The Manic Melancholy of Mundane Marmoreal

Chapter 1: Curiosity killed the Queen

Bugs always seems to fascinate the Queen. Whether it was the vibrant blue of her dear friend Absalom, or the fiery red of the spider that lay before the Queen of Marmoreal. Bugs could do so many things for the lovely Queen. They could secrete an ingredient a potion she needed or fill the lovely insect room that the hierarchy now sat in.

Mirana emitted a deep sigh as the spider gently crawled up the bored Queen's hand. The legs gently tickled her as she sat with her head in her pearly white hand. She could not help but think of all the terrible things she did to her dear friends.

Her Champion, Alice Kingsleigh, lay in the infirmary with her skin mending from blow her neck received. She never wanted her dear friend to be injured. Mirana would have substituted herself at the chopping block if she could, but she couldn't help but think something was wrong.

Tarrant came back, and she was overjoyed but she wasn't in love with the lad. She knew that Tarrant was solely Alice's and Alice was solely Tarrant's. This fact didn't even bother Mirana. The Queen could not settle the feeling in her stomach that rang entirely through her body. It was a warning signal, a bell, if you will that kept telling her something. The only thing that she could think of was the terrible day before the near death of her dear friend, Alice.

The rain fell with much gusto and vigor as the delicate Queen looked out the window of her chamber. The wind whipped the trees with much intensity, but it wind's harsh behavior did not touch the Queen's curtain. Mirana was thinking of her dear friends, Tarrant and Alice, when she felt it. The presence of another.

Mirana turned around with much decorum as she met eyes with an unfamiliar figure. Mirana slowly made her way to the ghoulish figure. The presence looked at her with a glint of mischief as she walked closer. The monarch felt entranced as she began to do as the presence told her. Not once did the figure speak, but it did at all times spoke with its eyes.

'Sit' the figure would command with its look that said danger and wickedness. Mirana could not tear away, and she could not refuse. She knew she shouldn't obey, but the fair woman could not help but draw herself to the wickedness. The spirit stood there with hollow eyes that blazed more vibrant than the moon. 'Drink me' the presence commanded as it held a small vial out from its dark dress robes.

The monarch's hand quivered ever so slightly as she slowly reached for the vial. Its contents darker than any night she had ever seen in Underland. The substance screamed of death, of wickedness, but it was seductive and smooth. Mirana let the cool vial touch her delicate lips as she swallowed the liquid inside. The contense felt as though it froze her insides as it went down her throat.

Then, she felt it. The fire that began to burn her. She tried to scream. The thrashed against the marble floors beating her hand into its shiny base. The pain felt as though it surpassed the hell of death itself. The figure watched as she writhed staring at her with satisfaction. She then felt the thought ring through her. "I'm back little sister, and I shall take my revenge." Mirana knew then that her sister had been practicing the dark magic. The magic that would undeniably destroy the wonderful world of Underland.