Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters are not mine.

The Twilight Twenty-Five

Prompt: #1 Waving from Car photo
Pen Name: nicekittyrawr
Pairing/Main Character(s): Edward/Bella
Rating: T

Photo prompts can be viewed here:

A/N: Since I write under a different name I don't think many people have this account on author alert. But just in case - I'm doing the Twilight 25 challenge (see link above)... mostly because I love writing drabbles and want to see what I can come up with. If you are following me through Twi25 *waves* Hihi!


A picture album, full of memories from a summer with friends and family.

My brothers best friend. Coppery hair that shines in the sunlight. Eyes a vivid green.

A new beginning for me. Transition between the youth of high school and the adulthood of college.

Memories that hover, years later. There's an ache I feel when I lay eyes on him. Still.

Strong hands gripping the wheel of our little car as we go exploring. Surf board lessons and laughter.

Sly glances and grazing hands. Golden tanned skin and wet swimming suits.

I'd give anything to do it all again.