A/N: New Story, I talked about this in my other one, and it's on hiatus. Hope you like it! Based off of the TV Show, Wife Swap.

This is Co-Written with my fan-fiction twin, freedomgleek, We hope you like it!

Wife Swap

Chapter 1: The Application

Disclaimer: We will never own Glee, *goes and cries in corner*

Puck's POV

I have the most brilliant idea in the history of brilliant ideas. I was signing my mom up for Wife Swap. Mom and Dad were deciding on songs for Regionals and I got all my siblings together to fill out the forms and start this master plan.

"I already printed the application and the siblings are coming." Rachel said, walking into the study with the papers in her hands.

I smiled at my sister and said, "Cool. This is going to be awesome!"

Rachel was my twin sister. She and I aren't really opposites though. We both can be total bad-asses, but at the same time softies. The only things different about us are that, She's huge into arts and I'm into sports. Santana is one of my other sisters. She's a senior with me and Rachel. Mom and Dad adopted her when they went on a trip to California for their 2nd anniversary. Sam and Britt were conceived on the 3rd anniversary, so in less than 4 years, Mom and Dad had 5 toddlers. Kurt came a year after that, and let me tell you, we are all super protective of the kid.

"What about Wife Swap?" Sam asked.

"We are signing Mom up for Wife Swap!" I announced to all of them.

"Puck you're an idiot." Santana replied while flipping through the cheerios calendar for the month.

"I think it would be a funny!" Kurt said.

"Fine." Santana actually agreed, when did she become the strict one?

"I guess this could be interesting and if Santana and Britt agree, then I guess I'm in." Sam said.

"Come on Britt, you're going to say yes!" My twin said.

"Fine, but if we get in trouble I am blaming you and Lord Tubbington." Oh God, her and that cat!

"I accept, now let's get started!" We crowded around the dining room table and began to answer the questions.

Wife Swap Application

Family Name:


Father's Name and Age:

Will, 43

Mother's Name and Age:

Shelby, 41

Maiden Name:


Names and ages of children from this marriage:

Rachel Barbara, 18

Noah 'Puck' Joshua, 18

Santana Marie, 18

Samuel 'Sam' Cadence, 17

Brittney Elizabeth, 17

Kurt Alexander, 16

How long have you been together?

19 years

Kid's homework?

The kids do it themselves

Do you have any pets? How many? What type? Do they have free reign of the house?

No pets, Puck and Sam are enough. As well as Rachel and Santana's boyfriends.

"Hey!" Rachel and Santana yelled at the same time.

"What? Finn and Wes are always here!" I shot back.

"UGH!" The girls yelled.

How would you describe your diet? What restrictions are there, if any?

Normal, but Rachel and Kurt are vegans.

What pushes your buttons?

When my children refuse to listen.

Have you ever or are you currently serving in the Military?


Do you or any members of your family have a physical or mental disability?


I gave Rachel and Santana a look and they looked at me like I was stupid.

"NOAH JOSHUA!" Rachel yelled.

"I can't believe you would think that about your sister!" Santana screamed.

"Oh Puck, that's just mean!" Kurt said.

"Shut your mouth or I'll do it for you!" Sam glared at me, protecting his twin.

Britt just looked oblivious as normal. "I'm sorry! I won't do anything!"

Have you or any family member been treated for alcohol or drug abuse?

Good one.

"Can I pleaseā€¦" I asked.

"No!" Kurt, Rachel and Sam yelled.

Have you or any member of your family ever been accused or convicted of a felony?

"Maybe we should skip this question." said Rachel.

"Good idea." I agreed.

Have you or any member of your family ever been detain, been arrested or been in jail for any reason?

"Skip this one too." Kurt said. "God Puck! Your going to make us look like criminals!"

"Not my fault!" I defended myself, but my five siblings gave me a look. "God! Stop with the bitch glares!"

"Well that's the end of the application." I announced.

"YAY! Let's mail it in with the video!" Rachel giggled.

"Here here!" Kurt yelled running over with an envelope and masking tape and stamps.

I sealed the package and walked out to put it in the mail. "Well, it's done!" I said, excited. This was totally going to be worth it.

A/N: Short, I know. Boring, a little. But it's the beginning. Review and let me know if you want me to continue! We promise the next one is A TON funnier! We have up to chapter 3 written already!