Unknown Island,

April 6, 2011


The steal walls echoed as a young girl of only eleven years old pushed her exhausted body to get down to the end of the seemingly infinite hall. At the end of the hall was a long spiral staircase and it was the girl's first destination. Once she reached the staircase she and slid down the railing and flipped into the rock hall way that opened up in front of her. Again she began to run to the end of that hall her breath so loud that It echoed against the walls. For a moment she lost her footing and fell onto her knees, with a look back she continued to run hoping the men she was running after weren't close. At the end of the hall way hidden by a picture of Rome sat a retinal and handprint scanner. The girl pulled the painting from its hook and placed it on the ground below before lining up both her left eye and hand print to the scanners.

"Recognized B00 unknown," The computer said as Trinity relined the pictutre and darted in to the small padded room that was earlier hidden by the wall. The door shut as soon as the girl was inside safely. The girl took off the large gray backpack as the door shut. She ran to the back wall in the room and slumped down against the wall until she was sitting down her knees pressed up against her small undeveloped chest.

"In threw your nose out through your mouth," She whispered to herself quietly trying to calm her breath.

The girl had brown hair fell to her mid back seeing as the hair tie that had before held it up in a bun now sat somewhere between the girls room and where she now sat. Strait bangs cut across her forehead almost falling into her eyes that where ocean blue like those of her best friend. She wore a black jersey tank top over a gray sports bra and black gray cheerleading shorts. She pulled her overly huge jacket up and around her like a blanket hoping it would keep her safe as it had many times before. After she knew it was safe she grabbed her back pack pulling out a pillow and small homemade quilt and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Mount Justice

April 8, 2011


"We are going on a rescue mission," Megan questioned as Batman began to explain their next assignment the team would be handling. The young teams of teenagers stood side by side as always and were being briefed. And what was it they were being briefed on, well as Megan said it was a 'rescue mission'.

"Of sorts, you will be deployed on April 10 and need to have the information at hand at 19:45, neither a second earlier nor later." He explained.

"Has the location of the information been compromised?" Robin asked with the slightest hint of terror in his voice. Most of his team ignored the reaction.

"Yes, but it is still intact and has borrowed deeper and is at the moment secure although at the moment the location is not known." He explained almost staring down his ward at the word unknown, it was clear the boy knew the location yet it was unacceptable to move without the Batman's say.

"With all due respect sir, if it is information that can be hacked why are we being called in to retrieve the information?" Kaldur asked.

"This information is not easily accessed Aqualad, you will have a better chance once inside of retrieving it I will call you when I receive the information but for now be teenagers." The dark knight shrugged off his own comment not knowing what else to say.

Mount Justice

April 10, 2011


The teens prepared for the upcoming mission with anticipation. Batman had yet to give them a specific location of the thing they need to rescue or a specific description of what it was they were supposed to rescue. Robin seamed jumpier than a jackrabbit as he checked the teams ear wigs. He couldn't even get his hands to stop shaking. They wouldn't be of any use to her if they lost contact with each other.

'your an idiot, you let her go although you knew it was a bad idea and now she could be dead,' he scolded himself mentally.

After a few more minutes of pointless fidgeting he threw the earwigs down and sat in the chair before also throwing his sunglasses breaking them in the process. He had to get a grip of himself; if he couldn't even fix an earwig he wouldn't be able to help his friends on their mission. He decided he needed to take a walk and try to calm down.

"Robin," Came the voice of his friend Megan before he could leave the room.

"Yeah," He said turning around.

"I know you are nervous about our upcoming mission, I just haven't been able to figure out just why you are so nervous. You do know that we will understand right?" She said, all he could do is let out a soft sigh. 'Great job of hiding your emotions Dick' He scolded himself as he turned around to face the older martin teen.

"I will be fine Megan; I just have a few things on my mind. Don't worry," He said before the voice of Aqualad rang threw the mind of the teens.

'We have the location, lets move out team.' Aqualad voice rang threw their heads and Robin sighed at least now what he was doing would be considered productive. Megan disappeared into the hall probably so she could start the ship and Robin moved to collect the ear wigs

"Hold tight, I will be there soon," He said as he secured his mask around his face, "And whoever is responsible for this will pay." He said to himself before joining the rest of the team at the ship.

"Hey Rob you good, you can sit this one out if you don't feel up to it," Wally almost whispered to his friend.

"No I will be fine I just don't idle well, lets go were running out of time." He said brushing off his friends.

"And I thought you were the one usually in a rush." Artemis punched the speadsters arm before getting on the bio ship herself.