Son of Neptune spoilers guys, back away now!

Anyways, I finished the book within 7 hours of having it, and so here I go writing oneshots for it.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Son of Neptune. I'm not Luke Skywalker's father either.

"Jackson, I only followed you becuase Reyna charged me with a message. She wants you to report to the Principia without your -ah- two lackeys, here. Reyna will meet you there after the senate adjourns. She'd like a private word with you before you leave on your quest."

"What about?" Percy said.

"I'm sure I don't know." Octavian smiled wickedly. "The last person she had a private talk with was Jason Grace. And that was the last time I ever saw him. Goodluck and goodbye Percy Jackson." -P. 177, The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

Reyna slashed the head off another dummy.

"Good job," Jason said. "That's about 14 more than last time you were ticked off at Octavian."

"He's getting worst." She grumbled mad, kicking away the limp dummy. The sweat made strands of black hair stick to the back of her neck. "Well, a better speaker, but that's worst for us."

"I know, but they raised us on the shields. Not Octavian. The people chose us, and they'll stand by us until we fail them. We haven't failed them." Jason said. Reyna still wasn't convinced as the various assassinations and betrayals, uprisings and tricks of Rome ran through her head.

Jason saw it, because he could see everything in her, and he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Think of a wolf pack. There's the alpha male- well, there are two of us technically- and then there's any other wolf who wants to. It's always the same. Don't be afraid of him, he's just causing trouble. We're a strong team; he won't change that, not him out of all things."

Reyna smiled, but then it faded and her eyes dropped back to the ground.

"You know, there's the Alpha male and Alpha female sometimes." Reyna said, looking back up and in the eyes. He smiled a bit and Reyna couldn't help herself, she leaned in and kissed him.

"Sorry- I, I just… I've wanted to do that for a long time."

"That's fine, because so have I." Jason said. So they kissed again and Reyna felt like Octavian was on another planet. Problem? Pff- what problem?

Jason opened his mouth to say something but someone coughed. They looked up and Jason saw Vitellius, arms crossed, foot tapping to the ground.

"Umm- Vitellius?" Jason said, raised eyebrow. Reyna felt herself blushing. Oh gods- out of all the Lares?

"Mm-hmm." He said.

"Umm, can you, you know, leave?" Reyna asked.

"You want to kiss again?" The spirit teased.

"Well he's not the one I feel like striking through." Reyna said meaningfully. The Lares gulped. The brilliant thing about having your mother as a goddess of war was that you could hurt just about anybody on the surface on the earth when you felt like it.

"Go to bed soon, wolves are going to find you, Twelfth legion Fulminata!" He said before scrambling back to the City. Jason laughed.

"He's right though."

"Guess the wolves would be hard to kill," Reyna said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She said.

Reyna smiled when she opened the door and closed it behind her.

The conversation was unexpected, it was sudden, but it was also the last.