Author's note: Sorry for the late upload~I also sorry for my poor grammar T^T

Disclaimer:I don't Prince of Tennis but I DO own My OCs.

Well, enjoy ^^

Chapter 2 The stranger (The long lost memories)

Like always, Haruka wakes up and SAW a boy sleeping beside her and WITHOUT CLOTHES!

"KYAAA!" she kicked the boy aside with all her might. He fell down the bed (with the blanket) "Ouch, that hurts nya…" the boy rubs the bump on his head cause by the fall. The boy had red hair that curled up at the end, a pair of sapphire eyes and a bandage on his right cheek.

"He's kinda cute…" Haruka thought but then slapped herself mentally, "Are you out of you mind, Haruka? He had come in to your private room without permission, COME ON!"

"W-WHO ARE YOU? A-and how did you get in my room?" Haruka manage to snap out and shot him an its-impossible –to-get-in-my-room-without-me-noticing look. The boy frowned, "It's you who let me in nya..."he stated and raised his hand. Haruka is flabbergasted when she saw the bandage that she gave the cat earlier (yesterday) was on his hand, "I know this sounds stupid because this only happens in fairy tales…are you the cat?"




Haruka gave him an incredulous look and he gave her a pout. It's cute…she had to admit...There was silence until when a loud voice called out, "HARUKA! HARUKA! WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?" Haruka recognize that voice- it's the one and only fat aunt…

"OMG! What should I do…ah…quick hide!" Haruka panicked.

"Don't mind, don't mind~" The red-head change back into a cat. Haruka quickly opened the door, "H-hi aunt Rydia…" she greeted in an innocent tone.

"WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED? YOU KNOW YOU'VE DISTURBED MY BEAUTY SLEEP!" she shouted as if the world is going to end because she did not get her beauty sleep. "Um… my cat suddenly jumped onto me so…" Haruka managed to find an excuse, she can't possibly tell that her cat turned into a cute guy and he even slept beside her! She'll be in BIG trouble!

"As a punishment for waking me up this early in the morning, you won't have any breakfast!"

The door slammed shut. "Huh…no breakfast again…is she going to starve me to death?" Haruka sighed heavily. "She's harsh nya…" the boy change into his/its human form, "You should just move to another place…"

"To where? My parents passed away and I haven't got enough money to afford renting an apartment."

"Your parents…died…"

"Yeah, it's just like yesterday when my father told us that we can go to the amusement park 'cause it's his day off…"

~Flashback ~

2 years ago…

"Haruka, I have a good news~" Yukina Hiroki padded Haruka's head.

"What is it, otou-san?" the little Haruka looked at her father in confusion.

"We are going to take you to the amusement park like you always wanted."

"REALLY?" Haruka's eyes sparkled. "Yup, because it's Haruka's birthday," he smiled.

"So, it has to be special for our special child, right honey?" Yukina Tomoe kissed Haruka's forehead. "Yay, amusement park!" Haruka paced up and parents looked at each other and smiled.

Then, they get on Hiroki's car and went to their destination. Haruka fell asleep on the way…

"Wh-who are you?"


"I don't understand what you're saying…"

The person smirked, "You're going to die…"

Haruka widen her eyes in shocked, "I'll die?"

"Farewell, 'Lance' …"

"HEY! Don't go away! Wait!" Haruka reached out her hand…




She opened her eyes and looked to the speaker. "Haruka, you're sweating…and panting." Tomoe rubbed Haruka's sweat with a handkerchief. "Did you have a bad dream?" Hiroki gently padded her head, "Well, after you have fun here, the nightmare will go away~" he gave a big smile. Haruka nodded, "Yeah, the important thing is have fun first!"

As they entered the amusement park. "Wow, there are so many things to play." Haruka looked around and admire the amusement park(It's her first time after all). "Come on okaa-san, otou-san let's try the rollercoaster!" Haruka pulled her parents' shirt. "Our little Haruka is so fired up~" Hiroki laugh and Tomoe lightly chuckle, "Let's go before it takes off~"( I'm too lazy to write the ride…after all, they'll just sream.) AAAAHHHHHH!

After the breathtaking ride, they went to grab some ice-cream. Then, they went to the haunted house, and then the bumping cars ( I don't know what it's called) and many more…

"Whew, I'm beat!" Hiroki sat on the bench and looked at his watch, "It's already 6:00 pm. Let's head home kay?"

"Did Haruka have fun?"

"Yup, thanks otou-san!" Haruka smiled widely, she totally forgot about the dream. "Hey, how about having dinner in a nearby restaurant?" They nodded at the decision. They went in the car drove off. "Let's take the highway, okay."

Meanwhile, on a high building…someone is watching their every move.

"Start the plan." The person gave an evil smirk.

"As you wish."

The road was dark and they barely see anything except the road shone by Hiroki's car light. "It sure is dark even though it is still 6:30 pm…" Suddenly, a bright light is seen, and it's coming this way with high speed. "What's that?" Hiroki nearer his head to the windscreen to see it clearly. As the thing came in sight, "WTF!" Hiroki turns the starring to avoid the BIG lorry but unfortunately…it's too late…


The lorry crashed into the car with great impact…

Haruka lost her consciousness…

~Back to Reality~

"The next thing I knew is I woke up in the hospital, the doctor is also surprised that I survived the tragic accident…" Haruka wiped the tear on her face, "Thanks for listening, now I feel better." She smiled.

"So, you're that…" the boy murmured.

"What is it?" She looked at the red-haired male to pay attention on what he is saying.

"Uh…so your parents died instantly?"

"Yeah, it still pains me but I'm fine now." She hit her chest confidently (?).

The boy remains silent. "After that, fat aunt…eh no…aunt Rydia took me into her care, she does treat me like a servant though but thanks to her that I've become the me today." She gave the I'm-okay look to the boy.


The fat…er no…aunt Rydia sneezed. "Oh gosh, some handsome guy is talking about me, Oh God~ why am still so popular for my age~" she wiped an unseen tear dramatically.

How was it? Please Review ^^