Hey everyone!

This is my first Romance/Tragedy fic and I hope you like it. Wait... tragedy means no happy ending. So you probably wouldn't like it.

Anyway, this is shot in the seventh book, when Snatchers found them and took them to the Malfoy Manor. Draco's POV.

Warning: Their love story won't end happily, but it will end peacefully.

This isn't a ONESHOT, so just wait for the next chapters. Most likely 3 chapters and the Epilogue.

I now realize I'm babbling, so I'll stop.

Much love,


Disclaimer: My name is not J.K. Rowling

"Take these prisoners down to the cellar, Greyback," Mother said softly.

"Wait," Aunt Bella interrupted sharply. "All except… except for the Mudblood."

The werewolf grunted, suddenly excited.

Fear rang in my ears. No. No. No. Not her.

"No!" Weasley yelled at Aunt Bella. "You can have me, keep me!"

Aunt Bella backhanded him. I winced at the sharp crack it made.

"If she dies under questioning, I'll take you next," she leered at him. "Blood-traitor is next to Mudblood in my book." She turned to the werewolf. "Take them downstairs, Greyback, and make sure they are secure, but do nothing more to them… yet."

She threw a wand at him, and then took her silver dagger out of her sleeve. She cut Hermione free from Potter and Weasley and gave the rope to Greyback, who dragged them to the passageway to our cellars.

Aunt Bella held Hermione's chin and lifted it so she faced her. "Now, Mudblood, where did you get this sword?"

I prayed that she would answer properly. But no one listened to my prayers.

Hermione spat at Aunt Bella's face and aunt Bella's eyes widened in rage. No, please, no.

"Crucio," she whispered menacingly.

Hermione screamed. It was an awful sound. I heard Weasley yell her name from the cellars.

"Draco." I turned and saw Mother. She gently guided me to the door that led to the hall. "Draco, go. You don't have to watch—"

Aunt Bella heard us. "No, Cissy! Let him stay. Let him see what filth his love actually is. Look, Drakey, isn't this the Mudblood you love so much?"

Hermione lifted her eyes, such fearful brown eyes against my tortured grey ones. "Draco…"

Aunt Bella's eyes glinted. "Oh, yes. Hear her, Draco? Your whore is calling for you. Well, I assume you are perfect for each other… the Mudblood and the disgrace. First we find out about this, and then you fail to kill Dumbledore… such shame… the Dark Lord was merciful to even forgive us..."

We glared at each other.

"Where did you get the sword, you piece of filth?" She flicked her wand at Hermione again.

I turned away as she writhed on the floor, screams echoing in the room.

Aunt Bella turned her wand away, leaving Hermione breathing heavily on our carpet.

"Draco, go away. Don't… watch," she rasped out.

Aunt Bella looked at her, expression suddenly thoughtful and calculating. Merlin knew what she was thinking.

"You care about him. Don't you, my dear Mudblood? You love our Draco?" she asked.

"You know nothing about love, you bitch," Hermione spat out. Oh, no. No.

Aunt Bella raised her wand, surprisingly calm, but didn't point it at Hermione.

She pointed it at me.

The pain was terrible. My whole body was convulsing before even before I dropped to the floor. My bones felt like they were breaking, my blood was on fire. I wanted to scream out loud, but I held it in. Painful grunts escaped me.

Mother's voice sounded. "Bella! Bella, stop! What are you doing?"

"I'm going to ask you again!" I heard Aunt Bella scream. "Where did you get this sword? Where?"

Through the loud ringing in my ear because of the pain, I heard Hermione beg. "We found it – we found it — PLEASE!"

The pain abruptly stopped. I was breathing heavily, my hand clutching my stomach. I felt hands going around me, searching for wounds. I looked up and saw Hermione worriedly examining me. She seemed to have crawled from the feet of Aunt Bella to where I lay.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I opened my mouth to reply but suddenly she was screaming again, her body shaking in my arms.

"You are lying, filthy Mudblood, and I know it! You have been inside my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth, tell the truth!"

Hermione screamed again as another wave of the Cruciatus Curse hit her.

"What else did you take? What else have you got? Tell me the truth, or I swear I shall run you through with this knife!" She picked up her knife from the floor where she dropped it.

Hermione had tears running down her face. "Nothing," she sobbed. "We got nothing from your vault."

"Liar," Aunt Bella said. She raised her wand again.

I stood up and hid Hermione behind me. "Aunt Bella, stop already. She's telling the truth, can't you see? Stop!"

"Draco!" Mother rushed forward. I waved her away.

"No, Mother. This is the girl I love; Aunt Bella is going too far."

Aunt Bella exhaled. "Draco, get out of the way. That heap behind you is just filth, you can find plenty more once the Dark Lord gets his full power."

"Draco," my mother pleaded.

"Son," Father said. "Enough."

"No," I said. "Father, can't you see? This is wrong! Aunt Bella's mad!"

Aunt Bella sighed again. "Cissy, Lucius, I am not responsible for what I do anymore. Draco obviously needs to be taught a lesson."

Father stepped forward angrily. "You will not lay a hand on my son—"

"…And if you interfere," Aunt Bella continued. "I will tell the Dark Lord about Draco's infatuation with Potter's Mudblood… and Draco will surely be killed."

Father hesitated, but then backed away. He glared at Aunt Bella. I'm sure that if he had his wand, he would have cursed Aunt Bella already.

Aunt Bella came towards me and grabbed my arm. "You didn't listen to us when we warned you about the Mudblood," she whispered. "Torture seems to not affect you. I'm sure a more lasting punishment will suffice."

She lifted her dagger and set it against my arm. I tried to pull my arm back but she had me in a steel grip. Gently, she carved a D on my skin. I yelled in pain.

"That's just a taste," she said. She let go of my arm. I clutched it to my stomach. The letter D was deep enough to break the skin and cause pain, but not enough to draw blood.

Aunt Bella raised her silver dagger and started writing on the air.

I yelled in pain again as the same pain started on my arm. I now accompanied the D. Slowly, more letters started to form. S. G. R. A. C. E.

"Disgrace," Aunt Bella told me. "For you to remember that you are a Malfoy and therefore shouldn't shame us."

She pushed me to Mother, who started fussing over me. The dagger was obviously cursed, because a normal dagger wouldn't have caused that much pain.

Aunt Bella turned to Hermione, who was now cowering on the floor. "Now, you," she told her.

Hermione bravely faced my aunt and said, "My answer's not going to change. We've never been inside your vault!"

"Liar," Aunt Bella spat.

"I'm not lying," Hermione insisted. "It's not our fault if Voldemort punishes you." This angered Aunt Bella even more.

"You dare speak his name?" she cried furiously. "What else did you take, what else? ANSWER ME! CRUCIO!"

Hermione screamed again, her voice echoing off the walls. I tried to go toward her, but Mother held me back.

A/N - more chapters to come!