Time2Wake here! Yeah, I'M ALIVE!

Sorry for the four-month and another-month-and-four-days hiatus. Like, legit. I got grounded from the computer for the first four due to school work, and the other times I just had not a lot of inspiration. It was like Apollo or Thoth (Egyptian god of writing) cursed me or something, like, real bad.

I know you're all like, holy Hades, go banish yourself into Tartarus! And I know you probably (90.9% of you, at least… hopefully less; I wouldn't be surprised if all of you did) hate my guts, and I apologize from the bottom of my freaking heart (I've already apologized once in The Forbidden Fruit, and I have a feeling none of you read that, judging that it only has one review and one favorite).

So, I bet you're wondering why this A/N is been written here instead of, like, fifteen chapters to make up for my five month-four day hiatus on this MoA fan-fic that has 208 reviews! I couldn't be happier and more thankful about that, by the way, plus I cannot believe you guys stuck around for that long on me! I can't ask for better readers/reviewers. I truly mean this… as I get all teary and emotional…

Oh yeah, back to why you're reading this. After a lot of thinking (If you say two days of sitting in your bed on Fan-Fiction, deviantART and Tumblr for hours upon hours, coughing and sweating like you're in Satan's buttocks while he sits in his tanning bed in the Sahara a lot of thinking), I've decided that I'm going to re-write the Mark of Athena.

Why? I've thought a lot about the upcoming book (BTW, info on the book will be released in May or June, no later; the first draft is being revised; John Rocco is currently in the cover-process… Hades yeah), creating my own head-canons (I would like to mostly thank 'percyjacksonheadcanons' on Tumblr, who mostly inspired me-check the page out, it is amazing-… Also the fans all across the PJatO virtual nation that I've seen for the past three months- you guys are hardcore legit), and just plain re-reading the Son of Neptune, like, over fifty times, no joke; my teacher is starting to worry about me. Anyhoo, I decided that where I was going wasn't where I wished to go, and that you readers wouldn't be all that satisfied. If I did continue this, I think I would receive a lot less reader-satisfaction, and that, my dear reader, would totally be like Luke throwing the sky at me like in The Titan's Curse. It would just be like a legit fail to myself- the ultimate one; Failius Maximus!

So, since I'm on Spring Break for… five more days and I have no current social life, I'll be writing! Though the writing plug is in a major case of suckage-mode, it definitely will take a while, but it will be done by the end of this week! Hey, my case of WBS (Writer's Block Syndrome) is in its extreme.

Already then, hope you don't hate me and review now that I've come out of my hiatus! Now, I don't want anyone hating on me, or else I'll chuck you into the Styx and watch you try to get the Achilles Heel! Ha-ha, just kidding, but you seriously will get a PM from yours' truly telling you to leave me alone or else the Fates shall haunt you. ._.

Also, no promises about updates, fortunately. I bit more than I could chew, and I'm sincerely sorry. Though I won't have an abandon moment, like I do with all my stories; at least I hope so.

Yours in demigodishness and all that, listen to Princess of China by Coldplay ft. Rihanna, and read/review my story that was earlier-mentioned The Forbidden Fruit, a Leo Valdez/OC romance one-shot.

Await for the re-write of the Mark of Athena that is coming this week, and please review MoA 2.0 kindly with light, though a tad bit harsh (Like, 10% harsh. I'm a sensitive person, people. But not so you can sugar-coat it; but I do like that occasionally) criticism, and absolutely no hate for what I've done to make you have a cliff-hanger in the original!

Deuces, Time2Wake~:)