And I'm back with a new story, one day after finishing Promise Me This...I'm pretty organised :L

I had a poll on my profile for what story I would do next, and well this one came out on top! I plan on doing two stories at once for a month (in a month's time I'm starting the sequel to Promise Me This). I'll be closing the poll on Tuesday, so the second top story will be the other story I will work on! So head over to my profile to vote!

This story is a Klaus/Elena/Stefan story. It will begin with dark themes (e.g.-rape.) However, I won't go into detail.

It takes place during 3x03, when Stefan sees Elena. Klaus sees her to and is angry so he takes her. He compels Stefan to turn off his humanity and together they torture her. And it's all about her getting through to the two rippah's (:L) and trying to make them feel again.

So without further ado here is the first chapter of Where Was Your Humanity?

Chapter 1-What Has Become of Us?

Stefan's POV

"What a charming little home, Stefan," Klaus said in a dreary voice as we walked up to the door of my old apartment. I had been dreading this. I had been dreading seeing the list again. Reliving the moments in which I had took innocent lives was something I did not enjoy doing. I was a different person. No matter how much human blood Klaus shoved down my throat I wasn't going to change who I was. I was doing it for her.

"I love you, Stefan, hold onto that."

Those words brought hope in the darkest times. I knew she was looking for me. There was a part of me that wanted, a part that needed her to stay away so that she doesn't see me like this. But there was another part, a selfish part that would give anything to see her again.

Klaus looked down at the door and saw that the doorknob had been knocked off. He kicked the door effortlessly and it opened. He walked inside peering around.

"Do you feel that?" he turned to me, in a slight whisper he asked. "Is anybody here?"

I walked in and looked around, feeling something. "It's been vacant for decades," I said. "People must break in all the time," I paused and walked in further. "Why'd you bring me here?"

"Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank his wife's blood," Klaus reminisced. "I never could figure out why you wanted his name," he turned to me. "And then you told me you're little secret. It was all part of your special little ritual."

"To write it down," I said blankly.

"And relive the kill. Over and over and over again," Klaus smirked. He turned around and walked over to the cabinet, pulling it aside to reveal a shelves full of alcohol and blood. "You believe me now?" Klaus raised an eyebrow and smiled.

I made my way over to the secret room like place. But as I got closer, there was a sense of fear in the air. A sense I knew all to well. And it wasn't coming from me. And it wasn't coming from Klaus. So where was it coming from? I slowly walked into it, scanning the blood and alcohol, but as I turned the corner slightly, my hear skipped a beat.

There she was. Clutching my journal in her shaking hands, eyes filled with fear and fright. I heard Klaus walk away and nearly let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Elena looked at me with those same loving and hope-filled eyes the way she always had. She smiled slightly at seeing me. But my jaw stayed on the floor. I gazed at her, my god I had missed her. I reached out to touch her cheek, but drew my hand back, knowing that if for a minute she knew that I still cared for her, she would keep looking for me.

And still she looked at me in the same way.

"My god," I whispered the quietest tone. Elena's eyes filled with shock and pure horror. She was back to being scared.

"I suspect it is quite a shock to you," Klaus started to walk back over and Elena's heart began to race. She knew that she had about three seconds left to live as a free human before Klaus would see her. Before Klaus would realise that she was still alive. "For me, however, it's quite the opo-" as Klaus came up behind me his voice trailed off. Elena looked behind me with fear in her eyes.

"Now this," Klaus said in a whisper. "Is most definitely a surprise." He reached out his hand to touch her but I grabbed him by the arm and through him out of the room. I grabbed Elena and ran out of the small room. But that was for too slow for Klaus. He was back up in a moment. He pushed me away from her effortlessly and I fell to the ground at the other side of the room.

"Don't you touch her!" I hissed and shouted at Klaus.

But before he could do anything, Elena brought up her knee and struck him in his manhood. Klaus let out a pained groan and let down his guard for a moment.

"Elena! Run!" I yelled. And as she ran towards the door, Klaus got back up and raced after her. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back. Elena cried out in pain. "Elena!" I yelled.

Klaus chuckled. He turned himself and Elena around. "Oh door worry, Stef. I'm not going to kill her," Klaus smiled. "Her death is going to take a very long time."

I ran up to them but with Klaus' free hand and grabbed my neck. And as he added a great amount of pressure to a certain point on my neck I felt myself fading. The last thing I heard before I passed out was Elena shouting my name, followed by a scream.


I eventually came round. In a dungeon room. I was sitting upright, but as I tried to lean forward, I was pulled back. I looked up and saw my wrists in shackled above my head. I tried to get free with my vampire strength but found myself unable to break them.

"Stefan," a voice whispered. It sounded tired and dry. I looked up and saw Elena. She looked tired, the colour in her face was washed out. She had two puncture marks on her neck with little dribbles of blood trailed down her neck. Klaus had bitten her. She was chained to a chair by her wrists and ankles.

"Elena," I sighed. "Elena, I'm so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Stefan," she interrupted. "This was my fault. I was stupid enough to try and find you. And now we're both going to die."

"What makes you so sure?" a voice interrupted. We both looked up and saw Klaus standing at the top of a flight of stairs in the doorway to the cellar-like room. He jogged down the stairs and stood behind Elena's chair. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Now tell me, sweetheart, how is it that I killed you, and yet you still remain human."

Elena shook her head stubbornly. She didn't want Bonnie to get hurt by telling Klaus that she was responsible to being alive. Klaus tutted and came around to face her. He looked her dead in the eyes before his eyes lingered on her necklace. He snatched it from her neck and pocketed it. Elena struggled against the chair that imprisoned her. But it was no use.

Klaus grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "Now then. How are you still human?" he compelled.

"A soul replacing spell," she said robotically.

Klaus frowned. "I should've known."

"Please just kill me," Elena said weakly as Klaus got up from the ground and began to pace the room. He turned and faced her, furrowing his eyebrows. "Don't kill Stefan. He was only doing what he thought was right. He doesn't deserve to die. I do."

Klaus walked back over to her and crouched down in front of her. "Death would be too kind, sweetheart. You crossed me. Your death is going to last a very long time."

"Well then punish me. Stefan doesn't deserve to be punished," she sighed.

Klaus walked over to me. "Oh don't worry, love. I plan on rewarding Stefan," he smiled and turned back to face Elena. "See if it weren't for his love for you, you wouldn't be here right now." He turned back to me and smiled. "This is something I thought you would've done by yourself," Klaus sighed. "Guess I'm just going to have to do it myself." He looked my dead in the eyes. "You're gonna forget your feelings towards Elena," he compelled me.

"NO!" I heard Elena scream in the background.

"She means nothing to you. She claimed to love you, but ran away with your brother. You hate her," he continued to compel me. "You turn off your emotions. You are vengeful towards Elena for hurting you," he looked over his shoulder one final time. "You remember Rebekah and I from the twenties. Everything is the same as it was then," he smiled. "And you are going to torture Elena, in every way possible."

Let me know if this is worth continuing guys. Obviously this was a short chapter cause it was an introduction so normal chapters tend to be twice as long :)

Hope you enjoyed it, so don't forget to review and favourite :)
