kutee: The wildest ride. I hope you had your seatbelt fastened during it.
asmamaster1: Aww don't cry. Or do, but only if it's because my story is awesome. :)
Note: This is it, folks! Yep, we've reached the end of the line with this story. I sincerely hope you all enjoyed it. Please, let me know what you thought of this chapter as well as the entire story. I love hearing from you all, so leave a comment or two. It was a pleasure writing this. Thanks for reading!
The warm afternoon sun trickled through the new vibrant leaves and strong branches. The freshly cut grass thrived in the spring air, providing a soft patch of land upon which the park's visitors mingled. A few people walked the paths, one with a puppy nipping at her feet. A rather robust family had claimed the far corner underneath an old oak tree. A blanket was spread out with a feast of fresh bread, cheese, and fruit. A bottle of wine was passed between the mother and father as the children munched on their meal. The sounds of the busy Paris traffic were blocked by nature, allowing for a small patch of tranquil peace in the city.
"See, you gotsta push down on it like this."
Miranda held the handlebars of her bike with one hand and pressed down on a pedal with the other. The bike moved forward a fraction, and Gabrielle squealed with delight. The younger girl reached for the bike, but Miranda captured her hands.
"You can't ride without a helmet, 'member?"
Gabrielle pulled her hands back with a frown, "'Manda, I wanna go."
Miranda looked at the bike and back at her sister, "Mommy said ya gotta wear a helmet."
Gabrielle stared at the bike intensely and scratched her head. After a few moments, she glanced at Miranda, "Yours?"
"Mine?" Miranda thought about it. No one else wore her helmet but her. It was hers. It was bright pink with Spongebob stickers and everything.
"Please?" Gabby gave her a heart meltingly charming grin.
Miranda sighed, "Ok, but just this once." She picked up her helmet from the ground near her feet and plopped it on the smaller girl's head. It was a little big and swiveled around when Gabby moved. "Hold still." She clicked the straps under Gabrielle's chin.
"Otay?" Gabby peered up at Miranda. The helmet covered her entire head and half her face. She kept pushing at the pink plastic so she could see.
"Yep," Miranda nodded.
A short distance away, two women sat curled on a bench. They watched as Miranda carefully helped Gabrielle up onto the bike. Holding on tightly to the handlebars, the most gleeful shriek sounded from Gabby as Miranda slowly pushed the bike forward.
"You've turned my daughters into daredevils." Bianca shook her head.
"You're just jealous Miranda will thank me first when she wins her first X-Games medal." Frankie murmured, shifting slightly to a more comfortable position.
Bianca smiled down at her. Both on the bench, Bianca sat up straight. She leaned against the corner and rested an arm on the armrest. Frankie was stretched out, her small stature still too large for the bench. Her feet dangled off the side. Her head rested against Bianca's chest and the younger woman had her arm thrown casually over her stomach. Over time, marble hued fingers worked their way down the firm body and reached the bottom of the t-shirt. They slipped underneath and gently caressed the tender flesh of Frankie's belly.
"Yes, that must be it." Bianca rolled her eyes.
Frankie shrugged, "Green does look good on you, though, babe."
Bianca poked her stomach, causing Frankie to jump, "I am not jealous."
Frankie playfully raised an eyebrow, "No?"
"Not even a little?"
"Not even a little."
She shook her head with mock sadness, "That just won't do for the tell-all book about the kid's life. Those aren't complete without some parental infighting."
"I guess she'll have to learn to live with it."
"Hmmm, living with two people who don't want to kill each other. Sounds a little too sci-fi to me."
Bianca poked her again, "Hush."
Frankie turned her face up, squinting into the sunlight, "So demanding."
"You love it."
"I know. Something must be wrong with me."
Bianca lifted her arm off the armrest and touched Frankie's forehead. She captured a wisp of hair and tucked it back into place. "Something has to be wrong with you to love me?"
Frankie caught her hand and brought it to her lips, "No. Something must be wrong with me to be so addicted to a Kane woman. I love it when you tell me what to do."
"Liar." Bianca smirked.
"Me? Lie?" Frankie kissed her hand again, "I take offense to that."
"Really?" a blink in disbelief.
"How can I be a liar when you always know when I'm lying?" Frankie's eyes twinkled, "I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I know it ain't too smart to lie when no one believes it."
"Oh, so that wasn't you who lied to my mother last night?" Erica called and Frankie answered. Frankie promptly informed her that Bianca was not home, even though she was actually in the bedroom. Since Erica would rather mud wrestle a bear than talk to Frankie Stone, she hung up.
"She would have talked to you for hours." Frankie pouted, "We were busy." She stretched her arm and placed a hand on her belly, covering Bianca's, "You'd have rather talked to your mom?"
Bianca blushed lightly as she remembered exactly what they did that night, "No."
"See, I did you a favor."
"Yes, thank you, Frankie." Bianca's tone was filled with exaggeration, "I am so glad I am with someone who will lie to my mother for me."
"No need to thank me, babe." Frankie winked, "Unless you'd like to show me how thankful you are."
"As much as I would love to, you're busy tonight."
"Oh, yeah."
Bianca quickly checked on the kids. Seeing they had grown bored with the bike and were currently making bracelets out of grass, she returned her gaze to Frankie, "What's the plan tonight?"
Frankie averted her eyes toward her stomach, "Maggie and I have a session with Isabel at five. We're getting dinner after."
Once they returned to Paris, the twins began working on their relationship. It was slow going. Both had issues with each other and themselves. Both had serious preconceived notions about the other and who did what when. When Bianca offhandedly mentioned the therapist who helped her, the twins got signed up. Isabel was all too happy to take on the case. Their weekly meetings were intense. More than once Frankie came home red eyed and surly. Bianca would take her into her arms and kiss away the bad memories. However, more and more Frankie was coming home with a tiny smile and relieved eyes. Bianca was glad the Stones were finally getting back what they should have had all their lives. Sisterhood.
"How are Maggie and Ally? I was going to call yesterday, but I got distracted."
Frankie made a show of wiggling her eyebrows, "Distracted? I think it was a little more than a distraction."
"Was it? I can't remember." She yelped as Frankie darted up and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her into a deep kiss.
Closing her eyes, Bianca soon lost herself in the kiss. She moaned lightly as their lips slid together, melding with a delicious friction.
"That's a distraction." Frankie breathed out as they broke apart.
"Good to know." Bianca pulled her back in.
The world faded away. Butterflies exploded in a wild frenzy in Bianca's belly and chills ran up and down her spine. Her arms wrapped around Frankie, and she felt a tiny shudder as she smoothed her palm up a taut back.
Frankie reluctantly tore her mouth away, "I don't have to go tonight."
Bianca looked into orbs filled with desire, "We both know you wouldn't miss it for anything. Not even for us to make love."
"Blaspheme, I like making love to you. Really like it. Possibly one of my favorite things to do."
Bianca traced lazy circles through her shirt, "Who knew Frankie Stone was so overzealous?"
"You found that out the first time we touched. Ain't my fault I keep needing to remind you."
"Uh huh." Bianca pecked her lips, "Better tone it down. We're in public."
"I'm up for new things."
"Where our daughters can see us."
There was a slight pause. Hearing our daughters always caused a spark of joy. "Tell 'em to look the other way."
Bianca shot her a look.
Frankie shrugged helplessly, "Not my fault you're so damn sexy."
Bianca laughed, "Lay back down."
"I'm very cool with you being on top."
Bianca gently slapped her side, "Stop."
"Fine," Frankie slid back down.
"Maggie and Ally?" she tried to steer the conversation back on track.
"Maggie and Ally are…Maggie and Ally. Same as they were last time we saw them. They want to get married, but they're both too chicken to ask the other one."
"They're not chicken, Frankie."
"You weren't the one who listened to Maggie for three hours ranting about pros and cons. She had a list, Bianca. A list!"
"It's sweet."
"It's nuts." Frankie rubbed her face, "If Maggie wants to marry Ally, she should just do it. Not make me listen to her going on about waiting for the perfect time or whatever."
"She wants it to be special."
"No, she wants Ally to ask. And Ally is waiting for her to ask."
"Maybe you should pretend to be Maggie and put them out of their misery."
Frankie cocked her head, "You want me to propose to another woman? How nice. That means you can't be mad when she makes out with me."
"You better not be making out with anyone else." Bianca caressed the side of Frankie's neck, "They'll figure it out."
"Have you met Maggie? She can be a little…neurotic on this."
"It'll work out." Bianca took a deep breath, "Have you heard from Michaels?"
Since returning to France, Frankie had kept in contact with Luke Michaels. The phone calls weren't scheduled and tended to happen at various times, but they ended up talking at least once a week.
"He's about ready to kill Jones. Poor guy's still so new to the job. Luke's not used to that." She was the last one he truly trained.
"I can't believe Jones wants to be undercover."
"He'll get it. He just needs to adjust a little." Talking with Luke was always a highlight. The gruff man was running thin on patience. Agent Jones and him working together permanently was one of the most amusing things in the world to her. She had a running bet they'd kill each other by next year. Michaels's murder would be accidentally, not Jones's.
"He hasn't asked you to come back, has he?"
"He knows I'd say no." she thought back to when she ended her working relationship with him.
The machines beeped and whirled, the only sound in the stark white room. Frankie wet her dry lips and wrinkled her nose at the heavy smell of disinfectant. She hated hospitals. Someone must hate her to keep having her put in one.
A knock at the door caused her head to turn. She hoped it was Bianca and the kids. They'd left about a half hour ago to grab a bite to eat. Miranda eagerly promised to grab her coloring book so they could color together when she got back.
The door opened and Luke stepped inside. His stoic face didn't change as he walked up to her bed. "Stone."
"Luke." Frankie cleared her throat. She reached for the plastic cup of water on the nearby tray. She took a healthy gulp while the man sat in the uncomfortable chair at the bedside.
"What'd the doctor say?"
Frankie set the glass down, "Take it easy. I need a month at least to even think about being active. Gotta take some meds now. Get to be a pill popper again."
Luke took this in, "I see."
"What about Carrington?"
"In jail waiting for an arraignment. He's going down. Williams is still on board, as long as we don't give her an opening to run. She's hyper as a jackrabbit. We got enough to make him go for life." He also might have gotten two black eyes from a rather non-videotaped interrogation.
"Probably won't let him live. They don't want anything to do with him."
Frankie nodded, "Aces."
"It's good to hear you're healing, Stone." He glanced over his shoulder, "Saw Montgomery and her clan on my way in. Got yourself a group there."
"I guess it's good you broke the rules and went after her again." Luke scratched his chin, "She seems to be sticking around."
"Crazy, right?"
Luke chuckled lowly, "You've been hung up on her since we met. I'd be a fool to think you'd ever stop." He sobered, "You know what happens to undercovers who have families." They don't work undercover anymore. "And with your heart condition, it'll be tough going. I can pull some strings; get you some decent cases still to help solidify your portfolio. You can get a good position over a department soon."
Frankie ducked her head. It was tempting. Keeping her job and doing what she was good at was a very generous offer. But, there was something else she wanted more than that. She made a promise to a little girl, and she wasn't going to break it. She cleared her throat and blinked her eyes up to his, "This is my two weeks notice, boss."
Luke inhaled deeply, "Yeah, I suppose it is." He offered a tiny half-smile, "Been waiting for that since you came back."
Carrington was murdered before he could go to trial. A fellow inmate in County stuck a sharpened spoon into his gut thirty times. Krystal Carey didn't fare much better. Word on the street was the Goldsteins were done with Cambias. There were other business they could get, and with the high visibility now surrounding Cambias with the feds, they'd rather not deal with the headache.
"Well, I don't know if Cambias would be willing to give you up." Bianca brushed a kiss to her cheek, "You make a very excellent security consultant."
"Is that why you hired me? Because of my resume? I thought it was so we could have private meetings in your office." She trailed a hand suggestively down Bianca's thigh.
"You're my girlfriend; we can have private meetings whenever we want."
"Yeah, but I don't have to wear a suit for those." Frankie's finger tickled the back of her knee, "You love ripping my jacket off."
"Just like you love pushing all my papers off my desk and making a huge mess."
"Needed the room." Frankie replied unapologetically.
"All of the papers?"
"I like lots of space"
Bianca hummed in response. Those meetings helped them a lot after the events in the States. They were both still dealing with what happened to them. Being so close to each other afforded them the comfort of knowing the other was alive and healthy. With the touch of a hand and the swipe of a tongue they could assure themselves their lover was really there. It also gave them someone to turn to when emotions boiled up from memories.
She stopped humming and her eyes widened as Frankie languidly skimmed her hand over the grass, the green stalks bumping her palm. The older woman plucked a dandelion and held it up to Bianca.
"Thank you." Bianca took the yellow flower lookalike.
Frankie turned on her side, facing into Bianca. She brushed her nose across the younger woman's torso and pressed a kiss there, "Ya know, I think…I really love you."
"I really love you, too." especially when Frankie got in this type of mood.
She was going to marry this girl someday. Pushing up so she was level with Bianca, Frankie softly began to speak,
"The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle
Why not I with thine?"
She moved closer, their breaths mingling together.
"See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea
What are all these kissings worth
If thou not kiss me?"
Bianca smiled as their lips touched. "Charmer." She whispered in between long lazy kisses. "Who knew Frankie Stone was such a softie?"
"Don't go tellin' on me." Frankie muttered. "I ain't like this with anyone else."
"I'm lucky, then."
"I guess you are."
"Mommy! Frankie!"
The two adults broke apart and turned to see Miranda standing a foot away, hands on her hips. Gabrielle stood at her side, emulating her big sister's position. Miranda jutted out a hip and shook her head with a stern look, "Whatch'a think you're doing?"
Frankie and Bianca shared an amused look. "What do we think we're doing? What're you doing?" Frankie shot back.
"This isn't kissy time. It's bike time. You promised."
"I did?" Frankie pretended to think about it.
"Frankie…" Miranda drew out the name. "You and Mommy can do that later."
"Already ordering me around. She's becoming more and more like you everyday, Bianca."
Bianca leaned into her and lowered her voice to a rasp, "I thought you loved when I ordered you around."
With a huff, Miranda reached out and snagged Frankie's hand, tugging until the former agent was on her feet, "You got that funny look on your face again."
Miranda rolled her eyes, "Come on"
"A funny look? I'll give you a funny look." Frankie scooped the girl into her arms.
Miranda giggled and waved her arms, "Put me down!"
"Nuh uh. Not till you tell me what funny look."
Bianca stood up and grabbed Gabby, lifting her onto her hip, "I'm sorry, sweetie. I don't know what look you're talking about."
"Yes, you do." Miranda shouted as Frankie began to tickle her.
"She does, does she?" Frankie's fingers danced over Miranda's belly and sides.
"Ya got all red!" Miranda squirmed.
"You're all red." Frankie pointed out. She stopped tickling the girl and set her down on the ground.
"Not like that." Miranda rolled her eyes. She grabbed Frankie's hand, "When Mommy's 'round ya look at her funny."
Bianca laughed at that.
"I do not."
"Do too."
"You're crazy kid." Frankie let herself be led over to the bicycle she'd assembled over Christmas.
"No 'm not." Miranda guided her across the park, Bianca and Gabby at her side. "Ya look silly."
"Well, tell your ma to stop making me look like that."
"Mommy, stop making Frankie look silly." Miranda ordered.
Bianca chuckled and spoke under her breath, "Sure, like that'll happen."
Walking along, Miranda began to swing the hand in Frankie's, "Frankie?"
"Yeah, kid."
A contemplative look crossed her face, "You love Mommy."
"Yeah, I do." It felt good to say it.
"And Mommy loves you."
"She says she does." Where was this going?
"And we're a family, right?"
"If you want us to be."
Miranda nodded, "And Mommy isn't married to Reese anymore."
Nope, those divorce papers were signed and filed, "No, she isn't."
"Then, why aren't you and Mommy married, yet?"
Frankie tripped over her feet and face planted in the grass.