Beauty and the Beast

Isabelle ran through the thorn bushes slashing away at them with her sword, sweat dropped from her brow as she made her way to a clearing in the middle. There in the grass a golden girl lay with a bouquet of roses in her hands. Isabelle giggled knowing she had found the princess but stopped when the evil king Stephan jumped out in front of her with a sword of his own. His black hair truly did make him look evil as he jabbed at her while prancing around gracefully with each swipe. She ran at him screaming with all her might jumping into the air and just missing his chest forcing the sword through his armpit. "Oh, you slain me oh mighty warrior you may have the princess argh!" The young man let out an over exaggerated cry and rolled his blue eyes back before falling to the ground. The brown haired girl approached carefully lifting up the pink veil then looking down at fair princess in her arms. "She will sleep forever you cannot save her from that ha ha." The "dead" king still said from his position on the ground beside them. With a playful smile she leaned down kissing the sleeping girl bringing her back to life and up on her feet.

"True loves kiss broke the spell! My princess Gretchen you will live!" the two danced around together laughing as they did so. Stephan got off the ground wiping off the grass and dirt that lingered on his lavish clothing.

"You realize in a true battle I would have slashed you down way before you could even draw out your sword." He chuckled flinging his own weapon from left to right before pointing it at the two girls.

"Belle is a real swordsmen too, she learned from her father remember? Besides brother you are too tall and lanky!" Gretchen dusted off her own dress picking off small bugs and thorns that got caught in the threads. She did a twirl allowing her friend to get any that had been missed.

"Did you get that from mum's room?" Gesturing at the fine head piece his sister wore. "Best not snag the veil or she will have your backside." He laughed as they made their way back to the palace. The girls snuck into Gretchen's parent's room, they giggled as they made another game out of placing the crown back in the box her mother kept on the highest shelf in the closet. They would have asked her brother for help because he was much taller than them but knew he would ask to be repaid for his involvement, which was the whole reason they left him out in the first place. Laughing after completing the mission they skipped down the hallway hand in hand opening the door to their tutor's room and sat down for their lessons for the day.

Isabelle stared out at the giant thorn patch from the window, she blinked away the daydream as one of the maids parted her hair and braided it. She liked remembering the time they spent together in that place, remembering being a child, remembering when things were simple. It had been 6 years since that time and now they were both ripe for marriage which was an odd thing to think about. She sighed standing up to allow her help to fasten her into a corset. Tonight was a big celebration Gretchen was turning seventeen and men sent by a king far away were attending to see if she would be fit to be his queen. The girl kepted her arms up and felt as the nice dress was pulled over her; she was finally ready one maid took her hand and led her to the mirror. "With how you look lovely lady Isabelle, they may decide you are a better match for this king than princess Gretchen." Her elderly maid Merta clapped her hands together at the sight of her mistress fitting the gown her mother wore. "Your father said he fell in love with you mother when he caught sight of her in this dress, he didn't care at the time he was just a lowly merchant and she was a duchess. He knew she would be his bride."

"Well unfortunately these men are here for a princess, not a highly merchant's daughter." Isabelle was no princess, her father was indeed one of the wealthiest men of the country now but she knew there was no chance a king would want her with her homely brown hair and dark features. At least in comparosin to her bright friend Gretchen, who had blond hair and eyes that looked like sky, they always contrasted against each other when standing side by side. She didn't need to be royalty, there was enough luxury in her life as is, with her father being a merchant and with his fame became king Fredrick's ally; thus introducing her to Gretchen and her older brother Stephan. They grew up together and were practically related. Her father would often go on long trips to other lands and since her mother died giving birth to her little brother, who died only days later, he wanted Isabelle looked after. Fredrick even allowed Isabelle to study with his daughter, which was lovely since most women didn't get a chance to learn but he said if Gretchen was to be queen one day and had to rule alone, she had to be somewhat educated.

"Don't fret perhaps Stephan will ask for your hand. You are the only person to ever break his nose even other men now cannot say they have done that before." The maid giggled turning her around to face her before the two embraced. Never knowing a mother Merta was the next closest thing to one. "I think he will, all men secretly want a challenge an equal to themselves only cowards want a mouse for a bride." Isabelle smiled at the comment she hadn't even thought of her own chances of betrothal. She hadn't met a single man she would ever consider eternity with and for the most part thought she would take over her father's business living out her life that way. Stephan was spoiled when they were younger, the knowledge that he would be king made him a bit arrogant but the day she broke his nose was the day of change.

It was about four years ago the girls were out playing in the garden when Isabelle lost her companion in the trails they were exploring that day, she called out her name as she searched. Coming around the corner of one of the bushes she found Gretchen on the ground with Stephan above her smacking her tauntingly across the face. "Stop it!" she demanded.

"Or what? The fierce warrior before me is going to slay me? Ha we are not playing a game this time Belle, you are nothing but what your name means." he knew how much she hated being called Belle. Gretchen sat up slightly her pretty face was dirty and had tear trails down them as she looked over at her friend.

"Isabelle go get our governess she will put him in..." The girl got forced back into the dirt by her boorish brother who now stood laughing over her.

"That foul smelling hag? I wouldn't listen to her even if my life depended on it." Infuriated by his gloating Isabelle ran at him and when his hand went out to block him she ducked below sliding in the grass before hitting the back of his knee causing the prince to fall. He let out a growl of frustration attempting to get up only to have a fist to the face as Isabelle was now sitting on top of him holding his head down by the hair. "Ahh let me go you little brat!" His voice cracked as he yelled being as big as him she made no effort to move. She did respond to his demand by punching him in the nose feeling a small crunch beneath his skin and when she looked down she saw that blood came from his nostrils. All rage released she got off of him and ran to the princess, smiling at one another while running away leaving Stephan rolling over on the ground. Of course she had quite the scorning by her father when he heard of her deed but only because it was necessary to keep her from such cockiness; he couldn't help but laugh to himself later at what a delightful daughter he received. After that day the prince never laid a hand on his sister again and a new gentler man began to grow in his place.

A grin spread over her lips as the memory faded and she was back in reality, taking one more glance in mirror and was ready to leave knowing she would be needed by Gretchen in her room. The castle has practically been her home and it would be sad to go visit her friend at a new castle especially with how far away it will be. A selfish side of her wanted the men to consider her a terrible match for their king and leave but who would ever say no to Gretchen? She was as beautiful as she was kind, no man in the castle thus far could. She opened the door to find her companion a wreck in front of the mirror with servants running to forth around the room with gowns and accessories. "Oh thank goodness you are here!" The golden girl's eyes widened when looked at companion. "You look fantastic! Oh Izzy how do you always manage to look so mysterious? This gown is so dark it makes your skin look bright and flawless, hmph I wish I had such nice skin." She turned to another dress her maid had brought turning it away as she examined her freckles that lined her cheeks and went over her nose. An idea came to Isabelle and she caught the attention of one maid motioning to her back.

"Take this off, can't you see the princess is in a panic come on move!" demanding as she wiggled out of the garment. "My father saw my mother in this dress and fell in love. I think this could work for you." A small smile went across her face as she watched the dress being placed on the woman who went from tears to cheers in moments.

"Wow I can't believe it, my mother used to tell me dark colors didn't bring out my best features but now I can see she has been wrong the whole time!" Gretchen turned around hugging her friend tightly before motioning for the others in the room to bring a dress for the under dressed girl beside her. "Thank you, I am ready let's go."

Hello I got inspired to write a Beauty and the Beast story with the generic name Beauty and the Beast with my own twists and turns. This has some girl on girl kissing involved with slight lesbianish (is that a word? well word says no and I say yes)to it I guess so if that kind of thing freaks you out than try not to look into that much because its not the point of this story. Any way I hope you all enjoy my version of this story thanks for reading.