Crystal: well this chapter I will have some special surprises in stored for you my dear readers^_^! But before that let me thanks the person who reviews: EgyptBlackRose, Kate, ImmortalAngel92, Angeldrkfire, Bookwormqueen, ScarletBlackBerry of the M.B.S., My secret love and Marilynjayfreak,Princess atemma,andysanime,lol yugioh,AquosRiverRere, ryoubakura98, chiz wiz of BL, My falst truth, Kyo's 1 lover, tess kira nissen, kitsusenari-chan^_^ You guys rock^_^! P.s. I am never giving up on this story and it means a lot to me because it my first story and I made my first best friend with it: EgyptBlackRose!^_^ I love you!^_^!

Yami: I love all of the people who told crystal to make me and my yugi have a lemon! *Smile and bows in recpect for all the person who review for the lemon* But sadly this bad person name crystal wanted me and yugi to suffer so there will be a lemon but almost in the end of the story but I STILL LOVE YOU ALL!

Yugi: *smile and bows* yeah thanks so much for the review and please forgive crystal for not updating

Crystal: Yeah well enough of that lets just enjoy the story^_^

Yami: Disclaimer: Crystal moon princess don't own yugioh!

Yugi: Please enjoy and review the story!

The Perfect Birthday Present

Chapter 6

The new guest

When yugi heard the voice asking for help, he quickly recognized it and hurried of the bed to exit the chamber, but he forgot that his legs were in chains and fell on the floor before getting out of the chamber.

"Dammed it" Yugi hiss in pain.

Atem was more than amused by the event that was playing right in front of him. Making his was over Yugi, he grab him gently by his waist and carried him bridal style towards the door. Yugi was glaring at him, but made no move to get out of his grasp.

When they got outside, Yami was shock to see a little girl there with two men's. The little girl was crying the two men were fighting with his guards; everything look like a disaster. Yugi saw them and smile, but his smile turn sour when he saw one of the guards tried to hit the little girl.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER" Yugi yell angrily.

Everyone turn to look at him, he look angry and was sending a death glared toward the guards. Maybe if Yugi didn't look so scary right now, Atem would have asked what was going on but instead he stood there waiting for Yugi to speak again.

"When I get out of Atem's hold, I better not see a crash on my sister or my friends because you will regret it!" Yugi said venomously.

"So those are your friends and family, how common of piece for trash, I will make sure to put them all in a nice cell" The guard said while he chuckle darkly.

Atem saw red.

"How dare you talk that way to my hikari and how gave you the right the authority to make decision like that in my own palace?" Atem hiss angrily.

The room felt silent. Yugi was shock at being call the hikari of the prince of Egypt, he knew what that meant and by the looks everyone had so did they.

"But my pr-"The guard began shakily but was cut off by Atem.

"Not another word from you or I will have you punish" Atem said seriously.

Atem put Yugi down gently and went walking over were his friends and sister were. Atem cold stared melted into a soft look and a small smile.

"Welcome to my palace, I am very sorry of the inconvenience you all suffer, especially you little one" Atem said picking up the little girl with violet eyes and wiping her last tears away.

The guards were mad and amazed at the same time. Their prince just said a thief was hikari and welcome in his palace of a bunch of no good commoners. This must have been a nightmare for them or something much worst… it was reality.

"May I know your name little one?" Atem ask softly.

"Aniki" The girl said sniffling.

"Well Aniki why don't you go with your brother while we settle some things here, ok?" Atem ask sweetly.

The little girl nodded and Atem put her down, she went ruining over to a very stuned looking Yugi and jump on him. Atem smile at the scene before him and turn around to face the guards.

"Hikari can you please take your sister and go back to my chambers, I will make sure your friends will be their too shortly" Atem voice was sweet but commanding at the same time.

Yugi couldn't help but nod and pick his sister up, while he did that he send a look to his friends that said 'Behave your life depend on it' and with that he enters Atem's chamber and closed the doors.

"Now that were alone, I will like to make something's clear. First this people here are my guest and my guest will be treated with respect, I will not tolerate any disrespect to any of them" Atem said seriously.

"Second you will call them all by their names which are…" Atem look back at the guys that were surprised.

"My name Honda and this is my beloved Otogi" The guy with the oddly shaped brown hair said pointing towards the guy next to him that had long black hair and green eyes.

"You will answer to them as Sir Honda, Sir Otogi, madam Aniki and you will address my Hikari as my title, he will be call prince Yugi of Egypt" Atem said in a commanding voice.

"But sir you must be joking, your farther will never allow it" One of the guard said in disbelieve.

"I will deal my father myself, but as of now my word is law and I expect you to follow it" Atem said darkly.

"O-Of course my prince" One of the guard said as they all bow down to their prince.

"Good, Now of you go get the servants and tell them to make two chambers ready for are guest now" Atem said in a commanding tone.

One of the guards left to find the servants while the others stay kneeled down in front of Atem. Atem turn around to face Honda and Otogi with a serious look.

"As for you guys, you are considered guest in my palace but I will not tolerated bad behavior are we clear?" Atem ask in stern voice.

"Y-yes sir" Honda and Otogi shuttering under Atem's intimidating stared.

"Good, wait here until the servants get your chambers ready, then they will take you to them. Have a goodnight and I will see you when Ra rises" Atem said with a smile while he walk over to his chamber.

The guards were beginning to stand up noticing that their prince were heading toward his chamber, but stop when the saw him turn around with a hateful glared and a menacing look. Honda and Otogi gulp praying they were not the ones that cause Atem being angry.

"One last thing, If any of my guards ever call my hikari a piece of trash or any other offensive name I will make sure you don't see Ra rise again, Spread my rules around the palace because that one goes for everyone" Atem said as he open the door to his chamber and closed it behind him.

End of chapter 6 I hope you all enjoy and review and again sorry formy grammar mistakes and late updated^_~