Here's the second update for today! Hope you enjoy this one as well! If you haven't read Chapter 4 yet, make sure you do, since I posted that one today too.


Disclaimer: Sadly, I still don't own Castle.

Chapter 5

Beckett collapsed in her chair after returning from the crime scene she, Ryan, and Esposito had left for earlier that morning. Lanie had come up with two possible causes of death, and had needed to examine the body at the morgue better, before she could tell them confidently what kind of weapon they were looking for. The three detectives also noticed a pillow that was out of place, having been wrongly placed on a rocking chair, instead of the beige recliner it matched. They guessed it had probably been put on the wrong piece of furniture in the killer's rush to leave the victim's apartment.

Beckett decided to change it up a bit and help Ryan canvas the area, while Esposito went back to the precinct to find out whose fingerprints were on the pillow. Of course she wouldn't admit it, but this was just another way of keeping her mind occupied, so no persistent, attractive writers would be able to distract her.

An hour later, Esposito had called her to confirm that the fingerprints belonged to Jonah Barrett. After he gave her the address, she and Ryan went to make the arrest. They had just walked the suspect into the precinct when Lanie called her, reporting that the victim had definitely been killed by stab wounds, and that if Beckett came down to the morgue she would show her the knife they should be looking for. About a half hour later, Beckett and Ryan were driving back to Jonah Barrett's messy apartment. Having seen it earlier, Beckett was sure that if Jonah had been trying to hide the knife, his cluttered apartment would be the smartest place to do so. Almost an hour and a half into searching for the weapon, they had decided to give up and Beckett was ready to admit she had been wrong about him hiding it there, when Ryan found it in a hamper filled with dirty, sour-smelling clothes in the back of a closet.

Now, sitting at her desk, she was ready to get a confession from Jonah, close the case, and get the paperwork done. The lack of sleep was catching up to her, and all she wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed. Resting her head in her hands, she waited for Ryan and Esposito to come back with everything she needed for Jonah's confession. She hoped that they would take a few more minutes, since she was more than appreciating the small break.

"Excuse me, Detective Beckett?" An unrecognizable male voice addressed her, and when she looked up, she saw a teenage boy standing in front of her wearing a green apron. He smiled at her and handed her a white paper cup covered by a lid. "This is for you. Someone said you might be needing this about now."

She gave him a puzzled look, but smiled and thanked him, as she took the warm cup into her hands. When she was about to ask the boy who it was from, she saw that he was already walking away, having left her there holding the cup and inhaling the warm, captivating smell of the coffee within. The caffeine was already working on her just from the aroma steaming from the liquid. Knowing that she would burn her tongue if she took a sip, Beckett placed the cup on her desk to wait for it to cool. That was when she noticed the scribble made by a black Sharpie, and turned the cup a little, realizing there was a message written on it.

I was going to send flowers or chocolate, but thought you would enjoy this more, since I'm sure you've been detecting for hours already. Hope this helps get you through the rest of the day.


PS—Two days until the best night of your life! Bet you can't wait ;)

I know I can't.

Even though he wasn't in front of her, she rolled her eyes anyway. How could he be so arrogant, and at the same time, so charming? It was ridiculous. She couldn't deny, though, that sending her coffee was a sweet thing to do, especially at this time of day. She could just hug him for his gift of much-needed caffeine.

Not wanting to appear too touched by his kindness, but wanting to thank him, she decided to call him fast. Ryan and Esposito would be coming back any second, so there would be an excuse to get off the phone. She lifted the phone to her ear, taking a sip of coffee with her free hand, now that it was no longer steaming.

"Don't you just want to hug me?" His self-absorbed voice answered, causing her to almost spit her coffee across the room. She had not been ready for that greeting. Normally, people answered the phone with a "Hello?", a "Hi!", a "Hey.", but not…that. Of course, since it had come from Castle, she realized such a greeting should have been expected.

"No, I don't want to hug you!" She erupted, after carefully swallowing the mouthful of coffee, trying not to choke on it.

"You can't tell me, you're not grateful for caffeine right now." The confidence in his voice, that tone that conveyed that he knew he was right, made her want to deny it. And the fact that Beckett realized she couldn't, frustrated her.

"Fine. You're right, I can't," she conceded, knowing that she couldn't argue with what he said, however, she purposely neglected to mention that she was actually happy he had sent it. "But that does not mean I want to hug you."

"What do you want to do to me?" She could hear the innuendo and grin in his voice, and began to feel warm, even though she was fighting with herself not to feel anything.

"Guess you'll have to wait until Saturday night to find out," She began suggestively, pausing for effect. If he was going to go there, she was going to retaliate. Trying not to laugh, Beckett could picture his breath catching in his throat. "But, I'd be more scared than excited if I were you."

After a moment, he finally responded. "Ah, I see. Still plotting my accidental death."

"Always," She stated smugly into the phone. "Although, I have to admit, the coffee was a good attempt to get on my good side."

"Hey, just for the record, there was no ulterior motive involved with the coffee," Castle defended.

Beckett felt herself suppressing a giggle. She just loved messing with him. "Really? I'm supposed to believe that?" She teased.

"Yes, you are."

Hearing the seriousness coming back into his voice, she decided it was time for her to be sincere too. "Well, it was sweet…whatever your intentions were. So, thank you."

"Anytime, detective."

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Esposito and Ryan walking toward her. Esposito waved a folder, motioning for her to come over, signaling that they were ready. "Sorry, Castle," She said his name softly, so they couldn't hear her. The last thing they needed to know was that their plan to get her willingly talking to Castle was working. "I have to go finish nailing a guy."

"Sounds like fun. Was it easy to solve?"

"Yep, pretty much," She sighed, satisfied with her successfulness that day.

"Booorrriinngg," He said in a sing-song voice, and yawned for effect. "I think you need a writer there putting his original spin on things. You know, make it more interesting."

"Ha! You mean more annoying!" She couldn't help, but jab. "They'd only make it harder for me to do my job." She saw Esposito motion to her again. "Be right there!" She called to the other detective, registering a bit of impatience in the way he was standing. "As fun as crushing your ego is, I really have to go close this case."

"I know, and my ego is relieved," His understanding and grateful smile could be sensed on her end of the phone. "It's been nice talking with you. Enjoy the coffee."

"Yeah, thanks again for that," she said honestly.

"See you the day after tomorrow."

"Mmhmm." She made herself sound less than thrilled, but suddenly she felt herself becoming more open to spending time with him. "Bye, Castle."

After ending their call she sat there for a minute, collecting her thoughts. What the hell was the matter with her? There was no way she could be starting to look forward to their date. No. Way. Maybe it was just because she hadn't been on a date in so long? Yeah, that had to be it. "Yo, Beckett! I don't know about you, but I'd like to get this confession over with. You know, get out early." Esposito told her loudly from where he was standing. She felt a little guilty, since she had almost forgotten he was waiting there for her.

Without taking any more time, she stood up and walked over to him. "Sorry," She told him sincerely.

He stared at her, looking mad, until his look softened and he gave her a half smile. "I won't tell the others, if you do the paperwork."

"I don't know what you're talking about," She tried to sound like herself, but even she could hear the insecurity in her voice.

"Fine, after this I'm going to the morgue and telling Lanie that finishing your call to Castle, was more important than you closing a case."

Beckett glared at him. He must have been within earshot before she saw him, or maybe he saw the guy bring her the coffee. "You know I can make your job suck, right?"
Esposito didn't even flinch at her threat, and instead, surprised her when he sighed. "Just agree to do the paperwork," he pushed open the door for her. Returning his sigh, but with much more frustration, Beckett walked passed him, but not before shooting him another sharp look. He chuckled to himself, once she was sitting across from their suspect, understanding that she had no choice, but to give in.