Author's Note
...To the ones who were the very first, back in 2011. Though I often wonder if any of you are still around, I am grateful you were all the first to tell me to keep going.
...To the one who drew art, I am glad this story inspired more creativity. Your talent is beautiful, don't ever stop.
...To the one who told me I was raising a new bar, though your words are so much more beautiful than mine.
...To the dashing detective, who figured out the mystery before anyone else, and whose guesses beforehand always had me laughing.
...To the jealous fan, who is hesitating to write. I encourage you to change your mind. Share with us your beautiful moments, tragic times, and give us a story that shows off a colorful mind.
...To the one who gave me a review for every chapter, and whose opinion I treasured a lot.
...To the ones who called me a tease, though, you truly have no idea. ;)
...To the ones who really had no interest in Gaara and Sakura, yet still took time to give the story a chance.
...To the ones who were up all night reading 100k+ words.
...To the ones who were worried for the direction, simply because you didn't want to dislike the story so far in.
...To the ones who had very interesting theories.
...To the ones who enjoy reading tension and steamy situations.
...To the ones who asked me many questions and wondered why such things were such ways.
...To the ones who graced me with words such as talented.
...To the ones who complimented my story constantly.
...To the ones who stuck with this to the very end.
...To the ones who didn't, but still gave this story a chance at one point.
...To the quiet ones, you ghosts who I have no idea about.
...To the ones who read, favorite, or just even glanced at this story.
...To the ones I have forgotten to mention.
...To the many new friends I have made.
...To all of you, even if you're not reading this.
Thank you. You were all the encouragement and motivation I needed to get this done.
I guess I should also mention I'm making another GaaSaku story. The first chapter is already posted if anyone is interested in reading it. The story is called Mother's Song. It is about an older Sakura caring for a younger Gaara, and the outcome this change in the past will bring.
For those of you who have already read it, I should begin updates for it soon.