Chapter 8 A Sith's last stand


"Yes young one."

"I sense danger all around."

"As do I, what is your point?"

"It only concerns you, why?"

Cin did not like this He sensed long ago the bright force signatures approaching Korriban were for him alone. The fact that his new apprentice could tell this was disturbing to him.

"Nonsense, your senses are not attuned as mine, you are in danger just as I. The Jedi are relentless they will destroy us both."

Obi Wan looked down "Yes My Master."

Cin was displeased but he knew now was not the time to punish him just yet. "Come I have much to teach you."

Obi Wan followed his master as they entered the old training facility Cin walked to the center.

"Now, strike me with your most lethal force attack." Obi Wan only knew force push and pull. Bringing the force into him he pulled at his master slightly then sent the massive force push towards him.

Cin deflected the wave easily. "That was pathetic, no wonder your dad let you be kidnapped, your worthless." Cin bellowed.

Obi Wan was taken back letting his anger build that he called him pathetic, letting the dragon loose once again he gathered the force and did what the force told him to do. The invisible hand clamped around Cins' throat in an instant just like a bear trap, slowly Cin began to rise in the air. "I AM NOT PATHETIC!" Obi Wan screamed in sheer anger throwing Cin to the far side of the training room. Before Cin could recover he was being blasted by force push after force push, then gripped again and thrown back and forth. This lasted a good five minutes Cin was barely conscience when it stopped, as everything became silent he raised his head to see Obi Wan slumped on his knees breathing hard.

Obi Wan had exhausted himself using all his energy in the short but destructive outburst.

Cin rose to his feet laughing mildly. "Obi Wan very good my apprentice; however you lack focus." Cin yelled the last part as he sent force lightning at him. Obi Wan looked up in time to see the lightning leave his masters finger tips rolling away at the last moment.

Barely able to stand Cin kept throwing lightning at him and at the last moment he would drive or jump out of the way. Cin kept at this for hours laughing and taunting along the way, until Obi Wan finally had enough. His anger at his master for toying with him gave him the edge he needed again. Bringing the force back to him just as before he stuck his hand out sending a massive wave of force energy towards his master, rolling then launching anything he could hold with the force towards his master.

Cin was forced to avoid the objects coming fast. For once he was pleased with his apprentice. Cin decided to mix things up as he also started to throw objects and debris, plus catching Obi Wans redirecting them back at him. Obi Wan became even more infuriated at this opening himself fully to the darkside doing the impossible for one's age. Time seemed to stop as Obi Wan let everything he knew of the force go at his master.

All the objects started to circle the two, Cin was soon a part of the circle as it whirled faster and faster then slowly began to close in on Obi Wan so close, Cin could have touched him then a loud bang and everything was sent flying outward to the walls.

Silence filled the room soon after then the huffing of Obi Wan echoed in the vast training arena. Walking over to his master Obi Wan stood looking at him seeing how pathetic he was at the moment Obi Wan snorted then turned walking off. Cin slowly opened one eye his entire body felt as if it was on fire.

"Was that pathetic Master." Obi Wan Spat with sarcasm.

Cin didn't know how long it took him to get up. It was dark now as he reach the veranda he could sense Obi Wan was on the adjacent one.

Still looking out towards the ancient tombs Cin Spoke "You did well my young apprentice, Tomorrow We shall see if your saber skills are on par with the force." Cin said turning retiring for the night.


"R2 eta to Korriban?" Anakin asked his faithful droid.

R2 returned a series of beeps and whistles. "Try and boost the hyperdrive, 4 four days is too long R2 Obi Wan needs us."

R2 replied that the only power left was life support. "Take seventy-five percent, I put myself into a force sleep."

R2 gave him some beeps with some raspberries. "R2 I will be fine just do it."

Reluctantly R2 did as he was asked. "Now what is our eta?"

R2 responded hesitantly. "three days and fifteen hours, R2 bring life support down to ten percent, when we drop out of hyper space return life support to normal." Anakin said closing his eyes and educing a force sleep.

R2 whistled sadly, the little droid hoped that Anakin would make it with the life support at its current level.


Ben came out of his meditation. Checking the chrono they still had a little under two days left of travel. He was hoping that he spent longer in meditation, the dread of not reaching Obi Wan in time was bothering him deeply.

The door to the cockpit opened Ahsoka sensed his turmoil. "Ben it will be fine we will reach him in time have faith."

"I do try, but you have not seen how fast the darkside can take over a person. I nearly lost Anakin, and If Anakin looses Obi wan we loose him."

"I doubt that Ben, Skyguy is stronger than that now."

"You don't get it." Anakin has the knowledge of Revan, he has over four thousand years of Jedi and Sith experience. Anakin has reached his full potential, no one to stop him this time, if Obi Wan is lost..."

"I had no idea, Increasing power to one hundred and thirty percent output, eta is now one day twelve hours.

"Lets hope that will be enough." Ben replied.



Padme walked to the healers ward she needed to talk to someone. Over time she and Shaak Ti had become close friends.

"Hello Padme what can I do for you?"

"Morning Ti, I need a check-up."

"Do you feel ill?"

"Well yes and no its like I'm pregnate again." Padme said half jokingly.

Shaak Ti eyes widened but she regain her composure. "Lets run some tests then shall we, it will take the computer a few minutes to complete the tests."

"Do you think Anakin will find him?"

"One thing I have learned over the years, is not to underestimate your husband. He will find Obi Wan, I can only pray to the force who ever kidnapped your son is long gone before Anakin gets there."

"Even if he is, Anakin will hunt him to the ends of the galaxy and back."

"Ok the test is done, and the results are, oh my Padme you need to sit down."

Padme did as she was told. "Is there something wrong?" Padme said growing nervous.

End Chapter