Author's note: Sorry about taking so long, I was working on a bunch of stories at the same time. Iamnoone to answer your question yes you can come up with prank ideas. I'd love it if you did cause I'm drawing a blank on what to do after the next few pranks.

A few weeks later Kitty, Amara and Tabitha were in the mall. Tabitha and Amara were looking at makeup while Kitty looked at hair dyes. Amara walked over to Kitty and asked "Whatcha doing?" Kitty glanced at her the looked back at the hair dyes "Looking for the perfect color." Amara looked at the shelf. It was full of bright blues, pink, yellows, oranges and greens. "Perfect color for what?" Amara asked. Kitty smiled "The perfect color for Bobby of course." Amara laughed "You're nuts but I'd suggest that." she said, pointing at a box of bring magenta hair dye. Kitty smiled and grabbed it "Okay. I couldn't decide between that and the orange." Amara smiled "Glad to help." then walked back over to Tabitha.

After dinner some of the students were hanging out. Amara and Tabitha were talking by the fire, Rogue in the corner reading and Bobby and Sam sitting around talking. "So Kitty done anything to you yet?" Sam asked. Bobby shook his head "No." Sam sighed "Maybe she gave up?" Bobby laughed "I don't think so." Sam raised an eyebrow "Now why's that?" Bobby sighed "Because after what I did to her she sounded ready for revenge." Sam smiled "Maybe she just needed to buy somethin'. She was at the mall with Amara and Tabitha." Bobby nodded and looked at the girls "Hey Tabby, what did Kitty get at the mall with you two?" The girls looked over and Tabitha shrugged "Just some girl stuff. Why?" Bobby just replied "Just wondering if she bought anything to prank me with." The girls giggled and Tabitha said "Even if we knew anything we wouldn't tell you popsicle." Bobby groaned and looked back at Sam. "Why does their giggling worry me?" Sam laughed "Don't know but this outta be fun." Bobby sighed "Fun for you." Sam laughed again "True. I wonder what she's got planned." Bobby shrugged "No clue." They sat around and talked.

Later that night, around eleven pm, Kitty was still up. She was in the bathroom getting the hair dye ready for use. Once it was ready she went to Bobby's room. She phased through his door and went over to his bed. Kitty smiled as she started dying his hair. She was being very careful not to wake him. Lucky for her she can phase through his skin and he's a heavy sleeper. When she was done she trashed the evidence and ran back to her room silently.

The next morning Sam woke up to Bobby scream. He ran to the bathroom to see Bobby standing in front of the mirror staring at his reflection. His hair was a really bright pink. For a moment Sam stood there in shock then burst out laughing. Bobby turned and glared at him "This isn't funny!" Sam tried a few timnes to say something but failed because he was laughing so hard. Bobby sughed and looked back in the mirror at his bright pink hair. He mumbled something then walked out of the bathroom, leaving Sam laughing.

A few minutes later everyone was at breakfast. Everyone but Bobby that is. He refused to leave his room. Kitty sat with Amara and Sam, laughing and joking about it because they knew why Bobby wouldn't come. Scott and Jean looked at them, listening to their conversation to find out what happened this time. "At first I was freakin' out, cause I woke up to a scream. When I saw Bobby's hair I was frozen in shock for a split second then I started crackin' up." Sam explained to the girls. Both girls giggled "I wonder what was going through his head." Amara said. Kitty shrugged "Probably something like 'What the- she didn't- oh my gosh she dyed me hair! Pink!' or maybe he couldn't think at all." All three of them laughed. From her seat Jean sighed and telepathically said "Professor, how long are you going to let Kitty and Bobby go at each other?" Charles glanced at her then telepathically responded "Until it gets out of hand." Jean sighed and thought to herself "I think it's out of hand already."

After school that day Kitty went to Bobby's room. She knocked on the door. A moment later Sam opened the door "Hey Kitty. Bobby's been wantin' to talk to you." Kitty smiled and walked in, phasing strait through Sam causing him shiver. Kitty giggled as she walked over to Bobby. His hair was a duller pink but still very pink. Bobby glared at her "Why?" She smiled and said "you froze me Bobby. I disserved this." Bobby sighed "Yea, your right. You wanna call a truce?" Kitty looked at him, surprised then looked at Sam who shrugged. Kitty narrowed her eyes and looked back at Bobby. What's he got planned? Why would h call a truce? That's not like him. Bobby looked at her expectantly until she said "I'll think about it." Bobby nodded "Okay, I do have one question though." Kitty raised an eyebrow "Yes?" Bobby laughed slightly "Can you get the pink out of my hair?" Kitty giggled and glanced at Sam who was smiling. She looked at Bobby and said "Sorry, I got the one with no remover." Bobby groaned making Sam and Kitty laugh again. Kitty turned to walk out "Just so you know Bobby, Amara's the one who chose the color but I chose the one without remover." Bobby groaned again earning another giggle from Kitty as she phased through the door. Let's see if I can really get Amara into this.

A few minutes later Kitty was in Amara and Jubilee's room. Jubilee wasn't there so Kitty say on her bed. Amara was laying on her own bed. She looked at Kitty "Why would he want to call a truce?" Kitty shrugged "Best I can figure is he's scared." She said with a smile. Amara smiled "You gonna agree to the truce?" Kitty laughed "Is this a serious question?" Amara laughed "Just wanted to be sure." Kitty smiled "Well I gotta go. Don't wanna be late for my date." She stood up and started walking to the door. "Date?" Amara asked from her bed. Kitty nodded "Lance is taking me out to dinner." Amara nodded "Have fun." Kitty smiled again "I will!" then ran out the door.