A/N: Hello! I hate to say it, but this is going to be the last chapter. I gave my reasons in the last chapter, so go back and read that if you already haven't. This ending is bittersweet for me. I'm happy because I Finished My First FanFiction Story! Yay! I'm also sad because this is my first story and I am sad to see it go, but I couldn't be more lucky with the response it got. So thank you everybody that read this. It means so much, and I hope to hear from you in my future stories.

I also want to apologize for a mistake I made in the last chapter. In the graduation ceremony I put the H's before the G's. I really should know the alphabet by now, but hey we all make mistakes. Thank you goode618 for making me aware of that.

Thank you to my amazing reviewers who have been there cheering me on from the beginning. You have no idea how much you mean to me. Feel free to PM anytime. I would love to hear from you!

Reviewers: , ISpyANinjaAndItsMe, goode618, emmettluvrXD, Toolazy to login, zammieloverforever, Ilovepie2012

Favoriter: One Push Away From Falling

zammieloverforever: Thank you for all your wonderful ideas and for sticking with me throughout the whole process of writing this. You're an awesome person. Thank you for listening to me ramble on and on about me.

I bleed orange: You're my sister with different colored hair, my bestest friend, and an all around amazing person! I'm glad I could be able to introduce you to fanfiction. See you tomorrow!

Disclaimer: For the last time (literally! Haha!) I do not own the Gallagher Girls. Geez! I am not a famous writer with blond hair! I am a measly writer on a website with brown hair!

Family Reunion

23 year old Alex Goode walked into the south entrance of Smith Park at 3 o'clock. It was a Saturday in July and it was a warm day. His hand was clasped tightly with Jenna Jones, his girlfriend of 1 year and 7 months. She worked with the CIA too. He had just returned from a mission in the Philippines and was surprising his family. They didn't think he would be home for another two months, but that wasn't the only thing he was surprising them with.

At the east entrance Abby Moore walked in with her husband Brandon Moore. The 27 year old Goode daughter had a huge smile on her face, and she was about to explode if she didn't get to tell someone her good news. Her husband was wearing a smile equal to hers in size. They were headed to the back of the park where her family and all of her aunts and uncles were, of course that was until they saw…

"Stop hitting me!"

"You started it!"




"UH- "

"Boys! Stop! You're going to give me a headache."

"But Mom! He started it."

"No I didn't he did!"

"Boys! You heard your mother. Stop fighting!" This could be heard all around the west entrance of South Park as Aanna and Trevor Graham tried to control their 4 year old twin boys, Sam and James.

"Yes dad…"

"Good. Now we're going to go over to the picnic tables, eat and spend time…Aanna? What is it? Are you okay?" Trevor immediately questioned his wife when he heard her scream. She just pointed toward a part of the park. He turned his head and automatically understood her outburst when he saw…

Meanwhile at the north entrance Daniel Goode strolled in with his right hand weaved with his wife Ashley. His left hand was clasped tightly around the baby car seat he was carrying with his 4 month old daughter Erin awake and happily cooing away. She was a gorgeous baby with huge blue eyes and auburn hair like her mother's.

"Sweetie, which direction are we heading?" Ashley asked her husband.

"To the back of the park. At least that's what Mom said."

"Then why are we headed to the center of the park?"

"Because we're going to meet up with my sisters, you know since Alex isn't back yet?"

"Yeah I know. There they…" She trailed off when she turned her head and laughed brightly when she saw…

All six heads turned towards the south entrance of the park where Alex Goode was walking in. Aanna and Abby immediately ran toward their youngest brother. Daniel had to hand Erin off to his wife before he took off in the same direction.


Before he even had the chance to blink he was wrapped up in an Aanna and Abby sandwich. He instinctively wrapped his arms around him. Once they finally let go he looked to see that Abby had tears pooled in her eyes and Aanna was just letting hers stream down her face. Aanna and Alex had always been really close.

"Oh geez. Stop crying you know I go all soft when you do." He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed them tight.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Daniel asked as it seemed that no one was going to notice him anytime soon. Alex let go of his sisters and enveloped his older brother in a hug, a manly on of course.

"I'm glad you're back little brother. Now come on let's go find Mom before she goes into hysterics 'cause we're late."

The four siblings walked together toward the large picnic table their family had rented for their gathering. Abby and Daniel linked arms with Alex and Aanna right behind them.

They were off in their own little world and didn't hear Ashley ask her husband's brother and sister-in-laws…well Jenna still counted even though they weren't married yet, "Now who's the chopped liver?"

They all laughed and followed after the siblings. Jenna started to talk to Ashley about the baby and Brandon and Trevor got into a discussion about some sports game.

They knew that the four Goode kids had made it to the table when they heard Cammie start to sob. They looked over to see Cammie sobbing and Alex enclosed in her embrace.

Once everybody had reached the table they went their separate ways to talk to different people. Aanna walked over to greet her best friend and her husband, Shelby and Garret. Trevor strolled over to his parents with the boys. Abby and Brandon were talking to Zach. Daniel and Ashley were with Joe, Abby, and Rachel. The latter was talking to Erin in a baby voice. Alex and Jenna were with Cammie still.

They families made their way around to greet each and every person there. When they were done it was time to eat, and once they sat down with their food Alex opened his mouth and told them he had something to share with everybody. He pulled Jenna up to stand beside him.

"So last night when I got home I asked Jenna to marry me and she said yes!"

Everyone cheered except for Jason and Grant who simultaneously asked "Why would she do that?"

Alex glared at his uncles and they just gave a mocking smile in return.

After everyone was done and had just gotten dessert Abby decided it was her turn to share her and Brandon's news. The couple didn't stand up like Alex had though.

"Guess what? I'm two months pregnant." Abby told her family and Cammie burst into tears. Macey just said "Finally," and everyone chuckled. Cammie got up and gave them a hug. Zach shook Brandon's hand and hugged his youngest daughter. He wrapped an arm around his wife and led her back to her seat.

"So… are there anymore big announcements?" Bex asked

The people around the table all shook their heads no.

"Good. Now can we please eat dessert before my husband explodes?" The whole group looked to see Grant shaking in excitement.

"Oh good Lord, Grant! Just eat the cake already."

"Thank you!" He said before he devoured the whole slice in almost two bites.

The family laughed and each started to eat their dessert, conversation starting like wildfire. Loud laughter and talking could be heard throughout the park, and that was just how it should be.

A/N: So I am really sad right now but I am also happy with this ending. I know some of you wanted me to continue and I'm sorry, but I am happy with this story and what I did with it. I don't want to continue and have the possibility of ruining it. Thank you for sticking with me throughout this journey. I hope to talk with some of you in the future. Feel free to PM me anytime. Love you guys and I hope you read my stories in the future.

For the last time please review this story and tell me what you thought of this chapter and the story overall. Making it to 130 would be amazing!

Book Recommendation: She's SO Dead To Us Trilogy by Kieran Scott


Pieces Of My Heart