That was fun, no? I hope you all like this last chapter!

Thanks to CityslickerMIA for betaing!

Dib wasn't entirely aware of his surroundings when he woke up. He felt the bright and sizzling sun on his face. The human groaned. He tried to move but something soft held him down. It was the light purring that made Dib realize that Zim was still there. His heart melted inside his heavy chest. Zim always left after he slept over. But now the alien was using Dib's chest as a pillow. Dib sighed happily. He had finally caught the alien but not for exposure, for himself.

But something felt…off. Dib couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. Then suddenly, there was a knock at his door. Dib's heart raced. 'Oh God! Is it my dad? What would he say after seeing his son sleeping with his 'friend'…naked!' Dib panicked, Dib panicked hard. He didn't want to ruin his position with Zim but he had no choice. As carefully as Dib could, he shifted the sleeping alien off him and got off the bed. The knock came again, with a voice. Membrane's voice.

"Dib, are you in there?" he asked, slightly concerned.

Groggily, Dib called out, "Yeah dad, one sec." The human looked to the floor and saw the used clothes and shuffled them under his bed. He quickly ran to his dresser and threw whatever on. He vaguely noticed Zim stiring in the bed. Dib unlocked the door and his father's worried face was revealed to him.

"Dib, is everything alright? Why aren't you at school?" he asked while peeking into the room a bit. Dib's face paled at the mention of school. Shit! He looked to his alarm clock and it showed 11:52. School stared at 8:30. Dib gave his father a panicked look and his father chuckled.

"It's alright son. I was worried you were sick or something." There was a groan heard from the bed. Both males looked to Zim starting to sit up. Dib ran to the bed and made Zim lay back down; of course Zim had to freak out about it.

"What are you doing, human!" Zim was grumpy this morning. He was in pain and his body was so sore, now a human boy was forcing him down to the bed. Dib shushed him and turned to his confused father.

"Zim slept over…?" Membrane inquired. Dib smiled nervously, desperately trying to make excusses.

"Y-yeah, we were…up-late trying to work on a project and…" Dib's dad cut him off.

"A project already…school is tough, isn't it." He mused over the matter. Dib nodded.

"Yeah, so uh, we slept in…" Dib added. His father was easily convinced and Dib was relieved. Zim understood the situation and stayed lying down, he didn't have his disguise on and he was naked. Not the best thing to see in a father's son's room.

Membrane nodded. "Well, go to school if you want, does not matter to me." He said as he closed the door. Dib let out a huge sigh and looked to Zim. The alien looked so adorable when he just woke up. Dib smiled, leaned down and kissed his alien.

"Morning, alien scum." He teased.

Zim scoffed. "And what makes this morning good, hmm, human?" The alien crossed his thin arms over his chest. He tried to hide his blush as well.

Dib frowned. He realized that Zim was probably sore from last night

"You can stay in bed for as long as you need to, ok?" he offered the other. Zim looked at him.

"Do you think I'm so weak as to be bed ridden simply because of our activities last night?" the green boy barked. He was really pissy today. Dib backed away a bit.

"Well, no but…" Dib was getting a bit angry with the alien. He was only trying to help. Geez. He got up from the bed and headed out the door. "Do whatever then."

Zim sighed. There he goes screwing up again. He knew the human was being nice and not insulting him. When Dib left the room upset, Zim's Irken heart organ pained. They had had sex and the human was so happy about it but Zim had to ruin the human's happiness as usual. Zim got up and looked through the other boy's drawers for some clothing. He hissed and whimpered in pain as he moved but he had to go talk to Dib. Zim could hear the water running down the hall and followed it until he knocked on the door. Thinking it was his dad again, Dib opened the door. He almost dropped his tooth brush out of his mouth when he saw Zim walk in. Quickly he spit of the toothpaste in his mouth out into the sink and looked at the pained expression on the alien's features. Zim sat on top of the toilet seat.

"Zim…Zim is sorry, Dib-human." Zimde no eye contact with the other boy, for that he was too embarrassed. He'd never apologized before. Dib stood there for a second, waiting for more words from the Irken. "I…I didn't mean to be…mean…?" the alien said kind of confused, having to use the same word twice but for different reasons. Stupid English language. Dib smiled and bent his knees in front of the embarrassed boy.

"It's ok Zim, I understand." He kissed the boy sweetly. And Zim kissed back. They broke away and Dib was still smiling. "I know how much of a stubborn brat you can be but I still love you for it." He said before really thinking about it. He blushed hard and looked into the alien's eyes. Zim made a bit of a pouting face after being called a brat but the word love caught his attention. He blushed with his ex-enemy. He could tell the human didn't mean to say it but he knew the human meant it.

"Well…Zim loves your stupid giant head of smell."The alien said smugly as if his confession was way better than Dib's. Dib's smile grew wider and he hugged the green child and soon after started attacking his neck with kisses. Zim squirmed a bit but loved the treatment. They left the bathroom together and Dib waited at the top of the stairs for Zim to put on his contacts and wig so they could make something to eat. Dib's heart felt like exploding from what Zim said in the bathroom. When the alien came out of his room again, Dib offered to carry the sore alien to the kitchen, of course Zim refused, mostly out of sheer embarrassment.

In the kitchen, Dib made Zim pancakes since they had no waffles and he wanted Zim to try them. Zim sat at the table and drank more hot chocolate. Occasionally Dib would come over and kiss the alien gently making Zim blush harder each time. The human couldn't get enough of the other and Zim just loved belonging to someone. Having the Dib human under his amazing power was an overwhelmingly happy feeling. The two ate their pancakes, Zim mostly indulged in the syrup, and headed back to Dib's room. Dib tucked in his sore alien and logged onto his computer. He smiled, and inside his head thanked Rose a hundred times for helping him get his new love and giving him the happiness he so craved.

Dib looked at his one and only alien sleeping tight within his bed sheets and smiled.

The End. :3