Cat's POV

This was all moving too fast for me. One second I am waiting for the eternal bliss death brings and the next I'm being drug out of my house. Jade is acting as if the world is ending and in a way, I supposed for her it is.

I am Jade's only true friend. Everyone at school hates her because of her attitude or is jealous of her because her voice sounds like an angel's. Every day I see her ignored by kids in the hallway and she acts like she doesn't care but she does. I see her build more layers around the wall that surrounds her. I live for the times when we are alone in her bedroom and she takes down the wall piece by piece as I attempt to see the girl inside. It brings me pride that I am the only one aloud to see that happen. She never does it for anyone else, not even Beck. I know her. It's something Beck never managed to do. To actually know who she is and how she works.

He didn't know that her favorite color isn't black but a burnt orange that looks like autumn.

He didn't know that her favorite musical is wicked and she can recite every line and sing every note of that play from beginning to end.

He didn't know that she wears glasses when home alone.

He didn't know she owned more books than the local library could ever dream of owning.

He just didn't know her.

And that made me angrier than anything. That Beck gets to hold her and call her his and he doesn't ever even take the time to understand the real her. The her that doesn't act like a ganky bitch. Jade deserved better than him.

Jade deserved me.

And twenty-four hours ago I would have pushed the thought and the feelings away, but I just can't bring myself to do that anymore. The war inside of my must stop, I'm too tired to fight it any more. So yeah, maybe Jade's constant picking of Beck over me helped in my spiral of depression. But I'll never tell her that half.

So as she takes my cold hand in hers as she pulls me inside the tiny ice cream shop I try to ignore the bolt of electricity that runs through me. I try to pretend that maybe she felt it too. I don't say a word and she automatically orders me red velvet ice cream just because she knows me. She knows me as well as I know her. I look into her eyes and see worry and doubt and sadness laying within the emerald orbs. It breaks my heart to realize I put it there. It crushes my heart when I realize I can't take it away.

I walk break eye contact and walk away without a word. I sit and just stare at my hands in my lap. I wait for Jade and when she gives me my ice cream I stare at it for around 2 minutes. The entire thing between us at the moment is awkward and uncomfortable, which it shouldn't be because we are Cat and Jade. Best friends, so why does it feel like I've never had a conversation with her? The decision to go was mutual and needed no words for the message to be conveyed. Jade turns around to go to the door and stops dead in her tracks at what she sees. I go around her and my entire body tenses when my eyes meet chocolate brown ones.

"Cat? Jade?" Tori asks as she approaches both of us. Jade grabs my hand protectively as she comes nearer.

"Vega." Jade's response is short and her voice is laced with venom. Tori's eyes study my face and she notices that I'm a complete wreck. Her facial expressions go from shocked to confused to worried to angry in around a second. She turns her head to look at Jade and scowls, "What did you do to her?"

"Excuse me?" Jade looks almost offended by her comment.

"You heard me Jade. What the fuck did you do to Cat. She's been crying. Anyone with eyes can see that, and you are the only one here who can make a child cry. You are just a heartless bitch." I scoff at the comment and roll my eyes. Of course Tori said child, she only think of me as a pet. I knew they all did and it barely offended me anymore, but her comment on Jade set my blood boiling. No one talks about Jade like that. So before Jade can even respond to it I already am, "Shut the fuck up Tori." My voice is low and vicious and so un cat like I even surprised myself. Everything is quiet as they look at me with shocked expressions. I push Jade behind me and get up in Tori's face.

"I'm sick of you and everyone else treating Jade like she's worthless. She's a human being and deserves to be treated like one. No one insults Jade when I am around okay? Because if I even think that you are going around talking about her, you are going to wish you were dead. Understand?"

I don't see her reaction because Jade has grabbed my wrist and is pulling me out of the shop. I toss a glace over my shoulder and see tears rolling down Tori's tan cheeks. I then follow Jade out to the car with a smirk on my face.

I feel no regret.

Long time no see! Sorry I haven't updated this in forever, but I got bored today and decided I needed to finish this one out! So I promise I will finish it If it's the last thing I do! Expect an update around once a week maybe every two weeks! Feel free to PM me with ideas or find me on Tumblr at:


I can always answer questions and stuff there. I hope to see what you all thought of this chapter!