So this is the last chapter of 'Falling in Love with a Hero' *wipes away tears* I hope you have enjoyed reading this story just as much as I have writing it! This was my first ever story written on FanFiction, and I think it turned out pretty well myself! Thankyou for all your kind comments and reviews, I read them all and take on board your advice. I never thought this story would turn out to be so popular! Thanks again! Enjoy the last chapter and be sure to check out my new story once I start writing it! It will still be a Sonny with a Chance Channy story!

Also I havn't put this in any of the chapters, but I guess I probably should...

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny with a Chance or any of the characters apart from Sonny and Chad's daughter.

Sonny's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to hear the birds tweeting, and the sun is shining. What a perfect morning. I lay in bed and smile to myself. It's the day of my wedding.

I heard a knock at the door.

"Sonny? It's Tawni. Wakey Wakey!"

I giggled and got out of bed, made the bed and walked to the door to let her in.

We both looked at eachother and smiled widely, then we started jumping up and down screaming like little girls. We were both so excited about today.

Tawni was my maid-of-honour. I picked her out a gorgeous long deep purple dress. She loved it, well she helped pick it herself.

"So, who's your bridesmaids?"

"Mackenzie,Zora, Dakota, Lucy, Portlyn, Penelope and Chloe."

"Cool! Who's the best man and paigeboys?"

"Paigeboys are Grady, Nico, Grant and James and a couple of Mack Falls people. Best man is Chad's bestfriend from the falls."

"Wow! Who's looking after Mackenzie then?"

"Lucy's going to hold her hand walking down the isle."

"That's cute! So are you nervous?"

"A little bit... is that bad?"

"No! You're supposed to be nervous on your big day! And excited.."

"I'm really excited to!"

"Good, now shall we get you into your dress future Mrs Cooper?"

I giggled and smiled at the name. "Yeah!"

Me and Tawni went downstairs and had a lovely breakfast, then watched some tv for a while as it was too early to get ready yet. The wedding starts at 1:30pm and it's now around 12ish. We had a salad for lunch and Tawni was waiting for me to finish putting on my dress.

A few minutes later I came out of the room wearing a long, white, elegant wedding dress. I felt beautiful for once in my life. I was so happy with the design.

"Sonny, you look beautiful!"

"Thanks Tawni!"

Tawni was about to start on my hair before I stopped her.

"Don't you want to get into your dress first?"

"Oh yeah! I was too focused on pampering the beautiful bride!"

Tawni went into the other room to change and came out looking stunning. She was in a long designer deep purple dress that really suited her.

"Tawni, you look stunning!"

"Thanks Sonny."

Tawni was curling my hair with her professional hair curlers, they cost her $200! So I hope the curls stay in all day if they cost her that much to do them!

We decided on a half up half down hairstyle, so she curled all of it and then used diamond clips to put some of it up on the top.

I helped Tawni curl her hair to, she left hers all down.

Tawni then did my make-up, we settled on a natural look with golden bronze eye shadow and black eye liner and mascara, aswell as a darkish lip colour.

Tawni decided on purple eye shadow to match her dress and pinkish lipstick and black eyeliner and mascara.

I looked at Tawni. She looked like a queen. Her figure stood out in the dress and her golden blonde locks falling past her pretty face. Her purple heels made her look like an elegant tall professional woman.

Tawni then looked at me, my redish brown long locks of hair were resting past my shoulders, I had white heels on with my white dress and I fixed on my white veil.

"Sonny, you really do look like a beautiful princess."

"Thanks Tawni, you look beautiful to."

We shared a friendly hug as the limo pulled up, it was time to go.

"Are you ready?"

"Let's do this."

We drove off to the hotel beach where me and Chad were marrying in half an hour.

Chad's P.O.V.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! In exactly twenty eight minutes, thirty six seconds, I will be marrying the girl of my dreams. What am I supposed to do? I'm freaking out! What if I mess up and she hates me? No, that won't happen. What if I did what I did on our first date and drink too much water and throw up on her? I can't do that! She hated me for that! It will be worse on our wedding day! It's okay Chad, keep your cool. Just don't drink any water. I know you are nervous but calm down. It's supposed to be the best day of your life and you're supposed to be excited!

I was about to get into the limo, when I took a quick look at myself in the mirror.

I looked good. I couldn't argue about that. I did look good!

My blonde locks of hair were perfectly combed in a suitable style, I was wearing a black tuxedo with a waistcoat and tie and black shoes and a white shirt. I hope Sonny likes it. She doesn't know what I'm wearing after all.

I had shaved off the start of my weard beard and was wearing some really nice cologne. So yeah, i'm ready to go!

I hopped in the limo and called the boys.

"Hey, are you guys ready?"

Nico and Grady answered first.

"Yeah Chad, we're ready, Grady's just having trouble getting into his tux..."

"Well tell the nimwit to hurry up!"

"Hey Chad, it's me Josh. I'm totally ready and on my way now man!"

Josh was my bestfriend. He was on the Falls with me. I can always rely on him.

"Cool man! See you there!"

Grant and James answered the phone next.

"Ready you two?"

"Delta neww! Course we're ready!"

"Okay bye..."

Mr. Condor made me invite them losers. Oh well.

So all the boys are ready, what about the girls...

"Lucy, is Mackenzie okay?"

"Yeah, she's ready to go and so are all of us!"

"Okay, great! Thanks!"

"You're welcome! Good Luck!"

I hung up on them. I can't wait, this is going to be an awesome day.

Sonny's P.O.V.

We arrived at the hotel. It was beautiful. It was like a dream. There was a sparkly blue swimming pool, like Chad's eyes. Outside the hotel. It was beautiful. The hotel was a pretty building, inside it looked like Buckingham Palace. It was full of expensive furniture and chandeliers and flowers. Me and Tawni were staring in awe. We went around the other side to see the beach in the distance. The sparkly blue sea and golden sand was amazing. Everything looks like Chad's eyes, or is that just me?

Nico is supposed to of given the rings to Josh. I'll call him.

"Nico, where are the rings?"

"Josh is got them. We're on our way. Later Sonny!"

"Great. Thankyou."

I hung up. Then I wanted to check on the girls and my daughter.

"Hey Zora! How's everything?"

"Dakota and me are getting along for once, we're not at eachother's throats."

"Wow! How's my little princess?"

"She looks so cute! She's an angel Sonny!"

"Aww... well are you all on your way?"

"Yeah we are! See you soon!"

Ahh.. everything is going to be perfect, just the way I planned.

All the bridesmaids arrived. Lucy was holding Mackenzie, Mackenzie looked just like Chad. She has sparkly blue eyes and blonde curly hair. Even though Chad's isn't curly. Then Portlyn, Chloe and Penelope walked out followed by Zora and Dakota. They all looked beautiful. They were wearing short purple dresses and were holding the bouquet of flowers. They all had their hair curled with a flower and they just looked gorgeous. I took Mackenzie out of Lucy's arms and cuddled her.

The boys then arrived in their tuxedos. They looked like handsome young men. Josh came over to talk to me and gave me a hug whilst Tawni and Lucy were talking with Mackenzie with them.

"Hey Sonny, wow you look gorgeous! Chad's a lucky man!"

"Thanks Josh, you look good to!"

Josh had always been a close friend of mine and Chad's. He was the only guy on the Falls who was nice to me even when me and Chad wasn't together, he said it's because he's the only one who knew that Chad had a crush on me.

Chad was apparently already inside. He said he doesn't want to see me until the ceremony. He was inside talking to my mom who was already getting emotional.

The rest of my family and Chad's family were sitting down all excited.

Then the ceremony was about to begin, I heard music play.

Chad's P.O.V.

I was facing the wall with Josh and the rest of them next to me. Josh looked at me.

"Dude, are you okay? You look like a nervous wreck!"

"I am nervous.. but I'll be okay.."

"Good, Sonny looks smokin' hot!"

"What did you just say?"


"That's what I thought." We both laughed.

Josh told me to turn around. My heart skipped a beat. There was a beautiful young woman walking down the isle elegantly, she stepped really slowly and all eyes were on her. She was followed by an adorable little baby girl and her friends. But I just couldn't take my eyes off of that gorgeous woman who I was about to marry.

Sonny reached where I was standing and I took her hands.

"You look absolutely beautiful."

"You look very handsome to."

We smiled at eachother as the priest stood behind us.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage and support the love of Mr Chad Dylan Cooper and Miss Allison Nicole Munroe."

"Chad, do you take Allison to be your lawful wedded wife, will you protect her, love her, comfort her, through sickness and through health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Allison, do you take Chad to be your lawful wedded husband, will you protect him, love him, comfort him, through sickness and through health as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Chad, repeat after me and put the ring on Allison's finger."

"I, Chad Dylan Cooper, take Allison Nicole Munroe to be my lawful wedded wife. From this day forward I will love and cherish her until death do us apart."

"I, Chad Dylan Cooper, take Allison Nicole Munroe to be my lawful wedded wife. From this day forward I will love and cherish her until death do us apart."

I slid the ring gently onto Sonny's beautiful finger.

"Allison, repeat after me and put the ring on Chad's finger."

"I, Allison Nicole Munroe, take Chad Dylan Cooper to be my lawful wedded husband. From this day forward I will love and cherish him until death do us apart."

"I, Allison Nicole Munroe, take Chad Dylan Cooper to be my lawful wedded husband. From this day forward I will love and cherish him until death do us apart."

Sonny smiled at me and slid the ring onto my finger. Then we held hands.

"I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I smiled and gently lifted the veil off of Sonny's head. I moved a streak of hair out of her beautiful face and softly pressed my lips against hers. She kissed me back with all her passion and the kiss must of lasted about two minutes as we were out of breath. We both blushed as we had never kissed like that infront of everyone. Everyone clapped and cheered. Mine and Sonny's moms were crying tears of joy.

I picked Sonny up bridal style and carried her out of the church and kissed her again.

Everyone followed us out and she tossed the bouquet of flowers backwards and Tawni was happy enough to catch it.

We cheered and posed for a load of wedding photo's. Then I took Sonny's hand and headed to the after party.

Sonny's P.O.V.

This has to be the best day of my life. I have just married Chad Dylan Cooper. I am now officially Mrs Sonny Cooper. I'm so happy. We shared the best kiss I have ever recieved and Tawni caught the bouquet! I hugged my mom and talked with all my family and friends. My mom took Mackenzie and looked after her whilst me and Chad was all loved up on our way to the after party to dance the night away!

A couple of hours later. People were chatting, dancing and partying and laughing.

Then it was time to cut the cake.

People had their camera's ready to capture the moment.

I held the knife and stood in front of the cake, Chad stood behind me with his arms about my waist then he moved his hands onto mine to cut the cake together.

1, 2, 3! The cake was cut. It tasted gorgeous. Everyone cheered again.

The DJ stopped everyone from talking, he had an annoucement to make.

By the way, the DJ's were Marshall and Mr. Condor. Hahaha.

"Everybody! We would like to make an annoucement! Firstly, congratulations to the happy couple, Mr and Mrs Cooper. Sonny and Chad we're so happy for you both! Secondly, we have decided to give you both a few weeks off of work for your honeymoon, and have given you both $200 to spend! The maid of honour, bestman, bridesmaids, paigeboys, daughter and in-laws have also recieved small gifts! Thirdly, it's time to take it down a little, because it's time for the husband wife dance!"

Me and Chad looked at eachother and smiled. I giggled as he held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

"Why of course you may!"

I took Chad's hand and he lead us into the middle of the dancefloor.

A slow, romantic song came on that we both loved so much, it spoke alot to us because it practically describes our relationship.

I wrapped my arms around Chad's neck and he rested his arms around my waist, just above my butt. We were swaying side to side. I was lost in his eyes. They were looking into mine, deep blue and sparkly.

Chad's P.O.V.

Her eyes are beautiful. They are big and brown, they are adorable. I love them so much I'm swaying like an idiot lost in them. I started a conversation to break the silence.

"So, enjoy your day?"

"I loved every second of it."

Sonny started playing with my hair.

"What was your favourite part?"

"I don't have a favourite part, I loved it all! What about you?"

"The kiss was beyond my favourite part." I winked at her.

"Typical you. That was rather nice though."

"This dance, hear right now with you. Is nice to."

I leaned down to her lips and reconnected them with mine.

We pulled away after a few seconds and smiled as the party continued and our dance ended. We danced with everyone else and spent time with our daughter.

The night came to a close, we said goodbye to everyone. We kissed and cuddled Mackenzie goodbye, we wasn't going to see her for at least another week or two as we are on our honeymoon in Hawaii. She's staying with Connie.

We left the wedding reception to get onto my private jet and we drove away.

What a great life I have, just me, Sonny and our unbreakable love spark.

"I love you Sonny."

"I love you to."

We shared another kiss and cuddled up and we both fell asleep on eachother.

It took me forever to think and type this all up! It's the longest chapter I have written in the whole story! I wanted to make it good for the story finale! Well thanks again for reading and reviewing, I love all of you guys and check out my new story! Bye!

I'm Out,