A/N: Okay okay. So I KNOW I have LOTS of fics to UD, but I am totally FAILING at that right now xD. I tried to UD but as soon as I opened word I had to blurt this one out. Hope you like it, let me know if I should continue it or if I shouldn't

Jane rushed to her side, a little unsure of how to act, knowing what was going to happen. The ambulance was not going to be there in time. Lisbon stared up at him, breathing heavily, her eyes watering, blood pouring heavily from her wound. He knelt beside her, looking down at her face, and offered some comforting words.

"Hey Lisbon, it's gonna be okay.."

Lisbon looked up to him and smiled.

"Hey," She said between breaths, getting paler every second.

Jane lifted her head up onto his lap and put his hand on her wound, in a sad attempt to slow the bleeding.

Lisbon didn't react at all to his touch, simply holding her eyes on his.

"I," she started, breathing heavily and her voice shaking, "I thought I t- told you to stay in, in the, in the…" she coughed, blood running down her chin, "Van."

More heavy breathing, an attempt at a laugh, another cough.

"Yeah, well, you know me, I can't help myself…" he forced the reply, a sad smile appearing on his face.

Lisbon choked out a weak laugh, but then winced as it caused pain to her ribcage.

"Listen to me Lisbon, everything's going to be fine…"

Her eyes left his and wondered tiredly downwards, her eyelids drooping.

"No no no no no! Lisbon I need you to keep your eyes open!" he said, panic, present in his voice, the smile gone.

Lisbon blinked heavily a few times, coughed up more blood, and became so much more paler. Jane felt tears in his eyes.

"Pa-… Patrick Jane…"

"Yes Lisbon I'm here…"

"You- are… cold…"

"No im not Lisbon it's hot im hot feel my hands they're warm!" He put his hands to her face, her cheeks, which were now covered in tears.

"Its…. It's so c- so cold…"

"No it's not Lisbon look at me!" Her eyes were shutting. "NO Lisbon NO! PLEASE LOOK AT ME!"

She was gone.

Jane looked at her face, sweating at his brow as his eyes frantically searched for signs of life, but he no longer could hear her heavy breaths, nor feel her pulse in the hand he didn't realise he was holding.

Paramedics rushed over, pulling her out of his hands and rushing her into the recovery position on the pavement. Everything seemed to go silent, everyone rushing around him. He just wished someone would say she'd be okay, but no one did.

Slowly he stood, allowing the crowd of people around Lisbon's body to grow, and he left the scene, strolling off into the nearby park. If he could have helped, he would have, but he knew it would be best for him not to interfere.

See I know it's short, but would you like me to continue? (I promise it wont be a random fic where Lisbon is dead I promise )