dedication: to fall, bonfires and hoodies.
notes: the latest chapter had me feeling depressed. this made me happy again.
notes2: i love drabbles.






It amazed him how someone so small had so much energy.

She was ahead of him, tiny grinning face tipped back to the sky, olive eyes wide and sparkling. Her choppy blue hair rippled with each fluid movement- hop, left, right, hop, twirl, and repeat.

And normally, Gajeel wouldn't have found something like this odd.

If it weren't for the fact they'd been walking for five hours.

"Oi, short stuff, are we almost there?" He grunted, shifting the duffle bag on his shoulder. What was in that thing, anyways? Books? Most likely. But why would they need books for—

"Hey, where are we going?"

Levy spun around to face him, skipping backwards on the dirt road, smiling mischievously.

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies!"

Gajeel's eyes narrowed. If she were anyone else…

But she wasn't, so that was a moot point, wasn't it?

So he continued to follow her down the forever stretching dirt road, simply because she was herself.