You asked for it guys and here it is...

Chapter 1 - To The Park


I always get roped into babysitting, yes I love my niece Cassie but I only get one day off a month and I end up babysitting. I think I need to maybe grow a back bone and tell my sister, Laura, no for once.

I got to the park with Cassie and she ran to the slide, so I sat on the bench near the slide so I could watch her, she is probably the mose clumsiest child in the world and you couldn't take your eye of her for a few seconds because she would probably hurt herself. She had tripped several times from the car to here.

My phone buzzed from inside my pocket indicating that I had a text, I reluctantly dragged my eyes away from Cassie and looked at my phone to see I had a text from Abby asking if I wanted pizza for dinner, I quickly answered her back and looked back at the slide but I couldn't see her.

I got up off the bench and ran around looking for her, I found her neat the climbing frame talking to some man, I rushed over and pushed him "Get away from her" I hissed at him but then he turned to face me "Becker I am so sorry... I thought you were a pervert" I explained and realised I had just accused the sexiest man alive of being a pervert.

Thankfully he saw the funny side "It's OK. She fell over and started crying so I was making sure that she was OK"

"Thank you. This is my niece Cassie, Cassie this is my friend Becker" I said, Cassie smiled at Becker then ran off towards the monkey bars "She is so clumsy... I've never seen a child fall over as many times as what she has" he laughed and we fell into an uncomfortable silence.

I was about to walk away when a question popped into my head "Why are in a children's park?" I questioned.

He opened his mouth to speak when a little boy, who looked similar to Becker, he must of been about four or five came running towards him "Dad, I thought you were pushing me on the swings" he said in annoyance.

Dad? He called Becker dad, I wasn't just hearing things... this little boy actually called Becker dad. "Jake play on the slide for a few minutes, I'm just talking to someone" he sighed in annoyance and made off towards the slide.

I didn't know what to say, what was I supposed to say? Why hadn't Becker told anyone about his son before? Did he not trust us or something? I looked at his file, even the personal parts and it never mentioned a son or even the name Jake.

"I'll explain everything... just not here. Please don't tell anyone, I beg you Jess... as a friend, please don't tell anyone. Promise me" I nodded and he walked off towards the slide to get Jake so he could go on the swings.

Me and Cassie left the park not long after and when I dropped Cassie off back home I got to my apartment and heard Connor and Abby arguing about something from inside, I opened the door and seen Abby sitting ontop of Connor "Say it" she said with anger in her voice. Abby looked up at me "You OK Jess? You look like you've seen a ghost" she said.

I put a smile on my face and nodded "Just tired, Cassie wore me out" I explained.

Before they could ask anymore questions I rushed to my room and flopped onto my bed, still in shock about Becker having a son.

My phone buzzed on my bedside table, I picked it up and Becker's name flashed up on the screen with an envelops, indicating I had a text from him;

Come to my place in half an hour and I'll explain everything, B

I thought about it for moment before replying;

OK, but I want the whole truth x

When I got to Becker's apartment forty five minutes later I stood outside his door and hesitated to knock but then I thought about how much I needed the truth so I knocked lightly on the door and it didn't take long for him to answer it, he invited me in and we went and sat on the sofa in a awkward silence. "Do you want a drink or something?" he questioned, I shook my head and we went back to the awkward silence.

"OK, yes Jake is my son, he was born when I was 23. His mother is my ex fiancee Stacey... when we split up we had a deal that I had him every second weekend. So I'd get him on a Friday night and a Saturday night and then on a Sunday I would drop him off back home to Stacey but that changed about a year ago because Stacey started getting involved in the 'wrong crowd', she was killed in a car accident whilst out joy riding with her friends so I got full custody of Jake and before you ask, the reason I never told anyone about him was because I didn't think it would change anything and not I have to ask that you don't tell them either"

The sound of feet pattering across the wooden floor made me look up and I seen Jake standing in his pajamas, rubbing his eyes "Dad, can I have a drink please?" Becker nodded and went to the kitchen and Jake sat next to me on the sofa. "Your really pretty" he said.

"Thank you, your really handsome" I said and he giggled, Becker came back into the room and I gave him a nod and I mouthed a thank you to me.

"Dad isn't she pretty?" he asked Becker, Becker laughed and nodded.

Jake went back to bed, but only once he had kissed me on the cheek and then Becker followed to tuck him in, when he came back out of his room he sat next to me again on the sofa "He likes you, he's usually really shy towards people he doesn't know" Becker told me.

When I got home, Abby and Connor were on the sofa making out and obviously hadn't heard my coming on "Abby, make sure you use a condom... no children!" I called out as a joke. I think I had enought suprises for one year.

"Sorry Jess, didn't realise you had come home... where'd you go anyway?" Connor said, I shrugged and made my way towards my room "Do you have a secret boyfriend?" he asked and I could hear the smirk on his lips.

"No Connor" I said and closed my bedroom door behind me.

You asked for it so I'm expexting lots of reviews of you brillant people :p xxx