would ensure you would all survive long enough to learn how to defend yourselves. You, Thomas Bernard Johnston, were chosen, because you are not afraid to do what is necessary, are you? Why else, would you be making plans for a black ops squadron and outfitting them with the best technology your mind can perceive and recreate."

Tom was silent for a minute as he stared at the manifestation before he sighed his anger leaving him. "Just tell me something will you?" He asked. "I'm guessing you already know them, but... my plans... will they make the difference I think they will?"

Illion nodded as Tom sighed again. "Very well, we'll fight your damned war, then," He informed turning his back to Illion. "Just know, you owe us. Big time."

"I know." Illion confirmed with a nod. "And I will assist you however I can."

Tom looked over his shoulder. "There is something you can help me with." He informed getting a raised eyebrow from Illion. "Something to help with attaining a new ally."

Illion smirked as he bowed and swept out his arm for Tom to follow him. "Let's get to work then." He said, his eyes twinkling in amusement.


Wolf's Dawn Medical Bay


Later, after the concert, thankfully the entire incident went on without anyone from the concert itself realizing how close they were from being killed. Everyone left once it was over like nothing happened. The only ones who had been informed about what exactly happened were Lacus and her band, and promised not to tell this to anyone else.

Now, D.J., Jordan, and most of the others had taken the unconscious forms of Tom and Takeshi back to the Wolf's Dawn medical bay, where they now both lay on separate beds set up. Tsunade was doing a check-up on them already, while Mikoto was next to Tom with Itachi and Sasuke. How they found out what happened, and got to the Land of Iron so quickly? It baffled even Jordan.

"You think they're gonna be okay?" Jordan asked.

"Oh yes, Jordan, a guy who had his eyes slashed and later pushed his body to its limit while bleeding out should be perfectly dandy and very giggle like!" Dennis said sarcastically.

Dennis received a smack to the head for that.

"Ow! What the hell man!?" he said and saw D.J. giving him a glare.

"That's for being sarcastic," D.J. said. "Jordan's just being concerned for them that's all,"

"Just saying"

Jordan sighed as he turned to Tsunade, as she sighed and stood up. "What's the verdict, Hokage-sama?" he asked. "They gonna be alright?"

Tsunade sighed at that. "They're stable, but, Tom's eyes are completely slashed out. He'll need a eye transplant,"

D.J. sighed at that news, "Do you have any eyes in stock in a cooling tank someplace?"

"Available at this very moment? No," Tsunade said, shaking her head. However then Mikoto blinked as she stood up, and seemed to check Tom's pockets.

Jordan blinked "Mikoto-san, what are you-?" He began to say, before Mikoto shouted 'Ah-ha!' before pulling out a small container from Tom's pocket... carrying a pair of eyes in water inside.

D.J. and Jordan were surprised and a little freaked out at this discovery.

"Uhh, why does Tom have a pair of eyes in his pocket?" D.J. said as Jordan shook his head.

"I don't know, and I probably don't wanna know," He said.

"They were Fugaku's eyes," Mikoto answered. "When Tom killed him, he pried both of his eyes out of his skull... Tsunade-sama, do you think you can use these eyes to give Tom his vision back?"

Tsunade looked at the eyes container, after Mikoto gave them to the Medic-nin, and inspected them for any damage. Seeing none, she looked at the Uchiha Matriarch.

"We'll find out soon enough," she said.

At that moment, a groan came from one of Takeshi's beds as his eyes opened. "Did someone catch the license plate number of that bus?" he muttered as he started sitting up.

Everyone noticed that his voice sounded different now. Jordan, Dennis and D.J. recognized his new voice as similar to that of Ichigo Kurosaki from the Anime Bleach, yet still sounding a bit like Takeshi originally had.

"Yo, Takeshi, you alright?" Jordan asked. "You just passed out after the last Death Watch and ROOT guys were taken care of."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Takeshi remarked before wincing slightly as he put a hand on his forehead. "Ngh... aside from the lingering headache resulting from fully awakening the memories of my past life, that is."

Both Jordan, D.J. and the others in the room blinked as they looked at Takeshi. "Come again?" Jordan asked. "What do you mean you fully awakened your memories?"

"Got visited by my past self in some sort of dreamscape, wouldn't be surprised if it was my Mindscape, and he did something which caused us to merge. I now have full access to the memories, knowledge, and powers I had 3600 years ago, back during the days of the Great Galactic War between the Republic and the Sith Empire-along with some new powers I'm going to have to discover on my own."

The others looked at Takeshi as if he was a whole different person.

"Uhh, Taka, you're scaring us here," D.J. said as Takeshi chuckled.

"I didn't expect to believe me right off the bat," he said, as his face turned serious.

"Oh great, another destiny crap we can't figure out," Dennis said, shaking his head. What's next, me being reincarnated as Tulak Hord!"

"Fuck my life and everything responsible for it..." Came the groan from Tom's bed causing everyone to look over to him. "My head hurts like I just decided to smash a house apart with it."

"Tom!" Mikoto shouted as she hugged the awakening Canadian shocking him.

"M... Mikoto?" He asked in surprise. "H... how long was I out... where am I?"

"You're on the Wolf's Dawn," said D.J., "And you've been out for a few hours. Takeshi just woke up a few minutes before you did,"

"Fuck..." Tom groaned. "Mikoto? When did you get here?"

"We were actually on our way to meet up with you," Mikoto informed. "Sasuke and Itachi are with me, we had some news that we needed to share with you in person."

"Hold on to that news for a few seconds can you?" Tom asked as he struggled to sit up, Mikoto was instantly helping him as she shifted his pillows for better comfort. "Guys, I have found out what yanked us off of our world and brought us to the universe at large."

Jordan and the others looked at Tom in shock. "W-What?" Jordan asked. "How, I mean... I thought... the game and...what?"

"The Living Force," Tom informed as he turned his head in Jordan's direction. "It wanted us here, something else is moving in the Galaxy, something that's destroying the balance of the Force, we are to restore it."

"...and it picked us, a bunch of teenagers who could barely fight until Jaster trained us?" Jordan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Something other than combat abilities-Jordan, you were chosen for your heart and compassion, D.J., you had been chosen for your technical knowledge and understanding of it. I... I was chosen, because I was willing to do whatever it took, kill, lie, cheat, steal. Anything and everything to get the job done." Tom explained in a heavy voice. "Each of us was chosen for a reason, a counter, a balance, we each have our roles to fill."

"Wait... I was picked because I have heart and compassion, that's it?" Jordan asked with wide eyes. At Tom's nod, he cursed "Fuck! I got jipped! What am I, Ma-ti from Captain Planet? Come on, for the love-of-crap! Couldn't I have been picked for something better than just that?"

"I think the reasons we were chosen were related to how we'll have the most impact in saving the universe," Takeshi replied as he thought about it. "We'll all have our fair share of fighting, but our biggest influences in the galaxy will all be different, I imagine. So Jordan, the fact that you were chosen for heart and compassion tells me you're going to wind up saving people who would otherwise fall into sadness, despair, hate, etc."

It was then D.J. spoke up, "And what about me? I like it that I'm seen as a gizmo genius, by a deity no less, but what am I supposed to do?"

Takeshi thought about that. "Well, D.J., you made some really cool schematics, like that jet pack you showed me," he said. "I have a hunch you would form a corporation that will rival all the others, and possibly change the face of warfare as we know it, even beyond Mobile Suits."

D.J. blinked at that. "Hmm...Ah what the hell."

"When this council meeting is finished, I'll be leaving for a period of time," Tom informed the others getting confused looks from everyone. "There is someone that I will need to recruit, especially if I am to fulfill my role."

"Jordan, D.J., and myself will need to leave then, too," Takeshi remarked. "There's a place we need to go in order to get properly equipped. You'll need to come with us, Ryu, but we can help you in your recruitment in exchange."

"Actually..." Mikoto began, getting everyone's attention. "You may have to delay your travel plans for a short while, Tom... the Uchiha Clan has voted for a new Clan Head, it was a unanimous vote, we all want you to be our new Clan Leader."

Silenced reigned in the infirmary as the news settled into their minds. "I'm sorry, I seemed to have had a temporary bout of hallucinogenic insanity, care to repeat that?" Tom said dumbfounded.

"You heard right, we wish for you to be our Clan Head," Mikoto repeated. "We took a look through the Clan Laws and the only rules concerning choosing a Clan Head is that, by the time of the official appointment ceremony, they must be an Uchiha and they must have the Sharingan."

"But, I am not an Uchiha and I sure as hell don't have the Sharingan," Tom said with a frown. "So how can I be the clan head?"

"For the Sharingan, Tsunade-sama is actually preparing Fugaku's eyes to be transplanted into you," Mikoto informed, getting a tilted head from Tom. "As for becoming an Uchiha... you would have to marry into the clan for that one..."

"Kaa-san has offered to become your wife," Itachi spoke up as his mother trailed off, getting a dropped jaw from Tom and the others he leaned in and lowered his voice to a whisper so that only Tom could hear. "Speaking for myself... I think that it's not just the clan who needs you, but my Kaa-san as well, Tom-san, please..."

Tom leaned back in his pillow as he allowed this to filter into his mind, a thousand thoughts splitting off at once, almost all of them arriving at the same conclusion. "Mikoto, is this what you really want?" Tom asked gesturing between himself and her. "Speaking for myself, you are a very attractive woman whose heart is only matched by her willingness to help others, if you would have me, I... I would be honored to not only be the Clan Head... but your husband as well."

Mikoto beamed at Tom as she leaned in and gently placed a kiss on his lips, causing him to stiffen slightly before relaxing and returning the chaste kiss. "Thank you..." she whispered to him. "For saving us... and redeeming us."

"We're ready to begin the transplant," Tsunade announced to the room. "We will have to move you to an operation room."

Tom nodded and accepted Mikoto's help to stand. "I'm ready," he informed with a nod. "I'll be able to actually see you guys again soon."

Jordan smiled a bit and nodded. "Right," he said. "And congrats Tom."

"Thanks." Tom replied as he and Mikoto headed out the door following Tsunade as Itachi and Sasuke followed them.

When they left, it left Jordan, D.J, Dennis, and Takeshi alone in the room. Jordan sighed before he turned back to Takeshi. "So... Takeshi," he said. "Or is your name still Takeshi at this point? I mean... who did you Reincarnate into? You said something about the Great Galactic War... but exactly who from that time period?"

"Believe it or not, my name was Takeshi Yamato back then, as well," he admitted. "I wasn't that important of a figure myself, just a Combat-Fueled Adrenaline Junkie Corellian Jedi Sentinel who found the woman who would become his Soul Mate during the Sacking of Coruscant, though I did take part in a few key battles during the War about 10 Years after the Sacking. If you can get the others together, along with Jaster, Jango, Arla, Tsunade, and anyone else we can trust, I can explain my past to everyone at once... and I think it might be about time we came clean to Jaster, Jango, and Arla as well."

Jordan stiffened a bit, unsure about that. "I... don't know Takeshi..." he said. "I know we will have to tell them eventually, but... how the hell are we suppose to tell them? We spent the last year building their trust..."

"If they trust us enough, they'll understand why we kept it a secret-and we have to trust them, too," Takeshi replied. "I'll explain my past first, but I'll see about providing a decent opening and lead-in for you to reveal what we know."

D.J. sighed at that. "This isn't gonna be easy, man," he said. "Worst case scenario is that they think we're crazy."

"A risk we need to take," Takeshi replied. "Besides, my going first might make it go over a bit easier-being a Reincarnation of a Jedi from around 3600 years ago is probably harder to believe than coming from a universe where everything in this one is considered fiction. Not to mention it's quite possible that Jaster is suspecting something unusual already."

Jordan sighed, and was silent for a few moments. Finally he spoke. "All right... we'll give it a go," he said. "We're taking a big risk here though, Takeshi..."

Said reincarnated Jedi just chuckled. "Just like in my past life when I was risking my Jedi career by having a relationship, even if it was with another Jedi."

D.J. blinked at that line, "Speaking of that, who was she?"

Takeshi got a wistful look on his face. "Her name was Shion," he replied. "And she was one of the best Healers I ever had the pleasure of meeting. We met during the Sith Attack on Coruscant, and forged a friendship that grew over time, eventually becoming love and reinforced with an actual Force Bond." He smiled. "And I'd imagine that she was reincarnated, too-and I look forward to when I can see her again."

"Well then, it's best if we get ready to talk to Jaster and the others," Jordan said. "It might be a good idea to come clean with Tsunade and some of the other members of Tridenius who we know we can trust... we'd have to tell them too, eventually."

"Let's get to it, then," Takeshi replied. "The sooner we get this taken care of, the sooner we can get ready for the Tridenius Council-something tells me that Danzo and the Death Watch aren't done yet."

Dennis sighed before speaking. "Guys, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I never found the right time to talk about and Jordan especially needs to know this," Dennis said in a serious tone as the others stared at Dennis.

"When I saved Blair and her mother, I checked their guards datapads and I found something disturbing...I think Hinode is a Biological weapon." Dennis then showed the others the information he found.

"I don't know what Project Titan is but I aim to find that out. But we should start with Orochimaru."

Jordan looked at the information, his eyes widening after each sentence he read. But when he finished, Jordan let out a small growl as his hands balled into fists. "That... fucking.!"

"Calm down, Jordan," Takeshi replied. "I know you care for Hinode quite a bit, but don't focus on what was done to her-focus on keeping anything else from being done to her."

"Taka's right. Why kill him right off the spot when you can make him beg for it. There is some really fun tortures we can do before they die. Think we have the resources for the bronze bull?" Dennis asked with his eyes turning black and his irises turning red for a quick second along with a sadistic smile.

Jordan blinked at Dennis oddly for a moment, before he sighed. "We'll... worry about that later," he said. "Right now... let's get ready to talk to the others... I just hope this works..."

117Jorn: And there you have it! The second chapter of New Blood and HAPPY STAR WARS MONTH! That's right, Star Wars MONTH, as you know there is a debate on whether or not Star Wars DAY should be on the 4th or 25th... so, I decided to say screw it, and made Star Wars Month! An entire celebration starting from May 4th to May the 25th! And our gift to you to kick this off is an update on both Fighting for the Future AND New Blood!

Takeshi Yamato: We'll be doing our best to celebrate from May 4th all the way to the 25th! Not sure just how many updates we can pull off in that timeframe, but we'll do our best! :D

DragonKnightRyu: Who's up for some Corellian Ale to Celebrate?

Takeshi Yamato: I wouldn't mind trying some Whyren's Reserve, but I'd probably be better off with some water or maybe tea.

DragonKnightRyu: Pussy! Drink up before I get the Wookie's Alcohol!

Takeshi Yamato: All right, all right. I normally don't drink alcohol, to be honest, but I've always been curious about Whyren's Reserve.

ShadowMaster94: Sigh...Fuck it, Give me what Ryu is having.

117Jorn: Eh, screw it. I'll have a pint of that! While we do that, see you guys later! Remember to read, and review! Until next time...