Summary: Vernon Dursley abandoned Harry to the whims of an orphanage. When Tom Riddle himself pays a vengeful visit to his old orphanage he is in for a shock when he meets the small Boy-Who-Lived! Dark!Beauxbatons! Harry

Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter I would be marginally richer than I am today.

Through the Silence

By: Born A Ravenclaw

Beta Read By: Slicerness

Chapter 1


On a cold and desperately dreary night, an old wizard appeared on Privet Drive. Not but a few paces away from him a cat began to transform and elongate into the form of an elderly woman. These two people stood in silence until the woman began to talk.

"Dumbledore, these are the most horrid sorts of muggles! Harry cannot be left to their whims!" A noticeably distraught Minerva McGonagall protested.

"Be that as it may Minnie, the wards make this the best place for Harry," Dumbledore replied sagely. "Harry will be safe from those who seek to bring him harm, and I cannot knowingly place him in danger by putting him anywhere else."

"These people are nothing like Lily, they cannot possibly be left to watch over the Boy Who Lived!" Exclaimed a now agitated Animagus.

"Minerva, please trust me on my judgment of these people. Harry will be protected here." Dumbledore assured her.

"Dumbledore, if anything happens to the boy let it be known that I stated here and now that I told you what these... People... were like." Minerva growled angrilly.

Albus Dumbledore sighed and he started to walk towards the door of a particular house on Privet Drive, that of Number 4. Gently laying the sleeping infant on the doorstep, Dumbledore pulled out a long wooden stick and did a sort of circular motion through the air over the sleeping child. The area around the infant became noticeably warmer and Dumbledore let a small smile cross his face when he examined his handy work. Dumbledore waved his wand through the air and a note addressed to Vernon and Petunia Dursley appeared before him. It lazily drifted down toward the ground, where it nestled itself under a sleeping Harry's elbow.

Albus mumbled under his breath, "Sometimes one must make decisions not for the benefit of one, but for the benefit of the rest." His parting words of condemnation given he sent as small frown and a look of regret at the sleeping child before Albus disappeared with a small *pop*.

Hours later a small family awoke from their slumber and a whale of a man went to go see if the morning paper had arrived. Upon looking out his window at the bright day before him he chuckled and yelled up the stairs to his wife jovially, "Today looks to be a fine day Petunia! Today I take my place among the management of Grunnings!"

Chortling to himself at his own fine luck he started to turn away, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a brief motion outside the window. His curiosity getting the better of him, he opened the door to see something that would forever alter his life. He saw the awakening form of a baby, who, upon seeing him, gurgled and let out a small smile of childlike innocence. Not wanting his neighbors to see, a startled and frightened Vernon Dursley picked up the child and the previously unnoticed letter before rushed back into his house, "PETUNIA!" He bellowed the second the door was latched.

The whale-man's wife, who could be called a rather unattractive woman on her best day, appeared at the top of the stairs with a look of curiosity on her face. Petunia, upon seeing the moving form of a child in her husband's arms asked, "Vernon, what's wrong, and why is Dudley up so early?"

"Pet, Dudley is still asleep in his crib! This baby was on our ruddy doorstep with nothing but a note!" Exclaimed a bewildered Vernon.

A shocked Petunia replied, "Well, what does the note say?"

Vernon placed the child in his wife's arms so he could open the envelope to pull out the letter within. It was addressed to them., so he started reading. As he read, his face went from a healthy, for him, tone to a deathly pale white. By the time his eyes reached the bottom of the letter, his skin began to turn a puce color that would become famous throughout the Dursley household, had the events that would unfold in the next few hours have been different.

"THOSE... THOSE FREAKS!" A furious Vernon roared. The sudden noise woke a sleeping Harry, who immediately began to cry. Petunia rearranged the child in her arms so she had a free hand and took the note from her irate husband. As she read the letter she gathered enough sense to put Harry in Dudley's toy filled crib. By the end of the letter Petunia had started to shake from unsuppressed fury.

"We will not take in a child of those abominations! He would infect our boy with the disease that surrounds the lot of them! I will not have it Vernon!" Petunia screamed, her face managing to almost match her husband's in color.

"Get Dudley and the boy, there's an orphanage we can drop the stupid freak off at. He'll be out of our lives by tea time." A calmer Vernon smirked. Now that he had a plan, he could deal with this, he thought to himself. Proper planning was the key to everything.

In a fit of organized chaos the Dursley family, plus one, clambered into Vernon's company car and sped away from Privet Drive. Taking a series of turns, Vernon got onto the interstate and drove for an hour. Pulling of at an exit he drove down the main street and pulled to a stop in front of a nice sized brick building. Taking the child from Petunia's arms, he rushed up to the door and placed him down. He hit the doorbell and rushed back to his car before driving off in a cloud of smoke.

A young lady opened the door and looked around, seeing nothing but a speeding car in the distance. With a mumble about foolish teenagers, she turned and began to close the door when she heard the small cry of an infant child.

A/N: The chapter's WILL be longer as the stories gets going, but this was a better point than most to stop the chapter so here is the first chapter of my first story. Reviews and constructive criticism are allowed; Flames are not. Thanks and I hope you guys enjoy the story!