Italic is the symbol of a flash back :)

As I've mentioned at the start of the story, I'm still tossing up ideas about where this story should go from here. Review or PM what you would like to see happen in the story. (: Thank you!
Chapter 4: Never thought I'd hear it
Rating: T (Very mild swearing, Adult Insinuations)
Setting: Adrian's apartment… again. Sorry, haha.
Characters: Dimitri, Adrian, a little Rose.

I didn't sleep well that night.
When I woke up in the morning, I realised just how much. My eyes were baggy, rimmed with a bluey purple that looked completely out of place. Sending my mind back I found that even if I did have some sort of nightmare, I didn't remember it at all. Nor did I remember if I had woken up at all.
Completely opposite to me, Adrian was up early that morning, attempting breakfast.
"Sleep well?" I asked him, stepping out into the kitchen.
Adrian looked up at my approach, then noticing something behind me, he ran head on to it. I quickly moved out of the way, thanking my guardian training, for he didn't slow down for me to get to whatever it was. I turned once he did, and found that he had run for the pancakes that were cooking on a pan sitting on the stove. He flipped the pan, attempting one of those pancake flips that the cooks on television always did. He grinned as it fell back into the pan, the other way, without falling flat onto the floor.
"Yes, Guardian Belikov, I did." He turned back to the cooking.
"Adrian, I'm impressed. You've cooked something and it looks… edible." I was impressed. The rich boy usually had someone do these things for him, it was new territory. He laughed.
"Dimitri, is that sarcasm I hear in your voice? Did you doubt the amazing abilities Adrian Ivashkov?" He looked me in the eye, feigning seriousness. Now it was my turn to laugh.
"Never, hey does this bacon need turning?" The bacon was darkening on the edges.
Adrian sighed. "If you must, I was hoping to get this done myself."
"No chance, mate. This is too much multi-tasking for your pampered hands." I flipped the bacon easily, remembering how I'd taught it to Rose. I figured that because she ate so much bacon, I might as well teach her how to cook it.

She appeared in the doorway.

Wearing only her lace red under wear and bra, she was a sight to be seen as the fingers of yellow light from the window lingered on her body.
I gulped, accidently dropping a piece of bacon onto the floor. She laughed light-heartedly and walked closer.
"Is that breakfast?" She asked, gliding her hands up my chest and looping them around my neck.
All I could do was nod, drop the spatula back into the pan and wrap my arms around her. She was warm, the morning's sun had poured into her bedroom early and rested on her for a few hours. I'd been in the cold kitchen since dawn, making her favourite breakfast- bacon and eggs on toast.

Turning around in my embrace, Rose smiled when she saw the bacon cooking in the pan.
"Dimitri Belikov, you are my saviour." She giggled then as I picked her up and sat her on the bench.
Looking her in the eyes, I grinned. "Rosemarie Hathaway, you are my angel." Her face softened and her smirk turned into a sweet smile.
Kissing her lightly on the nose, I turned and got back to the food. I'd flipped the first round of bacon when she spoke.
"Hey, could you teach me how

not to burn bacon?" I stopped flipping. Looking her back in the eyes, I found that she was being totally serious.
"Uh, yes of course." I'd seen her attempt breakfast, the end result wasn't pretty.

She grinned at my apprehensive attitude. "I know you have no faith in me Comrade. I do remember the last time I tried to cook breakfast." She winked at me, the same wink she gave me the morning of her kitchen 'cooking' session when she almost burnt down the apartment cooking

I shook my head in exasperation. "You can't blame a guy for wanting to be careful."

She winked. "It's all good, Mr Insecure. Just give me a step-by-step or all hell may break loose."
Grinning, I took her hand and guided her to the stove top. Handing her the spatula, I stood back and waited. A few seconds passed before she looked up from the spatula to me, confusion in her eyes.

"Hey, what did I say about step-by-step?" She asked.

I sighed. "Roza… You'd think that with everything you've experienced, all of the information you've taken in as 'fuel for your jokes', you'd be able to turn a piece of bacon." I shook my head worriedly, mocking her.

She went along with it, gasping at my choice of words. Using the spatula like a finger Rose pushed it into my chest, looked me in the eye and spoke.

"That was mean and you know it. I've never cooked in my life; you were born in the Antarctic where you had to scavenge for your food. Your skills in the kitchen may be better than mine, but I can still kick your ass with my eyes closed. Don't forget that… baby." She added the 'baby' to soften the blow.

I didn't even bother to correct her that Russia was far from the temperatures of the Antarctic, which she should know since she'd been there more than once. That last word, it seemed to stop me from talking back. I half-heartedly swatted the spatula from my chest, turned her back to the burning bacon and guided her spatula hand to the pan.

"Now, slide the spatula under the bacon." She did.

"Lift it carefully in the air." She did.

"Turn it upside down." I would've liked to say she did that without a problem, but Rose had other ideas. In the blink of an eye she had the bacon off the spatula and in my mouth.
I spat it in the direction of the sink and crashed my lips to Roza's. She smiled into the kiss and her muffled laughter gave me a small smile of my own.

I apologise that it's so short! It is definitely not one of my best, I'll do better in the next chapter (:
Please R&R, i'm feeling very lonely with this story ;)