NCR Infamy gained!

"Oh my God, Boone! No!" Courier Six groans as Craig Boone of First Recon punches out an NCR MP.

"Fuck you guys suddenly, and for no reason!" he cries triumphantly, kicking an oncoming soldier in the groin. Courier rubs the bridge of her nose.

"Jesus Christ. Boone. BOONE!"

"What is it?" he asks.

"Boone, I want you to switch to ranged," she says dully.

"Yeah, you and me both," he says happily. She watches him suspiciously for a second before turning to make her way back to the Lucky 38. She hears the crack of a sniper rifle, and screams of terror ring in her ears.

NCR Infamy gained!

"Oh, God damn it," she says, turning back around.

"Eat this!"

"Boone. Boone!"

"What is it?"

"Carry this fission battery, and give me your beret," she orders, exasperated. He hands her the beret and takes the fission battery.

"I'd really like my beret back, please," he says monotonously.

"Here. Wear this sweet fedora instead." He puts on the hat and stares blankly at her. She waits a moment before sighing.

"Ok. Come on, Boone," she says, turning around again and motioning for the sniper to follow her. Boone bellows out a war cry, and she hears the tell-tale thud of a body hitting the ground.

NCR Infamy gained!

You are now Hated by the NCR.

She sighs, and pulls the baseball bat off of her back. It's starting to splinter because of all the times she's had to knock it against Boone's head. She begins whacking him with it, watching as his health points dwindle.

"Need…a…medic," he croaks, dropping his rifle.

"Good thing I'm not playing on hardcore," she mutters before hitting the back of his head with a well-placed crack. Boone crumbles on the ground in a heap, and the NCR troopers advance on her. She equips NCR trooper armor, and they stop being hostile. She fiddles with her Pip-Boy, occasionally nudging Boone with her foot.

He finally pushes himself up, and grumbles,

"Huh. Alive after all."

"Boone, let's go."

"All right." She turns to leave for the third time, before Boone suddenly grabs her shoulders and turns her around.

"What is it?"

"Boone, I didn't say anything else," she says, a heavy feeling in her stomach. This better not be-

"What is it?"

"Boone, there's nothing-" Oh shit.

"What is it?"

"Boone, go back to Novac," she pleads in a last ditch effort.

"Ok. If that's what you think," he answers, and she breathes a sigh of relief.

"It is. I'll come get you. Promise," she says, the fondness for the sniper bleeding through despite it all. He nods, and she thinks he's going to move to head home. Thank-

"What is it?" he asks, titling his head.