Hey everybody I'm doing my first crossover. I accept flames, but don't be mean! And no swearing. I don't own harry potter or danny phantom. There that's my disclaimer for the story. Danny and Harry are 11 in this story and Danny got his ghost powers when he was 9 so he knows all his powers. Harry and Danny are also twins. And they both have scars.
Dumbledore stood on the end of Amity Road, at house 20618. He had come all the way to America to take Harry's twin brother Daniel to Hogwarts. Dumbledore just found out that Daniel was still alive and immediately apparated to America to recruit him.
Dumbledore walked up the steps and knocked on the door. A boy with black hair, blue eyes and a lightning bolt scar answered the door.
"Hi?" the boy said.
"Hello, does Daniel Fenton live here?"
"That's me!" The boy said happily
"May I come in? I need to talk to you." Dumbledore asked.
"Let me ask my mom." Daniel said as he ran to go fetch his "mother."
"She says you can come in." Daniel said when he came back.
Dumbledore entered and was offered a seat on the couch.
"Daniel, do you believe in magic?"
"I guess so, I mean if ghosts exist why not magic?" Daniel said. "And please, call me Danny."
"Ah, yes, ghosts. You've seen them?"
"Many times."
"What would you say if I told you that you're a wizard?" Dumbledore asked the boy.
"I would believe you."
"Well this is going to be easy!" Dumbledore thought to himself. Dumbledore told Danny about his parents being killed by Voldemort, the Fentons not being his real parents, His brother Harry and about of his parents, and everything that had to do with magic and Hogwarts.
"Maddie I'm gonna leave you now and I probably wont come back." Danny said to Mr. Fenton, unable to look her in the eye. Apparently he took the Fentons not being his real parents, and his real parents being dead badly.
"Daniel Fenton did you just call me Maddie!"
"It's Daniel Potter and you know it!" Danny replied.
"Danny..." Maddie trailed off.
"Mrs. Fenton I'm sorry, my real parents are dead, I'm adopted, and I'm under a lot of pressure."
"Its alright. I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
Danny then left the house with Dumbledore.
"Grab my hand." Dumbledore said to Danny. Danny grabbed it and they apparated
Danny felt like he had just been squished into the tiniest thermos then let go again in Surrey, London in two seconds. He was now standing at number 4 Privet Drive with Dumbledore. Dumbledore lead him to the house and knocked on the door. A boy who looked exactly like Danny except he had green eyes and glasses.
"Wow. We're identical!" They said simultaneously.
"Are you Harry Potter?" Danny asked.
"I'm your twin brother Danny!"
"I have a twin?"
"You do now!"
"Who is it boy!" Uncle Vernon waddled to the door.
"My twin."
"You have a twin?"
"He/I do/does now!" Danny and Harry said.
"Is he going to live here to!" Uncle Vernon said angrily.
"Yes" Harry and Danny said.
"Only for two weeks. Then these two will go to Hogwarts." Dumbledore said. He then explained everything to Harry like he did Danny. Danny then was moved in with Harry upstairs.
Okay! Next chapter will be up very soon I promise.