OOKKKKK… so… I am supposed to be writing a paper for school… buuutttt here I am… I feel bad for not updating when I said I was gonna. So sorry about that... anyways… here we go! Also, play along as if there was never any Blaine. :/ I know for all you Klaine shippers that really sucks… and being a Klaine shipper it sucks for me too but … I think it is the easiest way in this story. So please just bare with me.

Kurt had never been so self-conscious in his entire life. They were all shoved into Mercedes' car, Mercy was driving of course, and Rachel had insisted on shot gun. That left Sam, Finn, Puck, and himself to squeeze into the backseat. Needless to say he was sitting so close to Puck he could feel the muscle in Puck's arm ripple when he made the slightest move. This alone had Kurt's pulse racing and his face flushed a color red he did not even know he was capable of.

Puck noticed Kurt's bright red face and tried to still his arm. A year ago he would have kept flexing his amazing muscles and continue to torture the poor boy, but he had changed. He couldn't really place when he had changed but he guessed it was sometime between Beth's birth, and his little sister's death. He had decided that life was far too short to spend it playing people and not letting people close and that sure he might get hurt but hopefully it would be worth it in the end. He had tried things out with Lauren but when she caught him staring at Kurt's ass in Glee club one day she had told him it was over and that he needed to follow his heart and pursue who he really wanted no matter what people said. So that was exactly what he was doing.

Finally they arrived at Tina's place and Kurt all but fell out of the car in a big huff gasping in the fresh air like it was a drug and he needed a fix. He smoothed his shirt and skirt down and readjusted his pants leg that had gotten turned around in the close confines of the car. He turned around and waited for the rest of them to pile out of the car. Puck got out and stood next to Kurt offering his elbow to escort him up to the house. Kurt accepted with a small grin. If you had told Kurt a year ago that he would be here right now practically on a date with Noah Puckerman he would have slapped you and laughed in your face. Puck had changed that's for sure and Kurt had always believed in giving people a second chance.

Kurt squeezed Puck's arm reassuringly and smiled at him gently as if to say 'Relax, just have fun and be yourself no need to try and impress me'. Puck smiled back at him and visibly relaxed dropping his elbow and instead sliding his hand into Kurt's not even looking at Kurt to make sure it was ok.

Tina opened the door then and ushered them inside and led them up to the attic where the party would take place. She let out a small gasp and her eyes grew wide when she saw Kurt and Puck's intertwined hands. She seemed to accept it quickly enough though and gave Kurt a bone crushing hug and congratulated them both quietly. They both smiled at her and looked at each other with adoring eyes. No they weren't official yet and no they hadn't talked about anything yet but still their feelings were known and for Kurt and Puck that was enough for now.

"HEY GUYS! What do you…WOAH!" Mike came bounding in the room and suddenly froze when he saw Puck and Kurt. Taking a minute to apparently sort it out in his head he looked like he was about to talk but Puck cut him off.

"Ok cause seriously guys? Yes I am holding Kurt's hand. Yes I like Kurt as more than a friend. No I am not gay. No I do not know what I am. Bisexual I guess. I REALLY don't know and I definitely do not want to spend my entire Halloween night explaining it a billion times so for tonight can you just accept my feeling for Kurt and his hopefully returned feelings and let it be?" Puck said all of this rather quickly and blushed when he added the part about Kurt's feelings for him. The whole room seemed to accept his proclamation though and returned to what they were doing.

Kurt moved to stand in front of Puck letting go of his hand he threw his hands around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. His mouth was pressed to Puck's ear when he spoke. "Yes Noah, my feelings are returned. A million times yes. And as far as us not being official that is all up to you. If and when you want that, let me know. The answer will be yes from my end." With that he pulled back, kissed Puck on the cheek and walked over to where Mercedes and Rachel were standing and easily joined in on their conversation.

They had played all of the games, ate all of the Pizza, and walked around the block a few hundred times singing every Halloween song they could think and many others. It was time for them to leave and go back to their respective homes. Mercedes offered to take the original gang that had come in her car home and they had already dropped off Finn and Rachel and Sam and had just pulled up to Puck's house. He was rummaging around in his pockets for what Kurt guessed was his house key and swore when apparently coming up empty handed.

"Shit, my parents are out of town and I locked the door when I left earlier and apparently forgot my key somewhere. Well, I'll be fine I guess we have a couch thing on the back porch I'll just sleep out there." He made to get out of the car but was stopped by Kurt's hand around his wrist.

"You will do no such thing Noah Puckerman. My dad is out of town tonight as well you can just crash at my place." Kurt explained and looked at Mercedes who had started driving again before Puck could protest. Puck sighed and shrugged his shoulders apparently knowing better than to argue with Kurt and Mercedes.

When they got inside Kurt's house and shed their jackets. Puck followed Kurt up to his room not really knowing what else to do and sat down on Kurt's bed and looked around at the room. It was so Kurt, a mix of the feminine and the masculine. It even smelled like Kurt, that clean slightly musky mixed in with vanilla smell that Puck loved oh so much. Kurt handed puck some clothes to change into and went into the bathroom to change himself and to remove the copious amount of makeup on his face.

Once he was done Kurt came out of the bathroom to find a shirtless Puck laying on his bed, eyes closed and humming softly to himself. Kurt quietly climbed into bed next to the humming boy and placed a soft kiss on Puck's temple whispered goodnight and turned over facing the other direction. He was completely aware of every move Puck made, so he wasn't surprised when Puck's arm slipped over his hip bone and cuddled up against him. They both simultaneously sighed contentedly and giggled softly.

"Will you be my boyfriend Kurt Hummel?" Puck said a little louder than need be, his voice dripping with nervousness.

"Of Course Noah, I would be delighted." Kurt grabbed Puck's hand and brought it up to his mouth and kissed it lightly snuggling back into Puck a little more. Kurt wondered what it would be like to kiss THE Noah Puckerman and know that he was his. But alas, he figured that it could wait until morning.

Next Chapter: The morning after. (This will probably be the final chapter just fyi)

Hope you enjoyed! PLEASE REVIEW! Also to the person responsible for the prompt… I really suck as scary stuff so if that is what you originally wanted I am very sorry. :/ ALSO i am crisscolfer777 on tumblr! follow me!