*AUTHOR NOTE* As was suggested by quite a few readers, this chapter is in Kouji's perspective/voice. Hope it satisfies.
He looked like a deer caught in headlights. What did he see me as? Some sort of predator? He looked trapped, willing his mouth to stay shut. I narrowed my glare, causing him to begin talking right away.
"I want us to be… " Typical Takuya, obeying my silent demand without actually completing it. I couldn't help the heavy sigh that escaped my lips. With an involuntary roll of my eyes, I turned from him, and began walking further down the path. His quivering whisper stopped me.
"Invincible." I knew something was wrong then. Just a day ago he acted as though no matter what, us, the good guys, would win the battles. That we, Takuya and I, would lead our victory through this war. Now he's confessing his desire to be… immortal?
"What?" I spat. More irritated by the fact that I couldn't figure out what he meant, then the fact that his answer was cryptic. He flinched slightly, looking down at his untied shoes as he continued to mutter.
"I want us to be strong enough to get through anything." He said. Weird phrasing, but I think I was beginning to understand.
"Yesterday, you thought we already were?" I pushed.
"Yesterday, you weren't lying half-dead in my arms." He looked up from the floor then, his eyes locking with mine.
"It's not your fault." I stated in simple monotonic syllables. He cracked an insincere smile at that, a instigative smirk escaping his lips. He broke our gaze immediately, rubbing his bare arms accompanied by a shy shiver.
"I just want to feel like we're safe, Kouji." I knew that at this moment, a sarcastic remark would be less than appreciated, so I wordlessly approached him. He was shaking now, a bit more violently than before. He tried to hide it. He tried oh so hard. But I heard it. I heard the whimper. I saw the tear.
"Takuya." I said his name, probably in as much of a monotone as before. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know how he wanted me to react. I pulled him into my arms, his arms wrapping around my back in an instant. It hurt. Pretty badly actually, but I didn't dare pull away. My back would heal. My heart, if I was to let him go now, wouldn't.
Still in my embrace, he looked up into my eyes. We were basically the same height, but he seemed so small.
"Thanks." The words ghosted my ears. Why?
"For what?" I asked him.
"For making me feel safe." He said, burying his face back into my chest. I wouldn't allow it though. I pulled his head back up, arching my back slightly as he clung on to me. His eyes got smaller as the tears finally dried, only to widen again when my lips touched his. It was short, I guess I'll even dare to say sweet. But at the same time, it was Takuya. It was like fire.
His expression was testing. I knew he was experimenting with the idea of something even greater than being invincible… Of being invincible together. I wanted to apologize. Not for the kiss, not for liking him, but for making that perfect moment disappear. I wanted to hope that even though he now knew how I felt, that we could have another perfect moment, and another. Moments in which he's in my arms, not because he is scared, but because he wants to be. Because he wants the warmth of the ice. He touched his fingertips to his lips, attempting to speak.
"You always make me feel safe. Because I truly believe, Kouji, that I can do anything when I'm with you. We are invincible!" I couldn't help but rolling my eyes. Good ol' Takuya's back. The one with fire in his eyes, determination in his stance, and now, body in my arms and spirit in my heart.