Made in the Mushroom Kingdom

Tony, the famous Sledge Brother, walks into a diner in Dark Land. He looks up, seeing some Troopas eating, some Goomba chefs making the meals. He looks over at the music box next to him. He looks at it closely, making sure it's not one of those music boxes Mario uses to kill Hammer Brothers. After making sure it isn't, he slides a coin into it, and the Rainbow Road theme begins to play.

Boomer, a Boomerang Brother, walks through the door to the diner as the song begins to play. He walks over to Tony's table.

"Hey," Boomer says to Tony.

"Hey," Tony replies in a gruff voice as he hands Boomer a menu.

"What looks good?" Boomer asks as he sits down.

"I don't know," Tony replies.

They take a moment to look through the menus.

"Where's Fiery?" Tony asks Boomer.

"He just called, he's on his way," Boomer replies. "Hammer's coming separately, he had to go to Dr. Wario."

Tony looks up with a bit of confusion.

"Had to kill off a Red Virus," Boomer explains, and Tony nods his head.

A Troopa wearing a Mario hat puts some sugar into his coffee at a neighboring table.

"You talk to Sumo again?" Boomer asks Tony.

"Just called him. He has to testify in the Goomba squashing incident," Tony replies.

Tony looks up to see Fiery walk in with a Blue Toad right behind him. He notices the clothes the Blue Toad is wearing – he's definitely part of the Fire Flower club.

Fiery sits down at the table, and he is greeted warmly by Tony. He takes a menu himself.

Meanwhile, outside, Hammer the Hammer Brother is trying to parallel-park his go-kart between two other go-karts. On his first try, he fails miserably.

A Goomba brings over 3 root beers to the table. Meanwhile, a couple of Troopas laugh at their table, while the Blue Toad looks on.

"How was work today?" Boomer asks Fiery.

"All I was doing was beating up a few little Toads, stealing coins," Fiery responds.

"You may not realize it, but you are making contact with Bowser," Boomer replies.

"It's an entry-level job," Tony adds. "Buck up."

"Focus on the good times," Fiery states.

"Don't be sarcastic," Tony replies.

"Isn't that what you said one time, focus on the times that were good?" Fiery asks.

"I did?" Tony questions.

"Yeah," Fiery answers.

"Well, it's true, I guess," Tony replies.

Meanwhile, Hammer continues to try to parallel-park his go-kart, but again fails to get it to fit in the spot.

Tony looks up, noticing the Blue Toad getting up to use the bathroom, while a couple of Lakitus look for something to eat at the counter. The Blue Toad walks past Tony's table, then enters the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Hammer finally parks his go-kart.

A Goomba brings over a bunch of onion rings to Tony's table.

"I went ahead and ordered something for the table," Tony remarks.

Hammer begins running across the street to try to get into the diner. As he does, Boomer, Fiery and Tony all help themselves to the onion rings.

The Rainbow Road theme begins to wind down. Tony looks up in the direction of the bathroom, as he hears the sound of a fireball.

Then everything goes black.