A/N: This brings us to the end of Part One. It's all angst from here on out. You will need your brave hats. Follow us down the rabbit hole...
A/N 2 2016: I had planned to continue this. I really did. And then she ceased to exist. I didn't anticipate the affect this would have on me. I've tried to come back to this and who knows, maybe some point down the track, it might happen. For now, I'm closing up shop on this. Who knows, I might see you again in a decade.

Chapter Eighteen: Escape

It took Mara a full eighteen seconds to reach her decision. She was a stubborn young woman and all of her Jedi training hadn't softened that. Her father had always thought it perplexing, but he had managed to love her despite it anyway.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at the bag of meagre possessions she owned. Everything dear to her belonged on Coruscant and she had no intentions of being back there for a very long time. Her chest hurt with the thought of how much her decision would affect the people in her life.

Being a Jedi was all she had ever known. Her life had been regimented up until this point. Her days would be spent meditating, training with sabers and hanging on her Master's every word. The missions they were sent on were routine- she had learned how to think on her feet and use the Force to help others.

She had destroyed everything she had worked for in a moment of complete rage. Murderer's hands were not fit for lightsabers and with this thought, she snatched the offending weapon from her side. She wasn't close enough to her trials to have built one so she felt only numb as she shoved it in her bag. She wasn't sure what she would do with it but it was a Jedi's weapon and as she came to the conclusion, Mara Kenobi was no real Jedi.

She only had a vague idea of what she was going to do. Her issues stemmed from one thing only: her identity. Did being the granddaughter of a notorious war criminal make her exactly like him? Dooku was haunting her from beyond the grave, just as he had haunted her mother. Her mother had turned to spice in an effort to block it out but she was determined to handle this another way. All the meditation in the world wouldn't help her and being at the Temple would be a painful reminder of everything she had lost.

She needed to see something- see the world, see if she actually had a place in it. All the pain and guilt would disappear in its own time-as long as she didn't have to face her failure as a Jedi.

Her thoughts turned to her family away from this space rock. She would find a way to let Padmè and Leia know that she would be okay. Her heart burned with thoughts of Luke. It would still be a few days before he was back to himself and she couldn't wait that long.

Undoubtedly, he would try and convince her to stay and she would probably let him. Her feelings for him would cloud her judgement. Her eyes swept over the bare room. She would be facing another inquest into her actions and the Council wouldn't just let her go. Her heart began to beat harder as she realised that her decision meant she would be escaping from the Jedi Council.

She was turning herself into a fugitive, just like the murderer she was. Perhaps, out there somewhere in the galaxy, she'd be able to find some redemption. With a final look at the room that bore no resemblance to her home, she opened the door and came face-to-face with her Master.

For once, she was actually at a loss for words as he pieced together what her dishevelled appearance with a bag meant. "Please move," Mara finally managed to say after a moment of silence.

Anakin remained quiet and crossed his arms. "You have some explaining to do, young one," he said evenly. She shuffled awkwardly. "You will have to speak with the Council," he added sternly.

Mara went to move but her Master's robotic arm stopped her in her tracks. "But not before speaking with me," he said softly. Mara said nothing as he pushed the door open with the Force behind her.

Her heart raced as she clamped down every shield she had. Her Master was the Chosen One and escaping from him wouldn't be easy. She needed every advantage her cunning would afford her.

He gestured for her to sit down and she complied. "Is the meeting over?" she asked, knowing the answer.

"Mara, I think you know that. I'm surprised you're not with Luke."

"Same with you," she deadpanned.

"I am your Master," Anakin declared, "and you will speak to me in a courteous manner while you explain yourself."



The sound of snapping necks and the smell of pooling blood.

The ecstasy of darkness, child.

She squirmed in her seat, avoiding eye contact. It would be easy to confess everything to her Master. Anakin was often critical but explaining to Luke or to her father that she had murdered someone in a fit of rage would be much harder.

She knew that her Master knew what it was like to struggle with the darkness. He could help her. Even there, he sat there patiently, waiting for his apprentice to come clean. But could she do it?

"I know you said to leave," she started, "but there was the opportunity..."

"Your opportunity did more harm than good. You disobeyed an order yet again and whatever happened on that floor to you Mara, nearly every Jedi planet side could feel it!"

The look on that reptile's face. The joy of the kill. Lie to him, tell him you hated it. Remember, they lied to you. You thought it was Padmè.

"I thought it was Padmè," Mara hissed. "You all led me to believe it was her!"

Anakin nodded. "I'm sorry. It was imperative for her safety and for the negotiations to run smoothly. But Mara, why would that matter so much to you? Dormè will be missed and it is a tragedy but tell me, what am I missing? What happened to you on that floor?"

She closed her eyes. If she could just make Anakin think something was wrong with Luke, make an alarm go off, he would leave her to be at his side. That would be the only way she'd get an escape. She panicked as she realised that when this conversation was done, she'd be down in front of the Council. Master Windu would have her permanently grounded and taken back to Coruscant, branded a murderer and thrown into whatever prison was fit to house dangerous, rogue Jedi.

Visions of things to come passed over her mind and she desperately clung to them. Master Yoda shaking his head as he sat beside her, her arms crossed over her. Master Mundi peering at her through bars, ysalamiri darkening her every thought.

She saw Leia scorning, Padmè crying and her father, desperately trying to soothe her through the Force, halting to a stop when all he found there was darkness...

"I can't, Master," was all Mara managed to reply. "I..."

Anakin stood. "You can and you will. The Force has many facets and nobody knows that better than I do. What I felt from you wasn't the Light. Mara, if you're feeling this way, you need to say something..."

And now, she saw red. "So you can throw me into a cell full of ysalamiri? Watch as the Jedi do everything they can to punish the last vestiges of the Sith in the galaxy?"

Anakin froze and stepped back. She had disappointed her Master before, but this was something different. He was looking at her with such a deep pity on his eyes. He looked like a heartbroken man.

"Oh Mara," he breathed, moving closer to her. They had never been affectionate and the few times Mara needed consoling, her father stepped in to do the job. His touch would be just like her father's earlier- undeserved. "You are not evil," he said quietly. "And you are not a Sith."

The confession was on her lips but a small ripple in the Force touched her. She noticed her Master's expressions change and the subtle way his body shifted. He had felt it too. "Luke," she breathed as his Force presence became known.

And there it was. Whether Luke was consciously doing this for her or not, he had provided her with a path and she was going to take it. This conversation was important to her Master, she could plainly see that he wanted to continue. However, when it came to his wayward apprentice versus his only son, Luke won. Always.

Anakin shook off whatever was going on through his head and he raised his finger at her. She imagined how easy it would be for this man, this esteemed Jedi- her mentor, her Master and her friend, to just hold out his hand and crush her throat in an instant. To choke the Sith right out of her.

The image repulsed her and she tightened her shields one last time around Anakin Skywalker. "We'll continue this later," he said firmly. She wondered if he expected her to run. "Luke is...well, Mara, I'm sure you felt it."

Mara nodded in response. His features softened as he adjusted his cloak. "I will find you before the Council wishes to speak with you."

Mara knew that wouldn't happen and despite everything she had done and was about to do to her Master, she couldn't just let him go. "Thank you," she said as he reached for the door. "I mean it, Master Skywalker."

She felt a wave of tenderness touch her shield briefly. "You are welcome."

"And Master? May the Force be with you."

Anakin turned and gave her a tight smile, bowing his head. "May the Force be with you."


Mara found the combination of adrenaline pumping through her veins, her sheer determination and the gentle push of the Force was a winning combination as she avoided another medical officer in the corridor.

Her head was clearer than it had been in a while now that she had set herself a goal. She had transferred what meagre funds she had as a Jedi which would barely cover the second leg of her journey. While stealing was unbecoming of a Jedi, she figured borrowing was acceptable. The ships were limited here but she had spied an old interceptor that had docked with the larger ships at the spaceport.

Once she had cleared airspace and made it to the closest habited planet, she would send it back. The thought that she was about to leave everything she knew behind both thrilled and frightened her. The galaxy was a big place and although her training as a Jedi was far from done, her knowledge about the Force and the galaxy around her would serve her well.

Her datapad was safely tucked in her bag along with the weapon she no longer considered hers. She was still undecided about what she would do with it. Keeping it on her person could prove dangerous. Many systems still feared the Jedi and if she was ever going to be able to sneak back on to Serenno, it would only weigh her down.

The spaceport was only a few more corridors down and once she had made it past the security officers, she would only have to concentrate on blocking her intentions to slip past the three Jedi Masters planet side.

Anakin was taken care of and despite everything negative Master Windu had likely expressed about her at that top secret debriefing, she knew he wasn't prying at that very moment.

Probably assumes you are bending to your Master's will and staying put until they are ready to let you fall on your saber.

That left somebody overwhelmingly important and it burned Mara's heart to even think of it.

"I'm glad you thought to think of me, young one," a voice said, thick with emotion. Mara froze as the figure of her father, the man she hadn't spared a thought about tricking until she had nearly left, stepped out from the left corridor.

He bore a sadness in his eyes and a heavy burden in his heart and Mara ached to know she, like so many other times before, was the cause of it.

She pulled her bag closer and steeled her nerves. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man who had adopted her, held her close when the Force sent her nightmarish visions and whispered soothing sounds into her ears as she drifted off, safely encased in his arms, was the last obstacle between her and freedom.

"Get out of my way."


The events of the past few days had been tiring for Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had been very cautious with the diplomatic negotiations and he was unsure whether he felt proud his Jedi intuition had resulted in him, once again, correctly assessing the situation.

He had seen too many battles with droids in his time and was still haunted by the Clone Wars many years ago. He had lost his own Master amongst the Sith and battle droids and those feelings of watching good men die at the hands of the Separatists had made him relish these days of peace.

The day had seen those years of peace descend into darkness and the deception was already wearing on the Jedi. His pressed his hands into his temples as he recalled the heated debriefing that took place behind closed doors.

It reminded him far too much of the reign of Sidious. Back then, the Council had shut his apprentice out, casting much suspicion on Anakin. It had been a difficult situation to navigate. Luckily, Anakin had proven himself to the Jedi and nothing more on the issue had been heard since the defeat of Palpatine.

His heart was heavy as he thought back on the discussion today. Hearing the faults of one's apprentice was difficult but hearing the faults of one's child bore much more weight on the Jedi's mind.

Much like Anakin, the comments that flew between the Masters stationed both here and weren't accusatory but that didn't make it any more tolerable. Anakin had recounted every detail and it was clear to him, and the entire Jedi Council for that matter, that Mara was struggling.

Obi-Wan had remained silent as Anakin recounted the orders and Mara's absolute disregard for them. He had even remained silent as Anakin loudly defended his daughter after the fuzzy image of Shaak Ti suggested the connection between Mara, Serenno and the unfortunate Separatist remnants should bear further investigation.

Anakin had turned to him for backup, but still he had remained quiet. Mara was his daughter and despite where she came from, he loved her as if she was his own flesh and blood. He had felt something strong coming from her in that building but in her volatile state, he had waited to confront her. As much as he loved and respected the Jedi, a surprising part of himself maintained that first and foremost, this would be family business.

"I shall speak with her, Masters," Anakin had promised and Obi-Wan nodded in agreement.

"Master Kenobi, we understand the delicate nature of this. However, we feel it is necessary to speak to your daughter. She has been reckless and for everyone's sake, especially hers, we would like to get things cleared up."

He had made eye contact with Anakin who touched him gently with support through the Force. Luke and Leia, when she had been attached to the Jedi, had both excelled in every aspect, causing no problems for anyone. Anakin was Mara's Master and he too felt the keen sting of disappointment and support for her.

"I agree," Obi-Wan had finally agreed. "Mara should be spoken to, not questioned or punished. For what it is worth, I am vouching for her. She may be related to Count Dooku by blood, but he died years before her birth. The Jedi life is all that she's ever known before our refusal to admit the truth."

The Masters, light years away had remained silent, as if collectively deciding on the way to dismiss the concerned father and placate the Jedi Master. "Change, people can," Master Yoda acquiesced and that was the end of the discussion.

Obi-Wan believed in the Jedi Council whole-heartedly but it was obvious they had not learnt how to approach situations after Anakin Skywalker. After a short visit to visit his second former apprentice, Obi-Wan finally decided it was time to speak to Mara.

Mara had avoided them before the Council meeting and after a quick scan of the records, he had seen that she had spent time with Luke and out of her quarters. He did a gentle probe with the Force and found both Anakin and Mara; although Mara felt as if she weren't quite whole.

Obi-Wan frowned. It meant only one thing. She was shielding. The Jedi Master was not young anymore but his mind was as sharp as ever. A dreadful feeling passed over him once he realised what that meant. Not feeling Mara was a feeling in itself that had far more disturbing consequences.

His feet guided him to her quarters on the fourth floor. He realised with dread their hosts had placed her room close to the spaceport. She had a quick getaway. He felt that she and Anakin had parted way and after passing by her locked door, he was well and truly trying to shield his own feelings.

The Jedi had taught him patience and serenity but parenthood had taught him far greater lessons. The love of a parent for a child overruled any sense of duty he felt at this moment and he quickened his feet in response.

And then, he could see her. Her hair was a wild mess and although Obi-Wan could only see her from behind, he spotted a strap of a bag attached to her right shoulder. He could feel her focus on the corridor in front of him and he used this to his advantage. He spent no time moving through the adjacent corridor.

The Council were expecting to speak to Mara and he himself wanted to clear things with her. Their methods would differ and although the Council had earned his trust, it was obvious Mara did not share that belief. She was getting closer to the exit for the spaceport and Obi-Wan was fearful.

It was clear- Mara intended to run.

More than that, Mara intended to escape.

A stray thought slipped through her defences. In it, he found a variety of mixed feelings: anger, sadness, regret...liberation. And he found something else. The image of his face. In it, he saw his face distorted. His eyes in Mara's image held such anger and resentment that he barely recognised himself.

"I'm glad you thought to think of me, young one," he said calmly to her. He had so much more to say but he knew her well.

She was silent for a moment. "Get out of my way," she finally said, her voice firm. Obi-Wan had plotted her eye movements and she was focused on the space behind him. Her eyes had yet to meet his own.

"I rather think that won't be happening," he reasoned. "Mara, I don't know what is going on with you but I know that it is something we can fix. Together."

The words stopped her but deep down Obi-Wan knew that he had already lost. His once vibrant and energetic daughter looked crazed. Her hair, normally in a rigid braid, hung freely about her. Her eyes were narrowed and her lips pursed. Even her choice of attire spoke volumes. It was black and functional and she intended to blend in.

By the Force, she was planning to leave.

"You know it, don't you?" Mara asked him sadly. He did. He could feel it deep in his bones. There was an air of sadness mixed with a tinge of darkness around her and it physically hurt him.

"I can help you. Please let me help you," he tried. "I will deal with the Council."

Obi-Wan knew that he had ways to stop her. His daughter was gifted and strong in the Force but he was a Jedi Master. He could touch her, move her and sing her to sleep with the Force with a simple flick of his arm. He would not hesitate if she was in danger.

So what was stopping him? A call through the Force could alert his fellow Jedi. Anakin would be here and together, they could stop her. His thoughts alone could set off alarms, break her shielding and then, he could turn her to the Council, where they would surely...

"Put me in a cage," Mara finished for him. He was unaware she could even sense him. "Watch my every step until I kriff up again. Brand me a rogue Jedi, question me."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "The Jedi aren't your executioners. They only want to speak with you." It wasn't lost on either of them that he separated himself from the Council.

"Dad, I don't know who I am. I can't do this anymore," Mara started, walking towards him. "Am I supposed to even be a Jedi? Or was it convenient because I was your daughter? Or Dooku's grand-daughter? None of it is fair. There's a world out there and I need to look at it without being a Jedi."

She stopped a moment and took his hand. "I have to go."

He stopped to take a look at the young woman he had raised. Could he let her do this? The Council would have his hide. What kind of parent would he be? Mara was meant to be a Jedi, of this he had no doubt.

But I do, her voice said in his head.

Her back straightened. Obi-Wan knew that there was a process by which padawans and Jedi Knights could leave the Order. Usually a Jedi Master would release the person in question. He had watched as Leia had taken the vow to the leave the Order but he never thought that he would be standing aside to let his only daughter leave the Jedi.

He didn't speak. His body language communicated everything Mara needed to know.

He moved aside.

"I won't accept that this is for good," he stated, trying to keep his manner calm. "I do expect you will come back."

Despite her hostility, his precious, wonderful daughter looked up at him with her green eyes and Obi-Wan was reminded of the decision he had made all those years ago. He had parented her and now he was letting her go.

Instead of speaking, Mara reached into her bag. She withdrew her hand which clutched a Jedi's most prized weapon. "I can't take it," Mara stressed and Obi-Wan felt a sting as she pressed her lightsaber into his hands. "It is a part of me I need to leave behind. I'll come back for it, Dad."

He wanted to ask what she was planning to do? How could she survive in the real world without anything? What would he tell the Council? Would he regret this decision? Her departure would affect more than just him. He would not lie to the Council and Anakin had suffered enough trials with his apprentices.

And Luke.

It was very clear to him that Mara was in love with his former apprentice, whether she was aware of it or not. He suspected that in time, the feelings may be reciprocated. He had some recovery to go and he would not take her absence well.

"I will give it to Luke," he stated, watching Mara's expression change into something he had seen before on Anakin, long ago. "As a way of goodbye."

Mara folded into his arms. "I love you," she whispered. He closed his eyes and felt her move away. He waited three minutes and when he opened them, his daughter was gone.

"I know."