"Jackie will you hurry up we are going to be late." Hyde said as he leaned up against the car as his wife sat in the backseat changing Katy's diaper.

"Well, then go ahead. It's not my ideal moment here either." Jackie said as she looked up at him. He just smiled at the sight of his Jackie sitting there in her cap and gown. He knew how much she deserved this. "Okay, let's go." She said as she got out of the car Katy in her arms. "BOB!" Jackie yelled as they entered the school. "Take Katy." She said as she handed the baby to their neighbor before they ran down the hallway to the gym to make it to the lining up.

"Where's everyone?" He asked her as the small group of graduates made their way out to the football field.

"I don't know." Jackie mumbled back. It felt like no time at all before they walked off the stage with their diplomas' in hand.

"There they are." He heard Red say as they walked up to them. "Kitty get a picture with me and the kids." Red said as he put an arm on each of their shoulders. It wasn't long before the flash went off. "Okay now just me and my favorite little girl." Hyde just smiled as he looked at Red and Jackie. It was amusing to him the connection that they had developed over the past year.

"I can't believe that I missed seeing my little girl graduating." Bob said as he walked up with Katy in his arms and Joann following behind him.

"Hey you will get to see her walk at her college graduation, unless they mess that up to." Jackie said as she took Katy from him. "Until then we have chocolate cake at the house. I am sure that will cheer you up." Bob just nodded.

"Let's all just head home." Jackie said as she looked at Hyde and smiled before they walked to the car together. "Can you believe that we actually did it?" Jackie asked as she smiled at him.

"Yes." He said as he reached into the glove box and pulled out a key and dropped it in her hand. "Because we can do anything if we want to."

"We got the apartment?" She asked him thinking back to the two bedroom apartment that they looked at a week ago. "Katy you're going to get your own room." She said as she looked at the baby sitting in her car seat. The car ride back to the house was full of Jackie going on and on about what all they were going to need. "Let's wait until tomorrow to tell them." She said before they walked into the Foreman's kitchen to see Eric, Donna, and Kelso yelling.

"I want all of you back here in your caps in gowns at six. I have waited eighteen years for my graduation picture and I am not missing it!" Kitty yelled as she walked into the kitchen to see the others sitting there.

"Fine!" Kelso yelled before he walked out.

"Well I am going to go change Katy out of her good dress because she ruins it." Jackie said as she walked out of the kitchen.

"So what happened to you full proof camping plan?" Hyde asked Eric and Donna as he sat down at the table with them.

"Fez and Laurie stole the van." Eric said as he looked down at the table.

"Nice one." Hyde said with a laugh.

"You didn't have to ride home in the pig truck." Donna said before she got up.

Sure enough at six everyone was standing out in the driveway dressed in their caps and gowns. Red was on cloud nine as he loaded up the rest of Eric's crap. "Kitty make sure you get me in the picture loading the last of Eric's crap." Red said as everyone gathered together.

"Listen up everyone I have great news!" Fez said as him and Laurie ran towards them.

"Tell us as you pose." Kitty said as she looked at the group of young people. There was a flash and then Kitty said "Okay tell us your news."

"I married Fez so he could stay in the country!" Laurie yelled.

"You what!" Red yelled before he clinched his chest. Hyde was left in the haze of the panic as Jackie ran to call an ambulance.

"I can't believe this happened." Jackie said as she held onto her husband as they stood in the hallway of the hospital.

"I know, but don't worry doll. Red is strong he will get through this." Hyde said as he looked down at her.

"Yeah, he has to kill Fez still." She said weakly. "You know that we can't leave now right?" She asked him.

"Yeah I know." He said softly as before he kissed the top of her head.