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Please Do Not Hate Me? I Don't Own XS.
Raimundo's face turned a darker shade of red as the laughter continued to flow from his chest. Across from him his long term best friend, Clayton James Bailey, clearly looked dissatisfied with the answer, or lack thereof, that he was receiving from the Brazilian.
"Man, that is by far the craziest thing I have ever heard." He finally spoke in between his chuckles.
"Raimundo now I'm dog gone serious, what the hell is this about?!" Clay's Texan accent was noticeably becoming stronger as his irritation grew.
"You want to know what it's about amigo? It's about some louco who doesn't like getting his ass kicked." Raimundo turned his knuckles over to the cowboy before he continued. The blonde subconsciously winced as he saw the cuts and bruises left over from Erik's face.
"Do you really think I'd do something like that Clay?" Raimundo's emerald eyes burned with truth and honesty, along with a small glisten of enjoyment as his mind replayed the fight.
That hero feeling, the adrenaline, his cockiness, he had missed it all. He knew he was supposed to be under 'school probation' due to some drama that had happened the year before, and truthfully he was surprised the principle hadn't gotten wind of what had happened yet, even though he swore he would constantly be watching. Whatever Erik's reason was for not reporting Raimundo's behavior, he was rather thankful.
"Well I reckon ya wouldn't. I just had ta make sure." Clay released his friends hands and put his own in his pockets, reclining on the heels of his cowboy boots, he was about to speak again when he heard Raimundo's ever so cocky voice break the temporary silence.
"Besides, since when do I need to force girls to do anything for me, those chickas come begging." His smirk formed as the words rolled off his tongue.
"Now that's downright nasty Rai! Women deserve a little more respect."
"Aye now…women? Well they most definitely do. Slutty high school broads however…well that's another story."
The Texan Cowboy shook his head as he grabbed the surfers tanned arm and dragged him out of the school, the echo of his boots filling the empty hallway along with his best friends musical laughs.
The three girls walked with a strut in their step as their bags swung in between their arms. It was amazing how well a mani pedi could make you feel after having a ruff week. Keiko, Kimiko, and Letti had later decided that since they were already at the mall, it would only be justified if they spent some time shopping. They had already taken the drive here, and it was environmentally best if they killed two birds with one stone, or so they liked to think.
The three threw their selections down on the counter at Hollister, scarring the store clerk who was filing her nails and had clearly not heard them approach over the soundtrack playing on the speakers behind her, as Kimiko drew out her favorite new plastic accessory. Before the young teen could even read off the total amount Kimiko had slid her card through and was gathering their bags. Spinning around they exited the store, and headed to the food court for some greasy delights as the latest school gossip flung from their lips.
After inhaling her first slice of pizza, Kimiko decided to ask a question that had been bothering her for a while, mostly, since this morning.
"So, what happened with Raimundo?"
Letti glanced up at her mid chew, eyebrows raised in a what-do-you-mean type look.
"Last year I heard so many rumors about all his partying and play and womanizing and then this year almost every rumor is gone, and after meeting him he doesn't seem like that guy."
At that point Keiko felt the need to speak up. "Wait, you know about the lawsuit right?"
"Lawsuit?! What Lawsuit?!" If there was one think Kimiko hated it was when something was being ke
Trying to avoid a temper explosion, the small girl continued, "There was some crap with Ashley last year from a party, she says he sexually harassed her and she made some big lawsuit out of it. Raimundo wasn't even at the party though, since he was home, I saw him at Letti's that night," - the Brazilian girl nodded – " but neither had any proof, and given the circumstances it was dropped. But the principle told Raimundo he was going to be on probation and being watched at all times and that he better keep his act together or they would throw him in an alternative school, you know, those ones they throw the really bad kids in who like, stab people, and stuff? Everyone knew about it."
Letti finally finished her bite and decided to fill in her friend some more.
"Rai didn't want it to be a big deal, and at first he blew it off, till he got Saturday detention as a warning to prove Mr. Dipstick wasn't kidding. My mom's oblivious to everything Kimiko; nothing could be done wrong by her kids. Rai knew what it would do to her if he got thrown in that school, and he couldn't do it to her. So basically he's been lying low I guess."
Kimiko nodded, "You have the weirdest family stories." Her eyes then grew wide as she watched her tanned skin best friend began to jump up and down.
"I have an idea! I have an idea!" She squeaked out, excitement playing in her eyes.
"I see that Mrs. Red bull." Keiko mumbled under her breath.
"Hey! It's an addiction and you know I have a problem!" Letti narrowed her eyes before turning them back on Kimiko, who was watching her best friends with interest.
"Let's throw a party!" The Brazilian burst.
"A party?" Kimiko repeated.
"Just a small one" Letti elaborated, "A few friends of our and Rai's, we can announce that you guys are together, word will spread, and we can have fun! We can have it on our pool deck tonight!"
Kimiko sighed, of course her best friend would think of a way to throw it out there that she was 'dating' Raimundo, and in all do honesty, she wasn't sure she wanted him seeing her in a bikini.
Not that he hasn't seen you in one before or anything.' Her mind sang out to her.
Rolling her eyes and giving an ungraceful 'huff', Kimiko shrugged her shoulder and mumbled an alright. At that point Letti decided jumping up in the air and 'wahooping' was perfect public manners.
Kimiko stood up to her full height before point her finger at Letti, "But you are planning it all out, and taking care of everything. Got it?"
Letti continued to do a victory dance as she repeated "Got it." Before grabbing her bags, and sprinting to the nearest party supply store, all while sending out text's about the party along the way.
Later That Night~~~~~~~
The Pedrosa Household was alive with movement, at least, the outside was. After pushing his sibilings back inside through the patio door, Raimundo found himself glancing around, as if he had forgotten he had so many friends. Letti had told him she was only inviting a few, so he had expected Clay, Omi, and possibly Jermaine if they had stilled the water between them.
He would love to know how his sister managed to get the cell phone numbers of every single young male athlete on his soccer team. Or why they all felt the need to drop everything they were doing and randomly show up for 'her' pool party.
Raimundo wouldn't lie, he knew his sister was considered…attractive. But he also knew that the mass majority of his team only had one thing on their minds, and that thing wasn't remember that it was their friends little sister. Also he couldn't help but notice the glances that they didn't even bother hiding when she walked by. And although it stirred his insides to admit it, he couldn't help but get angry when he saw the ones they were giving Kimiko.
In comparison to the one she had worn in school, Kimiko's current apparel consisted of a red bikini, which did wonders to her skin tone, and had a white floral pattern across it. He had already spotted Aaron attempting to make a move on her, and when she yet again rejected him, Raimundo couldn't help but smile. Aaron's ignorant question of 'who do you think you are?' was promptly answered by the young Japanese girl with the snarky challenge of 'why don't you come and find out.'
Raimundo knew of his sisters plans to 'expose' his latest relationship, if you could call it that, and in all due honesty, he was a nervous wreck. He wasn't sure why, he just was. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize the very women he had on his mind was making her way over to him. That was until a pair of fingers snapped in his face.
"Hey! Airhead! Anybody home?"
He snapped out of his haze and took a moment to collect himself before turning to face her. The way the light hit his swishing hair was momentarily breathtaking.
"Aye Menina! Don't do that." His voice had a hint of a chuckle to it as he tried to cover up his worry.
She tilted her head at the unfamiliar word.
He shrugged and reached out to grab her head, watching for her reaction. He wasn't entirely sure why but it was calling to him. If that made sense. He had never had a hand call to him before.
Kimiko's face flashed to the color of her top for a moment before she stuttered out a small "why."
He bent down to whisper in her ear,"If we are going to play this part we might as well act like it." She nodded against him, her soft hair tickling his naked chest. Neither were really upset by the small gesture that he had made, it had just caught Kimiko off guard.
The sound of a spoon hitting a glass was heard and the iPod dock was shut off. Everybody turned to look at Letti who decided to get up on top of a table in her plain white two piece.
"I'm sure you're all wondering why I asked you to come here on such short notice. But this is something that needs to be shared by ways other than being 'Facebook official.'"
As Letti spoke, Raimundo took the time to look at the crowd of people. Nobody was really paying any attention to him, or Kimiko. All eyes were on Letti, until she broke the news.
"I'm very happy to announce that my older brother, and my best friend, are now officially in a relationship!" At which point a murmur of gasps and whispers broke out. All eyes turned on them. Until one familiar voice shouted out in particular.
"Prove it."
Everyone turned to face Aaron who was standing in the middle of the crowd with a very amused look on his face.
"Excuse me?" Letti wondered aloud as she glanced down at the boy.
"You heard me, prove it. I don't believe you."
"How the hell are they supposed to prove it?!" She snarled at him.
Aaron turned his head back to his fellow teammate, who was still standing next to Kimiko. His body had gone stiff, as if preparing to face another fight. His breathing remained clam, for now.
"Let's see a kiss."
Raimundo's eyes widened, as Kimiko's jaw unhitched. She knew Aaron planned on being a problem.
Letti had let out an undeniably loud "What!?" at Aaron's request.
"You expect me to believe Raimundo Pedrosa is actually going steady with someone? Go ahead, prove it. Kiss her Rai."
Various 'yeah's' and 'do it's' were heard from the crowd before a 'kiss her' chant started sweeping its way through the crowd.
Kimiko's heart was pounding in her chest, every part of her body felt extremely warm.
Kiss Her! Kiss Her! Kiss Her!
Her eyes traveled up to Raimundo's face, putting all her hope of public salvation in the man before her. Silently she cursed Letti in as many languages as she could.
Kiss Her! Kiss Her! Kiss Her!
Raimundo turned his head to look down at her, the terror in her eyes mirroring back in his own.
I'm so sorry this chapter can't be longer! I really felt out it while writing and I kind of forced myself back into it since recently I've promised quite a few of you of a new chapter coming. I think it will be better now that I've written some. Please let me know what you think. Oh and for some reason my Microsoft Word Is saying I have an Invalid code and won't let me use it, so I had to use notepad, please excuse any horrible grammar mistakes I didn't pick up on.
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