Running, running, running, it feels like that is all I ever do anymore. I run from my problems, my struggles, my friends, my family, I just run away from all of them, but not anymore. My name is Leah Clearwater and this is my story.


I watch out of my rain stained window at the grey dark sky. The whole day has been dark and dreary like it normally is in La Push. I can hear my brother downstairs just coming

home from his friend Collin's house and my mother walks to greet him. I sigh heavily before slowly walking down the steps to see him. My father, brother and mother are sitting

patiently at the table waiting for me. I give them all a small smile and say "Hey Seth." He smiles and says in his happy cheerful voice "Hey Leah." I smile at him and gently sit down

next to my father. We started a small conversation on everybody's days until there was a loud knock at the door. My father went to answer it while the rest of us waited. My

father talked in hushed voices to the person at the door and came back in a few minutes later. "Hey guys I have to go for a little while I will be back ok?" We all nodded as I tightly

hugged my father and said "I love you dad." He smiled and said "I love you too my little Leah" and with those words he was gone. Hours passed with no sign of my father. My

mother began to worry until the phone started ringing. She quickly answered and had a short conversation with somebody before slowly hanging up. Her eyes began to fill up

with tears as she broke down. It took her a full 10 minutes to tell me what happened and I wish she didn't. As soon as the words escaped her lips I felt it inside of me. Something

just snapped, or something broke, causing me to erupt. I was like a Volcano just waiting for something to make me erupt. I ran outside into the pouring rain and into the woods. I

just kept running until I felt like my body was on fire. I couldn't breathe I couldn't hear, and I couldn't even scream for help. I collapsed onto the ground as my body trembled

roughly, shaking my entire being. That's when I heard millions of different cracks and pops echo throughout my body. I felt like I was expanding, which I was. In a matter of

minutes the heat was extinguished and my scream that I ached for turned into a long deep howl. I abruptly stopped the beautiful sound and realized what had happened. Just

like in the tribal stories I found my spirit warrior. I found a puddle and looked curiously into it. My reflection filled me with a sense of pride, responsibility, and honor. I was a huge

grey and silver wolf. My normally deep brown eyes were replaced with black and gold orbs. My senses were all enhanced as I finally saw the world. I never knew that it looked like

this. I was shaken from my thoughts from a voice that I would recognize from anywhere. Leah you are now the Female Alpha. You will do great things throughout your new immortal

life. I love you. Please take care of your mother and brother for me…my little wolf. I will always be with you in your heart. I felt my insides warm up at the comment and I replied I love

you too dad and you can count on me. Ever since that day I have taken full responsibility for everyone around me including my family and the pack. Right now life is amazing for me.

Sam and I are in an amazing relationship and it couldn't get any better. As a matter of fact I am on my way to his house right now. I pull up to his house and walked inside like I

always do. "Hey babe I am hom" My sentence was cut short when I saw Sam…my Sam making out with my closest friend and cousin Emily. I growled loudly as the tears began to

stream down my face. My hands balled up into tight fists as I said "What the fuck Sam?" Pain etched onto his face until I turned to Emily. "Hey best friend" I hissed at her. She

began to cry and say "Leah I am so sorry! It just felt so right and-and I'm so sorry" She sobbed. I growled louder and said "Fuck you Sam and Emily you are no longer considered

a cousin of mine." With those words said I took off and in the blink of an eye I was in wolf form taking off into the forest. I needed to disappear for a while and that's exactly what

I did.

End Flashback

That happened a total of 4 years ago. I was only 15 back then and I wasn't as strong as I am now. I was naïve and weak, and I was too soft hearted. I didn't have the power

that I have now from training. I wasn't able to hide my emotions like I can now. For these last 4 years I found refuge in the forests of Canada. I have trained harder and harder

everyday always ignoring the constant pull to go back. But today I have decided to give into the pull and go back home. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to my house, to

my pack, to my family. I quickly phased and put on my old pair of shorts and my black t shirt before running inside of the house. There sat my mother and brother, looking shock,

like they had seen a ghost. That's when I noticed the scent and size of my brother. Suddenly he tackled me to the ground crying his guts out screaming "LEAH OH MY GOD IT'S

YOU!" I laughed and said "It's me Seth." Finally he got up giving me just a few seconds of air until my mother tackled me. She squeezed her arms around my neck tightly and

screamed "MY BABY HAS RETURNED!" I held onto her tighter and said "I could never leave for good." Her warm tears soaked the back of my shirt as we both stood up. The first

thing my mother did was call everyone for a surprise bonfire but didn't tell them the reason why. I laughed at her antics and went upstairs for a shower. The warm water relaxed

my sore muscles from my intense training. I smiled in delight as I used my favorite vanilla shampoo and conditioner. It felt amazing to be using my own stuff again. After my long

shower I walked into my room and got dressed. I wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a grey top, and some grey heels. Better to come back with a bang huh? I straightened my

normally frizzy hair and put on some eyeliner. I smiled in the mirror and walked down the steps to be met by my brother. He hugged me again and said "I am so happy you came

back." I smiled and said "Me too little bro me too." My mother impatiently beeped her car horn outside causing Seth and I to laugh. He grabbed my hand and walked us to the car.

As we pull away from my house only one word crosses my mind…home.