Jackson knew what he was after immediately. He could see it burning in Derek's eyes. He could smell it emanating from his chest and throat. Still, Jackson pretended he hadn't noticed, licking the tip of a finger before flipping the next page in his physics text book. Derek crawled into bed and wasted no time, sliding next to him.
"Jacks," he growled, fingers easing up his arm and onto his shoulder.
"Mm?" Derek pulled the book out of his hands and tossed it to the floor.
"Don't play games," Derek said softly, a small smile curving his lips. Jackson couldn't help a smile in return.
"Alright," he sighed, pulse spiking as Derek kissed his neck. He tilted his head automatically and Derek released a small growl. There was a snuffling at the door and Jackson tensed.
"He'll go away," Derek insisted, teeth scraping over his collar bones as his hands skated down Jackson's torso and ribs. Jackson arched slightly, a gasp slipping loose. There was a scratching at the door and Jackson lifted a hand to stop Derek, gasping when Derek ignored him and slipped a hand down his jeans. He smacked Derek's shoulder half heartedly, groaning again. "He'll go away," Derek repeated, determined. Jackson didn't respond because he hoped Derek was right. An ear splitting howl sounded from behind the door, followed by louder scratches.
Jackson pushed Derek off before going to the door. The puppy whined and jumped at his shins. Jackson scooped him up and scratched the back of his neck. Cradling him to his chest he turned back to the bed. Derek glowered at both of them. "He does it on purpose," Derek insisted.
"No he doesn't," Jackson rolled his eyes, surprised when the tiny wolf didn't jump down to the bed as he usually did.
"Yes he does. He likes you better and he wants me to die of sexual frustration."
"Aw, don't listen to him," Jackson murmured into the puppy's ear. "First off, he can probably understand you. Secondly, if you were nicer he'd love you just as much. And finally," he paused to actually look at Derek, "it's supposed to storm tonight."
"I'm not nice," Derek muttered, but he was already up, pulling the puppy's favorite blanket off the top shelf in the closet. He tossed it to Jackson who quickly tucked it around the puppy, nuzzling his neck softly. The puppy whined as the first drops of rain splattered against the window. He tucked his face into Jackson's throat, whimpering. Jackson rubbed his shaking back, ready for a long night. Derek reappeared after a few minutes, two mugs and a bowl balanced precariously on a plate. Derek got into bed cautiously, sliding the plate onto the nightstand. Both he and Jackson froze when thunder clapped outside. The puppy went silent, shuddering harder. Derek slid closer, surprised when he wasn't growled at. His eyebrows went up when the puppy scrambled between them before hunkering down again. "Okay…" he said slowly.
"Gift horse, mouth," Jackson muttered, tossing an arm over Derek's waist.
Derek was tempted to snort but he didn't want to startle the pup so he stayed silent, lacing an arm with Jackson's. The animal had never been a gift but that didn't mean he didn't want him to feel warm and safe. His mind drifted as thunder shook and lightning flashed. Fate could be a funny thing. He certainly hadn't seen this coming when there was a tentative knock at the door. The man smelled like ash and rain, at the same time. An anomaly in and of itself. His eyebrows rose and he glanced behind Derek, clearly expecting someone else.
"Uh," he said gracelessly, "the Hales live here?"
"They did," Derek offered, crossing his arms over his chest, "I'm the only one left." This obviously wasn't what the man wanted to hear. He looked tired Derek realized suddenly.
"You live alone?" Jackson appeared at the top of the stairs, finally investigating the visitor. Derek arched an eyebrow carefully. The man finally seemed to catch on. "Rick," he sputtered, wiping his hand on his leg before offering it. "Rick Crawford."
"Derek Hale," Derek responded, shaking his hand. "Jackson, my mate," he added as Jackson jumped to the bottom of the staircase. Rick took in Jackson and his lips twitched. Derek nearly growled but stopped himself when Rick spoke again.
"I'm really hoping you two can help me out. Can I show you something?"
It was love at first sight. For Jackson and the puppy. Its ears had perked up and it lapped at Jackson's hand when he extended it. Rick told them the heartbreaking story. The mother killed by hunters, their cave flooding in the storm, a lightning felled tree blocking the pups', barely a month old at the time, escape. He was the lone survivor. It was the information that came at the end of the story that made Derek hesitate. "I'm not sure if he'll even transform," Rick said sadly. "He may be too traumatized."
"He's a werewolf?" Jackson asked, the puppy whining at its loss of attention.
"Yeah. Pure blood as far as I can tell." There was an uncomfortable silence in which Derek shot Jackson a disapproving look which Jackson promptly ignored, scratching behind the puppy's ears. "Anyway," Rick said, rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm on the road all the time. Not really prime pup environment if you catch my drift."
"Whoa, whoa," Derek muttered, throwing both hands out, but it was already too late. Jackson offered his arms and the puppy jumped in with a yip. Jackson was already pouting as the bundle of red brown fur wriggled excitedly in his arms.
"Derek," he said in that I know you will give in tone. Derek gritted his teeth.
"I am not cleaning up after that thing," he growled, pointing to the tiny beast. Rick let out a relived laugh before clapping a hand on Derek's back.
"Good luck with them."
They still hadn't named him. Jackson reasoning that his name would have to be different if he remained a wolf all his life. There were still a couple months before they'd know for sure and for now there were two lists running on the fridge. Jackson's favorites changed by day, Derek tried not to think about it. He worried Jackson's heart was going to get broken. The nameless thing had yet to be a problem as the pup came when they called, whistled, and even when they didn't say anything at all, particularly, it seemed, when Derek was trying to get some. Thankfully the storm only lasted about two hours and the puppy fell asleep still wedged between them. Derek shot a longing glance at Jackson but remained silent, mostly keeping his hands to himself. Derek was still mostly asleep when Jackson got up for school. On its back, four stubby legs in the air, the puppy slept at his side. Every few moments he let out a soft snore.
"Take care of our boy," Jackson instructed, dropping a quick kiss on Derek's slack lips. Derek mumbled half heartedly, eyes flicking closed again. It wasn't until several hours later, when the sun was actually up that Derek got out of bed. He took the empty mugs and half full bowl of milk downstairs and put them in the sink. The pup was up shortly after and Derek ripped open a can of dog food, dumping it in his bowl before digging his leftover Chinese out of the fridge. The puppy sat back, barking at him before tilting its head. Derek glared at him in disbelief.
"No," he muttered, "absolutely not. This is mine. Eat your Purina." The puppy whined as he lifted his noodle drowned fork to his mouth. Derek paused and growled. The puppy whined again. Derek tried to stare him down. It worked as well as it did on Jackson, which was not at all. Derek ate the noodles on his fork before putting the container on the floor and heading for a shower.
Steam rolled out behind him and Derek froze in the bathroom doorway, in his boxers, towel around his neck. "I'll be damned," he exhaled. He crept forward, avoiding the creaky floorboards and grabbed his phone before snapping a picture of the sleeping toddler. He was half wrapped in his blanket, sucking on part of his fist. Derek wondered if he'd fallen asleep cleaning off his paws. He smiled at that.
'Got the name picked out?' he added before sending the picture to Jackson. Derek could all too easily imagine his mate's soft, adoring expression.
'Guess Fido's off the list' Jackson responded. Derek couldn't stop smiling then. They had a pup.
Jackson was practically vibrating with excitement when he got home.
"Where is he?" he demanded, dropping his book bag at the door. The pup came running out. Derek chuckled as Jackson's face fell.
"He can't control it Jacks."
"Oh," Jackson let out.
"He'll probably only change when he's asleep for the first couple weeks. It's natural until he learns control. I really don't think he knows how to trigger it yet." Jackson pouted but picked him up anyways. "Well let's go," Derek said, grabbing the duffel bag on the steps.
"Go? Go where?"
"Stiles is pup sitting."
"Tonight?" Jackson demanded. "What if he transforms?"
"One, I'm counting on it. Two, if I don't-" he paused, glancing to the pup between them, "get some relief, we won't need the name after all." Jackson smiled suddenly.
"Can you imagine the voicemail? 'I uh-uhm, don't know what I did but, uh…I turned your wolf into a baby!'" The puppy yipped and Derek swore he looked amused too.
A/N: This was partially inspired by a prompt on livejournal… And partially inspired by the idea of Derek and Jackson with children. I don't do mpreg so yeah…this is as close as it's going to get. It's a oneshot. Because I do not have time for all the stuff I want to write. If anyone can clone me a few times…let me know.