Disclaimer: I don't own the Triforce or The Legend of Zelda. If I did, then I would definitely be holding Skyward Sword in my hand right now.


Filled with Courage that never sleeps

Farore's beast

The hero will take up his blade

And rise from the east

The sun for Hyrule

Suffering under the one that's


Sick with Power that corrupts the mind

Din's mistake

Will be the one to rise and take

All that is good

And crush it in his hands

Like the one


Filled with Wisdom that poisons the child inside

Nayru's student

The princess will meet her end

And almost die

Drained of light

On the cold

Stone floor


This holy crest

Made so those who own it

Will never achieve eternal rest

Their souls forced to cycle

By some cruel design

Existing forever

With no end in sight

AN: I have been writing a shit ton of poetry lately, which is weird. Thinking of incorporating this into a story later. Reviews are always appreciated.

And also, if anyone can tell me how to keep my stanzas without having to put ellipses, PM me or mention it in a review, because it's beginning to piss me off.