Title: Worry
Pairings/Characters: Implied Mirage/Prowl; Jazz
Verse: G1
Words: 800
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Do not own Transformers.
Notes: I read a fic and I thought, 'Prowl is so adorably noble.' Then I pictured our favorite noblemech Mirage. Then I pictured them together. Look down and see what came of it.


Jazz perched on the conveniently placed boulder that sat just to the right and forward of the ARK entrance. He was scanning the horizon for a certain blue and white Ligier to return from a long spy mission. This mission had brought an uneasy stir to the Officers; Mirage was more then two weeks late.

Of course it was often times expected for an Special Ops to be gone longer, or less, than the designation time frame given the uncontrollable variables that were a given when infiltrating an enemy base. Still… two weeks overdue was a long time compared to other mission log times and at Optimus' and even Prowl's insistence, Jazz agreed to plan a solo rescue operation for the wayward noblemech.

Unfortunately the plan would have to wait for the dawn but as things would have it, he was wide-awake after packing for his mission and promptly decided to keep a look out outside. Scanning the horizon for Mirage was just a way to pass the time because for once he was not listening to music.

It was fortunate he was not as his audio horns vibrated slightly when his advanced hearing picked up the sound of a engine drawing closer; despite the fact there was no vehicle in sight.

Jazz grinned. Mirage was back.

Jumping down from the top of the boulder and landing on his pedes silently he looked out from behind the boulder for his subordinate to appear out of thin air. As if on cue to his thoughts, Mirage's pristine frame shimmered into view. The moon glinted off unharmed armor but there was no mistaking the weariness in the noble's dim gold optics. Jazz nearly stepped out from the shadows to question the spy, maybe get some pleasure from the rare shocked expression Mirage would make, when the ARK's entrance opened to spill light outward and onto Mirage.

Jazz tilted his head in curiosity when a certain doorwinged SIC appeared. Prowl stepped out of the ARK, his posture tense yet at ease. As he stopped less than two feet away from the nobleness Jazz was surprised to see him looking up slightly. He was surprised to see that Mirage and Prowl where close to the same height but the tactician was actually shorter than the spy.

"Are you alright?" Prowl questioned neutrally, his doorwings flicking every now and then, a subtle frown at the corner of his mouth conveying the tactician's displeasure. "You were not supposed to have taken so long."

A smile flickered over Mirage's face briefly and he nodded, "I am quite well, Prowl. Accompany me to the med-bay? I can give you my report as we walk." The noble offered an arm and Prowl's optics fell on it, the frown much more pronounced.

Jazz smirked, Mirage had no idea what he was doing. Prowl wasn't submissive in anything he did. Prowl walked with a confident pride and spoke with authority. To be lead even to the med-bay in that manner before the crew, although said crew was practically all in recharge except for nighttime patrols and Red Alert who just about never recharged, would be unacceptable for him to consider.

"I would like that."

Jazz stared dumbfounded, jaw dropping, from behind the boulder as Prowl wrapped his arm around Mirage's and the spy secured it to his side as the Praxian took position beside him. Prowl looked moderately untroubled by the fact he had submitted to a position of following. And... Mirage looked far to pleased, though he hid it rather well.

Prowl explained as they started into the ARK, "I had been watching the monitors and spotted your energy signature approaching. I had to see you back. When you didn't return on the expected number of days I..."

Mirage turned a soft look of understanding on Prowl, brushing a finger across the arm he kept at his side, "You worried for me."

"Yes." Prowl admitted softly.

"I apologize." Mirage said quietly, still keeping his optics locked on Prowl.

"It is accepted," Prowl said gratefully with a glance at Mirage that held untold warmth, "but please let us not dwell on the subject. You are home; now what of the mission?"

Mirage's amused chuckle was the last thing Jazz heard before the voices faded deeper into the ARK. They cut off completely as the entrance sealed shut and bathed the master saboteur in darkness cast by the boulder's shadow. The saboteur leaned heavily against the boulder, absorbing what he had heard and seen with a dismal frown.

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