Love after War

Summary: Dom and Letty grow stronger

3 Months Later

"Having fun?" Dom asked looking at Letty as she sat next to him on a boat with the sun shining on her face. They were sailing off the coast of St Tropez in a rented yacht and Letty felt relaxed and spoiled.

"Yes." She smiled coyly, looking at him through her glasses before turning her eyes back to the blue ocean. "What else do you have planned for me?"

Dom had woken her for another adventure two nights ago, and this theme had been 'water'. They'd gone scuba diving, made love in a waterfall and were now out to sea, just the two of them.

"You mean this isn't enough?" He asked, feigning hurt at her lack of satisfaction.

"Don't be so dramatic. You know this isn't enough." She joked, holding onto laughter at the comment.

"Well, I figured we'd swim in the ocean for a while." He suggested, noticing that her face remained focused towards the view. "And if you'd like, once we're done, I know a man that can marry us at sea." He said evenly as though he hadn't just proposed marriage.

She didn't say anything for some long moments, her breath held in her chest as she digested his words.

"Married, huh? Is this your way of asking for my hand?" She asked, trying to stop the fluttering in her heart.

"I was thinking more like asking for all of you, but I'll take your hand if that's all you got." He joked, turning his face away from hers so she couldn't see the smile blossom across his lips. He didn't know why, but he was nervous, but giddy at the same time.

"I guess that would be cool. I have the time." She replied nonchalantly, watching as his head snapped back around to hers, before both of them smiled at each other in adolescent glee.

"Really? You're not going to make it harder than that?" He asked.

"You get a pass." She shrugged, allowing him to pull her into his lap.

He waited until he pulled her shades from her face and they were looking into each other's eyes before he spoke.

"Will you marry me, Leticia?" He asked seriously, his stomach in knots although he already knew the answer.

"Yes, Dominic. I'd be honored." She smiled, kissing him passionately as he squeezed her tightly in his arms.

The wedding that day was quick and simple.

They'd docked the boat and drove into town and got a marriage license.

She didn't wear a dress and he didn't wear a suit. They didn't have any of their friends present and the minister they'd found brought his wife as their witness.

As they exchanged vows, Letty remembered looking into Dom's tear-filled eyes as he told her that he'd never forsake her and that he was committed to her, for better or for worse, and she felt free. Her heart was bubbling with so much adoration and gratitude for his love that she hadn't realized she was crying until his fingers reached out to wipe the tears away.

When she said her vows, Dom had to clench his jaw tightly to keep the emotion from interrupting the service. He wanted to be kissing her lips as the words tumbled from them, he wanted to feel her heartbeat in her chest as she became choked up in her promises.

The moment was almost surreal when the minister pronounced them husband and wife and for a moment, they just looked at each other in bewilderment.

Dom stepped forward and grabbed his wife around her waist and fused their lips together, sealing their pact that their love would live until eternity.

When they parted, as husband and wife, Dom stared into her eyes with a promise of forever and Letty, in shorts and a white linen top, had never felt more beautiful.

As they rode back out to sea after dropping the minister and his wife, Letty wrapped their hands together, kissing them.

"So, as my husband, what's your first order of business?" She asked, looking over at him.

"To get your name changed on every document that I can find." He admitted, noticing her surprised face.

"That's very traditional of you. Do you feel any different?" She wondered.

"Umm, not in the way I feel about you, but I feel like shouting it to the world that you are my wife. It's my proudest moment. I can tell you that."

"You're proud to be my husband?"

"No, I'm proud I made you my wife." He corrected, snickering as she rolled her eyes.

"Same thing, Dominic."

"No it's not. I'm proud that I was able to earn your hand in marriage. You could have had me with your hands tied behind your back." He admitted, watching a smile slide over her lips.

"Umm, sounds like I have the power in this relationship."

"Any other woman and that statement would have me worried. Luckily I know I'm safe with you."

"You say that now. When I have you wearing the apron and kissing my feet you may feel differently." She teased.

"Fuck the apron, but I'd put your feet in my mouth any day." He advised, turning serious eyes on her.

"Is there any part of my body you wouldn't put in your mouth?" She asked out loud, looking at him in honest curiosity.

He turned his face up in thought before looking back at her.

"Nope." He replied honestly, "As a matter of fact, I've been wanting to…"

"Forget I asked, Dominic. You can put that in your mouth when I can put yours in mine." She replied back, watching his face screw up in disgust.

"Forget it. But I was being honest in my answer."

"Me too."

"So wife, ready to get back to our adventure?" He asked, scooping down to pick her up bride-style.

"Depends on what you have planned next."

"Meaning?" He asked, kissing her lips softly before pulling back.

"Umm, if whatever you have planned involves us naked."

"Letty, everything I ever plan involves us naked."

"Well why we still have our clothes on? I've been a Toretto for over half an hour and I haven't received my proper homecoming. You should be ashamed of yourself." She teased, running her hands up and down the sides of his face.

"Maybe your husband wants to make the first time he makes love to his wife special." He countered.

"Every time we make love is special."

"True, but this time is important. This time sets the tone for the rest of your life."

"You trying to 'wow' me?"

"I want to make sure there's no doubt in your mind that you're mine and that ring on your finger makes it iron clad. Ain't no Dom without Letty."

"Point taken. Just don't start referring to us as 'Dotty; that shit sounds lame."

1 Week Later

"I cannot believe you married her without me there, Dominic." Mia hissed, sitting a plate of food on the large dining room table in Dom and Letty's house.

"You know us, Mia; spur of the moment. We do whatever we feel. Please don't take it personal." Dom smoothed, looking at his little sister as she walked around his home as though it were her own.

"I'm not. But I will guilt trip you about it every chance I get. You can fix it by you and Letty planning an actual wedding and letting all of us attend!" She suggested, walking past Roman and taking a seat beside Brian.

"You'll have to talk to my wife about that. It's up to her." He shrugged, causing Mia's heart to soften at the endearment.

"We'll discuss, Mia." Letty chimed in, passing the rolls to Tego as he and Rico argued amongst themselves.

"So, what's new with all of you?" Dom began, looking at his friends around the table.

"Well, none of us ran off and got married, that's for damn sure." Roman joked, picking up his bottle of Corona and taking a drink.

"Yea, I can't believe it took this long for it to happen. I got to hear Mia tell all the stories of how y'all came to be. She even gave us all tests." Tej joked, chuckling when he heard Brian snicker beside him.

"Okay, okay, seriously, congratulations you two, really." Brian added genuinely, causing Dom to nod his head at him with a smile.

"And you say my friends are crazy?" Letty jabbed, watching Dom look at her before dipping his head toward her and placing a quick pecking kiss to her lips.

"Hey, can someone pass me more bread?" Douglas asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Here you go." Han replied nonchalantly, taking one from the basket before passing it.

"So are y'all really together?" Etienne asked, eyeing Gisele and Han as they sat with their chairs together.

"Yes. Why is that so hard to believe?" She asked, looking at the man with regal disinterest.

"Just odd. A sexy thing like yourself spreading it for the China man." He replied disrespectfully, causing Roman to choke as he waived his hands in the air trying to warn him to shut up.

"Bruh, chill. First time I met her, I mentioned her legs opening and she almost shot my shit. You better chill on that."

"The princess is gonna shoot me?" Etienne laughed, looking at everyone at the table as it became eerily quiet. When his eyes came back to Gisele, she was looking at him with a deadly gleam as Han took another bite of his roll.

"You'd think people would know by now." He muttered more to himself than to anyone else.

He chanced a glance back at his companions and noticed that all eyes were on him as Han began to scoot away from her.

"You're lucky we're in the home of close family and friends or I'd teach you some manners little boy." She threatened.

"Fuck, can you chill, for once?" Rafe growled, looking at his comrade. "We can't take your ass nowhere."

"That's why we leave him locked up at home. Please except my sincerest apology." Douglas almost stuttered looking at Gisele with kind eyes.

"Don't apologize for him." Letty spoke up, "Etienne, outside!"

She stood from the table and walked towards the back of the house as Etienne stood with attitude and followed her movements.

"We know who wears the pants in your house." Mia joked, causing Brian to erupt into laughter.

"Any pants she wears are mine. Just like old times." Dom smiled, remembering the days Letty would work beside him in the garage, wearing a pair of his Dickies with a belt tied severely to keep them around her small waist.

"We'll see when the kids get here." She smirked, alluding to the hopes that they would be parents soon.

5 Months Later

"You know the funny thing is, I never even knew I wanted to be a mom until you wanted me to be a mom." Letty admitted, playing with Dom's fingers as they sat outside in the grass.

"Why?" He wondered, looking at her curiously as she hunched her shoulders.

"I don't know. I never played with dolls or played dress up. I never thought about or did any of the things normal girls did. I always did what you and the guys wanted to do. I always wanted to be one of the guys. I never saw me pregnant or breast feeding or changing diapers or packing lunches. I just never saw it until I looked at myself through your eyes."

"Breast feeding? Now there's a sight." He smiled, laughing when she squeezed his hand in hers.

"I'm serious."

"Me too. And honestly, I can't see you packing lunches either, Letty. That's gonna be my job." He designated, watching as a smile slid across her face.

"Yea. I just sometimes wish we had never began this journey. I mean, if you hadn't have made it a known want, we probably would have never gone down this long road of disappointment. I keep trying to tell myself not to blame me for having a scarred uterus, or blame you for leaving me and making me do all the crazy shit I did to be with you. It just sounds silly. I just want to not cry anymore."

"I want you to not cry anymore, too. But I also know nothing worth having is easy. Look at us Letty. There ain't a card out there that had us on it. We were never supposed to survive this long. We're all faith. You should have had all the things your father wanted for you. Shit, all the things my father wanted for you." He snorted, stealing a glance at the side of her face.

"I got everything they wanted for me, Dom. I did, finally. After years of fighting and screaming, I got you in the end."

"You sure I'm as great a consolation prize as you'd hoped?" He smirked, looking at her as she ducked her head, moving closer to his face.

"I think I got the better end of the deal, yea. You're pretty incredible. Even when you're being your arrogant, self-righteous self." She smiled, pressing her lips to his and pulling back to place her hand on his cheek.

"I love you, Letty. More than any of this life bullshit. I love you." He punctuated.

"I know. I know you do. Thank you for loving me best." She replied honestly, smiling when he turned to kiss her palm.

"So, ready for tomorrow's appointment?" He asked, looking at her. She sighed dramatically, and looked to the sky.

"No, because if the news is bad news, I'll be crushed because you'll be crushed." She admitted.

"I'll only be crushed, because you'll be crushed. Listen. What I said that night in our bedroom is the honest truth. Kids are a bonus, you're my prize. I just need you."

"I really believe that, Dom. And it makes me want this so much more for you. I really want to do this for you."

"I appreciate your willingness to have my baby, but if it doesn't happen, it just means you'll be alone with me for the rest of your life. I apologize ahead of time." He smiled, pulling her face towards his for a kiss.

"God please give me a baby! I can't survive a lifetime with him alone!" She joked, laughing when he rolled her beneath him and kissed her passionately.

Doctor's Office

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Toretto. I'm happy to see you two again." Dr Mitchell smiled, walking into her office.

"Please, Dr Mitchell, Dom and Letty, please." Dom insisted, shaking the woman's hand as they all sat.

Letty stayed quiet, wringing her hands together as she waited for the doctors prognosis.

"Very well. Letty, I looked over your file and I want to let you know I am very optimistic. The pelvic fracture from your accident almost 6 years ago did severe damage to your uterus, however, your ovaries are fine."

At the doctor's words, she felt herself exhale, hope creeping back into her fingertips as she hung on the doctor's every word.

"Normally this would pose a problem for implantation after fertilization but the ultrasound we did on your uterus last week shows that although you have quite a bit of scar tissue, I believe we can go in with a laser and remove the majority of what's giving you a problem." She advised.

"So we can get pregnant?" She asked, sitting forward, looking at the doctor straight in the eye, her pulse beating wildly in her veins. She needed good news and her heart beating in her ears almost drowned out the words the doctor was saying.

"Well here's the thing: every patient is different. I can tell you, biologically based on what I'm looking at, what my idea of your chances are, but that might not be realistic to you as an individual. The areas I am most concerned about are your fallopian tubes, which is like a tunnel that your eggs travel through in order to implant into your uterus and make you pregnant. The scarring there is severe. I don't know if we can repair it. This is why I propose we do the surgery and then look into in vitro fertilization. We can collect your eggs, which are perfectly fine, and sperm from Dominic and fertilize them in the lab. After roughly 48 hours, we can then perform a small procedure and implant the zygote in your uterus and hope that it attaches to the wall."

"Wait, wait, wait. You want us to not have sex to have a baby?" Dom asked, eyeing the doctor with hesitation. Letty felt like she'd been punched in the gut, her body betraying her as she felt the pain and the cold seep back in.

"I understand your concern, Dominic. Natural conception, at this point, is going to be next to impossible. There is such a small window for nature to take its course that you could be waiting indefinitely. Understand, getting pregnant isn't always as quick and easy as sounds. Normally, in a woman of Letty's age that had no prior injury and normal exams, we would never suggest this unless she's been trying to conceive for 18 months to 2 years. With her history and the length of time you two have been trying so far, it gives us reason to suggest this as a next step."

"What is the risk to my wife?" He asked squarely, his hand gripping Letty's as he waited. Letty felt herself check out of the situation. She felt the tears well in her eyes and tried to keep them from spilling over.

She wasn't weak. She couldn't break down. She had to put on her brave face for her husband.

She felt Dom tug her hand and she looked up at him and met his eyes. The ferocity of the protection she felt caused the tears to spill past her lids, allowing his strength to give her courage.

"Her risks are quite minimal. As a matter of fact, the only real risk I see is the emotional risk if the procedure doesn't work. I also want to make you aware that it's quite expensive and can take multiple tries to be successful. You two may want to really discuss this before we consider this as an option."

Letty had been quiet the entire time, mulling over the doctor's words as she gave them her prognosis. She allowed Dom's bravery to weigh in on resolve and cleared her throat, knowing that she would do whatever it took.

"Thank you Dr Mitchell." She smiled small, "We'll do it." She decided, causing Dom's head to snap to face her.

"Letty, are you sure? I don't want you to regret this." He spoke as softly as he could with his baritone voice.

"I'm sure. Sign me up." She solidified, watching as Dr Mitchell nodded her head 'okay'.

"Perfect. I have an opening in three weeks on the 22nd. I'll have my nurse come in and set your times and preliminary appointments. We'll put you on some meds to induce ovulation so that we can collect eggs when you come in in three weeks. I really wish you two the best." Dr Mitchell smiled, shaking their hands and walking out.

Letty watched as the lady walked out of the room before she realized Dom was standing in front of her.

She looked up at him as he pulled her to her feet, kissing her lips.

"I don't want you going through procedures, Letty. I don't like the thought of putting your body through added stress for something that may not work."

"I have to try Dom. I won't stop wondering unless it fails. We have to try." She argued, watching as he set his mouth in a tight line before wrapping his arms around her and squeezing. "Eleven months. We've been trying for eleven months. I need to know if there's a way. I have to try."

"Okay, baby. Okay."

2 Week Later

"Where are we going?" Letty asked, sitting in the passenger seat of the immortal Charger.

"Somewhere." He smiled, kissing the back of her hand.

"Thank you." She sighed, a smile lighting her eyes.


"Keeping your promise. Taking such good care of me. Making me number one in your life. No drama, nothing hard, no hysteria. We're solid. I love that. I love our life."

"Then I've done what I was sent here to do. That completes me, Letty. I just want to make you happy."

"You do. In so many ways. I didn't think we'd ever get here, or that I could love you more than I did in the DR. You surprise me every time I wake up next to you. Thank you for not giving up on me."

"Never. You never gave up on me. You'll never know what that did for me. You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. I owe you my life."

"Geez, we better stop before we end up reciting our wedding vows. I can only do sappy once a year. I'm already overly emotional with the given."

"We're newlyweds. Aren't we supposed to be disgustingly sweet to each other?"

"I don't know. I've never been married before."

"Well, sit back and relax. We're going away for the weekend."

"I like being married." She chuckled.

"I apologize for not asking sooner. If I had half a brain I'd have married you in Mexico."

Letty was pensive as they drove the remainder of the way to Dom's secret destination before she realized that they were on their way up a mountain and her stomach flip flopped when he pulled into a cabin.

"This is beautiful." She smirked. "Lots of open space so we can make lots of noise."

"Now you're talkin." He chuckled, watching her hips sway after he'd parked the car as she walked ahead of him towards the door.

"This isn't another piece of real estate you've acquired, is it?" She asked, allowing him to unlock the door so she could enter.

"No. This place belongs to Han. He used to come here after the Rio job to have peace and quiet."

"Remind me to send Han a thank you card." She smiled, walking through the open space and running her fingers over the detail of the wood carvings.

"Will do." He said, dropping their bags in the doorway.

"So, what's the occasion?"

"Just cause. Think of it as an extended honeymoon. I think we deserve some quality time hidden away before we begin this next part of our life. Hopefully we won't have another moment of peace after we begin this and we'll end up with more kids than we can handle." He smiled.

"So you want me all to yourself, in the wilderness, at your mercy, for how many days?" She drawled, accepting his arms as they locked around her, bringing their lips together.

"5 days. Then we're back to real life. My plan is to worship your body until you can't take it anymore."

"My body likes being worshipped. How about yours?" She asked, kissing his mouth wetly before pulling back to look into his eyes.

"It doesn't complain." He eyed slyly, watching as a smile slid across her lips.

"Well your wife wants to return the favor tenfold on this trip. She appreciates how strong and supportive you've been."

"My pleasure, really."

"Even so, I could spend some time saying thank you. I know I haven't been myself lately."

"You have been. I'd like to think I had something to do with you letting your guard down. You told me I don't always have to be such a tough guy; you don't always have to be one either, Letty."

She didn't reply, she just pulled his head down to hers and kissed him softly, attentively.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." She whispered into his mouth, allowing him to wrap her tightly in his arms as her hands went to his head.

"Keep kissing me." He breathed into her, accepting her love as she poured it into her touch.

It was completely instinctual the way her body ended up wrapped around him as he held her in the middle of the floor, their tongues dancing in and out of each other's mouths as they expressed their love to one another.

Dom finally walked them over to the fire place and lay her on the rug below him as he sat back and ran his hands down her body, stopping at her stomach.

"I'm gonna build us a fire." He caressed, staring into her eyes as she smiled, biting into her bottom lip.

"You already built one right here." She smiled, gesturing to her body.

"I'm gonna stroke this one. Don't worry, wife. But I want to make sure we're uninterrupted."

"If you say so." She replied, provocatively, bringing her hands to his as they lay over her stomach.

Letty turned over on her front as he stood and walked over to the large fireplace and watched him as he went to work preparing the fire. She watched as his arms stretched and flexed moving logs of wood into the furnace and sighed at his masculinity.

"Take your shirt off." She commanded, causing him to turn and look at her as he reached for a scoop to clean out the ashes.

He chuckled arrogantly as he obeyed her request, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor.

"You're so sexy." She complimented, and almost laughed when he blushed, turning back to his task.

When he had the fire fully lit and roaring, he turned back to find that she'd removed her pants and sat on her knees, with a bottle of lotion, waiting for him to join her on the floor.

He sat in front of her and leaned his face into hers, connecting their lips before she pulled back and encouraged him onto his back.

He sighed in comfort when he felt her straddle him, her hands caressing up and down his front as his eyes settled on her, love shining through.

"I'm gonna massage your body until you're out of your mind." She promised, noticing the desire possess his eyes as he continued to look at her. "Then when you can't take it, and you're hard and begging me, I'm gonna make you scream my name."

"Cocky." He said deeply, watching as her hands began pressing into his body then trailing down to his pants, undoing the buckle.

"I can't wait to taste you everywhere." She admitted softly, allowing her hands to slide into the waistband, down to his semi-hard erection to rub him.

"I'm liking the sound of this."

"You should. You ever think we have too much sex?" She wondered, allowing her hand to leave his pants to trail back to his abs.

"No." He replied plainly, purring when she leaned forward to wrap her lips around his nipple.

"I'm so addicted to you."

"Feelings mutual." He offered as her tongue trailed down to his bellybutton, causing his abs to clench at the sensation.

"Take your pants off." She commanded next, smiling when he lifted his hips off the ground, taking her with him.

"I like when you take charge."

"I always take charge."

"Umm hmm." He agreed, allowing her to push the pants off onto the floor. He gritted his teeth as she scooted to his feet and took one in her hands and began kneading the flesh.

"Umm, this is nice." He moaned, as her hands went to work.

He lay there, enjoying the feeling until his eyes shot open when he felt her lips wrap around his big toe.

"Letty." He groaned, watching as her tongue snaked out to curl around it, before popping it back out of her mouth.

"Dom?" She asked as her hands kept kneading his foot as he dropped his head back to the ground with a groan.

"How do you expect me to let you have your way with me when you're doing shit like that?"

"This is the game of passion and seduction. You're never fair." She reminded, placing a kiss to the sole of his foot before grabbing the other.


"I just want to show you how much I appreciate you, how much I'm dedicated to you." She acknowledged, placing a kiss to the toes on his other foot before sitting it down and running her hands up his legs, making sure she added some lotion to her hands as she massaged his limbs as she went.

"Did you ever think we'd be this in love when we were kids growing up in LA?" She wondered aloud, pressing kisses to his knees and thighs.

"I couldn't imagine what it felt like. But I knew whatever I was capable of feeling or giving to a woman I would only do it with you. I knew you were the one. You've always been the only one."

"Even with all the race whores and the women who wanted in your pants?"

"Especially with those women. They symbolized everything that was never enough; pieces of you they could never possess. Ass and breast is nice to look at. I'm a man, Letty, I have eyes. But I can promise you, what I feel just watching you smile could never compare to what those women thought I could ever want from them. You're my fantasy."

"Did you dream for me?" She asked, kissing the inside of his thigh as she moved up his body.

"Every second when I walked away from you in the DR. I prayed for a way to let me be with you. Then when Mia called me with news of your death, I lived in dreams." He opened up as her hand wrapped round his member moving up and down as she looked up his body into his eyes.

He never spoke about his life after her presumed death much. She was aware that he'd blazed a trail of death through Mexico in her honor, but as far as his emotional struggle after the fact, he was tight lipped.

"And now?"

"Dream come true. You're why I wake up in the morning. To hear you're raspy voice curse me out; to see your eyebrow go up when you think I'm being ridiculous; to taste your lips when you're kissing me. You're the reason for it all."

"Good answer." She praised, allowing her mouth to sink over him as he hissed at the feeling of her warm mouth around him. She trailed her hands up his sides, kneading the muscles in her hands and between her fingers as she took him in and out of her mouth with no asssitance.

She continued working him as his hands slid into her hair, encouraging her rhythm as she kept herself working over him and allowed him to push her head down gently when he started to come, squirting his release down her throat.

"Umm, good boy. Save some for later." She teased, pulling back and licking her lips as she trailed her hands up his stomach, leaving light kisses and caresses in her wake.

She went back to his nipples, wrapping her mouth around it and rolling it between her teeth gently as her hands slid upwards, sliding over either side of his neck.

"Fuck, Letty. I want to be inside of you."

"Umm umm." She denied, switching to his other nipple as he pulled her fingers to his mouth, sucking them into the orifice wetly. "Out of your mind, remember?" She reminded, biting erotically into his chest.

"Almost there."

"No you're not. We have a long way to go."

She sat up on him then, making sure her panty-clad vagina was over his erection as she began sliding back and forth over him, massaging him with her body.

Her hands continued working his skin, moving to his arms and shoulder, allowing his hands to play with her breasts as she continued her quest.

"Have my baby?" He asked, waiting for her eyes to meet his.

"I'm trying." She replied, arching her back as deep as she could, pushing herself into his groin and her breast into his hands.

"You're going to. My dreams about you always come true."

"You've dreamed me pregnant?" She gasped in awe, watching as his head nodded gently at her.

"Yea. On more than one occasion. Your perfect belly rounded with Toretto. Your breast spilling out of my hands. Your body on fire for me. It's the most erotic thing I can think up."

"Kinky. You have a pregnant woman fetish?" She teased, trying to lighten the way his words shot straight to her middle.

"I have a Letty fetish." He corrected, causing her to gulp at the look in his eyes and he slid her shirt over her head. "Anyway I can get you and have you, I want you."

"Turn over." She whispered, rolling off him and allowing him to turn onto his stomach.

She watched as he lay his head on his arms as she scrapped her fingernails down his butt before placing a kiss to a cheek.

"Watch it." He warned, causing her to snicker.

"You know I'm never going there. Relax, Papa. I want to worship you." She chastised, sliding her panties off and situating herself on his butt as her hands caressed into his skin, causing him to moan in relaxation.

"Your hands are magic."

"My everything is magic." She corrected, leaning down to place a kiss between his shoulder blades.

"Damn I love your body. It's built for sin, Dom."

"You would know."

"I do." She agreed, moving her hands over his warm skin as he relaxed further into her kneading. As he began drifting in and out of consciousness, he realized she had lay her body on top of his and brought her fingers to his lips, rubbing what he recognized as moisture form her core onto his lips.

"Don't fall asleep on me. You'll miss the main event." She purred into his ear, shuddering when his tongue immediately came out to lick the residue from his lips and from her fingers.

"Fuck this." He muttered, turning over, sending her crashing to the rug beneath him as he crawled over her, kissing her ardently, taking her breath away.

She allowed him to settle between her legs, her breath hitching when she felt him slide into her weeping core as he pulled away from her mouth, his teeth clenched, trapping her bottom lip.

"Forever?" He asked, wanting to hear her give herself to him again.

"Forever!" She promised, allowing him to rock in and out of her.

7 Days Later

Dom and Letty sat in Dr Mitchell's exam room waiting for the doctor to enter to begin her first steps for her first round of in vitro. They would be harvesting Letty's eggs today. He would come back the next day to have the scar tissue in her uterus lasered away.

Letty was in a gown and Dom was holding her hand, squeezing it in his much larger one.

Dr Mitchell walked in, looking down at Letty's labs from a few days ago from her pre-op appointment and closed the chart to greet the couple.

"Hello Letty. Dom. Very nice to see you two today. Before we go any further, I want to let you know I went over your labs from earlier this week and there are some serious concerns that have been discovered that prevent me from wanting to proceed with this procedure today." She sighed, taking her glasses off and eyeing the couple.

She watched as Letty's face dropped, tears welling in her eyes as Dom stood, shocked at the revelation.

"Is she okay? What was it?" Dom asked, needing the doctor to give him answers about what could be wrong to stop them in this procedure.

"Well, we can't perform the procedure on someone who's already pregnant. Congratulations. One of your labs showed an elevated human gonadotropin hormone count which is what presents a positive pregnancy test. You two don't need my help after all." She smiled, watching as both their mouths fell open in shock.

"Wait, what?" Letty gasped, looking at her dumbfounded as Dom turned to look at her, then back at the doctor.

"You said it'd be impossible to conceive without a procedure." He began, looking at the doctor in confusion.

"I said next to impossible. It appears you two have been quite diligent in your activity to prove me otherwise. With the hormones we put Letty on to have her ovulate more, one of the eggs made it through the fallopian tube on its own. I want to do an ultra sound today so I can make sure the embryo implanted in the uterine wall correctly. If so, in about 8 and a half months, you two will be parents." She smiled, watching as they stood there, mouths still agape.

"I'll leave you two to talk this over."

When she walked out, the shutting of the door snapped Dom out of his shock and he clapped his hands before scooping her into his arms and kissing her soundly.

"Letty, did you hear what the doctor said?" He asked, looking down at her.

"Pregnant? I'm pregnant?" She wondered aloud, looking down at her waistline as she tried to process the information, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

"Pregnant! You're about to have my baby. And when this one is done, we're gonna have another one!" He gushed, placing kisses all over her face as she pulled back to look at him with an eyebrow arched.

"Be thankful you have this one. And if you tell me you have to call Mia before you kiss me properly, I'll smack you." She teased as joy and victory seeped into her heart.

He didn't waste any time, he simply pressed his lips to hers, pulling back when he felt her tears on his face.

"Dom, I'm pregnant." She repeated, looking into his eyes as they pulled apart. "I have to unpack the nursery."

He laughed out loud, his voice throaty and heavy with joy as he hugged her tightly, realizing that she was still in shock.

Later that Night

Dow walked into Baby Toretto's room and eyed Letty on the floor, sitting cross legged on the floor, pulling items from boxes. As he watched her, he realized she had tears streaming down her face as she ran her fingers over blankets and stuffed animals and décor.

"You okay in there?" He asked, walking into the room and sitting across from her.

"It's just starting to sink in. I was so devastated. I really didn't think I'd ever happen, let alone naturally after a year, Dom. I'm just so happy and so grateful." She sniffed, pulling her hair back and throwing it over her shoulder.

"No faith." He smiled, raising his hand to wipe the tears on her cheek. "Remember when I was locked up, all the things you said I could do, all the ways you promised I'd be whole? You were right, Letty. Or the accident you survived when your car flipped? Or putting up with my bullshit when I was too stupid to realize how good we were? It was your strength and your heart that got us through. God wouldn't bring you this far to fail. You can do anything. You're doing anything! I'm so proud to be your husband and I'm so proud to be this baby's father. You'll never understand." He swore, accepting her as she crawled into his arms, locking limbs around him.

"While my baby's inside you, you're not allowed to do anything accept relax, be lazy and work on this nursery. No hard work until my baby comes out."

"Your baby?" She asked, pulling back, a perfect eyebrow arched in question.

"My baby." He repeated.

"I'll remember that when I go through labor." She smiled, watching as his face lit up.

"Okay." He accepted, watching as her face dissolved into tears.

"I'm gonna get to go through labor! I really get to have a baby!" She cried, wrapping her arms around him again and crying into his neck. He squeezed his arms around her tightly, pulling her into him as she wailed sobs of joy into his skin.

"Baby? Just to be sure, are these hormones? Because if so, this is gonna be an interesting 8 months." He smiled, his deep voice vibrating through her body.

"I don't know. I don't care." She cried, smiling into him as he rocked her.
