Full summary to Blast of Fire: This is my spin-off to Decepticons Have More Fun, focusing on Starscream's second daughter, Fireblast. This takes place many years after DHMF ends, when Fireblast is around her early teens. She realizes that she is not her accomplished, charismatic older sister (Skydive) or her cute, coddled younger brother (temporary name: Flyboy). Fireblast feels she is expected to become a Seeker like her father and sister, but doesn't feel comfortable with the title—not to mention she's not very good at flying. Fireblast feels out of place in both her community and her family, but has no idea what to do about it.
Our story begins outside the cave lair, where Starscream and Skydive are once again trying to teach Fireblast how to fly.
Starscream and Skydive were both standing there, waiting for Fireblast to make them proud. Fireblast knew, however, that she would fail horribly this time, just like every time. Her talent was not flying. So how was she ever going to become a Seeker?
"Come on, Fireblast," said Skydive encouragingly. "I know you can do it."
Easy for you to say, Skydive, Fireblast thought scathingly. Skydive was the kind of older sister who was absolutely perfect—she was beautiful, kind, smart, funny, popular, a great dancer, an excellent Seeker with really neat weapons, and she even had a boyfriend—Swordslash, a Decepticon warrior only a little older than she was who had been dumped in a horrible, filthy orphanage after his family had been taken offline in the war. Several stellar cycles ago, Megatron had found Swordslash in the orphanage and brought him to join his ranks as a fierce warrior with a lust for being bad—and Swordslash and Skydive had fallen in love at first sight.
As for Fireblast, she was still single, because as far as she could tell, there was no mech who could ever love her. She was basically a loser-bot who couldn't do anything right. No matter how hard she practiced flying, she always ended up crashing into a tree or a building or something. She tried on Megatron's cannon one time but it was so heavy it made her fall over. She had been branded recently so she was now a true Decepticon (supposedly) but she didn't feel like a true Decepticon, much less a true Seeker.
They were watching, though, so Fireblast transformed into a black jet (her color scheme was black and dark green) and started to fly. Oh, slag—flying in jet mode was even harder than flying in robot mode. Don't look down, don't look down! Fireblast frantically told herself, but she was freaking out again—how could anyone ACTUALLY enjoy flying? And before she knew it there was another CRASH!
What do you know? Fireblast had crashed into another tree.
"Oops…sorry," said Fireblast. She quickly transformed into robot mode and landed on the ground, feeling humiliated.
"You'll get it soon enough, Fireblast…remember, flying runs in our family," Skydive told her sister, helpfully brushing some orange leaves off her wings. (It was fall, so all the leaves were turning red, orange, brown and yellow.)
"Get your servos off my wings." Fireblast scowled and slapped her older sister's servo away. "Just because flying runs in our family doesn't necessarily mean that I'll enjoy it."
Skydive just sighed and went to stand next to her father again.
"Why don't we call it a solar cycle?" they heard Spaceflower ask. She had come out of the cave lair and was noticing how depressed her second daughter looked.
"I agree, Mom." Fireblast was relieved. "I'm thirsty."
So they went inside, where Swordslash was waiting, an empty seat next to him. Skydive's personality always changed whenever she was around Swordslash; as soon as she saw her mech she giggled and flounced over to him, then plopped herself adorably in the chair.
"Hello, Sweetie," said Swordslash, as soon as she sat herself down.
"Oh, you know I love it when you call me by my sparkling nickname!" Skydive giggled again.
"Does the little sparkling want her meal now?" asked Swordslash in a baby voice, holding up an energon cube. Skydive nodded and Swordslash actually fed her the energon. Fireblast thought she would blow a gasket. Swordslash, in her opinion, was just annoying, and whenever he and Skydive got all cutesy with each other it just made her sick.
Meanwhile, Flyboy was crying…again. Flyboy was the temporary name of Starscream and Spaceflower's youngest child and only son. He was fussy and cried a lot, but he was so cute that everyone spoiled him rotten; plus being the only boy definitely gave him some automatic attention.
"Oh, you poor little thing, you're probably thirsty, aren't you?" Spaceflower cooed, holding up a canister of low-grade motor oil. Flyboy just cried even louder, until Spaceflower finally stuck the straw into his mouth.
Fireblast groaned internally. Everyone seemed happy today, except for her. Megatron, as usual, was ignoring her. Since she had no discernible skills, he seemed to think she was of no use to him. She had gotten branded about half a stellar cycle ago, as was tradition, but she could never impress Megatron the way Skydive did.
And as for Flyboy, well, Megatron was probably happy Starscream and Spaceflower had finally gotten a boy sparkling, since sometimes he didn't allow femmes on big missions. Fireblast had never really understood this, because if a femme was a good fighter, and you needed an extra warrior, why not include her? It wasn't really her call to make, though, so she just kept quiet.
"Does my honey bunny want to go on a big date tomorrow night?" Swordslash was asking, as he tickled Skydive under the chin.
"Of course!" Skydive giggled. "I love you so much, Swordslash!"
"I love you too, Sweetie," he told her, and grabbed her close. "Come here!"
Dear Primus! Now Skydive and her stupid boyfriend were making out right at the dinner table! Starscream and Spaceflower didn't seem to care all that much, either. Didn't anyone find this behavior unacceptable?
Some might think Swordslash was (to put it bluntly) a huge weenie, but in actuality, he could be a fierce, ruthless warrior. Megatron was very happy to find him in the orphanage, and Swordslash was overjoyed to finally be away from that horrible place.
During his time at the orphanage, Swordslash only got one meal per solar cycle (if that) so he was extremely low on energy when they had found him. The owner of the orphanage was terribly cruel and Swordslash had plenty of scars where he had been whipped and beaten; his paint had been cracked and he was devoid of weapons, too. The place itself was filthy so there were germs everywhere, and most of the other orphans were very sick—but of course they had no medical care. Swordslash had been living in the orphanage too long, so long that he had almost forgotten what the outside world was like.
Besides Shockwave, though, Swordslash was probably Megatron's favorite. He had a lethal sword (of course), which he wielded with expertise. He had also been given, upon arrival, a cannon similar to Megatron's, only slightly smaller. All those stellar cycles in the orphanage had made him tough and ready for a fight, so he was never one to run away from battle. His vehicle mode was a helicopter, similar to Megatron's, only smaller and black (his color scheme was mostly black).
Swordslash's personality changed, however, whenever he encountered Skydive (even though he still called her by her sparkling nickname, "Sweetie"). He turned into one of those romantic types—giving her roses, opening doors for her, buying her candied cyberberries (her favorites), giving her sappy nicknames, etc. Usually Swordslash was a tough, no-nonsense warrior that Megatron would definitely approve of, but when he was around Skydive, he became a romantic, chivalric young suitor that Spaceflower would definitely approve of. Everyone could tell he was deeply in love with this accomplished Seeker.
As for Skydive, it was true that she was just as in love with Swordslash as he was in love with her. Fireblast remembered how sometimes late at night when their lights were out she and Skydive would discuss things like falling in love and finding the mech who you were meant to be with. One time, when she was feeling particularly brave, Fireblast had asked Skydive what overload was like (for she knew, of course, that Skydive and Swordslash interfaced quite enough).
"Oh, Fireblast," Skydive said romantically. It was so dark that she couldn't even see her older sister, but Fireblast knew Skydive probably had that stupid dreamy look on her face again. "If you do it with the right mech…and I know I did…then it's the most wonderful feeling you could ever experience."
"How?" Fireblast asked impatiently. "In what way?"
"Trust me, younger sister," Skydive whispered. "Wait until the time comes and then you'll know what I mean."
"Does…does 'facing hurt?"
"It hurts a little, the first time," Skydive replied. "But don't worry. That'll go away after a while, and then it only feels good…believe me."
"I want someone special to take my virginity," Fireblast heard herself say. "Not just any stupid mech."
"Of course," Skydive told her. "And you will find someone special."
"Mmm, I don't know…I feel like I'll be one of those femmes who never finds a mech. I'll be a hopeless virgin all my life cycle."
"Don't talk that way." Fireblast heard the smile in Skydive's voice. "You're not going to end up like that at all."
"But you don't know that," protested Fireblast. "I'm always looking for a boyfriend."
"When you do find true love, it won't be because you were looking for it," Skydive told her sister calmly. "But it will come. Whatever you are seeking, my sister, may you find it and have peace."
May you find it and have peace. Still rather hard to believe, Fireblast thought, as she watched Skydive and Swordslash flirting away. Fireblast didn't just want love in her life cycle; she wanted to be someone talented—someone who had a specialty, someone pretty, someone not mediocre…but everything about her practically screamed mediocrity.
"If you guys don't mind, I'm just going to go relax in my room a little," said Fireblast, getting up from her chair. She hadn't even finished her barrel of Decepticon motor oil, but she wasn't thirsty.
Once Fireblast got to the room she shared with Skydive, she laid down on her bed and tried not to cry. What was wrong with her? Her older sister, Skydive, was perfect. Her younger brother was spoiled rotten because he was adorable. And yet there was nothing special about Fireblast—she had no special talents. Megatron ignored her; she didn't have a boyfriend; she couldn't fly; even though the reasonable part of her said this wasn't true, sometimes she felt like no one cared about her at all.