The amount of support I have received in the last few days has been overwhelming, to say the least. I cannot thank everyone who showed their support enough! From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. If I could, I would track you guys down and hug you, but then it would've been weird explaining who I was and why I was hugging you haha. This chapter is for you guys, and it is the last part. I don't own DW.

He flops down onto the seat, raising one hand to cover his eyes, avoiding looking at the group until he can speak without his voice shaking with anger. He can hear their footsteps as they cautiously move towards him. He lets his hand slide down and hit his leg with a loud smack. "What?" He says, irritated. "A mysterious summons, you think I'm just going to go? Who sent those messages?" He looks over at River, who's watching him with a guarded expression. He looks back to Amy, and Rory, their faces telling him that something is wrong and it has to do with him. "I know you know. I can see it in your faces. Don't play games with me. Don't ever, ever think you're capable of that." He states casually. "You're going to have to trust us this time." River states firmly." Trust you. Sure." He gets up and gets in her face. "But first of all, Doctor Song, just one thing. Who are you? You're someone from my future—getting that—but who?" River looks back at him, stony expression. He glances over at Amy, who's watching. "Okay. Why are you in prison? Who did you kill? Hm?" Still nothing. "Now I love a bad girl, me. But trust you? Seriously?"

The Doctor opens his eyes and sits up, careful not to disturb the sleeping girl next to him. He looks out the window and is surprised to see that it's early morning. Huh. He rarely gets to spend the night. He watches Rose sleep, her face soft in her sleep, and he thinks about how much he loves her.

He gets up, making sure she doesn't wake, and pulls his trousers on. He opens the door quietly and makes his way to the kitchen, barefoot, his braces hanging down. He wonders where Jackie is, but is grateful she isn't there just the same. He looks out the kitchen window, breathing in the quietness of the flat. Now that his head was clear, he knew that it was the last time he was going to do this. And he was serious this time. He had been taking some serious risks, being with her this way. He just been so angry with River, but now…he could see that it wasn't her fault. None of it.

If anything, it was his. If he had saved her when she had still been a baby, she wouldn't have turned out to be the psychopath that she was. She tried to do the right thing, but he really wished that she would trust that he knew what he was doing. Maybe it was because he was accustomed to his companions following his lead.

Speaking of companions…he smiles when he feels a pair of slim arms wrap around his chest and a soft body press against his back. "Good morning." He says softly, reaching up and laying his hand against hers. "Good morning," she mumbles into his shoulder blades, standing on her toes to press a kiss to the nape of his neck. He turns in her arms, and looks at her. She is a vision - hair mussed from sleep, wearing his shirt. He cups her cheek and kisses her. He hopes Jackie doesn't pick that moment to return; he doubts seeing her teenage daughter - wearing what is clearly his shirt - in the arms of a man - who's bare chested - that she's never seen before would go over well.

He breaks the kiss and Rose snuggles into his chest, still warm from being wrapped up in the blankets together. "How do you feel?" She questions, and he sighs. "Better. Thank you." She lifts her head and gives him a mock-glare.

"I told you, you don't ever have to thank me, Doctor."

"I know. But I wanted to, anyways." He is going to miss her. So much.

"You're leaving." Rose says. He nods, suddenly finding a lump in his throat. "For good this time." She continues, knowing this day would always come, and determined to not fall apart in front of him. "You're always saving me." He tells her and she sniffs, adopting a cocky expression. "It's a gift." He chuckles, knowing she'll never really know until it happens.

"Do you have to go right this minute?" She asks, playing with the buttons on his shirt.


"Well, I was thinking that maybe, if you had the time…" she trails off, unbuttoning his shirt slowly, knowing she has his full attention. He immediately gets her message, reaching out to grip her hips.

"Rose Tyler, are you seducing me?"

"Is it working?"

He growls, hoisting her onto his hips. "Oh yes."


After prying themselves out of bed, and getting dressed, they head for the chip shop for breakfast. Then it's almost noon, and he cannot put off his departure. They're standing in the parking of the Powell Estate, holding each other. She rests her forehead against his. "Am I ever going to see you again?" She asks quietly, and he swallows the lump in his throat. "Of course you are. I'm just going to look and act different, remember?"

She nods. "Yeah, I remember. Leather jacket and northern accent."

"That's right. I'm not going to know who you are, so you'll need to stay alert, and be careful not to let on how much you know about me." He warns her.

"And remember to not-"

"Say yes. Wait for you to ask me twice." Rose parrots him, and he can feel how much it's taking her to walk away from him. He kisses her fiercely, not wanting to leave her, but knowing her needed to. "Even if I don't act like it or show it, I love you, Rose Tyler. In every regeneration." And with that, he turns and walks out of her life.

No matter how much he wishes, he couldn't save River. But he can save Rose Tyler.