WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! First fanfic EVER! Excited as ever. Insane as ever. Terrified as ever. I hope you guys like it. And I hope you bear with me on the descriptions.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own X-men, Alice from Resident Evil(Miki-el is based on her and my mom), or Spencer Ried from Criminal Minds(Spence R. Reed), but I do own and have patented the X-crew. I own every psychotic thing that comes out of Miki-el's mouth. And every inappropriate thing that comes out of Mirror's mouth. And every other stupid, idiotic, and disgusting thing everyone else does.

Episode One - Overture

Beast and Logan are looking over Professor Charles Xavier's comatose body. Beast looked over at Logan, "I think it's time we called his sister."

Logan looked at him confused, "I didn't know he had a sister."

"Well for a while he didn't even know she was still alive. You see his father faked his own death to keep from getting killed by Kurt Marko, his ex-business partner and Juggernaut's father. He took Charles sister with him."

Logan sighed, "Well, go call her."

Beast walked into the foyer and picked up the phone. RING. RING. RING.

"Hello?" a young woman's voice.

"Hello, is this Marisol Antum?"

"Yes it is."

"Hello Marisol, this is Dr. Henry McCoy. We met a few years ago."

"Hello Dr. McCoy. My brother's ears must have been ringing. I was just about to call him about helping one of my students."

Beast tweaked his glasses, "Mrs. Antum, I don't know how to tell you this, your brother has been in a coma for about half a year now."

"What! Why wasn't I informed earlier!" her furious tone rang through the phone.

"Well, we've just had a lot of problems lately what with having to defeat the sentinels, and your friends brother Magneto trying to start a war, which we stopped."

Marisol calmed down, "I understand Hank. We've been having problems to. How is my brother?"

"You're more than welcome to come up and see."

"Oh I'd love to Hank. But I just can't leave my students right now."

Beast thought for a minute, "Why don't all of you come up here. I'm sure the other's wouldn't mind."

"Why thank you Hank."

"Also we can still communicate with him."

"Let me guess the astroplain."

"Why of course."

"Thank you again Hank. We should be up there by tomorrow. Bye."

"Bye." They hung up. He turned around, "Now for the hard part of telling Logan." He walked off.

The cars pulled up around noon. The X-Men were already outside on the lawn, waiting for there new, 'housemates'. Ten mismatched people stepped out of three cars. Logan looked them over, "Talk about your wrong stuff."

Ororo elbowed him before walking over to Marisol. Last time Ororo checked Mari was 48. She was about 5'4" and well proportioned. She was fair but not to pale with brown eyes and shoulder length, sandy blonde, spiral curled hair. She was wearing a white V-neck, 3/4-sleeve shirt. Her skirt was mid-calf, dark brown and flared slightly at the bottom. She had on slingback, dark brown, platform heels making her look about four inches taller. Her ears were pieced with sapphire cross earrings that matched her necklace. Her make-up consisted of eyeliner, neutral blush, and beige lipstick. "Hello Marisol, it's been a long time."

Marisol smiled, "Too long, Ororo dear."

Jean walked over to them, "Hello Mrs. Antum."

Mari took her hand, "Oh please Jean, call me Mari."

Maura steeped forward. Maura had been friends with Marisol for about 13 years now. She was also about 5'4", 5'2" at the shortest. She was tannish with green eyes and long, curly, strawberry-blonde hair. She was wearing a cap-sleeved, cropped, super loose, round neck shirt that

had tiny diamonds on it. Her pants were yellow, low-rise, tight, and made out of yellow spandex. Her shoes were black, knee-high, flat boots that sparkled in the sun and had chains around the ankles. She had on silver chain necklaces that alternated in length down to her waist. Her make-up consisted of gold eyeshadow and strawberry colored gloss. She also had a gold star tattooed on her cheek. She smiled at them all, "Hello, I'm Maura Lenshir."

That, plus the eighties reject outfit, caught Logan's attention, "Lenshir? Ain't that Magneto's last name?"

Maura frowned, "Oh, I see you met my brother."

Scott spoke up, "Oh yeah, couldn't miss him."

"I've tried 'talking' with him, but he won't listen. I'm sorry if he's been a pain."

Bobby rubbed the back of his head, "Not unless being a pain means sending his brotherhood after us multiple times, trying to start a war that would have killed everyone, and you know just being him. He's been an angel."

Maura frowned deeper, "Oh dear." When Kitty saw Maura's face she smacked Bobby on the back of the head.

Mari patted Maura's shoulder, "It's okay Maura." She turned her attention back to the X-Men, "Anywho, let me introduce my, " She paused thinking of the word, "students. Youngest to oldest usually works. This is Jarod Smith or Macquyver. He's a … genius.

A short 14-year-old boy stepped forward. He was kind of muscular, but not much. His skintone was medium, with blue eyes and a shaved head. He was wearing a white T-shirt that had the sleeves cut off. His shorts were low rise that had his boxers showing, which made Logan want to go over and give him a wedgie using his claws. He wore tennis shoes with high white socks. He also had a diamond stud in his left ear and big sunglasses on the top of his head. He looked over at the X-Men, "Hey, s'up."

Forge was still on the genius and Macquyver thing, "Genius, huh. We should test out your skills some time."

Jarod nodded, "Coolness."

He stepped back into the line that had formed as they had walked up,

and Marisol continued, "This is Scarlet Marlor. Her abilities are super speed and strength, along with, as you see, these these stunning red wings."

Scarlet looked to be about 16 years old. She was about 5'3" and slightly skinny. She was fairly pale. She had short burgundy colored hair that was curly only with straight bangs. It was contrasted with ice blue eyes that almost reminded you of Emma if her smile didn't look so genuine. She was wearing a backless, long sleeved, white top that was kind of low cut, but not by much. Her pants were a pale gray and skinny fit. She had on white peep-toe pumps and a dark gray choker that had a small red stone hanging from it. She also had a small amount of glitter on her cheeks. She gave a small wave, "Hi."

Mari immediently moved on, "This is her twin brother Jonathan. He also has speed and strength along with empathy and control over shadows.

He stepped forward. He was way taller than Scarlet, about 5'7", and he was very gaunt. He too was pale but he had no color but black in his eyes at all, he also had his shoulder length, blonde hair up in a ponytail on the back of his head. He wore a black tight-fitting T-shirt. His pants were slightly skinnier than they should be with studs down the side. He had on black combat boots. He had on a black studded bracelet and skull ring. He also had eyeliner around his eyes. He looked up from the cell phone he was texting on, "What's up."

You could tell by the way Mari looked at him, she wanted to snatch that phone right out of his hands. She took a deep breath, "This is Mirror. She has quite a few powers. She has the ability to turn into an adamantium panther." Logan wanted to ask how that came along but kept his mouth shut. "She has telepathy and the power to 'disappear' but still be there."

Mari was interrupted by another women on the side of her, "To be brief, sorry Mari, she can do this." She pulled out a machete and sliced through the young girl's neck, but nothing happened. The girl looked at her as if saying, 'What was that.' Miki shrugged, "I had to do something or we'd be here all day." The X-Men stand there shocked. Mari

looked at the other woman sternly, "I got it." The woman stated.

Mari tried to continue, "Now back to before I was so rudely interrupted." The other woman started to open her mouth but Mari turned

around, "Shut up. Yet again as I was saying, her last power is also to disable other mutant power and use it o an extent."

Logan spoke, "Kinda like Rogue's in a way?"

"In a way. Only she puts hers in a somewhat coma, and Mirror's leave you screaming on the ground."

Mirror stepped forward. She was 17 and around 5'7" and had a slightly skinny hourglass figure. She was as fair as Rogue and had waist length, layered, black hair. Her eyes were in between dark and light gray. She had on a long sleeved black shirt that hit her hips and had the sleeves and back made out of black lace. Her skirt hit mid-thigh and was black and had a lace overlay. Her boots had a slight heel on them and only went to her ankles, but the rest of her legs were covered in sheer black tights. Her gloves ran up to her elbows and had no fingers and black scarf tied not in the front like most people but on the right side. She had purple eyeliner underneath her gray eyes and sheer red lips. She was pulling her hair to the right when she looked at all of them, "'S pleasure to meet y'all." She said with a shaky southern accent.

Jonathan chuckled, "Look the cracker speaks."

"Rather be a cracker than a gol' digga." She muttered. 'Georgia' Beast thought. Jon stuck his tongue out.

"Enough! Back where I was. This is Adollhia Marlor or Dolly. She also has speed and strength, along with the power to cause uncontrollable desire."

She was 19 and around 5'5" with an hourglass figure. She was as pale as the other two Marlors only she had golden colored eyes and long blonde hair. She had on a tight purple tank top that hit right above her dark blue denim jeans that flared slightly at the bottom. She shoes were purple flip-flops that matched her shirt and the hoop earrings that hung from her ears. She also had on pink eyeshadow and eyeliner, which she was to busy fixing to say hello.

Mari cleared her throat, "This is Spence Robert Reed. He has a high intellect and telekinesis."

He looked to be around 21 and 5'8" and skinny. He was fair skinned and his tousled, medium brown hair was tucked behind his ears while his brown eyes were concealed behind geeky looking glasses. He had on a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He had on a brown tie with a slightly darker jacket. His pants were black and slightly to short showing off to completely different socks that were coming out of

his black dress shoes. Logan came to the conclusion that he was a total dork. Spence adjusted his glasses, "It's nice to finally meet the other team."

"Other team?" Logan asked.

"That's what Mari calls her brother's team." Spank explained. Logan nodded.

"This is Miki-el Perry. She has telepathy and the power to make you bleed from every opening in your body."

"I'm like Mother Nature on steroids." Miki said triumphantly.

Mari rolled her eyes and continued, "She also has a somewhat regenerative healing factor and speed and strength."

The woman with the machetes looked to be around 35, 5'3" and what she referred to as 'a Milla Jovovich body only with a 36D'. She was slightly tan and had dark blue eyes that were framed with dark brown, elbow length hair that had teal streaks in it. The streaks matched the roses and fringe on the front of her barely there, lace up biker halter. She had on skinny black leather pants that laced up the side and had the teal underneath. Her shoes were combat boots with two-inch heels. She had a big cross pendant attached to her black choker and a small St. Christopher necklace. Her make-up was black eyeliner and teal lipstick. She bowed dramatically, "It is a pleasure to meet you all." She turned to the man next to her, "This is my husband Rapheal. He can fly, and fly, and fly."

"Then crash, then fly again." Jon interjected.

"Thank you." Miki said through gritted teeth.

He was 39 and the tallest of them at 6'3". He was tanner than his wife and had green eyes and straight layered, black hair. He wore a red shirt with a tuxedo jacket with tails over it. His pants were tight and made out of black parachute material with zippered pockets. His boots were black steel toe with red laces. He also had a stud earring that was connected to a chain that had a tiny cuff at his shoulder. "It's nice to meet you all." He said, "I'd also like to point out one of Miki's strong points is the fact the Parosol Company keeps cloning her."

"Cloning her? What does that mean." Kitty asked.

Maura spoke up, "It means she can't die. If she does she shows up on our doorstep in whatever she could find."

Rapheal nodded, "Exterminator, ice skater, police officer, hippie, Britney Spears look-a-like, you know anything."

"Pickings are slim out there, sometimes I just show up in a lab-coat with a shotgun."

Logan shook his head and whispered, "Whoa. And I thought I was messed up."

Miki looked at Marisol and crossed one leg over the other, "Speaking of messed up, I have to go."

Ororo stepped forward, "Yes all of you, come in please and we will show your rooms." The X-Men walked towards the house followed by the X-Crew.

Logan went to Charles' 'coma room'. Charles appeared in front of him, "Hey Chuck how have you been?"

"Quite alright. Something seems to be distressing you."

Logan scratched the back of his head, "Not quite. Your sister is here though."

Xavier looked shocked, "What has happened."

"Nothing but her and her merry gang of misfits are here."

"Then it must be serious if all her students are here. Send her in." the light disappeared and Marisol walked in, "I'll give you some privacy." He started to walk out of the room, "I'm going for a ride." As he walked outside he was hit with rocks as Miki-el sped by on her bike. Logan growled, "That girl is toast." He ran and jumped on his bike and took off. 2 miles later he saw smoke coming from the forest. He got off his bike and started walking.

Meanwhile Miki is kicking the crud out of her now wrecked motorcycle, "OH COME ON! I just got that painted!" She flipped out her phone and hit speed-dial.

Mirror picked up, "What do you want."

"What do you think. I need help!"

"Well we all know that." She heard Miki growl, "Fine. Where are you?"

"I don't know find me!" she hung up. Suddenly skinny men with guns surrounded her. Logan was crouching in a tree, just in case.

"We've got you surrounded." One of them said.

Miki was grinning sadistically, "That's what you think!" Logan jumped out of the tree, but not in Miki's line of vision he thought. Miki heard something, and then suddenly an adamantium panther came flying out of the forest. Miki took the hint and took out her trusty machetes and started hacking at them. Logan watched on as they were making mincemeat out of their enemies.

Both of them knew that the fight was going nowhere. Miri shifted into her human form, "Ready to blow this?" she asked Miki.

"Yeah. This is getting boring." She paused, "Don't forget my bike!"

Miri rolled her eyes, "Ah got it!" Both of them and the bike disappeared. The men that were left, which were enough to fill a stadium, were looking around wondering what happened.

Logan decided to jump out and have some fun, "Picking on girls are you. Wanna try me on for size." He started hacking.

He walked through the mansion door with his clothes and tatters. Miki was cleaning her machetes on the stairs while Miri was leaning on the rail. Miri looked at him, "Not as easy as it looks, huh?"

Miki jumped up and walked over to him, "What are you doing? Trying to get cloned? People can only stand one Wolverine!" suddenly she dropped her machetes and got a blank stare on her face.

Miri looked terrified, "MARISOL! We need help in here!"

"Whoa. What just happened?" he starts waving his hand her face, "She's not even blinking." Mari came in and he headed for the 'coma room'.

Xavier appeared, "Logan, you need to get Miki outside."


Charles looked annoyed, "Oh I don't know, maybe it's Taco Tuesday? What do you think? She's going to kill us all! Hold her attention and prepare yourself."

Logan was coming out of the elevator and her Marisol yelling, "Where's Raph? We need to move her now!"

Mirror ran up the stairs calling, "RAPH! RAPH! Getcha flyin' and crashin' butt down here now!" Logan went to stand in front of Miki. Her eyes twitched. Miri, who was on the middle landing spun around, "Oh shank. Here we go."

Maura stood still, "Everyone freeze. Don't move.

A screaming Miki sprung to life, "I'LL KILL THEM ALL!" She lunged towards Logan. She jumped over his head and he jumped up to grab her ankles. They hit the ground and rolled. She spun to face him and they growled at each other. She screamed like a banshee, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!"

"Hold her attention!" Mari yelled.

Logan rolled his eyes, "Yeah. Right."

Mirror popped up behind Miki and grabbed her face. Miki fell down screaming, "AAHH! Wait till I get my powers back! You're going to DIE!"

In a calm voice Mari said, "Pick her up. Put her on the sofa. Raph get a wet washcloth. I'm going to see my brother." She left. Once in the living room the X-Men were trying to figure out what just happened, while the X-Crew had the attitude of 'this happens all the time'.

Maura looked at the X-Men worried faces, "Don't worry. She'll be fine."

Logan walked over and pulled Mirror aside, "Does this happen often? Who were the guys you two were fighting in the woods?"

"The guys in the woods were from the Parasol Company. They're the ones who chase Mix."

Miki popped off the couch and ran over to where they were standing, "Only when the satellites find me. I forgot to check the times and be inside. Now do you want to answer me a question? Why did you grab my ankles? Nobody, I say, nobody touches my ankles."

"I was told to stop you. You're lucky your ankles were the only thing I grabbed." He said with a smirk.

Miki ignored the last comment, "And what fool told you to do that?"

They were interrupted by Maura, "Mirror, Miki-el, please follow Logan to where Charles is."

He led them there, where Marisol already was. Charles appeared in front of them. Logan turned to Miki, "This fool told me to."

"Girls meet my brother. Charles, meet the best of the best, and the worst of the worst. Miki-el and Mirror."

"Nice to meet the two of you." Xavier said. Miki and Miri looked at each other and smiled. Charles looked at Miki, "Mrs. Perry, how are you feeling after your episode?"

Miki raised an eyebrow, "Episode?"

Mari cut in, "You know dear. What happens after the satellite shuts you down."

Through gritted teeth, "Yes Marisol. I know what an episode is." She turned to smile at Xavier, "Well dude, it was more like a rampage than an episode, before it was interrupted by claw-boy over here."

Logan turned to her, "Claw-boy?"

Miri spoke up, "Yeah, ya know cause have claws."

Logan muttered, "From what I've seen you got claws too."

"I'm sure your 'rampage' would have escalated without Logan's interfering on my part." Charles said.

Miki pointed accusingly at Charles, "So you're the fool who told him to grab my ankles!"

Mari slapped her own head. Chuck laughed, "Why, yes Mrs. Perry, I am."

Miki shrugged, "I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is."

Mari pushed Miri forward, "Charles, dear, this is Mirror. The student I was telling you about."

Chuck nodded, "Ah yes."

Miri looked from him to Marisol, "Ah yes what?"

"My sister tells me you are having strange memories about some woman and memories from your past you can't decipher."

"Y'all just don't understand how painful it is." She said. Logan yawned, and she turned to him, "Are we borin' you?"

"Nope just wondering how long till dinner."

Chuck looked at his sister, "I have to go now, but Mirror, I want to see you tomorrow."

Miki started jumping up and down excitedly, "Did someone mention dinner? I'm starved."

Mari ignored her, "I will have Mirror here in the morning."

"No, I will contact you when I'm ready." He went away.

Logan started walking to the door, "Let's go. I hear Maura and Ororo have been in the kitchen all day."

Miri followed, "Good, I'm starvin'."

Miki was bouncing excitedly behind her, "Me too! Me too!"

"Follow me." he said.

Mari smacked her forehead again, "Really. Really!'


{of chapter 1 ;)}

SO. How was it? Did you like it? Love it? hate it? Please review and tell me. PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!