Nuzlocke Rules: Only one pokemon per route (caves and forests count as separate routes) and it has to be the first one you encounter.

If a pokemon faints it is dead and cannot be used again. It either has to be boxed or released.

You must nickname every pokemon you catch.

Shiny pokemon are fair game.

Little Root, a quiet little village where the relaxing atmosphere permeated everything. However on this particular morning the atmosphere was ruined by the arrival of a large moving van. The van moved deftly through the small town before parking outside a small house. A man hopped out of the cab and stretched before pulling out two pokeballs from his pocket. Releasing the two Vigorath the man quickly opened up the the back of the van and instructed them to begin moving the boxes. Shortly after the three entered the house with their load of boxes a head peaked out from the back of the van. The head belonged to one Anya Herdi. Her hazel eyes took in the small town and as she climbed out of the van her waist length brown hair swayed with the breeze. As she stood to her full 5'6" height Anya scowled. "Stupid mom making ride with the boxes." Anya though as she made her way to the house. Hiking up the stairs Anya entered what was to be her room and sat on the floor with her back against the wall. "I hate this." Anya muttered to herself. She continued to sit on the floor even as the moving pokemon brought up her bed, desk, and TV complete with game-cube. It was starting to get dark the next time she moved. The moving man appeared at her door and announced they were done and the bill was on the kitchen table before leaving. Getting up Anya headed back downstairs just as her mom arrived home with take-out. Nodding to her mother Anya grabbed her food and ran back up to her room making sure to slam the door behind her. Back in the kitchen Anya's mother, Lacey, sighed as she reviewed the moving bill. She regretted how hard the separation and move had been, but she wished Anya wouldn't be angry at her. Putting the bill back on the table Lacey stood in thought for a minute before grabbing a phone and calling a family friend.

AN: Constructive criticism is definitely welcomed. I'll post the next (and longer chapter by Saturday).