
[U 2 – Decepticon base]

Megatron wanted nothing less than be connected to a device that he didn't understand the workings of but what caused him to… well, going mad was maybe a too strong term, but it was almost accurate. He couldn't stand the feeling for more than a few breems at a time and that was only for his Optimus, whom he positively craved for by this time. When he tried to explain the feeling to Starscream, he couldn't really find any adequate words for it; when the scientist connected himself to it, he found the experience unpleasant but bearable – and exciting at the same time. Apparently he could make sense of the maelstrom of images, sounds, smells and feelings that it caused and interpret them into separate universes. He told them of dragonformers and cyberninjas, Nemesis Primes and Quintesson slaves, falconSeekers, human Transformers(*) and other, even stranger ideas until with an agreement they asked him politely to keep the rest of the visions to himself until asked.

It was good that he could not spend more time with the machine, because things were developing in regards of the Autobots, by this time clearly led by Rodimus Prime. They sent Bluestreak back, and the first, cautious communications attempts were made with the Prime, a meeting was planned to discuss common interests… but unfortunately Rodimus demanded that Optimus Prime should be present – understandably he thought that the Con Prime has been rescued by Skywarp - or he wouldn't trust the Decepticons. Megatron had a dilemma; tell the young Prime of his bondmate's absence and the manner of it or stall for time until he succeeded with the Pit-accursed device to pull him back. He decided to go with honesty, at least some of it.

"Rodimus Prime, I told you that I am willing to meet you and negotiate. It is our belief that in this situation we have more in common than you and the Senate."

"Not saying that it is true, but I told you my condition for further talks. Why would you not agree with me meeting with Optimus Prime?"

"Because it is not possible." – he just refrained from snarling it to this annoying, cocky youngster.

"What do you mean?"

"I suppose you've noticed him disappearing from your brig?"

"Yeah. We expect that you used our difficulties to mount a rescue. So?"

"It is a bit more complicated than that. It wasn't us rescuing him and we are not sure of the method either. But the result is that he is not here, so he can't meet with you; and he is not even whom you think he is."

Rodimus Prime was watching him suspiciously through the viewscreen and apparently his command staff wasn't completely convinced either. It was just too much to accept on a Con's word alone.

"Can you show any proof for this?"

"No, I can't. Well, if Prowl managed to make him talk, you might find a recording that explains some. If not… well, you have to believe me."

"I'll get back in a joor."

"Until then."

Until he was back, they could only wait – well, actually, Megatron could take a turn again with that infernal machine, albeit it resulted in exactly what it did before: nothing. So much nothing that he even questioned Starscream's work with it, although at first only in himself, grumbling at the processor-ache that the connection inevitably caused him. But it was no use, and when the Autobots contacted them again with a willingness to talk, he took that as an excuse to stop trying. It was simply not working and in time he did tell Starscream that something was wrong; not only it didn't work, but it simply felt wrong. He was no scientist, but Megatron long ago learned to trust his instincts – and in this case they were almost screaming at him about the futility of this course of action.


[U 1 – Autobot base]

The two Optimus Primes sat across the meeting room table, during the talking almost forgetting their initial differences. After all, they were the same person, held much the same values, albeit representing them in a different way; but this universe's Prime soon discovered that the other had a reason to be a Decepticon, not only because of his bondmate, but because his universe's Autobots were simply not what he, here knew and accepted. It made them both think of how little it took to change a mech, to choose a side and how the war itself enlarged the differences. But still, at the end, they had to conclude that in the other's place neither of them would have decided differently…

"Let's talk a bit more about the Primes that you mentioned. In this universe there has never been more than one Prime at a time."

"Except right now?" – The Con Optimus laughed at his expression, apparently reading him well even with the repaired battle mask in place. – "Look, we thought the same thing before the other Matrix appeared. On top of it, this infernal device showed me universes with more than one Prime, so it is not that impossible."

"And you called him Rodimus Prime?"

"Yeah. I believe he was called Hot Rod before, a totally noname, hothead young soldier."

"I know of him!" – Jazz interrupted them with a surprised sigh. – "He as a Prime? Never would have thought the Matrix would choose him…"

"It was similarly surprising back then in my place too. But I guess he was still better than Sentinel Prime. That one was totally a puppet of the Senate."

"A puppet?" – Optimus was dismayed hearing that. He remembered that the Senate tried to influence him at the beginning, up to the point of blackmailing, but the war – and Megatron - fortunately made short work of the Senate and ever since nobody questioned his authority over the Autobot forces. – "How exactly that came about?"

"Well, there were two Senators who might exist here too; Ratbat and Xaaron." – The Con Optimus looked enquiringly at his counterpart, and at his nod he scowled, seeing how some things were not that different in the dimensions. – "They more or less made the Prime a powerless position and rule Cybertron in the name of the mostly nonexistent Senate. If you have them here, you might want to watch them." – he offered the advice freely; different dimension or not, these Autobots deserved more than the ones at his home-universe.

"I see… I might do that. I can't really imagine them doing anything now, at this point of the war, but it hopefully ends one day and I wouldn't want us to fight just for a couple of corrupt Senators to grab the rule again…"

"Sensible approach… and I think if what you said is true, I might seek out contact with Rodimus Prime once I return to my universe; if he really got rid of Prowl – sorry to you, here – then we do have some common ground."


[U 2 – neutral place]

Rodimus stared to his officers, quite nonplussed by the uncharacteristic calmness of the Decepticon leader and his cryptic words about Optimus Prime. Why would he want to hide if they rescued his bondmate? What made Prowl so angry? Where was Optimus Prime if neither the Cons nor they had him? The thoughts were tumbling in his head, the Matrix clamoring too to convey the feeling of importance to him connected to these events.

"Find me that recording. Megatron is up to something and I want to know what before I can trust him."

Sideswipe offered a tentative opinion: - "He looked like hiding something, yeah, but apprehensive at the same time. Maybe… maybe he really doesn't have Optimus Prime back. They are bondmates, we know that, and he looked like he was worried."

The recording was found after a while and the shocked command staff of the Autobots heard what Prowl dismissed as complete fabrication; an Optimus Prime from another universe, pulled here by mistake, while the one from theirs taking his place over, in that other dimension. It was hard to believe, especially the part when the other Prime told them that he was leader of the Autobots, Megatron's enemy and all that.

"That's a lie or I be a Senator." – Ironhide was - to say at least – skeptic.

"Might be something in it though… have you noticed how he tried to reason with Prowl? Anyone here knows that that was impossible."

"True, that…"

"So… do we believe it enough to meet Megatron?"

"Worth a try. They still don't know about our warp gate so we can be out of the situation if it proves to be a trap." – But Rodimus didn't think so. The recording and what the Matrix suggested besides convinced him that it was no hoax, no trap – only a strange coincidence that really involved alternate universes. But it also gave him a chance to take command of the Autobots, dispose of Prowl and his followers, and… and if he wanted it, to make peace or even coalition with the Decepticons. It wasn't what he really planned on, but he accepted that the remaining Senate, Xaaron and Sentinel were sure to disapprove of his actions towards Prowl, and try to force him back in line at the very least. More likely try to assassinate him and replace with a more pliable Prime. But they wouldn't expect him to make up with Megatron and his Prime and move on them together…

It took another orn to set up a suitable place and agree the details, but at the end they were approaching the airfield that the humans set up for their collective use. They saw Megatron, Soundwave, Skywarp and Starscream approaching, then the three of them landing, while the Seeker remained in the air, providing cover if needed; and exchanging ritualistic-sounding insults with Silverbolt, their cover. Ironhide looked his usual grumpy, mistrusting, trigger-happy self, not at all happy about the negotiations, while Sideswipe awaited the Cons with a strange, uncharacteristic calm. Megatron, when he set down, looked like a bot having a massive hangover, although he tried to hide it; Soundwave was his usual unflappable self, while Skywarp was his usual jumpy one. It promised an eventful meeting, Rodimus thought, while the initial pleasantries were exchanged.

"We have seen this recording but it is still a bit too much to take."

"Well, you can come and have a look at even more weird universes too, if you care; have you not wondered why I have the king of all processor-aches?" – interestingly Megatron wasn't angry or mistrustful as much as grumpy and visibly suffering. It lent a certain truthfulness for the story too.

"What do you mean have a look?"

"Well, we do want our Prime back. So I had Starscream build a dimension-crossing device. Too bad it doesn't work, only gives visions and headaches."

Suddenly, Starscream landed in their midst, apparently excited enough about something to break the agreed-upon terms, followed by a nervous-looking but indecisive Silverbolt who didn't know whether he was supposed to shoot him or not. It immediately made Ironhide jumpy and shouting and he was targeting the Cons with his cannons; to which Skywarp reacted the same way. The situation threatened to deteriorate completely and both Rodimus Prime and Megatron had to shout quite a bit at their mechs until their respective fractions calmed down once again.

"Starscream, explain yourself. You were expected to remain up until we finished."

"Megatron, sir, I realized why the device wasn't working. Probably."


"You see, in both cases when the Optimus Primes travelled between our universes, they were at roughly the same place than the displacer field, aka the device in the other dimension. First on that battlefield, then in the Autobot base. But now, our device is at our base, while Optimus Prime in the other dimension is either in the Autobot base, or in their Decepticon one – which is in a different location from ours here, as we heard."

"Where is your base in the other universe?" – Rodimus didn't really expect an answer but was already guessing scenarios. What their prisoner Optimus said indicated a lot of differences between the timelines.

"Underwater, quite far from ours here."

"Underwater? With all the fliers?"

"Don't tell me… I didn't get the reason for that either."

"So you have to move that device either into an underwater spot or… to our base?"

Ironhide all but exploded at hearing that. "Ya don't consider that seriously, Prime sir? That they could move an unknown device inta our base?"

"More than that, I'd have to go with it too. According to Starscream, it is our bond that can pull back Optimus here through the device." – he wasn't going to ask this youngster but his options were limited, Megatron knew. From the fact that the other dimension's mechs retrieved their Optimus it meant that his counterpart was actually in their base, just as Starscream suggested beforehand. Getting there with a big machine undetected and stay there until he succeeded without the Autobots discovering it was flat out impossible; he needed Rodimus Prime's cooperation. And he was in fact fortunate, because he could never get that from Prowl before, he was sure of that.

Rodimus Prime was thinking hard. At first hearing the whole thing was preposterous and Ironhide seemed to be right that he shouldn't let the Con leader and an unknown machine into the midst of his Autobots. But at the same time, the very unbelievability of the story was its strongest argument too; he simply couldn't imagine what the Decepticons could reap from the scenario. In fact, it would prove their trustworthiness nicely, getting their two leaders into Autobot hands alone, and let him talk to the other Prime too. He looked at Sideswipe, to gauge his assessment of the scenario, and was surprised how the still calm officer took it; from his answering glance and slight nod the red twin was considering the same as he – accepting the proposition. For a fleeting nanoklik he was wondering about him too; either he matured quite a lot lately with the responsibility, or he too was hiding something, but his behaviour was quite off the mark.

"All right. Let's try this. I would let you to come to our base with two conditions. First, you must come alone; second I want to speak with Optimus Prime if he is back, about matters that concern us, Primes. If you comply with these, I guarantee that when we finished, both of you can freely leave our base and return to yours – and we can continue negotiations in any way we want to."

"I also want your word that you don't try to gain information from me or my mate in any way that we are not agreeing to." – Megatron knew that the Prime understood the allusion; torture and hacking were weapons both their factions employed to one degree or another, even though their use was officially disavowed. Their universe saw both factions more similar in this regard than the other Optimus told him of the other one. Starscream and Skywarp both looked at him like he just grew a second head; neither of them thought that he would accept Rodimus Prime's word for their safe return. Even Soundwave looked a bit apprehensive. But eventually they accepted his decision and for once even Starscream refrained from his usual arguments, courtesy to the watching Autobots.

"I give you my word to that."

"Then we agreed." – what was he getting himself into, Megatron was not sure, but he hoped that Starscream was right about his theory, otherwise he was giving himself into Autobot hands with gift-wrapping. – "Skywarp, Starscream, go back to the base and let Skywarp bring the device to the Autobot base entrance – if that is acceptable…?" – it rankled to ask agreement from the Autobot, but Megatron hid his scowl.

"It is. We should go there too."


[U 2 – Autobot base]

They arrived to the Autobot base just when Skywarp appeared there with a purple flash and the ungainly, unfinished-looking machine in his hands. He was wearing a seriously stormy expression on his face; he didn't like leaving Megatron to enter the Autobot base alone any more than the rest of them, but nobody could offer a better alternative. They were directed to a lab-like chamber that was clearly not in use; although it wasn't far from the entrance, Megatron still felt the uncomfortable prickle in his systems as they passed some Autobots on the corridors; apparently Rodimus Prime warned everyone not to shoot or behave aggressively, but they still tightened their grip on their respective weapons and if looks could deactivate a mech he'd've been dead in the first dozen meters. He also noted the still visible, only hastily cleared away energon stains at some places, clear indicators of the infighting a few orns ago.

The Autobot scientist, Perceptor was there too, observing and scanning the device with an obvious interest, although he didn't go close to the Decepticon leader. In fact Rodimus Prime sent everyone else out, once the device was set up and connected to a power source, letting only Sideswipe to remain to keep an optic on Megatron. He wasn't happy to hook up with the machine that was obvious; Rodimus Prime remembered what he said about the visions and the processor-ache and wasn't surprised by it. But the actual working of the thing was invisible and silent, so he got bored of watching it quickly and went out to deal with the still shaky situation of the Autobots.

"Prime, I'm detecting an unauthorized comm line from Megatron's position." – Red Alert was, true to his nature watching everything, especially the Con whom the Prime let in the base overriding his objections. They were both watching the monitor on which Megatron was sitting beside the machine, looking in equal parts bored and wincing from its effect.

"Well, he can't tell much to the other Cons, he saw maybe a hundred meters of corridor and Wheeljack's old lab. Probably a signal to tell them that he is alive."

"But that device can be more than it looks…!"

"Perceptor is keeping an optic on it. Or rather two. He said it is what they said it is, only in long words that I didn't quite understood."

"Oh, and First Aid said that Jazz was brought online. Since he claimed that Prowl was forcing him to act like he was his cohort, I had him check Jazz's memory banks. He appears to be clean, but I suggest caution."

"That's good. I wouldn't want to loose his talents. Reinstate him to spec ops but we will keep him under observation until I'm satisfied."

They turned back to the monitor when Perceptor commed them that something was definitely happening; the device was giving off an almost imperceptible vibration and started to draw increasing power from the grid. Rodimus ran to the lab and arrived just in time to see Megatron holding his head with both servos, like it wanted to split in half while the lab was suddenly echoing a deep rumble from the machine. A shape started to solidify in front of it, gaining form and colors by the nanoklik. When it was finished, he saw Megatron tearing off the cables, connecting him to the device and with a growl hugged the staggering Optimus Prime close. Apparently the bond didn't need any other proof to identify his mate… He decided to give the couple a few breems of privacy and waved Perceptor out with him; he could examine the effect later.

In just half a joor, he went back, to discuss thing with a fellow Prime. Optimus Prime seemingly had no injuries or negative experiences during his foray into another dimension and he was quite willing to talk to the younger mech about the Matrix and his dealing with its influence. They sat at the Autobot base rec room, amongst flabbergasted Autobots glancing them at every breem to be sure if they saw their Prime talking calmly with the Decepticon one. They took it even worse when he asked Megatron to join them and together they holed up in a meeting room for the best part of an orn, coming out from it with terrifyingly satisfied expressions.

When the rumours of a ceasefire started to spread, at first most didn't believe in them, dismissing them for hopeful thinking. When Starscream casually dropped by to discuss the cross-dimensional device with Perceptor, they took it down to a single occurrence and that scientists that are strange anyway. When the two Primes appeared deeply engrossed in talking with each other orn in orn out, they accepted it as 'Prime equals strange anyway'. When the shard alert sounded and the Prime cheerfully told them that by agreement this one goes to them, and they should go and pick it up, they started to believe.

When a message was sent to the remains of the Senate and Sentinel Prime to politely ask them to abdicate 'for the good of Cybertron' and it was signed by both Primes and Megatron as Lord High Protector, they were finally sure.

* Alternate dimensions mentioned:

Dragonformers: Xobit and AutobotV's loveable AU: In the Desert on deviantart

Cyberninjas: reference to TF:Animated

Nemesis Prime: reference to Shattered Glass

Quintesson slaves: reference to Eugenesis by James Roberts

Falcon!Seekers: reference to my Fly High fic