AN: This chapter didn't want to come out, at all. It took a lot of bullying for this one to be written down, but now that this is done I can move on to the rest of the story.
I haven't given up on this story! I'm just 3 1/2 weeks off my wedding, and 2 1/2 months off quitting my job to do full time uni! Life has been very busy, and inspiration has been very scarce!
DZAuthor - Thank you for your delightful review! I can't wait to share the rest of this story with you (and all of my readers), because I've already got it sort of planned out but the ending is epic and awesome.
As always, my greatest thanks to Beloved-Stranger who tolerates my disappearing off the face of the earth for yonks (and I technically am still off the side of the earth, just reaching over the brim to type frantically!).
I do not own anything you recognise. And now, on with the show! This is fresh-off-my-brain and un-beta'd.
"I died in a war, on the shrieking shack floor, and woke up here."
Lucius' eyes blanked and a muscle in his jaw twitched. It took a full thirty seconds for his cold blue eyes to refocus. His hands trembled near imperceptibly as he returned the cup and saucer to the table.
"I would have," the blonde man said flatly. "If he hadn't brewed the anti-venom. If Alexis hadn't shoved that and a bezoar down my throat." He sighed and rested his hands, palms upward, upon his thighs. Severus remained very still. There was no tightening of muscles to indicate his recognition of the reason for the high-necked collar Lucius wore. Not even his heart rate betrayed him.
There was silence for some time as they both sat in quiet contemplation of their tea, while each observing the other for tell-tale twitches. It was a game Severus was well familiar with, but with a player he was not. Eventually, Lucius gave up admiring the milky brown liquid in his cup and turned his sharp gaze on Severus' face.
"It happened to you, but she wasn't there." It was not a question. He acknowledged it with the barest dip of his head. "Why were you there?"
He snorted. At Lucius' cocked eyebrow a humourless grin spread across his face. "I have taken my secrets to the grave. I suppose a spy has no greater wish in life than to do just that." The blonde's own face mirrored his.
"You and Alexis were the only people to know, excepting Albus. For Narcissa, and Draco," Lucius explained. His hands remained very still. The subtle notifications of stress – a lifting of the ears, a minute tightening around the nostrils – were all absent. This man alike but unlike his old comrade was good at this, Severus realised. Very good.
"So tell me, old friend," he said and leaned forwards, perching his elbows on his knees and keeping his keen dark eyes on Lucius' face. "Why did our illustrious master desire your death?"
It was Lucius' turn to snort. "The same reason I imagine he had you killed." The blonde gave a chuffing laugh and shook his head, real amusement leaking back into his eyes. "He is dead, if you were concerned about that. The Boy Who Lived did what he did best: lived while he died. This was all of two months past." The man sat back into the sofa, body oozing relaxation, a grin spreading across his face as though something amused him.
Something probably did. Severus was struck with the realisation that he did not know what truly made this man tick. He had known Lucius inside out, upside down and the wrong way round and could play him like a master violinist. This man across from him was a completely unknown quantity. Everything in this life was.
He supposed that came from being dumped into the middle of someone else's life.
"When did you die?" Lucius asked, serious once more.
"Four days ago, second of May," he replied sharply. Contemplating his death, or the events leading up to it, was not something he wished to do at this point in time.
"Our war was two months and four days ago on the second of March. I assume you also won the war?"
"I died during it, I could hardly tell you if Potter managed to kill himself or kiss Nagini," he snarled. "The horocruxes, who found the ring?"
"I did. Who found yours?"
"Albus did. I see you remain unscathed from your close encounter, I assume you did not attempt to put it on?"
"Oh it begged me. I clearly have more willpower than your Albus did. Who found the cup?"
"I believe Potter and co did." Severus sat back into the cushions and crossed one knee over the other.
"Ah, did they ever tell you about the burning, multiplying coins?" He shook his head.
"They did not. Were you the lucky one to find the cup?"
Lucius nodded. "Your burn salve – sorry, his burn salve – worked fantastically on those burns. Painful, though, especially when it's a tidal wave of coins."
"How did Lily die?" It was asked as nonchalantly as he could make it.
"Killed by our illustrious master because of a prophesy." His eyes slipped shut. Even without him there to overhear, someone had, and she was dead because of it. It happened irrespective of his participation. "You know who heard the prophesy, don't you?" Lucius' voice was overly eager.
"It was me." Severus let out the breath he had been holding and opened his eyes. They were carefully blank of the disgust he held himself in. Lucius' eyebrows shot up.
"You? You took the prophesy back to our master? But why did you turn coat?" Severus growled low in his throat and Lucius rocked back, surprised once more. "Shit, you loved her, didn't you?" This served to increase his glower at the blonde. "I don't need to be a legilimens to read you, old man." Lucius sat forwards and rested his elbows on his knees.
"Why did you turn coat?" Severus ground out.
"I overheard the prophesy, and when they were killed, well, Draco was still very young, almost the same age in fact. I had a moment of weakness, but I cannot say I regret my decision in the end." He was quiet for a time, eyes seeking out hidden depths in his tea cup. "Do you regret it?"
Severus found he couldn't answer. The things he had done for the cause, the Order, the things he had done while spying … they made him sick. He had killed, he had butchered, he had poisoned and he had tortured. There was no 'back seat' for a Death Eater, nowhere he could hide. He had mended murderers and rapists of the foulest kind with his tonics. He had destroyed for the rebirth.
A rebirth he would never see, and a death he did not attain.
Lucius stood. "I suggest you not speak to Alexis about the war. It was a very difficult time for her and her husband." He left, and Severus was alone with his brain. "Thank you for the tea!" he shouted from the back door, just before it snapped shut.
Did he regret his decision to take another master, to work for the Order?
Yes, a small, selfish part of his brain cried.
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