Guess who's back...back again

Kyoko threw the dripping bag of snacks at Ren's chest. He caught it. Dick.

"This weather took a turn for the worse," Yashiro said, panting.

Kyoko and Yashiro returned to the set soaked to the bone. The typhoon was progressing into the area.

Ren's eyes wandered down to her transparent white undershirt peeking through her pink overalls. Speaking of which, they were sticking quite closely to her body like a second skin.

"Keep your eyes above my shoulders, please," she hissed, wringing her hair.

The girl was packing a surprising amount underneath...he cleared his throat and brought his eyes up to her wet copper hair, slicked to her neck - Ren dragged a hand down his face. This was bad.

Yashiro rummaged through his bag for some towels and tossed one to Kyoko.

"Dry off before you catch a cold,"

"Yes, mother," she muttered.

She shot a look at Ren, making sure he wasn't perving on her see-through shirt again. His back was turned as he picked through the bag, frowning at the snack selection.

"This is old people candy," he said. "Dagashi?"

Kyoko took the candy from him. He was so childish. "Well, we are in the sticks,"

He stared at her with a strange expression. "Aren't you from the sticks?"

She blinked, then looked away. "Yeah. What about it?"

Ren shook his head. "I thought you'd be happier to be back,"

She shoved a bag of chips into his hands. "Not really,"

He took the hint (and the chips) and changed the subject. "Ruriko has been behaving,"

Kyoko watched the young star sitting and reading her script with a sulky expression.

"I think there's something going on between her and Shingai,"

She whipped her head back to him. "What?"

Ren gave her a sly look. "He had her lipgloss on his mouth,"

She gaped and leaned in like a gossipping housewife. "No way!"

"Yes way,"

"But she's so much younger than him," Kyoko chewed her lip. "Is that legal?"

"Mm, it's not uncommon for young talents and older directors to get involved," He gave her a calculating look. "Does the age difference bother you that much?"

"Of course it does! It's improper! Love and romance are the devil's playthings! And big age differences are even worse!"

Ah, he'd almost forgotten who he was talking to. Still, something stung at her furious and immediate rejection.

He pointed to a bottle of water. "Open that for me,"

Kyoko huffed and did as he asked. "Here, you slave-driver,"

He looked at her through his eyelashes. "So you've never had feelings for an older man?"


Did she have to refuse so swiftly?

She eyed him with suspicion. "Why are you asking?"

Ren took a sip to buy time. He wasn't sure why he cared. Actually, he didn't want to know why he cared. His tone was clipped as he said, "Just curious,"

Kyoko rubbed the towel through her hair, wary of how his dark eyes followed the wet locks pressed against her neck. "I thought I made it perfectly clear that I hate men and I will love only myself for all eternity,"

He couldn't help but laugh at her peevish expression. "You're a little young to be in a man-hating phase, don't you think? You haven't racked up enough life experience to swear off romantic relationships forever,"

She sniffed. "Says who?"

"Says me, your senpai in life,"

Amber eyes hardened. "I think I know how to make those kinds of decisions for myself,"

"The sage wisdom of a sixteen year-old," he said dryly.

"What about you?" she demanded. "Have you liked a younger woman before?"

"Probably. I've dated a lot of women before, so I don't remember all of their ages," He shrugged in his annoying American way. He opened a bag of candy and picked at it.

"Hmph. Boasting again, you dirty playboy. Have some shame,"

His smile was small, but it wasn't of the frightening-sparkly variety. "I can't say I seriously had feelings for any of them, let alone a younger woman,"

"What, you can't commit to a relationship? Men,"

He spun the empty bottle, his cheek resting in his hand. "I don't know,"

She scratched her cheek. "How do you not know?" Her eyes widened. "Do you like men?"

He side-eyed her. "No,"

"Too emotionally constipated to have real feelings?"

Ren flicked a chip at her. "You're one to talk. Here,"

He dropped a little figurine in her lap. She picked it up and examined it curiously.

"It was in the candy," he said.

It was a little fairy figurine, plastic and cheaply-made, yet somehow charming in its simplicity.

"Wow!" She marveled at it. She loved it. She adored it!

Ren smiled at her reaction. "What are you going to name her?"

Her eyes were bright gold as she beamed. "Lucifer. Lucy, for short,"

He blinked slowly. "After the devil?"

"Yup! Thank you, Tsuruga-san!"

He caught himself staring at her smile and quickly looked away, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Ren!" Yashiro poked his head through the doorway. "Break's over,"

Yashiro rushed over to Kyoko with a proud puff in his chest. "I found some dry clothes,"

Ren narrowed his eyes. "Aren't those my spare clothes?"

"Yes," Yashiro said, without a bit of hesitation or shame. "The stylist said you can

wear this shirt as a dress. She gave me a belt to make it look more convincing,"

"I'm not wearing Tsuruga-san's clothes," she refused in a flat tone. "Can't I borrow something from the stylist?"

"Nope," Yashiro said, thrusting the shirt and belt into her unwilling hands. "There's no spare clothes for you whatsoever. None at all. Oh well! You'll just have to make do with this. Beggars can't be choosers. Shoo, shoo!"

He ushered her into the bathroom, ignoring her protests. Ren watched, unimpressed.

"Why are you forcing her to wear my clothes? I'm sure there's some clothes for her on set she could borrow,"

"What are you saying, Ren?" Yashiro withstood the urge to shake the fool by the collar. "This is a golden opportunity to see her in your clothes!"

Ren scowled. "Aren't you tired of playing dress-up with her?"

"Never," Yashiro pushed him forward. "Now get to work. Shoo!"

He stopped when his manager coughed. Now that he looked at him closely, Yashiro's face looked pale. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Hm? Me? I'm perfectly fine," He sneezed. "Totally healthy,"

"I think you're catching a cold,"

Yashiro sighed. "I wish you showed this much concern for Kyoko-chan's health,"

"She'll be fine," He smirked. "Idiots don't catch colds."



Kyoko passed him a tissue. "Are you okay, Yashiro-san?"

He sighed and rubbed his nose. "I think I am catching a cold,"

She pressed her hand to his forehead and yanked it back. "You're burning up!"

Yashiro sniffled and touched his forehead. "Really? I feel kinda chilly,"

"That doesn't sound good," She looked at his drawn face with worry. "Is there

some place to lay down?"

"It's fine. I don't need to lie down, Kyoko-chan,"

"...I'm over here, Yashiro-san,"

"Huh? Why are there three of you?"

"It's worse than I thought," She steered him towards the trailer.

Ren jogged over. "What's wrong?"

"Yashiro-san isn't feeling well,"

He helped her bring his manager inside to lie down. While Kyoko fussed for a blanket, Yashiro grabbed Ren's collar.

"Here's...another golden opportunity," He coughed. " have her as your temporary manager,"

Ren sighed. "Get some rest."

He turned to face Kyoko and immediately regretted it. She was bent over, his shirt brushing the back of her thighs. It was bad enough having her distract him on set, but watching her in close quarters was even worse. Damn her legs. His eyes traced the smooth, creamy length of her legs, only interrupted by the white cast around her ankle.

Kyoko returned to Yashiro's side and tucked him in with the blanket she'd scrounged up. "Feel better!"

"Thanks, Kyoko-chan," His coughing fit was exaggerated and over-the-top. It almost impressed Ren. "Would you terribly mind...taking care of Ren for me?"

"Of course not! Don't worry and get your rest,"

"He's in your hands then," Ren didn't miss Yashiro's devious grin. "Here,"

Kyoko and Ren stared at the notepad. "It's an instruction manual. Being Tsuruga Ren's Mother 101,"

Ren wasn't sure where to start. "When did you prepare this?"

"I am always prepared,"

"Hm, I didn't know you were allergic to so many things," Kyoko hummed thoughtfully, flipping through the manual.

"That's why his appetite is so small!" Yashiro quelled his excited voice at Ren's glare, and put in a pitiful cough or two.

They returned to the set, Ren striding ahead of her. She noticed that he was avoiding looking at her, either keeping his gaze on the crown of her head or her shoulder. Maybe he was annoyed that she was wearing his clothes.

Kyoko watched Ruriko and Shingai with a shrewd eye. Tsuruga-san was right; Ruriko paid more attention to the director than the leading man. She sighed in relief. At least that was one mission complete.

"We're heading back," Ren said.

He had removed his make-up and costume. Kyoko found a strange comfort at seeing his hair and face back to normal.

"Back to Tokyo?"

He looked at her, his expression distracted. "Mm,"

"You buttoned your shirt wrong,"

The buttons were in the wrong hole. So this is what Yashiro-san meant by being his mother. She gave a long-suffering sigh and beckoned him.

He took offense to that. "I'm not a dog,"

"You're not a functioning adult either," She put her hands on her hips. "How can you go about looking so disheveled?"

Kyoko quickly grabbed him by the shoulders to stop him. He stiffened. She began unbuttoning his shirt.

His hands caught hers. When she looked up, his face was almost touching hers. There was something in his expression that made her freeze. His eyes were darker, pupils dilated. His long fingers tightened around hers.

"What do you think you're doing, Mogami-san?" His voice was low and rough.

"Uh, fixing your shirt?" She could feel his breath against her lips.

Kyoko's mouth parted when one hand released hers and reached for her face. His hand stopped, warm fingertips brushing against her cheek. In the next moment, he was gone.

Kyoko stood in shock. He was standing a ways from her, briskly unbuttoning his shirt. She couldn't see his face, but there was a dark aura rolling off of him. His broad shoulders were squared. Her demons shuddered in delight. Kyoko shuddered in horror. What...was that?

"What are you waiting for?" There was still a gravelly tone to his voice. "Button my shirt,"

She shook her head of her strange thoughts. Thoughts concerned with the feverishly hot skin where he had touched her. Her hands were trembling.

She went to him warily. His eyes were still guarded, but his face was otherwise expressionless. She started at the top button, furiously keeping her eyes away from his exposed body. His anatomy was perfect. A muscular chest and a toned abdomen, covered in bronze skin. Da Vinci would have spurned the Vitruvian Man for him.

Her finger swept across his skin as she moved to the next button. She felt him inhale sharply, his muscles tightening under her touch. She could almost feel his stare on the top of her head. His breaths were shallow. Kyoko risked a glance up. His eyes were smoldering. His jaw was clenched, his face strained.

She decided against asking him if he was alright. The quicker she finished, the quicker she could escape this tense atmosphere.

"There! All done," Kyoko almost exhaled in relief. She moved away from him, putting a good amount of distance between them. "I'll start packing our things."

Ren didn't respond. Some of the tension in his body drained, but he still refused to look directly at her. He was glad Yashiro was in the next room. He wasn't sure how he would react to his teasing. He wasn't sure how to react period.

Ren was already in the car when Kyoko finished. Yashiro had rather forcefully decided to go back with the other crew members, arguing that he didn't want Ren to catch his cold.

So it was just the two of them.

Perfect, she thought, slamming the trunk close.

Kyoko called shotgun and slid into her seat. She almost jumped when his hand grabbed the gear, dangerously close to her thigh. His shirt rode up her thighs, leaving her skin bare.

The atmosphere in the car followed the heavy atmosphere back in the trailer.

"I spy with my little eye something white," she blurted out.

He blinked out his meditative brooding. "A cloud?"

"Bzzt! Wrong,"

"A license plate,"

"Correct. Your turn,"

He glanced at her from the side of his eye, his expression softer. "I spy with my little eye...something orange,"

Kyoko squirmed around in her seat, trying to find something orange out the window. She caught sight of herself in the side view mirror and puffed her cheeks.

One side of his mouth curled up.

"My hair?"


"Technically, my hair is black," she grumbled, feeling petty.

"Technically, my hair isn't black,"

Kyoko raised a brow. "Huh?" She peered closely at his head. She could only see his glossy dark hair down to the root. She gasped. "Are you saying the curtains don't match the drapes?"

He smirked. "As you so crudely put it, yes, my hair is dyed,"

"So what is your natural hair color?" She squinted at his arms, but he seemed to have no visible body hair.

"Wouldn't you like to know,"

She crossed her arms and sulked. "I could probably sell that story for this month's expenses,"

"Too bad. It's a secret. Your turn,"

"I spy something…" She paused as they passed a familiar sight. "White,"

"White again?" Ren followed her line of sight. "A ryokan?"

"Correct," She pressed her head to the cool window. "I used to live in one,"

"Hmm. That explains your posture," He studied the straight line of her spine and collarbones. He remembered how smoothly she moved in that kimono.

"It has helped me along the way, but some of my experiences have been more harmful than helpful,"

Golden eyes dulled. She retreated into her head, a far-away expression on her face.

He didn't like it.

Ren scoffed. "I hope you're not thinking about that boy,"

She whipped her head to him, eyes dark with emotion.

"I spy with my little eye something pink,"

Kyoko frowned. There on the dashboard was that stupid pink stamp book.

The car stopped. Ren caught her eye. "If I catch you thinking about him again, I'll fail you,"

He brandished the - 100 stamp with a sadistic gleam in his eye.

Kyoko's demons receded as thoughts of Shotaro were replaced with thoughts of Tsuruga-san. Ren turned back to the road, satisfied that the spark was back in her eyes.

Suddenly, they heard a series of thundering sounds. They sounded like gunshots. The car lurched and sunk as the tires deflated. A bullet scratched the windshield.

They exchanged shocked looks. Ren ducked and pushed her head down.

"Keep your head down, Mogami-san," His mouth thinned into a grim line. "I believe we're caught in the crossfire of a gang fight."

A/N: I forgot how funny Kyoko is. She's such a goober! Dagashi is basically cheap candy, usually sold in rural areas. The Vitruvian Man is that famous Da Vinci work with the naked dude.