A/N This just popped into my head in study hall today. Sorry for all the sad feels in this... but it's different... we all need a little difference sometimes...

Chapter 1

Love isn't Everything

24 hours ago I caught my boyfriend making out with another girl. 20 hours ago I made the last minute decision to rewrite my English paper. All night I got no sleep. Now at the end of the day, the class I was dreading the most had come. English.

I dropped my science textbook in my locker and looked at the picture of my mom on my locker door. She was smiling up at me. A smile I would never see again.

I bit my tongue to fight back tears. I grabbed my English folder and ran up to English before I was late.

I took the seat next to Bex who was up and talking to Grant. Lucky as soon as I sat down the bell rang. But our teacher Mr. Whitt was late.

I adjusted myself in my chair as Bex sat next to me. "You Ok?" she asked as she sat down. I gave a little nod and fingered my necklace that had been my mothers. I wished she was here with me.

I turned to talk to Macey, who was asking me if I was going to the Homecoming Dance. "No." I said simply. As I said that I saw Zach glance over at me.

HE was sitting there with his new girlfriend. Winter Hays, on his lap. Yep the girl he cheated on me with. Of course she was his girlfriend. With the long blond hair and the endless brown eyes.

That's what Zach told her yesterday when I watched them make out behind the school yesterday. I had just been wondering where he was, He told me we would study for the English test yesterday but he never showed.

I had stopped dead on my way to my car when I saw them. Everything about Winter was perfect. I was just… Me.

As he glanced over at me, I ignored him trying to ignore the prickling in my eyes. I wanted my mom here so badly. Comforting me in her motherly way. Why God? Why did you have to take my mother away from me? I pleaded silently.

You're probably wondering what happen to my mother. Let's just say my dad and I are big supporters on the cure for Breast Cancer.

I watched Zach slide his hands along Winter's thighs. I grimaced to myself. Finally Mr. Whitt came in. "Miss Hays, please sit in your own seat." He said tiredly.

Winter rolling her eyes got up from Zach's lap and moved to her seat behind him. There I watched her rub Zach shoulders and trace patterns on his back. Run her long fingers through his hair and tickle his ear.

"Miss Hays." Mr. Whitt said shuffling his test papers. Winter removed her hands. "No talking, No texting, NO CHEATING!" Mr. Whitt said passing out the test papers. He looked directly at me when he said that for some reason.

I blushed and hid behind my hair. I felt Liz give me a small rub on my back. I looked down at the test. I had tried to study but my mind had kept drifting away yesterday afternoon. "And after the test we will hear some essays, starting with Mr. Goode." Mr. Whitt said and then hit the timer for the test to begin.

I struggled through the test. I also noticed that Zach was the first one done. Finally everyone was done with the test. Thank God for block classes.

"And now Mr. Goode will you be so kind as to read your paper aloud to us." Mr. Whitt said reclining in his chair. Zach's paper was about joy. He had not been able to come up with a topic so I suggested joy. Stupid bitch.

I zoned out as several people got up and read, especially during Winter's. "Cameron, you're up." Mr. Whitt said and I pulled out of my thoughts. I pulled out my paper and walked shakily to the front of the room.

I put my paper on the podium. Bex gave me a smile. I pushed my bangs back. All my emotions had gone into this paper. I began to read. "Love," Zach had a quick flash of surprise on his face but then wiped his face clear of emotion.

He had helped me so much with my original paper and now I had changed it. "We've all been in love before or so we think we have. Usually it's a silly crush that lasts a while. When two people are floating on clouds in what they think is love. The others find ourselves lost in a dark void where we feel nothing but pain and fear."

I looked up from my paper. The class was watching me intently. It made my nerves worse. Zach's green eyes were fixed on my while Winter played with his hair. I silently gulped and looked back down.

"We try and convince ourselves that we don't like them. It never seems to work. They pop up in our dreams. They pop up everywhere and we wish they will go away. The pain of the pas t comes back to haunt us. Eventually we find ourselves curled up under the cover clutching our teddy bears from when we were small children."

"When my mom died this past summer I didn't know what to think. My heart lost a huge chunk. I was in a rut. A person pulled me out of the rut, but they are gone now. The thing with love is it never lasts, eventually we have to let go of the things we love the most."

I brushed my bangs back again. "We wonder if we will ever find the one that we will love forever and ever. Some people find that person in high school. You meet, you date, and you make out, promising each other forever."

I glanced up at Zach when I said this. He looked away finding whatever was on the wall very interesting.

"Then you break up and your heart is broken over a love that wasn't meant to be. You're left to pick up the pieces. Later you get back together against all odd, you date through college, get married and live happily ever after with your three kids. You wish." I shifted my feet. The room was dead quiet.

"For most people it does not work that way. We write sappy love stories about how love's supposed to be. How the world portrays love is just… not real. Love doesn't work like that. Then there were the trust issues."

I heard Zach shift in his chair. I was achieving my goal. Make him uncomfortable. "What if there is a person you really like and then you find out they have cheated on you." Bex shot a glare over to Zach who bit his lip.

"What are you? Cold? Broken-hearted? Hateful? Anger beyond any anger you have ever felt before? Feel like crying your eyes out? Then you worry. What am I supposed to do now? How am I supposed to tell them I know? DAMN! AM I THAT GULLIABLE?"

"Language Ms. Morgan." Mr. Whitt said. "Sorry." I look at the clock. 15 minutes of class left. "You imagine yourself, empty and alone. How you feel inside is unknown. Then there is the prospect of finding love. The relationship last for a few days, weeks, months and if your lucky years."

I went back to the time when Zach and I were friends. When we used to joke around and do crazy stuff together. Than when we started dating everything was different. He had been there for me when my mom was in the hospital. He had been there when my mom died. He had held me while I cried. I remembered how softly he had kissed me and how he now kissed Winter with a disgusting passion.

"I don't want to be one of those people who sits around all day moping about never finding love. I bet you don't either." I scanned the class room. "Instead of love we could put our love into something else. We can fulfill our purposes in this world. Direct our love to someone else besides on person. A whole bunch of people." I flipped the page.

"All this mushy love stiff gets on my nerves. You see people walking down the street holding hands, kissing each other and it makes me want to barf. The person you love shouldn't depend on the way they dress or they act. You need to love what's on the inside. Don't judge people either. They have feelings too."

"The world ain't all about you. Stuck up snooty Bitches that get everything handed to them on a silver platter." "Again Miss Morgan with the language." Mr. Whitt said. I rolled my eyes and continued.

'What happens when life suddenly hands you death, sickness, losing of a job? Ain't so great is it? So what if you find that person in high school? The rest of us have freedom to do new things and not focus on relationships."

"Love is an amazing thing. But it borderlines with hate. A very fine line. And who knows what's that's called? I sure don't. I don't want to worry if I'll be alone in 20 years. So what if in 20 years I'm lying in bed clutching my teddy bear? Why is love so stupid sometimes?"

I felt some un-comfortableness filling the room. Bex just gave me a smile and motioned for me to keep reading. I took a breath.

"When my mom died, my dad was heartbroken. So was I. we had just lost the person who ran our little family. So what if she couldn't cook to save her life. She was always there. And when you realize that they aren't there anymore, that they aren't coming back, it hurts. But you move on."

"I don't want to cry myself to sleep every night, wishing for the people that aren't there anymore. Hearts can be broken. When things don't feel right, life isn't going well it's like pouring salt on the cuts. I guess what I mean is love can be anything but it isn't everything." I flipped my paper and handed it to Mr. Whitt.

Sitting down I felt better than I had in the past 24 hours. I also felt Zach's eyes on me. I hid behind my hair and went back to being the chameleon.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Mr. Whitt was talking now so I pulled it out. It was a message from Zach.

(Zach- Cammie)

Why did u change you topic?

Because I could.

Yea right, why did you do it?

Shut up Zachary

Is this about Winter?

Look Cam, I'm sorry but…

And that was as far as he got before hitting send and Mr. Whitt had realized he had his phone out. "Mr. Goode. Phone in the basket now." Mr. Whitt said. Groaning, Zach stood up and placed his phone in the basket.

Than the bell rang. Zach wouldn't get his phone back until tomorrow after school. Sometimes I loved Mr. Whitt.

Sadly mine and my friends lockers where nowhere near each other. I slowly undid the lock. As I opened my locker I felt a slight pressure in the pocket of my sweatshirt. Than the laugh of Winter who Zach was messing around with.

Soon they were full on making out in front of the lockers. They kids who were trying to get to their lockers looked disturbed as Zach and Winter stuck their tongues down each other's throats.

I bit my tongue as I felt my throat close up. "Don't worry Cammie, I bet someday you'll find love. Probably to a baboon or something but you'll find loooovvvveeee." Winter drawled out. Zach did nothing. He just stood there his arms around Winter.

I slammed my locker door and ran out. The tears I had been holding in all day started pouring out. I wanted my mom.

I shoved my hand in my pocket as soon as I reached the end of my street. I pulled out a piece of paper. It was written in Zach's handwriting.

I slowly unfolded the note.

Cammie, I'm sorry it had to happen this way. But… I guess… I've been dating Winter for the past week. She's a lot more interesting than you. You're a boring square that need's a shoulder to cry on every time something happens that's doesn't go your way or according to your original plan. I can't deal with you any more plus Winter is a lot hotter than you.

Love, Zach

I felt my eyes tear up again and I started sobbing. Of course I need a shoulder to cry on. MY MOM WAS DEAD! ZACH WAS MY ROCK! I ran down the street and tore into the house.

My dad worked from home today so he was in his office. "Hey Camster how was you…" he stopped when he saw my tearstained face.

"Daddy." I said and ran to him. I felt his strong fatherly arms around me as I cried.

"What's wrong sweet heart?" he asked. I handed him the note which he read while he held me. "I'll kill him." He said. I nod. I had my dad. I had my friends and I had my mom looking down at me from Heaven.

But Zach?

Zach had crushed my paper heart.


Finite. This made me really sad. I don't know why I wrote it. It just popped into my head and I went from there. HOPE YOU LIKED THE STORY! if you want me to write more than just say so! :D


Edit: I like to think of this a as the beginning of the story and a one shot that could stand on it's own.