Please note that this story is a play on Never Been Kissed and is based in the 'verse of my story, A Broken Fall and is completely AU. I would suggest reading that story first to get a better understanding of how Kurt and Blaine got together and how their relationship works. Also please be aware that some of the words and ideas written here are not my own and belong to the writers and creators of Glee.
Kurt Hummel took a deep breath as he approached the doors of McKinley. He had worn his most demure jacket, shirt, skinny jeans and boots today (after his gorgeous white Marc Jacobs coat was ruined by a cherry slushie last week). It had been an amazing three months since Kurt had met his new best friend and now boyfriend, since last month. After breaking his wrist and sporting a hopefully nondescript black cast on his left arm, Karofsky and his group of Neanderthals had taken it easy on him. Kurt figured it was because they didn't want to be blamed for any additional damage to his broken bones. Since getting his cast off, Kurt held his breath every morning, just waiting for what was coming. As soon as he returned to school sans cast, Kurt was immediately a target again.
The bullies were ruthless. Body checks into the lockers, being tripped in the hallways, slushie facials…not to mention the completely barrage of verbal insults slung his way every time one of the Neanderthals walked passed him. While it wasn't any worse than it had been before Kurt had broken his wrist, after been relatively safe for 6 weeks made him forget how horrible school was. Sometimes, the only things that kept Kurt going during the school day were his early morning skype chats with Blaine and the little encouraging text messages he sent throughout the day.
Kurt made it into the building, thankful for the fact that the halls were relatively free of letterman jackets. The occasional jock jeered as him as he walked to his locker, but he knew they were too afraid to pull anything without their leaders, Karofsky and Azimio, around. Kurt simply held his head up high and walked toward his locker, where Mercedes was waiting for him. Finn was pretty good at staying with him at all times, or if not Finn, Puck or Sam or Mike. But the boys had an early football practice this morning and his friends and step-brother were maybe all still in the locker room. Kurt made it to his locker and peered up at the school portrait Blaine had given him a couple of weeks after they met. Kurt had confessed to him that the only times he felt safe at school were when Blaine called him on his lunch break. Talking to his best friend over the phone gave him the courage to make it through the rest of the day. Blaine would always give him a little pep talk, tell him there were only a few more hours until they could talk for real, or even meet for coffee if Blaine so happened to have an afternoon off from Warblers' practices.
As soon as Blaine had given him his school portrait, Kurt had dug through his and Carole's piles of old magazines and made a little collage that spelled, "Courage" to place underneath it. It helped more than he thought it would, especially when he returned to school without his cast. That was one day when he his boyfriend (His boyfriend!) the most. After a tearful phone call from Kurt during lunch, Blaine begged Wes to let him skip practice just this once. He was at Kurt's doorstep when his Navigator pulled into the driveway. Let's just say Finn didn't quite appreciate the fact that they were half making out in the driveway. (Can't you guys go to your room or something? Finn, if you and Rachel can make out on the living room couch, then me and Blaine can kiss in the driveway, suck it up.)
Kurt somehow made it through to lunch without a slushie ruining his depressing outfit of choice. He was itching to get home. It was Friday night and Blaine was coming home to Lima for the weekend. Blaine planned on taking him to a restaurant just on the edge of the city, where he swore they had the best Thai food in the city. Even though Kurt was able to avoid a slushie facial today, that didn't stop the bullies from verbally harassing him constantly and checking him into a locker between every class. Kurt was tired and his arm hurt. His resolve was slowly breaking. He just wanted it to be the end of the day so he could go home and take a nice long shower and prepare for his Blaine filled weekend, but he still had a few more classes to get through.
Finally, FINALLY, after two hours of mind numbingly boring classes, the final bell rang and Kurt was off to the choir room for Glee practice. Before stopping off at his locker, Kurt felt the vibration from an incoming text in his pocket and he took his phone out to see:
From Blaine: COURAGE xo
Kurt smiled and prepared to tap out a quick response when this incredibly force came out of nowhere and shoved him into the set of lockers on his left side. The side of Kurt's arm throbbed and his ass hurt from hitting the hard tile of the floor with such force. He was definitely going to have a bruise. I
Instead of getting up and brushing himself off, he just snapped. He was just so incredibly pissed off. While he had been having a miserable day in general, he was looking forward to Glee club and his date. Of course Karofsky just had to push him one more time and kill his good mood. Instead of ignore him completely; Kurt decided to chase Karofsky into the locker room, stopping to pick up his cell phone where it clattered down the hall.
"HEY. HEY. I'M TALKING TO YOU!" yelled Kurt, angrily as he ran into the locker room.
"Girl's locker room is next door, Hummel," said Karofsky nonchalantly.
"What are you so afraid of?" Kurt asked, heart pounding.
"The fact that you came in here to take a peek at my junk," Karofsky replied.
"Oh yes, that's all exactly what we all want," said Kurt sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Trust me hamhock, you aren't my type. I have a boyfriend and I wouldn't dare date someone like you, who'll be bald by 30 and still living with his mother."
"Don't push me Hummel!" Karofsky roared.
"You want to hit me, go ahead. It's not going to change who I am. I'll still be gay and you'll still be a scared little boy!" Karofsky's beefy face was red and sweating, while Kurt was sure the blood had drained completely out of his own face. His palms were sweaty and he was this close to closing his eyes for the incoming impact of Karofsky's fist hitting his jaw. They both were just standing there, breathing harshly. Kurt was hopeful that Karofsky was just bluffing and was going to leave, until suddenly Karofsky's meaty hands were on his face and his disgusting teeth were clattering against his own. Rough lips were pressed against his and all Kurt was screaming in his head, "GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!"
Before Kurt could even get his arms to work, or even get his knee to move swiftly upward to catch Karofsky right in the groin, he was gone. Kurt felt like he was going to vomit. Although he was pretty sure his lips were closed the whole time, he swore he could taste something absolutely vile, like onions, or burgers or something; nothing like the wonderful mixture of coffee and chocolate and mint and that one something that was distinctly just Blaine, when he kissed his boyfriend.
Kurt before Kurt could open his mouth and scream at Karofsky, he approached Kurt again, invading his personal space. Kurt finally got his arms to work again and he pushed Karofsky away with all his strength, horrified but filled with adrenaline.
"Get the fuck away from me Karofsky," he said in a low, terrifying voice.
Karofsky looked momentarily confused that Kurt had pushed him away and suddenly his face twisted with rage.
"I swear to god Hummel, if you ever tell ANYONE about this, I will kill you!" He punched a locker rage before he left the locker room, the door slamming open and closed with a resonant sound that echoed in the room.
Kurt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and he collapsed on the ground, sobbing from the complete and utter terror he just experienced. He sobbed, his chest heaving up and down. He could barely breathe. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't just shake this off and pretend it never happened. He couldn't go to Figgins because he wouldn't believe Kurt without any proof. Finn would tear Karofsky limb from limb, not to mention his father, who would probably keel over with another heart attack before he could do the same.
Blaine, Blaine will help me. Blaine will know what to do. He's the only one I can talk to, he can help me. He can save me from this, thought Kurt. Still shaking with sobs, Kurt reached into his pocket and turned on his phone, Blaine's last text still on the screen. Kurt tapped Blaine's name and then Call Blaine and then the phone was ringing and Kurt knew he would be safe now.
Blaine was in his dorm room packing the handful of things he would need for his weekend spent at home, when the opening notes of "Bubbly" trilled from his Blackberry. Kurt's adorable face was shining on the screen and he quickly answered.
"Hey you! I'm on my way right now!" he said happily into the phone. Instead of a cheery hello from Kurt, all he could hear was heaving breathing and a congested kind of sniffle.
"Kurt…?" he called out worriedly into the phone. What's going on?
"B-blaine?" Kurt replied brokenly into the phone. Blaine could now hear the distinctive sound of sobbing into the phone. Blaine immediately went into panic mode and was now throwing things into his duffle bag and leaving his dorm room as he held the phone to his ear.
"What happened baby? Talk to me, tell me what's wrong."
Kurt hiccoughed and sobbed again into the phone. "Breathe Kurt, I'm coming right now okay? Just tell me what happened."
"Karofsky…he…" Kurt stopped and sobbed even more into the phone.
"Kurt. KURT. Listen to me right now. Where are you? I'm going to call Finn right now and he's going to come get you, baby. I'm leaving right now, I'm coming. You're okay. I'm coming right now," Blaine rambled into the phone, hoping to somewhat soothe his crying boyfriend in his blind panic.
"Locker room," Kurt replied. Blaine barely caught it before he was telling Kurt to hang up now because he was going to call Finn right this second. "Stay there baby, Finn's gonna come get you."
Kurt hummed into the phone before hanging up. Blaine reached his jeep in the parking lot and unlocked the doors quickly and climbing into the car. He turned the key into the ignition and turned on the Bluetooth connection that ran through his car's high tech stereo system.
"Call Finn Hudson," he said aloud. The sound of the phone ringing filled the car instantly and Blaine shifted gears, backing out of the parking space and driving out of Dalton towards Lima.
Finn was chatting with Puck in the choir room when his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. Finn did a quick overview of the room, ensuring Mr. Schue hadn't arrived yet before pulling out his phone and answering the call.
Call from Blaine Anderson
Finn looked confused at the screen. Why is Kurt's boyfriend calling me? Finn looked around the room once again to spot Kurt and ask him, when he realized Kurt wasn't there yet. Well, that's odd. Kurt's always one of the first people here because his locker is closer than anyone else's.
"Finn? Oh thank god."
Blaine sounded entirely too panicked for Finn's comfort. "Blaine? What's going on? Is Kurt with you?"
"Finn, Kurt just called me sobbing. All he said was something about Karofsky and being in the locker room. You have to go find him and bring him home. I'm on my way from school right now, I'll meet you there."
"Shit." Finn's stomach instantly filled with nervous panic. Before he could respond to Blaine, the call was ended. Finn stood up and was almost bolting out the door, when Puck grabbed his arm.
"Dude, what's up?"
"It's Kurt. He's in the locker room. Something happened with Karofsky," he said quickly, still trying to run out the door. The room was immediately in an uproar.
"Guys, listen to me. Please don't follow me. I don't want him to get smothered. He didn't tell Blaine he was hurt, but's he's obviously really shook up about something and I'm just going to bring him home and Blaine's going to meet me there. Just let me handle it right now."
Everyone sat back down, resigned. The girls were chattering and the boys just looked…angry. Finn finally left the room and ran towards the locker room. Once he got inside, he heard Kurt crying before he saw him crawled into a ball on the floor. His knees were tucked up to his chin and he was clutching his iPhone tightly in his hands. Finn approached him slowly.
"Hey, man. It's me."
Kurt looked up at Finn with red, puffy eyes. He looked absolutely terrified. Finn crouched down to Kurt on the floor and inspected him. He didn't seem to be physically hurt, but something really bad must have happened.
"You okay bro?" asked Finn. He rubbed his hands up and down Kurt's arms, as if to warm him up (because he was shaking like a leaf). Before Finn could even ask if Kurt was hurt anywhere, Kurt launched himself forward and wrapped his arms around his brother's neck. He was crying harder than he was before and all Finn could do was try to soothe him by rubbing his hands back and forth over Kurt's back.
"It's okay, I got you now." And he repeated it over and over until Kurt finally calmed down and released Finn from the tight bear hug. "Better now?" he asked. "Ready to go home?"
Kurt just nodded and followed Finn to the door. Finn poked his head out, ensuring that no one was out in the hallway that could freak Kurt out any further. Finn stood guard while Kurt was gathering his things at his locker and they made their way to the Navigator in the parking lot. Wordlessly, Kurt handed over his keys to Finn.
Kurt sat quietly in the passenger seat as Finn drove them home. The radio wasn't playing and Kurt was curled in on himself. Finn had never seen him so scared looking before. The anxiousness was creeping up on him and he really just wanted to ask his brother what had happened. He finally just decided to do it before Kurt completely shut him out.
"Kurt…" His brother flinched slightly at the sound of his voice. Finn mentally kicked himself. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"
Kurt cleared his throat, "When Blaine gets here."
"Do you promise?" asked Finn, skeptically.
Kurt looked over at him and nodded. "I promise. I know this time I need to talk about it."
This time?
"Okay man, we're here for you whenever you're ready," said Finn, softly. He reached over and placed a hand on Kurt's shoulder.
"Thanks," he whispered.
When Finn pulled in the driveway, he was relieved to see that Burt's truck and Carole's car weren't in the driveway. He was a little disappointed to see that Blaine's red jeep had not yet arrived, but Finn knew the only way Blaine could have gotten to Lima from Westerville is less than an hour would be to break several laws.
Kurt opened the door and almost dragged himself to the front door to wait for Finn to unlock it. Kurt looked…deflated and sad more than terrified now. Finn didn't know if this was good or bad. By this point, Finn was almost feeling sick with anxiety and worry. As soon as Finn unlocked the door, Kurt bolted up the stairs and into the bedroom. Finn placed Kurt's keys on the little table near the door and followed him.
Kurt had left his bedroom door wide open and Finn could hear the sounds of Kurt retching in the bathroom.
Blaine, please get here soon. Finn really had no clue how to handle this type of situation. Finn walked into Kurt's bedroom, carefully. Kurt practically obeyed him to stay away that one time when he knocked Kurt's antique lamp over and broke it. He cleared his throat to alert his presence. After Kurt was finished throwing up, he could hear Kurt gargling (Mouthwash, probably) and then the running water and buzz of Kurt's battery powered toothbrush. After what seemed an entirely too long amount of time to brush one's teeth, Kurt emerged from his bathroom, looking worse for wear. Before Finn could say anything, Kurt held up his hand to keep him from speaking.
"I'm going to take a shower. You can stay in here but please don't touch anything. And please stop looking at me like that Finn, I won't break my promise. Blaine will be here soon, right?"
Kurt looked overly concerned about the arrival of his boyfriend and Finn was quick to reassure him Blaine was on his way. "He called me and said he was coming, don't worry. Do you want me to call him again?"
Kurt nodded, his lips turning into a frown and his eyes tearing up. "Okay, okay. Sit down next to me. I'll call him." Finn grabbed his phone and dialed Blaine as Kurt scooched in tight to his side.
"Put it on speaker, okay?"
Author's Note
I know I absolutely butchered Karofsky's speech and I apologize. I just didn't exactly want to go word from word from Never Been Kissed, because that's kind of boring, right? Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter of my newest story! I know I've kind of gone WAY back into season two and everyone is so immersed in season 3 that this is kind of uncommon. But I really wanted to write something to see how Kurt and Blaine would react to this situation as a couple.